Author: will

Al Sharpton must have agreed with President Brandon’s infamous “you ain’t black” comment because he made much the same point on Monday’s “Deadline” by MSNBC, during which he was speaking to former Sen. Claire McCaskill. She began the horrible, quite racist segment, saying: “I have just got ask the Rev, I mean, I looked at that rally, and I listened to what he said, that white people were being denied the vaccine, the clear message that black people were being prioritized for the vaccine over white people. Everyone knows what he was trying to do. He was trying to get…

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis took a sledgehammer to Biden, who he called Brandon, in a brilliant interview with Mark Levin. Here’s what DeSantis had to say: “All the problems you see with our country, and there’s a huge amount of problems with Brandon in the White House. I mean look, the guy is not clicking on all cylinders, he’s not had a very good year. We’re still strong in the state of Florida. We’re beating Brandon in Florida. When I got elected, there were about 300,000 more registered Democrats in Florida than Republicans. Well now, for the first time in…

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No, Epstein wasn’t the only pedophile that the Clintons were (allegedly) connected to. There’s another, though they weren’t as close with him. That man’s name is George Nader (no, not the goblin-looking Democrat. That’s Jerry Nadler), and he has not only been convicted of a child porn offense, but also just pled guilty to funneling millions in illegal donations to Hillary’s 2016 campaign. Information on that guilty plea comes from The Intercept. According to that outlet: GEORGE NADER, an American adviser to the government of the United Arab Emirates, convicted sex offender, and frequent visitor to the White House during…

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Gavin Newsom must be the most delusional Democrat out there, and that’s saying a lot. Why? Because now he’s claiming that he and locked down, poop-covered California has somehow weathered the Covid-19 storm better than Ron DeSantis’s Florida. Yes, he actually thinks that. Newsom’s insane comments came after DeSantis fired a shot across the California governor’s bow, saying: “Across the nation we see students denied an education due to reckless, politically motivated school closures, workers denied employment due to heavy-handed mandates and Americans denied freedoms due to a coercive biomedical apparatus. These unprecedented policies have been as ineffective as they…

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Democrats must be in a competition over who can slander their political opponents in the most ridiculous, abhorrent, and rebuttable way possible. There was Rep. Clyburn, who labeled those who protested in favor of Trump on Jan. 6th as “domestic enemies.” There was Maxine Waters, who said that those who won’t vote to nuke the filibuster don’t care about black people. And there was Florida gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried, who made an assertion that might top all the others; she compared DeSantis to Hitler. Yes, really. Speaking during an appearance on NPR’s Friday Roundup Podcast, Fried was asked by cohost Melissa…

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Turns out, Rep. Clyburn, the guy that said Trump is a domestic enemy and that those who don’t support the Build Back Better bill are supporting autocracy, isn’t the only far-left Democrat pushing insanity through interviews on leftist “news” outlets. Crazy Maxine Water is another; she took to MSNBC (there’s a surprise) to declare that Manchin and Sinema, both of whom stand opposed to nuking the filibuster and some parts of Brandon’s agenda, “don’t care about black people.” While speaking to MSNBC about Manchin and Sinema refusing to back nuking the filibuster, Maxine had this to say: We have two…

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Rep. Clyburn, a radical Democrat from South Carolina, isn’t tacking back away from the radical left after boldly and ridiculously proclaiming that Trump and those who showed up on January 6th are domestic enemies. No, rather than back down or apologize for saying that Trump’s tweeting about voter fraud and instituting secure voting procedures makes the US like a “third world” country, Clyburn doubled down on the ridiculous rhetoric, this time saying that those who don’t support Brandon’s radical legislative agenda are “supporting autocracy.” Those comments came when Rep. Clyburn appeared on MSNBC’s “Craig Melvin Reports” Monday, using the far-left…

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It’s not just that Americans are shifting against Brandon now that his incompetence has been put on full display, though his rock-bottom 33% approval rating is evidence that that’s certainly happening. No, the other major shift in public opinion that’s happening right now is that Americans are swinging away from Brandon’s party and toward the GOP in massive numbers. News on that comes from a recent Gallup poll. That ground-shaking poll, on that should make Brandon and his two brain cells very, very scared, found that: On average, Americans’ political party preferences in 2021 looked similar to prior years, with…

