Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid is a trip. Then again, she’s simply being a good Democrat. She’s doing what she can to protect Joe Biden at all costs, despite the damage his policies have inflicted upon the nation. Funny how quickly people have forgotten what the Obama/Biden administration did to the country, huh? If anybody deserves to lose their show, it’s Reid. She serves as nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party. From The Daily Wire: MSNBC host Joy Reid brought joy to numerous people on social media when a rumor began to spread that the network plans to fire…

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Following the progressives failed attempt on Thursday to hype up the anniversary of the January 6th riots, President Biden went back out again on Friday blaming former President Trump for the “insurrection.” In addition, in response to the huge miss in the December jobs report, the worst numbers in 2021, Biden was told to deflect from the missing 123,000 jobs and instead focus on the unemployment number as it doesn’t fully explain the state of the job market. The unemployment rate has fallen far faster than anticipated as the virus has made hiring more complicated. It appears workers may be…

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Conservatives get busted by the mainstream media and social networking platforms on a daily basis for spreading “misinformation” about Covid-19. Obviously, that’s just the left’s way of suppressing voices with which they disagree. But here you have some of the highest-ranking unelected officials in America talking absolute, complete nonsense about the virus, yet you can be sure their words will not come under scrutiny. What a shame. Check out this thread: J. Sotomayor says Omicron is as deadly as Delta. J. Sotomayor says Omicron is as deadly as Delta. #SCOTUS — Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) January 7, 2022 J. Sotomayor says…

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Eric Adams was sworn-in as the 110th mayor of New York City on January 1. Like Bill de Blasio before him, Adams will come up regularly in news stories for being a far-left hack. How New Yorkers continue to elect such radicals to office remains a mystery, but it goes to show the power of the mainstream media. The MSM literally has millions upon millions of Americans heavily brainwashed. With people like Adams in office, NYC will continue to remain a liberal cesspool. From New York Post: Mayor Eric Adams has named former NYPD chief Philip Banks — an unindicted…

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Tucker Carlson is one of the last Fox New hosts that actually engage in real investigative journalism. While most Fox News anchors shied away from investigating what really happened on January 6th, Tucker did the exact opposite and left no stone unturned. People tune in to Tucker every night because he is bold and not afraid to call out a lie when he hears one. So, when Ted Cruz in front of the Senate Rules Committee stated that “we are approaching a solemn anniversary this week … And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack” Carlson immediately called…

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This particular portion of the Infrastructure Bill has been trying to make the news since at least December 1st, 2021 but it just doesn’t gain enough traction to catch the attention of the masses. Included in the 2700 page bill is a mandate that all new cars include a “backdoor” to allow a vehicle to be remotely turned off, or in the terms mostly used currently, they want a kill-switch readily available. The idea behind this is that if someone hijacks a car, kidnaps someone, is running from police, is driving under the influence, or driving the wrong direction someone…

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Heroes don’t always wear capes and so was the case in Norfolk Virginia on Christmas morning. On Christmas morning an unidentified man was driving on  26th St. Crews street in Norfolk, Virginia when his eyes beheld a home in flames. The brave man stopped his car immediately and exited his vehicle in a sprint towards the burning home. As the man was running he met Derrick Vaughan who was a neighbor who saw the house up in flames. Acting quickly, the two men banged in the door but there was no response. This led the two men to charge inside…

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For those not familiar (like myself) with the U-Haul Growth Index, it’s a simple, yet ingenious method in measuring migration trends around the country by calculating the rental of one-way U-Haul trucks traveling from one state to another. A new report released on Monday revealed that California topped the 2021 list of individuals leaving the Golden State in record numbers. This is the second consecutive year that California was ranked 50th in the nation, according to the U-Haul one-way migration index. The annual report determines both the growth and decline of population within a state by calculating the net gain…

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In less than one year of Joe Biden’s failing Presidency, the political leadership and media on both sides of the aisle are already focusing on who they will support in 2024. The problem for the Biden team is sleepy Joe is not the go-to man for many on the left moving forward. CNN – 11 Democrats who could replace Joe Biden in 2024 “Combine President Joe Biden’s age (he’ll be 82 shortly after the 2024 election) and his ongoing political struggles (he’s mired in the low 40s in job approval) and you get this: a series of stories examining whether Biden…

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With the increasing divorce rates, social justice pressures, and increasing psychological cases spiking during the lockdowns, more and more people are trying to change their gender identity. For some reason, many post videos on social media platforms displaying their Gender Dysphoria. “Psychological distress that results from an internal conflict between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity.” In another example, an angry transgender TikTok user posted a video in which she/he accused a baby of being transphobic. The user also claims she/he made the baby cry by verbally berating him over his transphobia. The individual in the video…

