Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Police have arrested a man on suspicion of multiple counts of homicide after horrifying CCTV footage showed a gunman shooting a homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk in Manhattan. The perpetrator embarked on a nine-day murderous spree around the streets of New York City and Washington DC specifically targeting homeless people as they slept or sat on sidewalks. Two were shot dead in the senseless attacks and three others were injured. The mayors of NYC and DC issued clear photographs of the suspect’s face on Monday during a joint press conference. The close-up snap was taken by a camera in…

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Beto (Robert) O’Rourke famously declared “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.” He must have forgotten, or just ignored, the fact that assault with a deadly weapon is already illegal. In any case, he also went off on the bullet fired by the AR-15, saying: “If the high-impact, high-velocity round, when it hits your body, shreds everything inside of your body because it was designed to do that so that you would bleed to death on a battlefield … when we see that being…

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If you voted for Trump in either the 2016 or 2020 election, always remember that CNN, The NY Times and the entire political left thinks that you’re a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe who voted for a “monster”, “dictator” and a “white supremacist”. However, this is just more fake news (like everything else they report) Now, a new picture posted by Caleb Hull is making the rounds on Twitter and it’s not only bringing joy to Trump supporters everywhere, but it is spitting in the face of the left-wing narrative that Trump is a ranging sexist and racist. Look at the…

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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s effort to steal GOP House Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks has completely blown up in her face after Democratic challenger Rita Hart withdrew her challenge. Miller-Meeks had previously won her district in Iowa by 6 votes however Hart then ran to House Democrats including Pelosi to try to steal the seat from Miller-Meeks. “I have made the decision to withdraw my contest before the House Committee on Administration,” Hart announced on Wednesday. “Despite our best efforts to have every vote counted, the reality is that the toxic campaign of political disinformation to attack this constitutional…

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The Buckeye State proved on Monday that even with Democrats in control of the federal government, wins can still be had for the 2nd Amendment. Governor Mike DeWine signed into law Senate Bill 215, which allows any person who can legally own a firearm the right to carry concealed within the state of Ohio. This makes Ohio the 23rd state to sign such a bill into law, however since the bill goes into effect only 90 days after being signed by the governor, it will actually beat out Alabama to become the 22nd state to implement permitless carry, also known…

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As a simple man, from the Midwest, who can clearly remember our nation’s Bicentennial celebration in 1976, the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the idea that illegal aliens are comfortable living in our nation without fear of deportation, is mind-blowing. 8 U.S. Code § 1324 – Bringing in and harboring certain aliens, is still the law of the land. Criminal penalties for those who: “knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as…

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Since the 1970s, the USD has been the dominant currency for oil. That meant that countries needed to hold the US dollar to buy and sell oil. Growing tired of a bumbling US President, Saudi Arabia is negotiating with China to sell some using the Chinese Yuan to pay its oil. That is good for the US because it means that all the countries in the world need to trust that the value of the US dollar would hold firm. Today the WSJ reported: “Saudi Arabia is in active talks with Beijing to price its some of its oil sales…

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One NBA star, Kevin Durant, has taken to the press to rip into Mayor Eric Adams of New York, the tyrant that has kept a vaccine mandate imposed on New York City as most of the country lightens up and does away with such policies. In doing so, Durant is standing up to the ruling regime and defending liberty, whatever the cost might be. Watch him do so here: Kevin Durant on Kyrie Irving not being able to play at home: “We’re all confused. Pretty much everybody in the world is confused at this point. Early on in the season, people…

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Since her sudden rise to royal superstardom, Meghan’s very public rift with her family has provided the tabloids with constant fodder and divided public opinion. In the latest spat, Meghan’s half-sister Samantha has said she is suing the Sussex’s for defamation, and their father Thomas has sided with Samantha.  The embattled father said he would be “thrilled” to face the pair in court for apparently telling lies about the family and inciting hate towards them. Right back at the start, Meghan’s decision to go ahead with her wedding as her father received treatment for a heart problem back in the…

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Emma Watson appeared to make a sly dig at Harry Potter author J.K Rowling as she gave a short speech on stage at the BAFTA Film Awards last Sunday. After being introduced by Rebel Wilson, Watson, 31, took to the BAFTA stage to present the Best Outstanding British Film award. Watson is best known for her portrayal of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series. “Here to present the next award is Emma Watson. She calls herself a feminist, but we all know she’s a witch,” quipped Rebel. Wearing a sleek black dress with a white tutu-style bottom, Watson,…

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On Wednesday night, Sean Hannity asked President Trump about his plans for the 2024 election, and the live audience roared with applause when he responded. “We don’t have a lot of time, but let’s talk about your future plans,” Hannity began. “Now…Let me ask the crowd of everybody here, would you like to see the president run again in 2024?” Hannity asked the crowd. He was met with immediate cheers. Then he turned to Trump and said the following: “Let me ask you this without giving the answers, have you made up your mind?” Hannity asked directly. “Yes,” Trump said…

