Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden tried to connect the racist mass shooting in Buffalo on Saturday to the election protests of Trump supporters on January 6th, 2021. Biden described the murder of 10 people at a Buffalo grocery store as “terrorism” after visiting the crime scene and meeting with the victims’ families. “What happened here is simple and straightforward: terrorism, terrorism, domestic terrorism — violence inflicted in the service of hate and the vicious thirst for power that defines one group of people being inherently inferior,” Biden said during remarks at a local community center. As Biden spoke, a crowd, including relatives of…

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Following the shocking leak of the initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Alito last month, abortion activist groups went into a full-out pressure campaign against the conservative justices who reported voted to uphold a Missippisi abortion law. Unfortunately, the opinion would also overturn two main abortion precedents. Alito’s opinion attacked the Roe v Wade decision, which established (created) a constitutional right to have an abortion, and a subsequent decision, Planned Parenthood v. Casey. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” wrote Alito. They organized groups of protesters outside the six conservative justice private residences. Their actions not only disrupted the justices who chose to…

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One of the yummiest things on earth is a simple, three-ingredient pasta dish I first tasted at a craft beer bar in Rome (yes, they make beer in Italy) several years ago. Melty tangy cheese and bitey cracked black pepper clinging onto strands of slick hot spaghetti served to me in a little ceramic bowl. […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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After their controversial declaration that they would be leaving behind their Royal duties in favor of a private life in the States, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have now secured a Kardashian-style docuseries with Netflix. The Sussexes have hosted camera crews in their $14 million Los Angeles mansion, which they call home for a reality series that could be similar to Keeping Up With The Kardashians or The Osbournes. It is unknown whether the couple’s children, Archie, 3, and Lilibet, 11-months, will also appear in the series. “I think it’s fair to say that Netflix is getting its pound of…

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Viral news coming out of Arkansas where a water tower that features a painting of Johnny Cash is making rounds after it was damaged by gunfire. It’s not the defacing that is pushing this story to go viral. Instead, it’s where the shot landed that has individuals talking. The gunshot hit the wall painting of Johnny Cash exactly in the crotch region, making water from the tower spray out. The water tower is apparently as of yet still leaking as teams work to fix it. Authorities in Kingsland, the birthplace of Johnny, donated $300,000 last year to refurbish the water…

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A wrestling legend is set to emerge from retirement for his final match. I wonder woo it is? Superstar Ric Flair is woo it is! He’s announced that he’s coming back for one last match. Now 73 years old, Flair made the decision for a final match on his Twitter account early Monday saying, “The rumors are true! I’m going to walk that aisle, style, and profile one last time!” The 16-time former World Heavyweight Champion, who many consider the best professional wrestler ever, will get back into the ring as a feature of ‘Jim Crockett Promotions Presents: Ric Flair’s…

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Martin Shkreli, the pharma bro, was recently released from prison into a halfway house. In case anybody was able to forget Shkreli was originally in trouble for securities fraud and serving a seven-year prison sentence when regulators got involved with his pharmaceutical company Turing Pharmaceuticals. This is because it had a drug called Daraprim which was the only drug approved in the U.S. for treating toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that can lead to life-threatening issues for people with immune systems that are compromised. While he was CEO, the price of that drug went from $17.50 a tablet to $750…

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The US Soccer Federation announced that it will pay players from the men’s and women’s national teams equally, including equal prize money for the World Cup. The scheme will also award female players a $22 million payback. The governing body of the sport, the US Soccer Federation, made the announcement in a Tweet yesterday, posting: “In a historic accomplishment, US Soccer, @USMNT and @USWNT have come together to agree to new collective bargaining agreements that will run through 2028 and achieve true equal pay – including equalization of World Cup prize money”. Any prize money the teams win will be…

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Here’s some excellent news that’ll help inspire and give hope to individuals who are often told they can’t do things. Hayley Taylor Schlitz was in 5th grade when her typical high grades began to drop. Her mom, Dr. Myiesha Taylor, realized she was a star understudy, and her “I don’t care” reaction to her plummeting reports wasn’t cutting it. So, Dr. Taylor went to the school’s administration to get to the heart of the matter. She suspected her little girl wasn’t getting enough engagement in classes and needed progressed courses. Instead, she was met with resistance from both the school’s head and…

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Often as we get older, we begin to think about our future years, and at some point, we may reflect on the thought, “how much time do I have left here.” We’re aware of things that may lower our life expectancy, such as smoking, having a bad diet, not being active, or drinking. However, one lady has insisted that enjoying red wine is the very thing that helped her live to 110 years of age. Eileen Ash is the world’s oldest global cricketer in the wake of having played for England all through the 1930s and 40s and was born…

