Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Something weird happens to social justice warriors (SJW) when they are presented with an opportunity to make a decision, possibly including breaking the law, yet if their collective group thinks it is ok and has deemed it worthy of taking the risk so as to advance their cause, they do it. So even when they appear to be logical, with a history of a law-abiding life, stories such as administering a COVID vaccine shot, without a license, and without parental consent, shows they feel morally correct, giving the vaccine poke anyway. This very event took place in Long Island, New…

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As 2021 was drawing to a close Americans were sharing their concerns for the future. In a late poll right before the new year – 51% Of U.S. Adults Said They Were Fearful Of What Was To Come In 2022, 30% Had Less Hope For Themselves! As a result, President Joe Biden’s disapproval rating soared to a record high in December 2021 as voters showed widespread frustration with the president’s handling of the economy and leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a CNBC/Change poll. A shocking record of 56% of respondents said they disapprove of the work Biden has done as…

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President Joe Biden spent thirty-one weekends away from the White House in 2021, in addition to other trips such as several days at Camp David during the failing Afghanistan withdrawal. Mr. Biden, who has struggled to speak in front of cameras for years, once again used his fake Oval Office for a televised speech on Monday. This time using a green screen behind his desk to show a snowy wonderland to represent what was happening in Washington, D.C. The phony White House office is located across a parking lot in the Eisenhower Office Building (formerly the Old Executive Office Building, garnering…

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It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce just how ignorant MSNBC host Joy Reid truly is. She doesn’t know anything about American history (or the constitution), yet is allowed to have her own show dedicated to keeping people in the dark. Better yet, she still claims she’s oppressed. From The Daily Wire: In a stunning lack of self-awareness, MSNBC host Joy Reid and her guests on Monday night suggested that “white, so-called Christian conservatives” are “selfish” people. […] She then compared Christian conservatives to a classic “Star Trek” character named Charlie, whom she described as an “annoying alien incel…

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If Joe Biden was an honest man, he’d resign from the Oval Office effective immediately. This is a man who said nobody should remain president if they don’t have a plan to control a virus responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Obviously, he was referring to Donald Trump. Yet, the number of people who have died under Biden exceeds the amount under President Trump. Does Joe think we’d forget about what he said? From The Daily Wire: The United States, under the leadership of Democrat President Joe Biden, set a new global daily record of more than 1 million…

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We’ve no doubt seen video footage of the so called “insurrection” at the US Capitol back on January 6th, 2021, played and replayed countless times on dozens of different news outlets and on social media sites. Within the next few days on the anniversary of that ill-fated event, we’ll surely be forced to witness that event all over again. However, this time House Republican leaders are finally growing a backbone. They’re demanding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) answer some fundamental questions concerning the lack of preparation in securing the Capital “before” the Trump demonstration took place, and that her…

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“Whether it’s justified or not, the Democrats weaponized impeachment. They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him. One of the real disadvantages of doing that is the more you weaponize it and turn it into a partisan cudgel, you know what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” The above quote comes directly from the lips of Texas conservative Ted Cruz. And since the Republican Party needs only five seats to take control of the House of Representatives, there’s a decent chance Biden could get the Trump treatment (regarding impeachments). Democrats…

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15 terms in the lower chamber of Congress. In other words, that’s 30 years as a Congressman, serving the state of Illinois. Bobby Rush is a career politician (and Black Panther) who in all likelihood will leave office far richer than when he entered. Thankfully, though, Bobby is gone – soon. He is the 24th Democrat member of Congress to announce his intentions to retire. Even though it is normal for a sitting president’s party to lose House seats during the midterm elections, the GOP currently only needs five seats to take back the gavel. Could this be why Nancy…

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Democrats: convincing the uninformed that Republicans are racist, while also working against the best interests of the American people. Man, was Joe Biden’s first year in the White House a gigantic catastrophe or what? The thing is, we all saw this coming – even liberals, deep down, knew that Biden’s policies wouldn’t work. But all that mattered was getting back at Trump for being too good of a president and defending America? What a headache. Here’s a clip of Joe apparently learning for the very first time that beef prices are up. WATCH: Biden admits that the price of beef…

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For those of you who don’t know, a legal Cuban immigrant was sentenced on December 15th, 2021, to 110 years for the accidental, but ultimately reckless, vehicular homicides of Doyle Harrison, 61, William Bailey, 67, and Stan Politano, 69, and Miguel Angel Lamas Arrellano, 24. Their deaths occurred during a traffic incident on April 25th of 2019 that happened when Rogel Aguilera-Mederos brakes failed while driving a Semi-Truck. All 110 years were to be served consecutively, which was what had a majority of people reading their news articles the next day up in arms. Even the judge who issued the…