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On Saturday evening, former President Donald Trump attended the UFC 264 event in Las Vegas, Nevada. Trump, who is the only president to ever attend a UFC event, was warmly welcomed to the arena by the fans and even some celebrities. In a now viral video, “Lethal Weapon” actor Mel Gibson was seen saluting President Trump as he walked into the arena. The Daily Caller reports: Mel Gibson was very excited to see former President Donald Trump at UFC 264 late Saturday night. The “Lethal Weapon” star was enjoying the highly-anticipated fighting event when he saw the former POTUS walking through the crowd,…

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On Thursday, Joe Biden cowardly made a mad dash for the door after giving a speech, refusing to answer any questions from members of the press. This should obviously come as no surprise. Ditching the media has become a staple of the Biden administration because he knows he can get away with it. The reporters in the room are 98% Democrats, so they let him slide. “This is about believing in America, about believing in the capacity of the American people,” said Biden towards the end of his speech. “If you look at the history of the journey of this…

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Hilarious photos are now circulating around online showing failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton looking down as she chugging down her favorite wine as her husband Bill Clinton flirted around. The pair was attending a dinner at a New York City restaurant but arrived at separate times. Hillary Clinton reportedly arrived to the restaurant first. Apparently, things got out of hand rather quickly. The Daily Mail reported: “Exclusive photos show the presidential pair arriving separately with a Secret Service detail to posh uptown restaurant Fleming by Le Bilboquet. But Hillary, sipping her favorite white wine, looked glum as her ever-engaging husband…

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On Tuesday, a Michigan landowner delivered a not-so warm welcome to President Joe Biden as he flew into Howell, Michigan over the landowners home. The home owner built a massive “F*** Joe Biden” sign in his yard that was definitely seeable from President Biden’s helicopter that passed by. CHECK IT OUT: “I am really enjoying all of these greetings that the most popular president is receiving and I do hope they continue because he deserves every single one of them!” “I’m sure he read, let’s go brandon.” Biden was not at all welcomed nicely to Michigan during…

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Apparently, the humanitarian crisis on the border is a laughing matter to Kamala Harris. When Trump was in office, Kamala acted like the border surge was one of the “saddest” things happening in our country. Now that SHE is in power, however, she thinks it’s just hilarious. “Do you plan to visit the border?”, a reporter asked. “…not today HAHAHAHAHA”, Kamala heartlessly responded. Watch below: Just earlier today, damning photos surfaced from Biden’s border. It shows how he’s literally stuffing migrants in close corners. (Apparently it’s fine now that he is in office!) Here’s more from our earlier report today…

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According to conservative journalist Jack Posobiec, President Joe Biden allegedly fell asleep at his nephew’s wedding with his “chin to chest.” After he was awaken, Biden then demanded a sandwich from Capriotti’s. “Biden fell completely asleep ‘chin-to-chest’ at his nephew’s wedding on Monday and when staff woke him up he would only eat a sandwich from Capriotti’s, per Pennsylvania worker at the event,” Posobiec reported. “Asleep thru entire ceremony, and kept nodding off during reception,” the source told Posobiec. “Jill takes a stern, caretaker tone with him when he’s groggy. He decided he wasn’t going to eat what the chef…

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While speaking to reporters, President Joe Biden completely forgot what he was talking about, causing him to stop talking mid-sentence frozen like a statue. Biden’s mental capabilities continue to degrade however Democrats and the media refuse to acknowledge this fact. “I was a senator for a long time. I know how legislation gets done,” Biden said as he lost his train of thought. WATCH: Biden is clearly not all there. According to Biden, or whichever handler runs his Twitter account, his $3.5 trillion spending package actually costs “zero dollars.” “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” Biden claimed…

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For the majority of the past 60+ years, Marxist radicals in the U.S.A, who have been working in the media, entertainment, and higher levels of government, have kept their plans and actions hidden in order to prevent any resistance from everyday Americans who love their nation. Using the public and even some private schools, those in power have infused their curriculum with far-left anarchists ideology, including ending the nuclear family, disparaging traditional values & establishing new cultural expectations, Civics. The leftist mob blindly follows their politician’s plans requiring their dependency on government, which will lead the world into an unattainable…

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The left is especially effective in playing the long game. The democratic party has been looking for workarounds to combat GOP gains in the state legislatures. Since this is where congressional districts are determined, their party leadership and media have increased their claims that the GOP is involved in extensive partisan gerrymandering Speaker Nancy Pelosi is deceptively now saying that she can end partisan gerrymandering (creating districts favorable to a political party) with the passage of the Democrats’ HRI bill, which would in effect codify the election fraud seen in 2020, for good. Pelosi wants Americans to believe that she…