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I always thought ESPN was an acronym for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network. So when did they decide to throw their hat or allow their “personalities” to throw their hats into the political ring in the form of endorsements? Honestly, it’s not a shocking move, considering the advanced video game level of left-wokeness the Disney-owned company displays regularly. Is it appropriate, however, is the bigger picture. Here’s what happened, according to Outkick: When ESPN president Jimmy Pitaro said in 2018 that ESPN is “not a political organization,” he must have meant with the exception of Mina Kimes and the other privileged wokes…

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A tortoise seems to have copied the chicken who crossed the road, but why did the reptile in Ohio cross? A turtle in Avon Lake escaped his home and was away for over half a year prior to being found and returned to his owners. The turtle’s name is Tiny Tim and it looked like he had some errands to run. He had things to see and places to go as a rebellious reptile. Vanessa Baker met Tiny Tim on her fourth birthday celebration, and together, they’ve celebrated every single birthday since then. “Well, now he’s the size of my…

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Are you sitting down to read this article, folks? If you aren’t, maybe you should. I have some shocking, shocking news. Turns out that Joe Biden, leftist messiah, great uniter, and most popular President in the United States history, apparently is leading an ARMY OF ROBOTS!!!!! Okay, these aren’t nanorobots designed to infiltrate your brain so the left can control your mind. That technology is at least two years away, being saved for the 2024 election. Rather, the “robots” I refer to are on Twitter. You’ve heard of Twitter, right? Some guy named Musk just bought it and may or…

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The View is simply the gift that keeps on giving. Nary a day goes, that one of the disgusting, anti American, leftist hacks on the ABC show (figures), doesn’t say something either incredibly ignorant, incredibly racist, or astoundingly stupid. Well, Wednesday was no exception! Thanks “ladies”. So what are the gory details? Fox News said: Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said during Wednesday’s episode of “The View” that gas prices were not bad “because of anything [President] Biden did,” adding that “it’s just what he’s going to absorb.” During a discussion about the primary elections happening across the U.S., guest host and…

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Since coming off his close election victory in 2018, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ direct and effective leadership has earned him respect from the Republican state legislators; thus, his agenda is becoming the law, one bill at a time. With his success, the Governors’ name typically appears on the shortlist of preferred GOP presidential candidates for 2024. DeSantis said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden should get “should be given an honorary membership in the Mexican drug cartels, cuz nobody has done more to help the cartels than Biden with his open-border policies.” Florida’s Republican Governor says Biden is violating his oath…

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Sri Lanka has been in dire straits ever since the previous country’s leader decided to stop using chemical fertilizers. Before, Sri Lanka was food independent and capable of providing everything they needed for their citizens, at least food-wise. The misguided attempt to move to only organic fertilizers to make Sri Lanka completely sustainable led to economic fallout, which is still plaguing the population today. The country only has one day of gasoline left and is hoping and praying it finds medicines running out quickly. Without food, medicine, petrol and with power outages up to 15 hours a day. In Sri…

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We’ve told you about the desperate attempts to attract and retain students at U.S. colleges and universities by offering wacky courses on tree climbing, Lady Gaga, and our fascination with serial killers. But just when you thought the panoply of woke and wacky was exhausted, these institutions of higher learning prove us wrong yet again with the newest offering in the social justice pantheon. “Fighting Fatphobia” falls under the new and rapidly broadening “discipline” of Health Justice and ties into leftist academics’ obsession with racism, slavery, and the evils of capitalism. Part of this new crusade is to eliminate the word “obesity”…

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After British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s announcement, illegal immigrants who arrive on their shores in small boats will be transferred to Rwanda. However, right-wing commentators like Nigel Farage have said the plan isn’t working as thousands of migrants continue to arrive. Mild weather and a calm British channel between Dover and the French coast have seen around a thousand illegal migrants land on British shores in the past three days alone, despite Johnson’s threats to be sent to Africa. The problem has been an ongoing concern for Britons. Over the past decade, numerous polls have suggested that immigration control is…

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We were led to believe the slew of voter laws passed in states like Georgia were restrictive, racist and “unamerican” because Republicans were trying to make it harder for folks of color to vote. Joe Biden’s, never one to miss the opportunity to divide and lie, even went so far as to call Georgia’s new voter laws “Jim Crown on steroids”. Turns out, Georgia’s new voter laws aren’t  even Jim Crow on a multi vitamin. According to Georgia’s own Secretary of State website, it’s quite the contrary. As the second week of early voting for Georgia’s 2022 primary election continues,…