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Kieran Moïse, a young, compassionate teen, decided to put his impressive 19” Afro hairdo to good use by offering his beautiful curls in a charity drive. The 17-year old was joining the United States Air Force Academy, where his imposing Afro would instantly be sheared off and swept into the garbage, along with thousands of other new recruits. That’s when Kieran conjured up a way to have his pride and joy put to good use; by inviting the community in Huntsville, Alabama, to watch him get his Afro shaved off in a charity drive to benefit kids with cancer. “My…

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Never let a good tragedy go to waste, the true motto of the Democrat Party. And at the end of the day, the only thing that matters to lefties now is keeping Donald Trump for running for president again. If liberals in power can’t dig up any dirt on 45 himself, might as well go after his closest aides and his children, right? Because if they can get the politically uninformed to believe that people around 45 are evil, that will mean they can get people to believe 45 is evil, too! BRILLIANT! Shame on politicians like Letitia James. She…

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Far too many Americans are in dire need of some good news as we enter the second year of Joe Biden’s presidency. Thankfully, that prayer may soon be answered. It is now being reported that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) may finally retire. Could it be that Nancy sees the writing on the walls; that there will be a “red wave” come the midterm elections? Could she be “jumping ship,” just like so many of her liberal peers in Congress? Time will tell. But at the end of the day, one thing is for certain: Pelosi was bad…

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Former President Trump’s eldest son and daughter have refused to comply with subpoenas issued by the New York State attorney general’s office as it conducts a civil investigation into the way the family real estate business valued its holdings. Donald Jr. helped run the Trump Organization during his father’s presidency, while Ivanka worked in the West Wing as a presidential adviser. Both said they plan to file motions to quash the subpoenas. President Trump’s younger son, Eric, was questioned by James’ office in October 2020. “A dispute has arisen between the OAG and the Individual Trump Parties regarding the Subpoenas,” a document…

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Faced with a critical self-induced shortage of healthcare workers, the state of Rhode Island has been forced to rehire the unvaccinated and COVID-positive healthcare employees they recently fired for not being vaccinated. Amid a surge of new coronavirus cases, the state issued new COVID-19 guidelines on Friday, opting to have COVID-positive health care workers continue working if their facility is facing a staffing crisis. According to Joseph Wendelken, a spokesperson from the department of health, “Facility administrators should be using their clinical judgment in making staffing decisions. For example, a facility may opt for a COVID-19 positive worker to only…

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Open borders activists have worked with far-left politicians to encourage Presidents Obama & Biden to abuse their prosecutorial discretion, afforded to the nation’s Chief Executive Officer. They both directed the DHS and U.S. Border Patrol to not prosecute illegal aliens who violated existing immigration laws. Along with the huge number of illegal aliens; tourists and foreign visa workers also contributed to the nearly 400,000 children born in the United States over the last 12 months. This secured birthright American citizenship for the children even though their parents were citizens of a different nation. This number adds to the estimated 4.5…

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Progressive politicians in Europe in the United States are pushing for more COVID pokes and are looking to re-instate draconian lockdowns again. Experts say the number of cases is rising so rapidly due to the spread of the highly-contagious Omicron variant, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says accounts for anywhere from 40 to 70 percent of the new cases in the US. At the same time, however, the number of daily deaths has halved from 2,800 to 1,400 between Wednesday and Thursday. The drop comes after multiple studies showed that Omicron was likely to cause up to…

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With the growing consensus on both sides of the aisle of a GOP Red Wave in the upcoming 2022 mid-term elections, all hands are on deck for the radical left to pressure the U.S. Senate to pass The Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. This act which would nationalize elections, in conflict with the U.S. Constitution, would among other things, mandate all states to have early voting, would make Election Day a public holiday, and mandate fraudulent ridden mail-in voting, are necessary measures to combat the actions taken by some state legislatures. Nineteen state legislatures passed…

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Big brother has been pushing for a universal digital global currency to be rolled out worldwide. Using excuses such as it would allow governments to collect more tax revenue as every financial transaction will be traceable, act as a deterrent of illegal activity such as illegal drug sales, would end the printing and maintaining of the various currencies, and prevent theft if used with an implantable chip ETC. The solution is similar to the technology that is very common for household pets. People in Sweden are already allowing embeddable microchips to be placed under their skin. Many other people though…

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There were a lot of rumors in 2020 that Kim Jong-un had died. Obviously, those turned out to be false. The violent North Korean dictator is very much alive but doesn’t appear to look his usual chubby-self, as we ring in 2022. Kim gave a speech on New Year’s Day to his fellow communists and his appearance is what stood out the most. Maybe he’s sick? Maybe he joined Weight Watchers? Who knows? One thing that hasn’t changed is that American liberals would prefer to live under the tyrannical reign of Kim than the freedom afforded them in the United…