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In life, there are some constants, for all people and for all organizations. Even with the best-laid plans, things eventually, at varying degrees goes off the rails testing the character and fortitude of those involved. The COVID pandemic spread quickly around the world, creating a stress test environment for those in political offices. The results confirmed that the national leaders at NIH and NIAID are lacking in skill and humility. In the aftermath, leaders like Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) are now picking up the pieces and working on legislation that will hopefully prevent another mismanaged health care crisis from taking…

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Once again American history was targeted by a “woke” politician, looking to remove and/or destroy statues, portraits, or other artifacts seeking to acquiesce to far-left activist demands. Recently in Syracuse, New York, a historic Columbus monument was the target. In response to a few Native American groups and others’ calls for its removal, claiming it was because of Columbus’ role in enslaving indigenous populations upon his arrival in the Americas, woke Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh (I-NY) announced on Oct. 9, 2020, that he planned to remove the Columbus statue from the circle. The city would then redevelop the site into…

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Water is the most thing you can have in your list of basic survival essentials. The human body can last about 3-4 days without water. You not only have to think about your water supply, but you also need to think about how to purify the water. Water purification involves the removal of pollutants, toxic metals, bacteria, and parasites. This is not even the complete list of impurities water purification removes from your drinking water. The CDC reported the following statistics: “Burden of waterborne disease in the United States We estimated that 17 waterborne pathogens caused the following in 2014:…

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Term limits don’t even begin to cover some of the most horrendous aspects of career politicians. Pelosi should have been kicked out of D.C decades ago, but not just for her life-long, self-enriching pursuit of power. Her age needs to disqualify her too. It is one thing to elect a young, vibrant AOC who is attractive and can at least sell the corrupt, damaging, often lethal, platform positions held by the totalitarian DNC with a positive spin. It is another thing altogether for idiot Democrat voters to send the likes of Nancy and Joe Biden to office. Honestly, what do…

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When sane people say Democrats hate you, it is not an exaggeration. They hate you and everything that makes you, well, you. That includes your freedom to think, do, say, and act. The latest example in Democrats’ relentless march against individual sovereignty and our pursuit to secure life, liberty, and property picks up in Georgia, where Representative Shea Roberts went on an absolute tirade against Georgians’ rights to defend themselves from ever-increasing Democrat-created crime. At issue was the state’s proposed constitutional carry bill. Watch as this totalitarian psychopath violates her oath to uphold the second amendment: We can’t share a…

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Over the weekend, NBA player Kyrie Irving took to the stands as an observer in a game pitting Virginia Tech against his alma mater Duke. Normally, this would be a non-story; former Duke standout attends ACC title game with his former team and coach playing. Big deal. However, nothing is normal in a post-Covid world and that means vaccination insanity makes this whole episode highlights what an absolute farce Covid measures are. Consider the fact that this particular game was hosted in New York City. Had the game taken place the prior weekend, as an unvaccinated individual Irving would not…

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Have you ever wondered how you would provide for your family if a natural disaster took out the power grid in your area for a few weeks? What would happen if a food shortage swept over the states because of instability in the supply chains or food prices skyrocketed to obscene levels? How would you survive? Of course, we haven’t seen anything too crazy in the USA in our lifetime. With the recent supply chain shortages and port congestions due to Covid related issues, we can ascertain what a more extensive global event could bring. In the past few years,…

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According to Republican candidate for office and Iraq War combat veteran Kent Keirsey, a brave patriot who did an excellent interview with Breitbart News about the fight for freedom, that fight isn’t occurring abroad. No, according to Keirsey, it’s occurring at home; the war for freedom is being waged domestically. But he didn’t start there. To prove his patriot credentials, Kiersey described his career and why he signed up to fight abroad, saying: “I joined the military when I was 17, went to West Point, had no doubt in my mind that America was the greatest country on the face…

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The students in the Los Angeles school district just can’t catch a break. They have been laboring in masks since the mandate that was instituted and is still in force, by their liberal school district. The LA schools were among the last in the country to reopen, with most closed for more than a year during the pandemic. Concerning the mask mandate, things started to look brighter for the students as California Governor Newsome relaxed mask mandates across the Golden State. Then, shortly after Newsome’s announcement that he was lifting school mask mandates statewide,  L.A. County public health officials announced…

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President Biden has been on the wrong side of political issues for over 45 years. Biden, who was chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, during the 1991 confirmation hearings, is seen grilling Thomas about “natural law” before Thomas is seen weighing in on the experience via an interview for the movie. “I have no idea what he was talking about,” says Thomas in the film, called Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. “One of the things you do in hearings, is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they’re talking…

