Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Authorities have arrested 108 people in a human trafficking ring and three of them were employees of Disney while another was a retired judge, according to police. One other suspect was allegedly an employee of Disney, but the corporation denied it while confirming the other three suspected criminals were, in fact, employees of Disney. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said: “The arrests of a human trafficker and four child predators alone makes this whole operation worthwhile… Where there is prostitution, there is exploitation, disease, dysfunction and broken families.”   The arrests took place during an operation called “Operation March Sadness…

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Ketanji Brown Jackson, a U.S. Supreme Court Justice-designate nominated by President Joe Biden, was seen clapping after New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made a comment about her country banning assault weapons. This took place whil Ardern was delivering a commencement speech for Harvard University graduates and Biden’s Supreme Court nominee was in attendance sitting to the back left of Ardern (our right). Jackson, draped in what appears to be a black and white shirt with wiggly designs, can be seen in a video of the speech, clapping on the heels of Ardern’s comment about New Zealand’s ban on the…

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Disgraced Hunter Biden was caught on video carelessly messing around with a handgun that was reported to be illegally obtained and pointing it at a camera while cavorting with a prostitute, exclusively reveals. President Joe Biden’s son was videotaped as he was role-playing during a raunchy game on October 17, 2018. Hunter is seen in two photos, one with one hand on the gun’s trigger and the other while cupping his pelvic region, said report.   In a third image, there are what seems to be the remnants of crack cocaine on a plate besides used and condoms, some…

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Elon Musk asked on Twitter if some people were not okay with how silent the “leaking” Justice Department is considering Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX said that the Department of Justice, which grew notoriously because of leaking under the ex-President Trump, was too quiet about Jeffrey, who was a convicted pedophile. “Only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares,” Musk said in his tweets. He asked his 96.5 million followers, “Doesn’t that seem odd?” Musk also shared a graphic showing “Things I’ll never see…

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CNN could be going straight for Pride Month! No, that doesn’t mean what you think it does! Shame on you for even thinking what you are thinking right now. No, quite the contrary, what CNN is considering is even MORE RADICAL than the LGBTQ agenda! Sit down for this news if you must. CNN is considering firing some of their “talent” if they can’t take more of a nonpartisan tone! America 2022. Strange days indeed friends. Strange days, indeed. So what’s the story? Per Outkick: New CNN President Chris Licht is evaluating its partisan pundits to see if they can…

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When Joe Biden “took” office, there where a lot of promises made. Joe was going to bring America together! Joe was going to help us heal! I’m not sure what we were supposed to be healing from, the only people that were complaining were the Democrats. Most importantly, Joe was going to kick Covid’s ass! Here we are in the Summer of 2022, how has it worked out so far? Biden promised to “shut down the virus” and said Trump should resign over the 200,000 Americans who died from Covid during his administration. But now, Biden has now presided over…

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NYC cops have released the horrifying footage of a man flinging a woman onto subway tracks in the Bronx in what was reportedly a random attack. The incident comes after a long string of violent offenses on the Big Apple’s subway despite Mayor Eric Adams vowing to decrease New York’s out-of-control crime rates. The video taken from a security camera on Sunday at 4:45 pm at Jackson Avenue station in the Bronx showed a man wearing a white tank top, red backpack, a backward baseball hat, and what appears to be army-camo shorts, approaching the 52-year-old female victim before grabbing…

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So what do you do when you slog through weeks of having your personal life and failed marriage on display for the world? Well I’ve no idea what Amber Heard is doing, though considering the outcome it’s probably not as awesome as what Johnny Depp is up to. Amber probably has to get on a budget. That’s a BIG settlement. But I digress. No, I think what you do if you are Johnny Depp is to take about 20 of your closest friends to England for Indian food! Not what I would do, but I don’t have 20 friends either.…

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I remember when Pokémon first came out in the 90s and was the hottest thing around. Back then, parents were telling their kids who were fanatics to put the game down and go play outside, and when the game Pokémon GO first came out and people weren’t paying attention to their surroundings and had accidents while crossing the roads, the parents were now saying put the game down and come back inside! All jokes aside, a new study finds that catchin’ em all might actually be beneficial. This time, not just for bragging rights, or for the collection, but for…

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In the bible, we get to learn that God will not place anything on you more than you can handle and that he sends all good things. Not some, not a little, but all. This includes children, and whether there may be ‘something wrong with them or not, or things look bleak with the parent(s) or the baby, one thing stands, and will always stand. And that’s God’s word. Recently, it would seem as though God’s blessing shined through once again. This time in the UK – where two of the most preemie twins ever have at long last been…