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America has known that it was coming for a long time. Democrats have to be scared out of their minds. Facebook and Twitter and probably a little worried, too. But this Presidents Day (go figure), Donald Trump’s TRUTH Social Media Network is set to make its debut. Get ready, folks. Here’s the scoop, from Yahoo News via Reuters: Former President Donald Trump’s new media venture plans to launch its social media app Truth Social on Feb. 21, according to an Apple Inc App Store listing. TRUTH Social, the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) alternative to Twitter, is available for…

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Following the two Georgia U.S. Senate run-off elections both going to the Democratic candidates, it appeared the left had an open road ahead of them to radically change America into a socialist state. Unfortunately for the far left, President Biden’s job performance has been so poor, that the small amount of political capital he had to get things done, has evaporated. As a result, President Biden’s social and climate spending bill is making zero progress in the Senate, where Democratic holdout Joe Manchin said Tuesday there are “no discussions” going on about reviving it. Democrats may have to seriously trim their…

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Convicted child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell’s defense team is now seeking a new trial after two jurors revealed in an interview with the Daily Mail that they were victims of child sex abuse as children. A week after Jeffery Epstein’s right-hand woman Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty, juror Scotty David and another anonymous juror took it upon themselves to have an interview with the London-based Daily Mail. In the interview, both David and the anonymous juror shared in their interview that they were victims of childhood sexual abuse and during the jury deliberation process, both jurors reportedly shared their own…

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If you’ve recently visited your friendly neighborhood auto dealership lately, perhaps looking for an end of year sale, you have probably been stricken with sudden sticker-shock after reading the price tag of that brand new vehicle. According to the latest Consumer Price Index, the price of a new vehicle climbed 11.1% within the last 6 months, and there’s no relief in sight. The culprit is a combination of spiraling inflation and inventory shortages at the dealership, due in part to the lack of availability of Chinese semiconductors. “We have to charge more money for the cars because we’re paying more…

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Back when stimulus checks were being handed out to Americans who earn less than $75,000 annually, Democrats blocked legislation that would’ve prevented inmates from receiving them. A lot of people probably forgot about that one, considering just how much stupid the Democrat Party gives us on a daily basis. But would you look at what just happened here? The “Boston Marathon Bomber,” Dzokhar Tsarnaev, received his very own stimulus check while in prison. Think about how screwed up that is. From Washington Free Beacon: Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev received a $1,400 stimulus check under President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 relief…

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Now that Joe Biden has been president for almost one full year, Barack Obama can breathe easier knowing he isn’t the worst president of all-time. He’ll have to settle for that #2 spot. On the one year anniversary of the January 6 “insurrection” at the Capitol Building, Barry decided to give his two cents. Here’s what he said: One year ago, a violent attack on our Capitol made it clear just how fragile the American experiment in democracy really is. And while the broken windows have been repaired and many of the rioters have been brought to justice, the truth…

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There’s a more than decent chance that Donald Trump will run for president for the third consecutive time in 2024. If for some reason he doesn’t, the man Republicans should seriously look at is Ron DeSantis. The former Congressman and current governor of the Sunshine State does not take guff from liberal reporters, telling it like it is. He speaks truth to facts and remains a stalwart conservative. Floridians should be thrilled to have him in charge. On Thursday, DeSantis blasted Joe Biden like he got paid to do it. WATCH: “This is insane.”@RonDeSantisFL calls out @JoeBiden for failing to…

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It seems like a good idea for police officers to chase after a bad guy when he steals a car, especially when they have the dude in their crosshairs. Unless, of course, you’re a liberal voter – then it’s a bad idea! All over the country now, cities run by lefties are seeing spikes in crime directly due to the policies they have implemented. On one hand, you have to feel bad for Democrats because they don’t know what they’re doing. On the other hand, you cannot feel badly for them because they know exactly what they are doing. It’s…

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It is more than highly disturbing how liberal lawmakers are allowed to get away with saying anything that comes to their collective mind. In fact, it’s dangerous. Democrats in power like Kamala Harris have no problem lying to the politically uninformed because they know their friends in the media will cover for them. How is that helping anybody? The biggest problem is that by the time lefties wake up to realize all the damage they’ve caused, it will almost certainly be too late. From The Daily Wire: On Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris marked the one-year anniversary of the Capitol…

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If you’ve ever been confined to a long stay within a hospital environment or know someone who has, then you most likely know how emotionally debilitating that experience can be. Eleanor Love, a young medical student, saw first hand how ill, long term patients would react if they were fortunate enough to receive a bouquet of flowers from a family member. Almost immediately, their mood would change. They would start to feel good about themselves knowing that someone on the outside cares. Love also realized that the longer a patient stayed confined to a hospital bed within a healthcare facility,…