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Unlike any administration in American history, President Joe Bidens’ has had an “all hands on deck” approach to creating and maintaining an open southern border. With this approach not being acceptable to a majority of the American population, the left has tried to mask this effort in the name of being a compassionate country allowing those seeking asylum to find a safe place to come to. Finally one of the 2 more centrist Democratic Senators is calling Biden out. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), who is chair of the U.S. Senate subcommittee on border management, met with the front-line leadership trying to…

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After decades of living in the former Golden State, I still have not been able to get a straight answer for the hyper open-borders activists out here. I have asked them, how many American citizens have to be injured or killed by illegal aliens before they would support securing the border? To me, it is not acceptable that our government will allow one American citizen to be negatively affected by their collective dereliction of duty, required in the U.S. Constitution and listed out in U.S. Code. 1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324(A) OFFENSES Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses…

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Progressive social justice activists continue to advance their new application of “equity”, which in their vernacular is a system in which everyone who is in the pool, ends up with the same prize. Similar to their idea of participation trophies given to everyone who competes in an event, even if they have never won an event, game, or a season. They have abanded the pursuit of equality, which provides each person the same opportunity to try to succeed. Typically the results include winners and losers. In Oakland, CA a program to give $500 monthly checks to low-income families, only of…

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There are a few major differences between the two major political parties. One is, the Republicans (formerly conservatives) are fighting to preserve America while the Democrats are working to burn it down and rebuild without the free enterprise capitalistic system, without merit-based outcomes, but with social justice indoctrination. Secondly, they are different because the Democratic party leadership has been partly indoctrinated into radical city organizing ideas, such as what is found in Saul Alinksy’s “Rules For Radicals”. Here are some of the rules: 5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also…

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Abortion is a hot topic in Missouri again this year. After losing to a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood in 2020, Missouri legislators are trying to defund the giant corporation once again. On February 24th, the Missouri General Assembly approved a bill which removed the Medicaid funding of Planned Parenthood in the state. According to the American Life League, Planned Parenthood receives an average of $461.8 million dollars of tax payer funds per year. The bill was hotly contested with the Democrats briefly using a filibuster for a few hours. It finally passed on a vote of 25-7 with surprisingly…

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The racist, white-hating, America-hating hypocrite Colin Kaepernick is trending AGAIN. And once again, it’s not for the right reasons (such as saving a drowning baby). No, per usual, the long knives are out over fits of selfish covetousness, cheap race grifting, and utter cluelessness. The announcement that future Hall of Famer Aaron Rodgers of MVP and Super Bowl-winning renown, was being awarded with a gargantuan contract was simply too much for small-minded, soulless trolls to handle. One of the benefits of the Twitter cesspool is that it reveals so much about people. After learning that Rodgers would be earning a…

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Wow, things are going downhill fast. Joe’s mind is mushier than a bowl of Jell-O left in the sun. His approval rating and collective prospect of Democrats maintaining their House and Senate Majority are lower than a Clinton intern. And now he can’t even keep up with the day-to-day messaging to the public without screaming angrily while wildly misinforming all of us on basic economics.  There is just so much to unpack from a barely eleven-second video. Let’s just start there first. Watch this gem, which is sure to become an instant Biden classic, right up there with “we’re losing…

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I just finished reading an article written by Chauncey DeVega, a senior politics writer for Salon. His world view and take on President Joe Biden, along with his overt hatred of Republicans, for whom he calls “GOP Fascists, is indicative of the disdain his progressive mob has for traditional America. Democrats do not want “unity” with the GOP “fascists,” according to DeVega’s recent article in which he accuses Republicans of seeking to create a “21st-century Herrenvolk society” in which black people “have no rights the white man is bound to respect.” The interesting thing is, he doesn’t provide any proof…

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Geeky billionaire Elon Musk’s pop-star ex-girlfriend ‘Grimes’ is as out-there as a SpaceX rocket as she reveals all in an exclusive sit-down interview with Vanity Fair. According to the kooky popstar, whose real name is Claire Boucher, the 33-year old gave juicy details about her relationship with Elon Musk, now the richest man on the planet (planet Earth, anyway). Dressed in a shirt emblazoned simply with the word ‘algorithm’, Grimes, or ‘c’ as she’s occasionally called (the science-y symbol for ‘speed of light’), says the pair never lived a “billionaire lifestyle”. “Bro does not live like a billionaire. Bro lives…

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An article featured prominently on Yahoo! News blared the seemingly oxymoronic, and simply utterly moronic, headline of “The rise of white nationalist Hispanics.” Have stupid, evil media interests found company for George Zimmerman? Apparently. In a world where Clarence Thomas is ignored during Black History Month and blacks aren’t black unless they vote (and by extension, think) a certain way, it is certainly possible that people born of and living a fully Hispanic heritage could simultaneously be considered white supremacists. It’s all insane but it’s happening. Yahoo! began its story this way: “Nick Fuentes, identified as a “white supremacist” in…

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