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This, right here. This is what it was about the whole time. Democrats (and RINO’s like Liz Cheney) on the January 6 Committee, don’t care about facts or looking for real answers (like how Pelosi could’ve given the order for more security). They have a narrative to push; an agenda. And the whole reason for the J6 Committee, if you hadn’t realized it before, is to prevent Donald Trump from running for office again. It’s the truth. From Breitbart: Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that former President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump “twice ” asked…

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Due to massive media disinformation from radically far-left Democrat hosts of low-rated networks, Donald Trump is not president today. He should be. Trump made correct move after correct move when it came to policy decisions while he was America’s 45th president. Alas, the world is now saddled with a mentally impaired old man who most likely goes to sleep at 7pm. As we enter 2022, the midterm elections are just around the corner. If Republicans can take back the House and Senate (which shouldn’t be a problem, given how the left is driving this country into the ground), it will…

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The worst-kept secret in America today involves Donald Trump running for president in 2024. He hasn’t declared his intentions one way or the other just yet, but who are we kidding? He’s going to run. But what happens if Joe Biden decides he’s done after one-term? Who runs on the Democrat ticket? Unfortunately, Dick Morris thinks he’s knows the answer. All of his choices are extremely bad news for Americans. From Breitbart: Former Clinton adviser and Newsmax TV Dick Morris said he sees former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) vying for the 2024 Democratic presidential…

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For many, 2021 was without a doubt a chaotic and stressful year for most Americans, attempting to navigate through a confusing, and at times, contradicting federal bureaucracy intent on imposing arbitrary and random COVID mandates ‘just because’. The year began with hopeful anticipation for Democrats who gleefully recaptured the White House away from their arch enemy Donald Trump.  They hoped to once again transform America back to international dependency, relying on countries that threaten our economic wellbeing along with undermining our national security interests. Back in the House Pelosi began 2021 with much fanfare, after securing another term as Speaker,…

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The President Biden COVID rollercoaster took another turn on New Year’s Eve while most of America was celebrating the end of one of the most difficult years in United States history. Joe’s handlers must have determined that they should deliver a positive, victorious message, going into the new year. The problem is putting out three distinctly different messages over a two-week period doesn’t fly, but actually causes more angst in the hearts of the population due to a lack of a cogent plan offered by their nation’s Chief Executive Officer. On Friday, December 17, 2021, The White House went after…

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Attention all criminals, especially those who like to mug/rob people or participate in drive-by shootings, California and Washington are working on reducing the penalties for those who commit such crimes. A California legislative proposal that would actually reduce the penalty for committing armed robberies in the Golden Stae is being advanced by WOKE progressives. CA State Assembly Bill SB 82 would reduce robberies that do not involve a weapon or assault with great bodily injury from felony crimes to misdemeanors. The proposed lessening of sentencing is drawing condemnation from a diverse coalition of concerned citizens who oppose the idea —…

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As we start the new year, 2022, a new poll was released showing that the Marxist plan of controlling the masses is working. President Biden’s first year was disastrous causing high inflation, a crumbling foreign policy, supply chain issues, skyrocketing crime, crippling energy costs, to name a few, which have the average American featureful for what will take place over the next 365 days. The main issue is Joe’s complete mishandling of COVID. Our Commander In Chief promised 11 times to get Coronavirus under ‘Control’ in 2020. Instead the number of deaths increased during his presidency. Last week Biden went…

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Solve this riddle: the leader of the free world is a “devout” Catholic who attends church regularly and constantly talks about his faith. Yet, the same man has no problem actively promoting abortion (which true Catholics are vehemently against, per the Bible’s teachings). HOW DOES THAT WORK? Shouldn’t liberals have known not to back Joe simply from this nonsense alone, that he’s a pro-abortion “Catholic?” The guy doesn’t have an honest bone in his body. But all that mattered to libs was getting Donald Trump out of office, now we’re all paying the price (literally and figuratively). And libs knew…

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Liberals won’t see this as a big deal. They’ll say no Republican member of Congress should have a platform because they’re all racists and sexists and whatever else. But what liberals don’t understand is that stifling any speech (whether they agree with it or not) is not only unconstitutional, but it is bad for every American. Twitter, the far left-leaning platform that it is, is taking censorship a step too far. And the worst part is that more outlets will likely follow in their footsteps. From Right Scoop: In a ridiculous move, Twitter has suspended Grabien Media for literally quoting…

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If you were one of the supposed 80+ million Americans who voted for Joe Biden in November 2020, you need to return your voter ID card ASAP. You’re not smart enough to be trusted with such a privilege. President Trump did nothing – absolutely nothing – to be kicked out of office. He quite literally earned a second term in the White House after accomplishing so much in just four short years. Unfortunately, as we now enter 2022, the point is moot. For the past year, Biden has been the one to work from the Oval Office (when he’s not…

