Trump’s Social Media Platform Just Dropped some Massive News, the Waitlist Might Finally Be at an End
Furious Over Lifting of Mask Mandate, Fauci Threatens America with “Double Secret Probation” Lockdown [SATIRE]
Cow Fart Expert Breaks Down When Warning Americans that Unless they Stop Eating All Beef Now, Everyone Will Die [SATIRE]
Biden Furious to Discover White House “Nap Room” Really a Nuclear Bunker that He’s Not Supposed to Be Hanging Out In [SATIRE]
4/20 SURPISE: Biden Appoints Hunter “Drug Czar” in Confusion Over What Position Entails, Need for Cash [SATIRE]
BREAKING: FBI Embarrased after All Its Agents, 3 Non-FBI Civilians Arrested as Part of Crackdown on “Insurrectionist” Groups [SATIRE]