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A timeless classic just in time for Sunday dinner delicious classic roast beef. If you’d like, it could be made with a sirloin roast or a rump roast. Using low heat to slow-roasted is why this is such a tender meal that you’ll love. It’s perfect for using a more challenging cut of meat and […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Undaunted by the myocarditis risk apparent in children who received the COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA just approved the Pfizer booster under the emergency use authorization for children ages 5 to 11. What is the emergency? They claim that it is safe for children if they wait at least five months after the first two shots, despite evidence to the contrary. The FDA cited the supposed emergency for approving this vaccine for emergency use was the omicron virus variant. The booster allegedly raises the antibodies in children ages 5 to 11 by 36-fold. That is 720 times. Suppose the children have…

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The faulty PCR test that has been used to detect bird flu is now being used to detect bird flu in other animals. From April 1st to April 14th, three red fox kits were collected by wildlife rehabilitators and showed neurological issues. The three fox kits showed circling, tremors, and seizures which are all standard with rabies, a much more common problem in foxes than bird flu. All three died within hours of intake, which is consistent with rabies as it is nearly 100% fatal. An additional kit that was a sibling of one of the other three did survive…

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In the latest embarrassing blow for the swamp which currently controls Twitter, an executive was recorded mocking Elon Musk’s Asperger’s and boasting about censoring free speech on the platform. In the footage filmed in a bar, Alex Martinez, a lead client partner can be seen calling the richest man in the world who could soon be his boss, “literally special needs”. “So I can’t even take what you’re saying seriously,” he continued to the undercover reporter. “He’s a loony tune” he added. Ironically, Martinez went on to say that he was aware of Twitter employees being caught out in sting…

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The co-founder of PayPal, the CEO of Tesla, and the owner of Starlink Internet service, Elon Musk, stated that he believed a recession would likely worsen and last for about 18 more months. He commented that recessions don’t have to be bad and that they typically happen due to a boom going on too long, and then a bust follows. Interestingly enough, FED chair Powell failed to predict inflation. He could not predict recession, although Elon Musk predicted both. One must wonder if the people in charge are trying to do or say the opposite of what is true purposefully?…

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A Canadian soldier who publicly spoke out against federal vaccine mandates while in uniform has been charged, while another Armed Forces member has been fined in the wake of posting a video supporting the Freedom Convoy. On Wednesday, the Defense Department affirmed the charges against Warrant Officer James Topp and the finding of guilt against Aviator Riley MacPherson, adding six other service individuals remain under investigation for criticizing the government’s policies. A 22-year-old veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces who served in Afghanistan, Topp faces two counts of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline for remarks he…

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Drummer Taylor Hawkins from Foo Fighters was at his wit’s end before his demise at 50 in March, various friends told Rolling Stone in a new analytical piece published on Monday. Journalists at the rock bible said they talked with 20 of Hawkins’ friends in the month and a half since his passing away. His relatives and Foo Fighters bandmates declined to be interviewed. Yet, the band’s management said: “They dispute Hawkins’ friends’ characterizations of how he was feeling.” However, as per his friends, Hawkins was worried about the band’s insane touring plan and couldn’t say whether he could actually deal…

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Since the pandemic began, tractor-trailer truck crashes have risen significantly. Crashes that involved a large truck weighing over 10,000 pounds increased by 13% from 2020 to 2021. Previous to that, it had declined by 1% from 2019 to 2021. There were 5601 tractor-trailer truck crashes included in the data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This is just a preliminary look at the data and may change later as more information is included. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that almost 43,000 people had died in vehicle crashes in the past year. This would be 10.5% from 2021…

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A police officer from Indiana is being applauded for his kind actions. He went out of his way to support a young man as he operated a lemonade stand in his South Bend community. NBC affiliate WNDU reported that Jaelynn was totally shocked when South Bend Officer Ron Glon appeared at his stand and offered to help with the sales. As though that wasn’t enough, Glon additionally promised to personally match 100 percent of the proceeds that Jaelynn made for the afternoon. “I’m out of words, I’m out of words. It’s crazy,” the 12-year-old boy told the outlet. Jaelynn’s mother, Tina…

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According to new research from Japan, taking on a better way of life can add many years to your life, even if you’re well into your 80s. Researchers say that decreasing drinking, not smoking, keeping a healthy weight, and expanding your sleep pattern produce significant gains. These factors can extend your lifespan by six years in a healthy 40-year-old. However, the advantages were much more prominent in those twice the age. The study from Osaka University shows it is never too late to give up bad habits and shed pounds, from middle age onwards. The study was on just about…

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Following Donald J. Trump’s announcement that he was running for the Oval Office on June 16, 2015, the same people on the left who previously had vied for his attention suddenly became some of his worst enemies. As a real estate mogul and reality show star from Brooklyn, Trump was a NY darling for those shooting for corporate and entrepreneurial success and was even mentioned in gangster rap videos and was invited to do cameo appearances in movies like Home Alone 2. With the United States struggling under the Biden administration’s policies, the calls for former President Trump to run…

