Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

You kind of almost have to be really smart to pretend to be this stupid. Is it possible that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is actually a genius? Okay, enough with the jokes. Here’s the woman whose job it is to lie to the American people on a daily basis claiming that Joe’s horrible poll numbers are due to the unvaccinated. Because that makes sense, right? From Fox News: President Biden’s standing among Americans keeps sinking, according to a new national poll. The president’s approval rating stands at just 38%, with disapproval at 53% in a Quinnipiac University survey…

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One month after the Biden administration announced a draconian federal vaccine mandate that impacted an estimated 100 million Americans and led to mass firings of public servants, teachers, and medical workers, the federal regulation still has not been formally issued. The Federalist reported on the ongoing fiasco in a post on Thursday that noted, “Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release”: Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has…

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The Biden administration colluded with left-wing education groups to give the Department of Justice cover to unleash the FBI to investigate parents who oppose marxist Critical Race Theory being taught in their childrens’ schools. The National School Boards Association, a group not known for radical activism, had issued a letter to the Department of Justice that provided a purported pretext to deploy the FBI nationwide. The letter had even gone so far as to accuse the parents of ‘domestic terrorism and hate crimes.’ Such is the revelation that was contained in a legal memo issued by America First Legal to…

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69% of Hispanic Americans disapprove of Joe Biden’s handling of the border crisis that has broken the all-time record for illegal immigrants in the last 20 years. A Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday, October 6 revealed that only 23 % approve of Biden’s handling of the immigration issue; while 41% of Hispanics surveyed say he is “not aggressive enough” in dealing with the crisis. The study separates two migration issues; one is how Biden is dealing with “immigration problems” and the other is how he is “handling the border situation.” Regarding the first, a majority (69%) of Hispanics disapprove and only 23%…

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That title is no joke. Joe Biden actually said exactly what is written in the headline above. How does he keep getting away with this stuff? Must be nice having the media on your side, huh? Life is good for Democrats. And that’s because liberal privilege is a real thing. From Daily Wire: Declared 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lengthy record bit him in the behind again on Thursday, as racially charged comments from Biden back in 2007 began to recirculate online. When Biden was asked by The Washington Post about the discrepancy in school performance in Iowa compared to…

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It is almost shocking at this point that even one police officer continues to show up for work on a daily basis, considering how the profession is denigrated by Hollywood elites and the MSM on an hourly basis. Boys used to grow up wanting to be astronauts, firefighters, and cops. The first two are still fine in the mind of lefties, but don’t you dare say you want to be a cop, you racist kid! Shame on these liberal imbeciles. Do they honestly want anarchy and chaos? From New York Post: A new study exclusively obtained by Fox News found…

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The number one job of the federal government is to protect Americans from threats, both foreign and domestic. Democrats don’t understand this simple concept, though. Today’s lefties truly feel that government exists solely to care for all persons from cradle to grave, which is why they hand out freebies like candy in exchange for votes. On a daily basis, we see how Joe Biden fails to keep the American people safe. And the worst part is that Hollywood elites and the mainstream media continue to back him. From Right Scoop: Joe Biden’s DHS, along with the CBP, are cancelling all…

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If Joe Biden received 80 million votes fair and square, then Elton John is a straight American man who votes party-line in favor of Republicans every two years. It’s just not true. The problem is that far too many people in this great country are okay with a rigged election because it means their guy won. Sad, really. From Fox 10 Phoenix: WASHINGTON – The House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a hearing Thursday in Washington, D.C. on the election audit in Maricopa County that was commissioned by the Arizona State Senate. Democratic members of the House committee on…

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was confronted with President Biden’s abysmal polling numbers on Friday. Psaki’s response just goes to show why Biden’s job approval numbers are in the tank to begin with. “And you probably don’t like to talk about polls, and you might say that they don’t mean anything, but… the White House, when they’re good polls, you publicize them,” the reporter said. “So, what do you make of these, really, terrible polls? Is he doing something wrong? Is it just the communication? Or is it that he’s doing unpopular things that have to be done? Or…

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Mike Lindell continues to be attacked for his efforts for full transparency in the 2020 election. Now, Idaho officials are going to make Lindell foot the bill for the audits that were carried out in the Gem State. During an interview on CNN, Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck says he is going to send the bill Mike Lindell for prompting an audit in several counties in the state. Lindell’s claims of fraud sparked the audit although President Trump won Idaho by a large margin. Houck claimed there was “absolutely no validity to them” with how the state…

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With the weather changing, it makes me think of hot cocoa, hot coffee, bonfires and scarves.    It also reminds me of my dad’s Irish cream that he would make around this time.   He would send it home with us in glass milk jugs to add to our coffee or cocoa! It is super simple to […]