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What does spending trillions of freshly-printed dollars on wasteful federal programs do? Well, according to House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), it somehow lowers inflation. Yes, you read that right. Spending money that just rolled off Jerome Powell’s money printers will somehow lower inflation. If only Weimar Germany or Mugabe’s Zimbabwe had known that! Oh wait, it didn’t work out for them… But I don’t think those historical lessons would be worth teaching this Democrat. Rep. DeLauro, who literally has purple hair, doesn’t seem so much a student of history as a baldly (or purple-hairly?) partisan actor that…

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During the Old Dominion’s gubernatorial election, the Democrat candidate, McAuliffe, said that there is no role for parents in determining what a school’s curriculum should be. Specifically, during a debate, he said “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Then, later, he doubled down on that insane talking point during an interview, saying “Listen, we have a board of ed working with the local school boards to determine the curriculum for our schools. You don’t want…

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Tired of America’s best known and highest paid bureaucrat, the entirely estimable Dr. Fauci? Well, if so, you’re along the same track of thought as pretty much every other American with a brain that has more functional cells and wrinkles than Brandon’s. As a result of public thought trending against Fauci, many online are calling for his forced retirement, especially once Republicans take power in what’s sure to be a massive and glorious red wave in 2022. Disregarding the idea that RINOs might mess up that golden opportunity to rid the republic of the good doctor and the rage inspired…

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Citizens of the Old Dominion are learning that elections have consequences. Specifically, in this case, they’re learning that electing Republicans means returning to pro-American and pro-law and order policies. First, they saw Youngkin launch an anti-Covid jab mandate blitz that was paired with a series of executive orders that struck back at the mask mandates and CRT lessons pushed onto Virginia’s schools by the agents of the former, leftist governor. Now, they’re getting a reminder of what it’s like to have a real attorney general rather than a social justice warrior that crazy leftists like George Soros want in the…

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Though inflation has been the main Team Brandon disaster discussed in the press recently, it’s far from the only thing that his administration is handling poorly. In fact, illegal immigration, though discussed less now than a few months ago, might be just as big of an issue for America. For Americans who live along the border, however, it’s certainly a larger issue, as they’re the ones that have to deal with the immediate effects of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lawbreakers streaming across their property, many of whom bring drugs, violence, and other forms of crime with them.…

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According to the Old Dominion’s newly-installed Governor, Glenn Youngkin, a politician that won largely because of the left’s pushing of CRT and transgenderism on Virginia’s schools, the leftists that claim CRT isn’t being taught are just “obfuscating” and, though they might be taught under different names, its tenets are still being taught. Those comments came when Governor Youngkin appeared on Fox News Sunday and discussed Critical Race Theory and its presence in schools with host John Roberts (not the SCOTUS judge). During the show, Roberts asked “Critics of your position, including former President Obama, say, look, Critical Race Theory is…

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Ronald Reagan once said “Remember, we have no enemies, only opponents,” referring to the once-cherished idea that in America it’s possible to disagree with one political side or another without that disagreement escalating to the point of enmity. In other words, the parties compete, they don’t wage war. Rep. Clyburn, however, the House Majority Whip and a Democrat from South Carolina, apparently doesn’t share that sentiment. In fact, he views Trump and everyone else who “showed up” on January 6th as a “domestic enemy.” At least, that’s what he said when he appeared Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” program…

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While Big Pharma companies like J+J and Moderna are constantly being praised for their Covid-19 jabs, at least in the MSM, Martin Shkreli, the near-universally hated “Pharma Bro” just received quite a stiff ruling in an anti-trust suit. Judge Denise Cote, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, ruled against Shkreli in a lawsuit that the FTC and seven states (California, Illinois, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia) brought against Shkreli over what they described as his using monopoly control to gouge the price of Daraprim, an anti-viral drug used to…