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For now, it appears that religious liberty has been upheld. Thanks to a federal district judge’s decree, 35 Navy SEALs were granted a preliminary injunction against Biden’s unlawful enforcement on the Department of Defense’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The 35 service members sued the president this past November after their commander-in-chief arbitrarily decided they must either get vaccinated, or face the possibility of being court martialed and forced into involuntary separation from the military. Biden’s decree violates the First Amendment right to religious liberty, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (1993), regardless if one is serving in the military or not.…

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Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon back in September to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia. According to John Fredericks, investigators have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia. A Georgia ballot trafficking whistleblower is now reportedly admitting to stuffing Georgia ballot boxes from 2 to 5 AM in the morning, for $45,000! He was just one of 242 alleged ballot traffickers identified by the True the Vote investigation. There is a possibility of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots that were stuffed into the ballot boxes…

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In a world viewed through the narrow lens of the media where cynicism thrives, there’s a larger and broader parallel universe that seldom makes the evening news. That’s where restaurant owner and former auto mechanic Eliot Middleton resides, using his skill to help those in need. Before 36-year old Middleton opened his restaurant, he was an accomplished auto mechanic for 15-years. “My dad was a mechanic, and I would hang out around his shop since I was 4 years old,” Middleton said. “I’ve always been fascinated by cars.” After he graduated high school, Middleton went on to train as an…

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As COVID-19 started to hit the daily news cycle in early 2020, several questions started filling Americans’ minds. A few included, what is it, how dangerous, in there a vaccine, what do we do next? As it became clear COVID was not going to kill the estimated two million Americans in 6 months, some in the population changed the questioning to, when can we go back to normal life? As we enter 2022, more Americans are still asking the question but Dr. Anthonly Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor…

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Disney’s Encanto has been out since Thanksgiving 2021, and thanks to the constant need to please everyone, a lot of people on our side of the political aisle have been boycotting movies. But honestly, don’t boycott this one. It has absolutely nothing to do with politics. I mean, you’d really, really, really have to be searching to find something in this movie that’s “woke”, or some kind of insulting and I tried. If someone else did, then give them a gold medal for their mental gymnastics. The movie takes place in Columbia and has a fantastic voice cast of talented…

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The tension between Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the powerful Teachers’ Union reached a fever pitch Tuesday night. The rank-and-file members of the union voted in a late night session they were overwhelmingly (73%) in favor of going back to remote learning until at least January 18th, when the union will once again evaluate the severity of Omicron cases within the “windy city.” Officials for Chicago Public Schools cancelled classes Wednesday as the school system clashed with the Teachers’ Union over their desire to temporarily go back to a remote learning model. This way of learning has had dire consequences…

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There is nothing more irritating to a fan than when a season finale does something stupid, but when a series finale ends poorly it’s irrevocable. Don’t get me wrong, I never watched Game of Thrones but like the rest of the world, it was plenty spoken of. People complained about the titular throne being melted down, and about one main character falling to her own insanity or something, and one of the other main characters being banished? No matter what anyone thought of the final season, the show in whole was incredibly successful. HBO made millions off the series that…

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Every week or so there is a new article about schools or teachers pushing boundaries with children who are not their own. When students returned to school all over the nation in August this year, it was discovered that a man was doing all he could to “radicalize” his students for ANTIFA, BLM, and the Communist Party. It was big news at the time and made several headlines with several of his quotes in the undercover interview. A HS teacher says he’s trying to “scare the F**K” out of his students and entice them to attend “protests … that, at…

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Over the New Years’ weekend, a New York Teacher injected her son’s friend, 17, with COVID vaccine at her home, without the boy’s parents’ consent! The Long Island high school science teacher has subsequently been arrested. According to the Nassau Police Department in New York, 54-year-old Laura Park Russo injected the teenager with the vaccine despite reportedly having no medical qualifications to do so. Afterward, the boy went home and told his mother, who alerted authorities about Russo’s actions. Arrest / Sea Cliff – The Sixth Squad reports the details of an Arrest for the Unauthorized Practice of a Profession that…

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On October 2, 2021, racing driver Brandon Brown was being interviewed by NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama. Following his victory in the NASCAR Xfinity Series Sparks 300 race which was shortened due to darkness. Fans were chanting “F*** Joe Biden”, and this became clearly audible to viewers of the broadcast. On the live broadcast, while wearing a headset, reporter Stavast stated, “You can hear the chants from the crowd, ‘Let’s go, Brandon!’”. It is unclear whether Stavast misunderstood the chant or whether she intentionally misquoted it as “Let’s Go Brandon”. Following the broadcast, a…