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The anti-American New York Times wants to redesign the American flag and has dropped potential replacement designs for the flag. The Times wants to erase American history as we know it. “The American flag is a potent piece of national iconography, but its design shifted frequently until the early 1900s. What if it were redesigned today? We asked artists and graphic designers to try,” the Times wrote, showing both “functional designs” and “artistic renderings.” In Opinion The American flag is a potent piece of national iconography, but its design shifted frequently until the early 1900s. What if it were redesigned today?…

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According to a shocking report from the Wall Street Journal, an elite team of US Marine Raiders has been based in Taiwan for over a year, along with a handful of Special Operations troopers. If the report is accurate, which it appears to be, this deployment would be the first time since 1979, the time when the Taiwan Relations Act was signed into law, that American forces have been based on Taiwan. The report, in which an unnamed source confirms that  “American forces have been operating in Taiwan for at least a year,” also claims that the special operations team…

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Joe Biden promised a lot of things when he was running for president. Every politician does that, though. The problem is that Joe hasn’t delivered on anything of value – at all. Didn’t this guy pretty much swear to us that he’d end covid? Pretty sure he did. Yeah, how’s that working out? From The Daily Wire: More Americans have died this year from the coronavirus than died from the coronavirus last year, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. “More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10…

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I am not a pie person… I know, how can someone live in this great nation of ours and not love pie??  Or even like it a little? The saying goes; “As American as apple pie”… There are plenty of other pies that you see represented too, cherry pie, rhubarb pie, banana cream pie. But […]

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Senator Joe Manchin (D? – WV) got up and left in the middle of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s victory lap on the agreement to raise the debt ceiling until December. Watch: Manchin was not digging Schumer’s victory lap. Gets up and leaves. — SCUBA MIKE🤿 (@mescubamike) October 8, 2021 “Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans insisted they wanted a solution to the debt ceiling, but the Democrats must raise it alone by going through a drawn-out, convoluted, risky reconciliation process,” Schumer said while Manchin held his head in his hands. “That was simply unacceptable to my caucus,” Schumer continued.…

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Joe Biden delivered an address on Covid-19 and vaccine mandates on Wednesday that was filled with gibberish and outright lies. As Biden touted his blatantly unconstitutional federal vaccine mandates, he referred to the debunked lie that vaccines ‘stop the spread.’  Watch: “We’re making sure healthcare workers are vaccinated because if you seek care at a healthcare facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you,” Biden claimed. It is important to note that this is an outright lie. It is not a misstatement. Biden read it off…

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Imagine if this woman “identified” as male, yet still remained unvaccinated. All it would take is a single tweet to go viral, the gay community would go bananas, and he/she/they/it would be rushed into the operating room post haste. Unfortunately, the woman in this story was refused a kidney transplant simply because she refuses to get “the jab.” This is what socialized medicine looks like. Other people decide your future for you. And this is what the future of America looks like if know-nothings keep voting liberals into office. From CBS Local Denver: A Colorado woman with stage 5 renal…

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Democrat politicans want the American people to be scared so they can take care of them from cradle to grave (in exchange for a lifetime of votes). With liberals, it is always about having power and not what is in the best interest of the country. Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib is one of the worst Democrats have to offer today. And don’t you dare criticize her for being a Palestinian-supporting, anti-American socialist, you sexist! From Fox News: “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., was caught on camera saying she was only wearing a mask because she was being tailed by a…

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have caused so much damage to the country in just nine-plus months that most Americans are now pessimistic about the direction of the United States. Everybody knew this was going to be the case, though, didn’t they? You can’t have a winning economy if socialism and inflation are the main drivers. But Biden received the most votes of any candidate in history, right!? From Breitbart: Tuesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends First,” Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) warned of the danger posed by President Joe Biden’s IRS proposal to monitor banking transactions in excess of $600.…

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At this point in 2021, even most Democrats have to thoroughly regret voting for Joe Biden. America is now a weaker nation with a beta-male “leader” at the helm of the executive branch, and that isn’t even up for debate. Not only does Joe have no clue what he’s doing as president, but the guy seems to actively work against the United States on a daily basis. Here’s the latest on the debt ceiling. From New York Post: President Biden suggested Tuesday that Senate Democrats could make a one-time exception to the chamber’s usual 60-vote rule to pass legislation raising…

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This Monday, the Taiwanese government reported that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) sent 56 warplanes to Taiwan’s air defense area, the largest ever number of military aircraft Beijing has sent to the island in a single day. According to Reuters, Beijing has sent a total of almost 150 military planes to Taiwan’s defense zone since Friday, a major escalation in a place rife with geopolitical tensions. According to the Taiwanese Defense Ministry, 52 of these military airplanes were sent together on Monday, with the PLA sending an additional 4 planes later that day. The Taiwanese government said that within the group…