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In an excellent interview with Breitbart News Saturday, former Navy SEAL and Missouri Governor Eric Greitans took the radical left to task, calling it out and saying that it is “actively trying to destroy” America. Of course, that’s not where he began. First, when discussing his commanding, 20 point lead in the Missouri Senate race, Greitens contributed the lead to his being “the MAGA candidate,” saying: I’m the MAGA candidate in this race. I’m the America first candidate in this race. I came out, and we went down to Maricopa County to investigate election integrity…We’ve called nonsense on all of…

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In an excellent interview with Breitbart News Saturday, former Navy SEAL and Missouri Governor Eric Greitans took the radical left to task, calling it out and saying that it is “actively trying to destroy” America. Of course, that’s not where he began. First, when discussing his commanding, 20 point lead in the Missouri Senate race, Greitens contributed the lead to his being “the MAGA candidate,” saying: I’m the MAGA candidate in this race. I’m the America first candidate in this race. I came out, and we went down to Maricopa County to investigate election integrity…We’ve called nonsense on all of…

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Marco Rubio must be trying to carve out a slot for himself in the 2024 race again. First, there was his marvelous speech on the left’s attempt to push a radical voting bill on Americans. Now, there’s a brilliant attack he just delivered against the left, the media, and their protection of Fauci. While neither will likely be enough to propel him to the White House, both were good statements. His statement on the left and media’s protection of Fauci was particularly incisive, and that’s despite it coming during an appearance on cable news, a time where it’s often hard…

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As America’s highest-paid bureaucrat, and indeed highest-paid government employee, Dr. Fauci has managed to amass an impressive portfolio for himself. Reportedly, in fact, it’s worth about $10M. While it’s all well and good that Fauci is apparently not just great at getting himself onto TV programs but is also good at portfolio management, what is less good is that he is invested in Red Chinese companies. That’s coming from Senator Marshall, a Senator who hit Fauci repeatedly over his financial disclosures and eventually obtained them, as he announced in a tweet: 🚨🚨 BREAKING! I obtained Dr. Fauci’s previously unpublished financial…

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President Trump sounded off on Brandon’s terrible policies during his massive Arizona rally, one that drew a tremendous crowd and was pulsing with energy. During the wide-ranging speech, one in which he attacked Brandon continuously while shying away from more controversial issues like vaccines, other than a brief statement opposing mandates, Trump was able to drive the nails into Brandon’s coffin, especially on the inflation issue. For example, after saying that Brandon has done “more destruction than five presidents in the last year,” Trump skewered him for letting inflation run rampant, saying that he’s turning America into a “large scale…

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As The Conservative Treehouse insightfully pointed out, it looks like tech companies listed to Brandon’s call to go after what he characterized as “misinformation and disinformation.” That’s because YouTube, one of the largest video-sharing platforms on the web, just temporarily demonetized conservative commentator Dan Bongino for Covid-19 “misinformation.” Specifically, YouTube slapped him for saying that masks are “useless” in stopping the spread of the Chinese flu because its Covid-19 information policy specifically prohibits any content that denies the effectiveness of masks. According to the Hill, which reported on the censorious action, the suspension is for a week and the demonetization…

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House Republicans are pushing for the IG of the HHS to launch a criminal probe into Dr. Fauci, and no, it’s not about what you probably think. In fact, though many have been pushing for an investigation into Fauci over his finances or what some claim was perjury when he testified before Congress about gain of function research, this call for a probe actually is about his push for Fox to fire Jesse Watters. You see, during a Turning Point USA event, Fox News host Jesse Watters spoke ill of Fauci, telling a crowd “Now you’re going for the kill…

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Turns out, that “tolerance” thing the left goes on about only applies to certain topics. For example, it does apply to people on the right “tolerating” the left’s degeneracies; indeed, we’re even supposed to applaud them when they parade it in the streets. Ditto that for those “Coexist” stickers they slap on their Priuses; we’re supposed to “Coexist” with whatever they throw at us. Or else, apparently; “tolerance” doesn’t seem to apply to those that don’t want to “coexist.” I guess they still need to work out that aspect of their sloganeering. In any case, do they have to “tolerate”…