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Imagine waking up to the sound of crashing thunder in the dead of night. Everything’s dark, and the only sound you can hear is the heavy rain crashing down on the roof. You turn over and find one of your dogs who jumped in the bed with you. You think they must have jumped in while I was asleep, but upon closer examination, you find that the dog is in fact not yours – but a total stranger!  This is exactly what happened to Julie Johnson in Tennessee. Unaware as to how the canine entered the house, it could have…

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A barman from the Brass Bell Restaurant and Pub in the town of Kalk Bay, who saved the lives of a group of individuals dragged out by a huge wave, has been crowned a hero. Tongai Matandirotya sprung into action when the massive wave hit, selflessly taking on the powerful waves completely disregarding his own wellbeing. Per Matandirotya, he saw a few people strolling along the harbor from the window next to where he was serving drinks. “I saw this wave come over the harbor and it covered the people, dragging them into the ocean. I immediately ran outside, undressed…

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Forget the low carb, keto, whatever, diet. Sometimes you just want pasta. When people think of pasta, the ubiquitous spaghetti noodle comes to mind. But what about something a little different? Something that looks pretty, is fun and easy to prep, and will become your new go-to dish when you can’t think of anything else […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Authorities have arrested 108 people in a human trafficking ring and three of them were employees of Disney while another was a retired judge, according to police. One other suspect was allegedly an employee of Disney, but the corporation denied it while confirming the other three suspected criminals were, in fact, employees of Disney. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said: “The arrests of a human trafficker and four child predators alone makes this whole operation worthwhile… Where there is prostitution, there is exploitation, disease, dysfunction and broken families.”   The arrests took place during an operation called “Operation March Sadness…

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Ketanji Brown Jackson, a U.S. Supreme Court Justice-designate nominated by President Joe Biden, was seen clapping after New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made a comment about her country banning assault weapons. This took place whil Ardern was delivering a commencement speech for Harvard University graduates and Biden’s Supreme Court nominee was in attendance sitting to the back left of Ardern (our right). Jackson, draped in what appears to be a black and white shirt with wiggly designs, can be seen in a video of the speech, clapping on the heels of Ardern’s comment about New Zealand’s ban on the…

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Kid Rock is an American treasure. Kid embodies the American spirit that we USED to have when he began his career in the late 90’s. You remember the 1990’s right? Great music, great movies, this new thing called the internet. Might I also correctly point out it was that sweet spot before social media essentially wrecked our country. No apology: Kid Rock tells Tucker Carlson he stands by drunken rant attacking Oprah Winfrey via @foxnews — Chris 🇺🇸 (@Chris_1791) June 7, 2022 Good times! There, near the top of the heap musically, was Kid Rock. Kid Rock now owns…

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Disgraced Hunter Biden was caught on video carelessly messing around with a handgun that was reported to be illegally obtained and pointing it at a camera while cavorting with a prostitute, exclusively reveals. President Joe Biden’s son was videotaped as he was role-playing during a raunchy game on October 17, 2018. Hunter is seen in two photos, one with one hand on the gun’s trigger and the other while cupping his pelvic region, said report. In a third image, there are what seems to be the remnants of crack cocaine on a plate besides used and condoms, some paraphernalia,…

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The latest announcement is claiming that Deadpool 3 won’t be family-friendly and reassured fans that this movie will keep the scenes showing gory violence and raw humor, which made this movie famous. The legendary Deadpool is now becoming part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick as its authors. Since Disney bought Fox, other sci-fi movies like The X-men and Fantastic four have joined the MCU. Fans have been waiting for Reed Richards and Charles Xavier to appear in an MCU production since their appearance in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022). Disney+ made…

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Elon Musk asked on Twitter if some people were not okay with how silent the “leaking” Justice Department is considering Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX said that the Department of Justice, which grew notoriously because of leaking under the ex-President Trump, was too quiet about Jeffrey, who was a convicted pedophile. “Only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares,” Musk said in his tweets. He asked his 96.5 million followers, “Doesn’t that seem odd?” Musk also shared a graphic showing “Things I’ll never see…

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Have you looked out the window lately? Has anyone filled up with gas, or went to the grocery store, or been shopping? How about watching the news? Wouldn’t recommend it, frankly. Things are bad, folks. Very bad. Millions of Americans are suffering, struggling to gas up, and feed their kids, not to mention things on the horizon, like school shopping. We start the day knowing we went from the best economy known to man under Trump straight to a recession in (17) mo’s under Biden — Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸 (@Chicago1Ray) June 6, 2022 These are strange days. The economy is crap…

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Elon Musk asked on Twitter if some people were not okay with how silent the “leaking” Justice Department is considering Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX said that the Department of Justice, which grew notoriously because of leaking under the ex-President Trump, was too quiet about Jeffrey, who was a convicted pedophile. “Only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares,” Musk said in his tweets. He asked his 96.5 million followers, “Doesn’t that seem odd?” Musk also shared a graphic showing “Things I’ll never see…