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His name is Nick Karl and he is a scientist for Pfizer. Here’s a direct quote from Karl, via undercover video from “Project Veritas,” regarding the covid vaccine… “When somebody is naturally immune — like they got COVID — they probably have more antibodies against the virus…When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus…So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination.” Hmm. If this is true (and it most likely is), then why are lefties still pushing this whole plandemic thing so hard? WATCH: Here’s…

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20 years ago, this story would’ve been a skit straight from Saturday Night Live. 10 years ago, even. Heck, maybe even just five. Now, unfortunately, this sort of thing is our new reality. Male athletes can literally be named “sportswomen” simply because they refuse to accept which chromosomes with which they were born. Crazy times, people. From The Daily Wire: Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, who was the first male-to-female transgender individual to compete in a women’s Olympic event, was named “Sportwoman of the Year” by New Zealand’s University of Otago despite being biologically male. Hubbard made headlines earlier this year…

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Why is it that Democrats are always caught doing bad things? Could it be because they are immoral and GODless? Yeah, most likely. When lefties aren’t using the Constitution as a Swiffer pad, they are busy doing whatever they can to get away with something – often times to the detriment of the American public. Check out this story out of New York. From WHEC: ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A plea deal has been reached in the case against Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren on alleged campaign finance violations and Mayor Warren has pleaded guilty. Under the deal, Mayor Warren will…

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In our Constitutional Republic, most Americans identify in one of the two major political parties. The Democratic party which has a checkered past (including voting against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and creating the Jim Crow laws) has been able to convince the electorate that they are the party of the forgotten and underserved in urban areas. Through a tenacious, no-holds-barred mindset, they push daily to deconstruct our culture in their pursuit to usher in Marxist policies. A few of the bullets on their checklist include: Reshape the US population through massive unfettered illegal immigration streaming over our southern…

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This is blatant socialist/fascist/communist language, coming from America’s highest-paid government employee. Anthony Fauci is so far left that he can no longer see straight. And that is the problem with the country today. Too many lefties think they know what is best, when in reality their views represent pure evil. From Right Scoop: There was a concept, once upon a time, that some dudes talked about, where government’s job was to SECURE your rights, not SUSPEND them. And that securing of rights was considered the public good. But now we have a modern “greater good” that’s subjective, a phrase designed…

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Twitter had no reason to ban President Trump from its platform and they know it. They just came up with a BS excuse in order to hurt his chances of re-election. The problem is that the company is run by liberal blowhards who openly campaigned for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. The same goes for Facebook and pretty much every single other social media outlet. Now, Trump is taking a stand. And let’s hope the outcome works in his favor. From New York Post: Former President Trump has asked a federal judge in Florida to force Twitter to restore his…

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It is almost comical at this point how Democrats think Biden and team are transparent but the Trump administration wasn’t. Really, it should be an SNL skit – if that program didn’t veer wildly left. You know, it’s kind of like Democrats choose to remain in the dark while thinking they are doing the right thing. Facts don’t matter to them. Neither do morals. Nothing does, ultimately. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: Vice President Kamala Harris took an unexplained trip to Palm Springs, California, on Friday while Democrats back in the nation’s capital focused on trying to pass…

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You have to be a very, very, very, very ignorant person to think a parent speaking at a school board meeting about radical indoctrination in education today is a “domestic terrorist.” Actually, all you have to be is a liberal voter. One and the same. They are bad people, folks, these lefties. Maybe not all of them, but a solid 11/10. From Washington Times: On September 29, 2021, the National School Boards Association (NSBA), which claims to represent “90,000 school board members who govern our country’s 14,000 local public-school districts educating more than 50 million schoolchildren” across America, sent Joe…

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Another day, another poor example of leadership from America’s executive branch. Do you think Joe Biden would care more about illegals crossing into the country if he represented Arizona in the Senate for decade upon decade? Or what if most illegals didn’t align with the Democrat Party, considering all the free goodies they get handed in exchange for their vote? Would Joe and Kamala care then? Hmmm. Really makes you think, doesn’t it? LOL From Right Scoop: Yesterday it was 60,000 Haitians headed for the border in Central America right now. Now NBC News is warning that as many as…

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Everybody should’ve seen this coming. A lot of Americans did, while some refused to acknowledge the truth when they went to the polling booths in November 2020. Now, we’re all facing the repercussions. Being a parent during the time of a liberal administration cannot be easy, especially when the world tilts further left on a daily basis. But this guy needs to go, no question about it! WATCH: Thanks a lot, Joe. You bring aboard the most excellent employees.

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When silly people are elected to office, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the country will soon see silly results. For example, Joe Biden is as silly as they come. Likewise, he has surrounded himself with silly people. Now, with Mr. Silly and Mrs. Goofball in charge of the executive branch of the United States, all we’ve seen for the past year is pure silliness. Many Americans will lose loved ones directly due to Joe Biden’s policies, unfortunately. From Just the News: The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers at facilities receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding, in…

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