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While we all know that Nancy Pelosi, the real estate investor, stock trader, and Congresswoman, has her hands in different money-making, totally above-board and not at all sketchy ventures, what’s less known is that her son, Paul, is involved in similarly…”above board” ventures. Or, as Wayne Dupree put it: “It turns out Paul Pelosi Jr., Nancy’s only son, is a chip off the ol’ scamming block. This guy drifts from one failed, sketchy company to the next, collecting huge paychecks and payouts and leaving a trail of feds behind him.” While not exactly subtle, that sure does seem to be…

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Don’t you just despise the Trump-hating RINOs? They’re the ones who, when the most conservative president since Reagan was in the White House, leading a GOP-dominated Senate and House, stabbed him in the back in the name of…some vague idea about him not being as “presidential” as they might like. Though he was willing to do everything that real conservatives have wanted, from stopping illegal immigration to cutting taxes, from rebuilding the military to taking on Red China, they spat on him and viciously slandered him on leftist networks. Because they, the talking-head NPCs and thoughtless, spineless politicians, were told…

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Much as I don’t like to show sympathy for crazy leftists, it sure must be hard to be Jen Psaki. I mean, just think about everything she has to deal with. On one hand, there’s Brandon himself. That guy can barely read off a teleprompter and is liable to say or do any weird, obviously senile thing at more or less any moment. Whatever he might say or do when “Dr.” Jill lets him leave the basement, Psaki has to be ready to play it off as a sign of his playing 4D chess thanks to his many, many functioning…

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Americans have gotten used to Hollywood actors being anti-2nd Amendment fanatics. Though many of them use guns in their movies and make millions of portraying savage violence, they themselves think the average person shouldn’t be able to own a gun, much less use one for self-defense. Still, not all Hollywood actors are anti-gun leftists. Some understand the value of and respect the 2nd Amendment. One is Brad Pitt, who has been a gun owner since he was six, says he doesn’t feel safe unless there’s a gun in his home, and has said that he has a “profound and deep…

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Brendan Daly used to be the Communications Director for Nancy Pelosi; he was also a political appointee of the Obama administration. Now, according to the National Pulse, he’s a registered foreign agent. Not only that, he’s a foreign agent that provided so-called “strategic counsel” to the CCP’s China Central Television Network, which is a regime media outlet. Yet worse, that “strategic counsel” was related to helping the CCP’s propaganda outlet expand into the US. Yes, you read that right. At least according to the National Pulse, Mr. Daly, a former Pelosi staffer, was paid to help the CCP spread its…

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American patriot and entrepreneur Mike Lindell was just canceled again, this time by his bank. That bank, Minnesota Bank & Trust, which is controlled by Heartland Financial, decided to cancel Mike and all of his accounts, tossing his businesses and charities out into the cold. The accounts were suddenly done away with, canceled by some banker that would rather avoid controversy than stand up for what is right. Those accounts were Lindell Management, Lindell Outreach, Lindell Recovery Network, Lindell-TV, Lindell Foundation, Lindell Publishing, Frankspeech, Michael Lidnell Personal, and MyStore. All accounts necessary either to Mike or his business operations, all done…

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Want your 6-year-old to learn basic reading, writing, and math skills in kindergarten rather than the insane ramblings of delusional critical race theorists? Well, if you send your kids to a kindergarten Hayward Unified School District, a school district in the Bay Area, you’re out of luck; they’ll be learning ridiculous CRT concepts whether you like it or not. News on that comes from an excellent article in The Federalist, which reports that HUSD “dedicated $123,000 for a variety of critical race theory training programs for staff and students that expressed extreme sentiments. This expenditure included an organization called “Woke…

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While the media, especially the leftists at such disreputable outlets as CNN and MSNBC, likes to frame the anti-DNC position as a somehow “racist” one, as if not liking our senile, white president is a racial issue, the facts don’t bear out that talking point. In fact, according to the recent Quinnipiac poll that pegged Brandon’s approval rating at the embarrassingly low, rock-bottom level of 33%, Hispanics are actually the racial group that dislikes Brandon the most. As a reminder, the poll found that only 33 percent of Americans approve of how Brandon did in year one, with 53 percent…