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Ok, I need everyone right now to run to their Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, hell even your MySpace! Scrub it all down clean! Delete everything even questionable. Doesn’t matter if you tweeted something you thought was funny in 2014. This is 2022 America, and it’s getting real up in here! Brendan Donovan was 14 in 2011 when he made a gay joke. ESPN decided his 4 RBI/game winner night was the time to make it a NATIONAL FUCKING STORY. I want every ESPN writer’s text history back to 8th grade. — Smatt (@mdrache) June 5, 2022 One never…

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As if the left needed any more reasons to hate America’s favorite governor, Desantis has taken the next step in restricting the state of Florida’s Medicaid coverage for Transgender drugs and gender reassignment surgery for youths, saying that there just isn’t enough evidence to support the need to treat alleged gender dysphoria. Nikki Fried, the state’s Commissioner, weighed in on the decision: Governor DeSantis is once again targeting the LGBTQ community during Pride Month. He’s putting politics above science and manipulating data in order to deny transgender Floridians access to healthcare. This is hateful and harmful.— Commissioner Nikki Fried…

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The Main Stream Media was lambasted on Friday by the Wall Street Journal for supporting the claims of a discredited whistleblower. During the height of the Covid-19 Plandemic, Rebekah Jones, who had worked for the Florida Health Department, claimed she was fired from her job for refusing to alter Covid-19 data. After an investigation led by Inspector General Michael J. Bennett, it was determined that her allegations were completely false. “Based upon an analysis of the available evidence, the alleged conduct, as described by the complainant, did not occur,” Bennett’s report said. The governor’s office said she was terminated  for…

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The news cycle is a compilation of stories that indicate the Biden administration has either lost total control of the immigration process, economy, and energy production levels or they are intentionally using them to destroy the American way of life by 2030. In Biden’s first year, a record 1.7 million illegal border crossings were recorded, the most since records began. Globalist organizations, including the United Nations, have been providing prepaid debit cards, and transportation, and have helped illegal aliens coordinate with the NGOs who are waiting to transport the foreign nationals to government housing or addresses of existing family members already…

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As someone who served in the United States Marines Corps during Desert Storm, the fact that our current Commander In Chief didn’t see fit to remember and honor all who have served in our military, especially those who were injured and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our national security on D-Day, I find Biden’s actions today despicable. On June 6th, 1944, American GIs led the liberation of Europe from Nazism as they landed on the coast of Normandy with British and Canadian allies. 156K troops stormed the beaches, in 5,000 ships and supported by 11,000 aircraft, facing a…

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The summer travel season is upon us! Many American families, at least the ones that can afford Brandon’s super expensive gasoline, will be hitting the open road for family fun and adventure. Joe Biden has company coming as well! Is it Hunter, and some of his Chinese buddies? Is Kamala swinging by for sh*ts and her famous “giggles”? Some of his old buddies from the mill? Nope! Joe is having very different guests. Per the New York Post: Up to 15,000 migrants — many of them from Central America, Venezuela and Cuba — may soon join a massive caravan that set off…

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Eric Adams is the latest, and perhaps greatest in a long line of failed Democrat mayors. Lori Lightfoot, Eric Garcetti, London Breed, Ted Wheeler. Honestly, I could do the entire article just listing names of abject failures that are ruining our larger cities. To Adams’s credit, and his credit line is very low, at least he is pretending to be outraged by the decay and danger happening around him. Crime is rampant, no one is being prosecuted, and criminals are acting on their whims with impunity. What does Adams have to say? Who does he blame? The New York Post…

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Only in California can a panel of judges decide that bees can now be classified as…fish. This bizarre decision by a panel of California judges was celebrated as a “win for the bumblebees”. California court rules bees are now fish— New York Post (@nypost) June 5, 2022 This decision reversed a previous decision made by the lower courts favoring the interest of California agricultural groups’ that argued the state’s Endangered Species Act only protected birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and plants, but didn’t protect bees and other bugs.  This was a big win for California environmental groups and…

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In another incident of a senseless crime, but this one with an unexpected perpetrator, a 12-year-old boy in Michigan robbed a gas station at gunpoint after having fired a warning shot, and the entire incident was captured on the station’s surveillance video. Local news outlet WZZM reported that the hold-up occurred on an average Wednesday afternoon at a gas station in the city of Hartford in the southwestern part of the state near Lake Michigan. The boy waited in line and when it was his turn, took a handgun from his backpack and then pointed it at the surprised clerk…