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World history is replete with nations, some powerful, that declined from within, not from foreign adversaries invading their land. Some common traits include lawlessness, lack of patriotism, the rise of elitists in leadership, infringed upon property rights, cheap foreign labor, massive military budgets, etc. In addition, you can see a decline in morality. Hypersexuality accompanied by the worship of pagan deities left the people without hope, except in their government to act as a “god.” Of all the moral issues that have divided the United States, abortion has been fought in front of clinics and via annual marches. Politicians have hidden behind…

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In the far left’s push for societal deconstruction, transgender activism has superseded the LGBTQ movement. The latest argument from this group is there is no longer a standard definition of what a woman is. In the following video of the confirmation hearing of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first black woman nominated to the Supreme Court, she refuses to define the word “woman” on the grounds that, as she put it, “I’m not a biologist.” Jackson made the comment during an exchange with Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) in which the lawmaker asked the DC Circuit Court of Appeals judge point-blank:…

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Following the unexpected leak of the Supreme Court’s majority draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade earlier this month, the nation, which is sharply divided on abortion, turned to the Justices for looking for any indication of what their final decision might be. The court has not provided the information many were hoping for but a few of the Conservative Justices have shared their concerns about what the lasting damage may be. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas warned that the leak(s) could mark the end of the high court’s legitimacy. Thomas was speaking at the Old Parkland Conference in Dallas where…

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The Biden administration has mismanaged everything in its first 15 months at the helm, at least from a traditional pro-America point of view. The Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, attacks on U.S. citizens’ civil liberties, COVID mismanagement, open borders, and crippling Inflation in energy, food, housing, etc. The inflation and mismanagement of the economy have some on the far left now also calling out President Biden’s insistence that the United States can spend its way out of the looming recession. A few of Joe’s tweets got the attention of “Blue Checks”. “Under my predecessor, the deficit increased every single year,” Biden claimed…

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In less than a month, the attempted takeover of the social media giant Twitter by Elon Musk has gone from on, off, on, to now; let me look under the hood again. The far-left employee pool at Twitter has been very open in their objection to Musk taking over the company. Their concerns are interesting as Musk is not known as a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Starting with a company-wide all hands on deck meeting, where the leadership announced the board of directors’ approval of the billionaire’s generous offer, a few engineers and lower-level employees publicly expressed…

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As of now, Mastriano is called the winner with a whopping 43% or over 260,000 votes, while second to him was Lou Barletta with 23% or 141,541 votes. The numbers are still coming in, but he’s been called the winner. Pennsylvania state Sen. Doug Mastriano has risen as the victor from a crowded Republican primary for governor, as per a race call from The Associated Press. A resigned Army colonel, Mastriano has ascended to prominence, embracing extreme right perspectives directly to a homegrown network of internet supporters. He’s likewise known for his support of a lie that widespread election fraud…

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Recently a friend of mine gifted me a kitchen-sized garbage bag of ramps she had pulled from her backyard. I was thankful (really I was and I told her so) and smelled the garlicky, oniony aromas of this spring allium seep from the bag and into my nostrils while I wondered what do with them. […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Spring is smack-dab in the middle of the golf season when fans flock to professional tournaments all over the country to watch their favorite golfers chip, putt and birdie their way to the top of the leader board. Then, sometime during the day, they get peckish and head to the food and drink stands to quench and satiate themselves before running to the next hole. Beer is a favorite among golf fans, and at this year’s PGA Tournament starting Thursday, they will be paying more than last year, quite a bit more. How much? $18. And that’s the cheap end…

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Max, a three-year-old Labrador retriever, faithfully safeguarded Sherry Noppe for three whole days barking until rescuers could track them down. A three-day search for a missing Texas lady led to her rescue thanks to a silly – and chivalrous – Labrador retriever. On May 3, Sherry Noppe leashed her black Lab, Max, and they went out for a midday stroll from their home in Katy, Texas. When they didn’t return, her husband and grown-up kids became concerned – primarily because the 63-year-old of late had been diagnosed with dementia. They reached out to law enforcement, and the local area immediately…

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Following Donald J. Trump’s announcement that he was running for the Oval Office on June 16, 2015, the same people on the left who previously had vied for his attention suddenly became some of his worst enemies. As a real estate mogul and reality show star from Brooklyn, Trump was a NY darling for those shooting for corporate and entrepreneurial success and was even mentioned in gangster rap videos and was invited to do cameo appearances in movies like Home Alone 2. With the United States struggling under the Biden administration’s policies, the calls for former President Trump to run…

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