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When the wealthy and connected consider what universities they would be open to sending their children to, Yale is probably part of the conversations. With an average annual cost of $79,370, the qualities the students bring to them include reasoning and critical thinking. Yet with all of this being said, Yale is treating their students as part of the collective instead of individuals this semester. Students at Yale University will be banned from patronizing local businesses and restaurants over COVID-19 concerns, despite the school mandating booster shots to attend. The Ivy League university – which has 58 percent of students…

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In the free state of Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has been a thorn in the flesh of the Marxist Biden administration’s plans to enforce their will on Americans nationwide. Multiple times he has challenged lockdowns, vaccine passports and recently called out the Biden administration asking them to release the stranglehold on life-saving Monoclonal Antibodies. On Wednesday morning, Mr. DeSantis pushed back against vaccine passports, arguing the requirement would “discriminate against people.” DeSantis shared the quote in a Twitter post that included a video clip from a press conference where he spoke out against vaccine passports. “Vaccine passports discriminate against…

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Big tech giants are using AI to censor and control what you are able to see, read and discuss online. Similar to what human editors are doing on Facebook, Twitter ETC, radicals who have been empowered to block or tag information they subjectively don’t like, are increasingly stopping the flow of information through the Internet. Using Artificial Intelligence and even a pajama boy in his mom’s basement, websites like Infowars and The Gateway Pundit are having their content links blocked by the carriers. T-Mobile has joined other big tech companies by censoring what content they will allow being included in…

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Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamanei sent a tweet to then-President Trump, saying there was nothing he could do to get back at Iran for leading the attack on the U.S. embassy in Iraq. He was wrong. So very wrong. Not long after, it was reported that two of Iran’s top military leaders were killed in airstrikes. Both monsters had been determined to be terrorists by the U.S. One of them was General Qassem Soleimani. Ultimately, American liberals were probably sad that these men were no longer in the fight against the demonstrable, evil Trump. Sad but true. Now, Iran has a…

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Former Bill Clinton adviser Dick Morris revealed recently who he believes will be the Democrat nominee for president in 2024 – and it isn’t Joe Biden. Per Morris, Democrats will ultimately choose between Hillary Clinton, AOC, Pete Butt, and Cory Booker. Now, a new report came out on Monday saying that the ridiculously far-left wing of the liberal party will look to primary Joe. From The Daily Wire: Progressive Democrats will reportedly look to primary President Joe Biden in 2024 as dissatisfaction with the president grows within the party. Politico reported that some in the party are now talking about…

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To paraphrase Pam Halpert from The Office – You don’t blame the child for knocking over the drink from the table, you blame yourself for placing the cup too close to the edge. That’s what Democrats did in 2020. They knew Joe Biden was going to be a gigantic disaster, yet they still ran with him as their nominee. And now we’re all suffering the consequences, whether or not some people are willing to admit it. From National Pulse: Joe Biden has spent 95 of his 348 days President on vacation, mostly in Delaware. That equates to a quarter of…

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Shock jock Howard Stern, often voted the world’s sexiest man NO, WAIT the 67-year-old man with a 20-year-old’s hairdo NO, WAIT the guy who says goofy things is at it again! If you’ve ever listened to Howard’s radio show, you know that he’s extremely liberal on nearly every issue (despite what he may say in an attempt to keep his conservative audience). After all, Stern voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. He’s not exactly an alpha male. This is a guy who still purposefully hides inside his home, scared to death, because he’s too afraid to go outside over what…

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According to the U.S. Labor Department Inspector General’s semi-annual report to congress, approximately $872 billion dollars of tax payer money was paid out in unemployment benefits to scam artists in the last year. That’s approximately 10% of all unemployment benefits paid during the height of the pandemic, and more then triple the total benefits paid out 1n 2019. The inspector general also reported that the substantial loss due to outright fraud was “significant.” Perhaps the biggest concern regarding the report was the “unprecedented” levels of federal funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and other legislation.…

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No matter how many times we attempt to rationalize a chance encounter with logical and plausible explanations, there’s that feeling tucked deep inside of us that divine intervention perhaps played a decisive hand in those unscripted random run ins. Take the chance encounter by two co-workers employed at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, for example. For decades they worked within the same department, hardly speaking to each other other than an occasional greeting as they passed one another during the course of a workday. On one August afternoon, both Tia Wimbush and Susan Ellis found themselves in the woman’s bathroom getting…

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A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that a majority of teenagers hospitalized with COVID-19 have one thing in common: obesity. Among a sample of 915 patients aged 12-17 years old from six U.S. hospitals, 61.4% were obese, the CDC found. Sixty and five-tenths percent had “severe obesity,” defined as having a body mass index (BMI) above 40. Having a BMI above 30 qualifies as obese. In the general population, about 9% of adults have severe obesity, according to the CDC. Sixty percent of teenagers being afflicted with the condition as COVID-19 hospital patients is highly…

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