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Democrats are so convinced of their insane ideology and therefore so befuddled when the real world doesn’t respond positively to it that it is tearing the White House apart. Amid an onslaught of one horrendous policy decision after another, Politico is now reporting that “[m]orale inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is plummeting.”  According to a new release from the left-leaning outlet, which can no longer pretend these issues don’t exist, things are so bad in the White House that there are “growing fears that the parallels to Jimmy Carter, another first-term Democrat plagued by soaring prices and a foreign policy morass,…

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Ron DeSantis knows how to govern, there is no question about that. He also knows how to maneuver within the political landscape, which includes trolling the worst president in history with the much-deserved, albeit sanitized version, of “F*** Joe Biden.” Whether he is hosting a speaking event in the community of Brandon, Florida or speaking off the cuff about the corrupt fool living in the White House, DeSantis knows how to inspire his base and strike a chord in the delusional minds of Democrats. Referring to a recent Politico article that noted how “Biden and his aides have grown increasingly…

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Britain’s prime minister won the no-confidence vote that could have seen him removed from power brought against him by members of parliament from his own party last night, but he’s not out of trouble yet. Conservative members of parliament (MPs) voted 211-148 in favor of keeping Johnson as their leader and prime minister. He only needed a majority of one to scrape through, but many still say the number of those in his party who have lost faith in the prime minister is too high for him to carry on much longer. Yesterday, the general mood among MPs and political…

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The Queen surprised her own family and stole the show during her Platinum Jubilee concert on Saturday night when a pre-filmed video of Her Majesty having tea with a CGI Paddington Bear was played. In the clip which had social media a-buzz, the Queen is sitting at a table with Paddington Bear, who clumsily puts his hand in the cake and drinks the tea from the spout of the teapot. In an attempt to salvage the tea party, Paddington offers the Queen a marmalade sandwich which he pulls out of his hat. “I always keep one for emergencies,” says the…

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Remember the good old days? You know, penny candy, walking uphill to school both ways, mean tweets, cheap gas? Specifically, the last two are the ones I’d like to return too, though penny candy sounds pretty sweet, pun intended. Unfortunately, Brandon in the White House is in charge of things for the time being, so we may be walking EVERYWHERE  soon. Ah, for the good old days of the scary orange man and his mean tweets. So, how bad are things going to get? If I was a gambling man, I’d say A LOT. Gas prices, food prices, clothes, literally…

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What is a woman? Seems to be a pretty straightforward question, with an even more straightforward answer. However, in these days of extreme wokeness and sexual ambiguity, the left continues to attempt to blur the lines on what a woman really is. I recently watched @MattWalshBlog’s new documentary film ‘What Is A Woman?’ It’s simultaneously interesting, amusing, and absolutely terrifying… Highly recommend checking it out. Out now at — ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) June 1, 2022 Now, to be clear, we all know what a woman really is, right? It’s biological. You can “feel” like whatever you want, and you…

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Wow. Just wow. First of all, let me begin by saying, there is no end to the jokes I want to make here. However, I’m going to attempt to keep it classy. Way back in the ’70s and ’80s, Burger King’s slogan was “Have it your way”. Guess they still mean that. Except I think in this case they are extending that offer WAY beyond a bad fast food sandwich. No offense Whopper, but I’m a Quarter Pounder with Cheese guy myself. Still, in a shameless effort to pander to the LGBTQ community, Burger King in Austria has come up…

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A group of Good Samaritans acted quickly to help a lady who experienced a medical episode at a bustling Boynton Beach intersection last week, said police. A few drivers have persistent medical conditions that can influence their driving. The most well-known ones are diabetes and epilepsy, which can cause loss of cognizance and seizures, respectively, and that’s only counting day-to-day medical situations, and not other isolated ones such as heart attacks or strokes. At the point when an individual encounters these types of medical issues while driving, the likelihood of an accident jolts upwards. It is believed that roughly 20%…

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Following twenty long years of pondering and searching, a young Utah man has reunited with his long-lost birth mother after she sent him a Facebook message unexpectedly last November. Benjamin Hulleberg, a substitute teacher, knew early on that he had been adopted by his now-parents, Brian and Angela Hulleberg, and often found himself curious about his birth mom, somebody who he only had the first name to go off of, Holly. “It was always a very positive conversation,” the 20-year-old said. “It was my parents either expressing gratitude for Holly or me talking about how I’m grateful for her and…

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A heartwarming story tells of a 31-year-old man who left his home country – Pakistan – for a surgery procedure in the U.S., but ended up getting far more than just clinical assistance. He found his ‘home away from home’ in the southern city, and presently considers it and all its 211,000 occupants part of his big family. While he was preparing to tie the knot, he did what anyone else would do, he invited his family – all 211,000 of them – from Birmingham – to his wedding. This special story started in Pakistan where Anwer, who experienced kidney…

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