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McCarthy, formerly the House Majority Leader and now the House Minority Leader, has always been a generally establishment figure. Though less bad than McConnell, his partner in the Senate, and certainly not as bad as his predecessor, Paul Ryan, he’s normally far less populist than the GOP base. However, whether because he actually believes it or because he senses it’s the way to maintain power, McCarthy is finally striking a more populist tone and vowing to fulfill those populist promises he’s made. That reaffirmation of his populist goals came during an Axios interview, the article about which is titled “McCarthy’s…

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While topline inflation as established by the CPI just reached 7%, the highest level in 40 years, and thus is getting most of the attention, it’s not the only concerning Bidenflation number out there. In fact, the producer price index, which measures what those who produce goods and services are paid, rose a whopping 10% last year, a massive increase that might indicate consumer price inflation is about to rise even higher. That number comes from a Thursday Bureau of Labor Statistics “Economic News Release.” In that release, the BLS reported that: The Producer Price Index for final demand increased…

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The military has granted very few exemptions for its Covid-19 jab requirement. Though many servicemen and women have applied for religious and medical exemptions, an infinitesimally small percentage have actually received them. Unfortunately, yet another servicemember just found out that the military wouldn’t listen to reason and grant her exemption request; with Brandon’s military, it’s Fauci’s way or the highway. That servicemember is Lt. Col. Brandi King, an Air Force Reserve officer that replied for a medical exemption on the basis of an allergy to one of the jab ingredients and not only saw her exemption application denied, but was…

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According to a recent poll, Americans don’t trust Fauci, the man who calls himself “the science” but funded the torturing of beagles and is unwilling to release his financial disclosures. Shocker. That survey, conducted by Newsnation and Decision Desk HQ, polled about 1,000 registered voters about their thoughts on the pandemic, President Brandon’s response, and other, related questions. One such related question was “When it comes to information about COVID-19, which of the following sources would you say you trust? Select all that apply.” Here were the options and results: Dr. Anthony Fauci: 30.8% Federal health authorities like the CDC…

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Senator Marshall (R-KS) hasn’t been in the news much recently. However, this week, he entered the news cycle full force, pressing Fauci on his financial disclosures. It began on Tuesday, during a hearing, when Sen. Marshall continually pressed Fauci about his financial disclosures, with the weasely-like bureaucrat growing visibly angry during the exchange and snapping over a hot mike. Watch it here: Calling me a moron during a Senate hearing may have alleviated the stress of the least trusted bureaucrat in America, but it didn’t take away from the facts. We need the truth Dr. Fauci! — Dr. Roger…

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It’s no secret that Kamala is about as vapid as Brandon, only it’s worse with her because she’s not senile. Rather, she just never had the brain cells to be taken seriously and isn’t that bright. In any case, because they are both vapid to the point of being imbecilic, their speeches and attempts to speak are quite similar; they’re full of gibberish, barely intelligible, and certainly not reminiscent of Cato or Churchill. Whether an interview or speech, short Q+A or full press conference, both of them just can’t speak without messing up. It’s embarrassing and very cringey. Still, Kamala…

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Kirsten Sinema, the AZ Democrat that at least tries to show some respect for our republic and its rules, unlike the vast majority of her colleagues, utterly destroyed their radical, far-left agenda in a blistering Thursday speech. Delivered on the Senate floor, Sinema’s hard-charging speech drove the final nail in the coffin of the Brandon-Schumer-Pelosi Axis’ radical agenda, most notably their push to use the so-called “nuclear option” and destroy the filibuster to pass some damn fool plan of Brandon’s or another. Watch her here: While the full text of the 20-minute speech is too long to reprint here, but…

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What is the cause of inflation? The tricky answer, one that had bedeviled economists and bureaucrats since Rome first experienced inflation when decadent emperors minted more and more currency with less and less precious metals, is that no one really knows. Generally, it’s dependent on both the amount and velocity of money, that is how much money there is in the system and how quickly it’s being pushed into the economy. More cash being thrown at the same number of goods means higher prices, after all. There are other factors that matter, of course. Faith in the government is one,…

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