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One of the numerous accomplishments achieved during the four years President Trump held office was how he reshaped the federal judiciary. Trump put constitutionalists on the bench. As one might expect, Joe Biden has attempting to undo all the good Trump accomplished because he doesn’t believe America is (or should be) great. To a leftist with an agenda like Joe, the only way to build America back better is to completely destroy it. The type of people Biden wants serving on the courts think the same way he does. And that’s bad news for everybody in the United States, whether…

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Redemption has always been a part of Brayden Morton’s philosophy. He believes the fundamental nature of mankind is basically good. On June 18th, 2021, Brayden’s philosophy was put to the test when his beloved dog, Darla, was stolen from his gated backyard while he was at home, working from his office just a few yards away. Suddenly, Morton heard a commotion from the backyard, along with the clanging sound of his gate being flung open. Within a matter of seconds, Morton dashed down the stairs in time to see a truck speeding off in a cloud of dust, with his…

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The first and most prominent University in the U.S., Harvard, was established in 1636 and continues today. Yale University was established in 1701 to train ministers in theology and sacred languages and is also still educating future generations in 2021. Following these and other original places of higher learning, universities and colleges have rapidly declined over the past 100 years with many embracing social justice causes, and in effect have become progressive, Marxist portals of indoctrination. Instead of preparing students to join the marketplace and work their way up in the profession, they received their degree in, the teaching faculties…

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The most absurd debate in 2021 dealt with the ability of men to have babies and menstrual cycles. In a denial of science, trans activists militantly went after those who believe in basic biology and who would call out their radical mob’s errors online and in print. The Guardian Newspaper is being accused by their readers of deactivating an online poll that asked readers to vote on “Person of the Year” after it appeared J.K. Rowling would win going away. “Tell us: who is your 2021 person of the year?” ran the headline, posted on Dec. 15, with the subtitle,…

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If you lived in the Grand Canyon State over the past 10-20 years, you know all about Kari Lake. She was always on the morning news, Monday to Friday, dishing about all things Arizona and keeping people informed. Now, with Doug Ducey’s second and final term set to expire, Lake has her eyes on the governor’s mansion. As a conservative, Lake is receiving a ton of support. After all, Lake quit her job in the media because she was tired of all the liberal lies. Lake has even already been backed by Donald Trump. On Thursday, former SNL player, Rob…

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Go figure. America can always count on NYC to get it wrong, no matter the situation. If you’re not vaccinated, there’s a decent chance you’ll never be allowed to go on another cruise or leave the country or, potentially, even travel to another state within the United States. This is what happens when inmates run the asylum, and it’s getting bad. From The Daily Wire: This week, the New York Department of Health published an announcement to health care providers and health care facilities regarding two COVID-19 oral antiviral therapies: Paxlovid, created by Pfizer, and molnupiravir, from Merck, and apparently…

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Americans learned the hard way what happens their government becomes dependent on a Communist nation, who considers itself their enemy, yet makes and controls virtually every industry worldwide. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) worked tirelessly and ruthlessly for decades to take over or at least control those who make the products and medicines the world so desperately wants and at times, needs. With China locking down an important manufacturing city, the global computer chip shortage will continue to worsen. Xi’an, China — an important hub for the global semiconductor industry — is enduring a lockdown amid rising COVID-19 rates, further…

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Nancy Pelosi was asked this question by a reporter on December 15: “Madam Speaker, Insider just completed a five‑month investigation finding that 49 Members of Congress and 182 senior Congressional staffers have violated the STOCK Act, the insider trading law. I’m wondering if you have any reaction to that. And secondly, should Members of Congress and their spouses be banned from trading individual stocks while serving in Congress?” The Speaker responded, “I don’t – no, to the second one. Any – we have a responsibility to report in the stock – on the stock. But I don’t – I’m not…

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It was reported on Wednesday that the Biden administration was “actively preventing” the state of Florida from receiving monoclonal antibodies to help those suffering from the Wuhan Flu. Now, it’s Thursday. Unfortunately, we’re learning of a whole other issue with this administration, and how they are working against the American people and her allies. It never ends. From Daily Wire: The Biden administration is hindering ongoing efforts to evacuate Afghan allies under threat from the Taliban, people running private evacuation efforts say. President Joe Biden withdrew the military from Afghanistan on a self-imposed timeline by the end of August, leaving…

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Law and order, once lost, is not easy to restore. A well-understood historical truth that generations of Americans have strived to teach their children at home, the church, and via public education. That’s one of the clear lessons of 2021. Numerous American cities were devastated by violent crime, which rose sharply after protests stemming from the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May 2020. In 2020, the United States nationally saw its highest-ever increase in homicides by many measures. Official FBI crime statistics indicate that 2020 saw the largest increase in homicides since the bureau began tracking those…

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