Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

The fallout over Tucker Carlson’s January 6th in-depth documentary on the Capitol Hill rioting claimed another two “never Trumpers” over the weekend with the apparent resignation of Fox contributors, Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes. The two joined Trump turncoat, Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who along with a handful of elected RINO’s, voted to impeach the former president without any evidence that Trump instigated the January 6th riot. Although Goldberg and Hayes claim to be conservative pundits, Fox seldom sought them out for any in-depth analysis concerning the leading issues of the day. Which leads me to believe their resignation was…

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In my humble opinion, the “Woke” cancel culture is a mentally unstable, hyperemotional, and upset collective mob with arrested development. After demanding rights, acceptance, and finally, the promotion of homosexuality, they moved on to the silencing of conservative speech, and now the mob is pushing for gender identity and the promotion of transgenderism. These “rights” include allowing boys to shower in the girls’ locker-rooms, male prisoners to be housed in women’s prisons, and ensuring tampons are in men’s bathrooms in case they have a period. Feminists and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling revealed on Monday that she has received “so…

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One of the most contentious issues in the past few presidential elections has been the courts. The Democrats were sounding an alarm in 2015 that a Trump Presidency would result in more conservative justices on the SCOTUS, possibly ending Roe v. Wade. They ended up being right about the conservative justices but Roe is still in place, at least through 2021. In addition to the Supreme Courts justices, former President Trump ended up seating over 300 federal judges on the various appeals courts. So shortly after taking office, President Joe Biden created a Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of…

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Imagine voting to put a man in office who clearly doesn’t have your best interests at heart; a man who calls himself Catholic yet believes killing babies is acceptable; a man who feels that raising taxes on virtually all Americans is the right thing to do. How is it possible for any Democrat politician to earn a single vote, let alone hundreds of thousands to millions? It literally does not make sense. Anyway, here’s the latest on Joe being unfit as commander-in-chief. From The Daily Wire: Democrat President Joe Biden completed his first physical exam as president late this week,…

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He failed as a Senate candidate. He failed as a presidential candidate. Might as well go for the trifecta and fail as a gubernatorial candidate, too, right? Well, let’s all pray that far-left radical Beto O’Rourke crashes and burns in his bid to succeed Greg Abbott as governor of Texas. Because if the guy wins, the Lone Star state is in a world of hurt. From The Daily Wire: Texas Democrat Robert Francis O’Rourke, commonly referred to as “Beto,” told CNN during an interview on Sunday that he wants to pursue gun confiscation if he is elected to be the…

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Race baiter and hate crime hoaxer LeBron James was ejected from the Detroit Pistons game on Sunday night after he brutally punched a player in the face, cutting his eye open. James is always quick to share his twisted opinion on Twitter when it comes to “brutality” from the police force or right wingers however he seems to be the most brutal character of all. According to ESPN, James was ejected after “striking Detroit big man Isaiah Stewart in the face while jostling for rebounding position. The hit led to a stoppage in action while Stewart, with blood streaming down…

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At some point in their educational journey, most students learn the basic tool for identifying truth called critical thinking. Unlike the racist Critical Race Theory (CRT) which is a concerted effort to force racism into every action and decision, critical thinking helps you take in information and determine if it is true or biased propaganda. In an article I found on the far left propaganda network MSNBC, you can see CRT expounded in written form. Ja’han Jones who appears to be racist against “white” Americans, references their skin color several times. He is an anti-gun activist who demeans police while…

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Talk about looking like a complete fool. That was (news reporter?) Maria Shriver on Friday afternoon, after the country learned the results of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Texas conservative Senator Ted Cruz went in on Maria and basically, he caught a body. Cruz absolutely shredded the ex-wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger. And she was completely helpless. LOOK: Enter Ted Cruz… VIDEO:

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The work of two Hispanic conservative journalists undoubtedly played a pivotal role in the homicide trial of 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted on Friday of all charges related to the death of two people in Kenosha last year. Footage captured by reporters Julio Rosas and Drew Hernandez on the night of the Black Lives Matter riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was repeatedly examined by both the defense and prosecution. The work of both individuals may well have determined the eventual verdict. Rittenhouse was charged by prosecutors over the death of 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum, of Kenosha, and 26-year-old Anthony Huber, of…

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Almost immediately following the reading of the non-guilty verdict exonerating Kyle Rittenhouse, CNN went into what is referred to as CYA mode. After mocking, accusing, condemning, and declaring Kyle Rittenhouse guilty daily since the shootings on August 25, 2020, the Cable News Network appeared to have put their in-the-field correspondent on, to go down a list of items that legal was worried about. Watch: Those saying CNN shouldn’t be worried about lawsuits need only watch their recent report to see … their general counsel is VERY concerned. — Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 20, 2021 Here are some of the corrections…

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In this era of deception and being intentionally ignorant, Democratic leadership once again took to social media to gaslight their radical base relying on them to follow blindly one more time. The chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee responded to the Kyle Rittenhouse “not guilty” verdict with a statement that is blatantly and verifiable false. Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges stemming from the fatal shooting of two men during the violent riots in Kenosha, Wisc. last summer in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake. “It’s disgusting and disturbing that someone was able to carry a…

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On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr famously spoke – “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Fast forward to 2021, the social justice mob and cancel culture have a different take on equality. Instead, they are demanding “equity”, at the expense of “privileged” white Americans. On Wednesday, NBA on TNT Social Strategist Victoria McBryde posted a tweet seeking a “young, gifted, and Black” college student for an on-air position connected…

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There is a war for the soul of the United States Of America. Unfortunately for those who are on the side of law and order, borders, and traditional America, they are losing to those working together to deconstruct the American free enterprise system. A perfect example can be found in a network of billionaires and other globalists who have partnered together. In line with the Great Reset, they use their massive wealth and influence to promote open borders, social justice and the unrealistic goal of global equity. The Koch network, funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, has joined President Joe…

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Judge Bruce Schroeder had already displayed his contempt publicly with most of the mainstream media’s coverage of young Kyle Rittenhouse, falsely claiming that the teenager was a gun-toting vigilante and a white supremacist, gunning down unarmed innocent protesters. So when Judge Schroeder heard Thursday morning that an MSNBC staffer was following the jury van, Schroeder quickly banned the leftist cable affiliate from the courthouse. NBC News, the parent company, attempted to downplay the incident, insisting on Thursday, following Schroeder’s order, that it was all an innocent misunderstanding, in that their freelancer never intended to contact jurors. However, they didn’t deny…

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Crispy ‘taters are my favorite!  I like that good crunch on the outside and soft potatoes on the inside.  But I’m not going to lie, I haven’t made this recipe yet.  I just so happened to be looking for some different appetizers for the upcoming holidays and ran across this gem.  This looks like it […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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From humble beginnings to becoming a world renowned plastic surgeon is quite a journey in one’s lifetime. And perhaps, that in itself, would be quite an accomplishment. However, this is a story of much more than a simple tale of rag to riches or of one man. This is a true story of how that one man affected the lives of thousands of children with his remarkable skills as a surgeon, and more importantly, his generosity as a human being. Renowned plastic surgeon, Doctor Subodh Kumar Singh, has thus far performed just over 32,000 free corrective surgeries on children born…

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Just today, on November 19th, 2021 Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all five charges that state brought against him. His reaction was immediate and silent as he held back tears. At one point, his knees appear to buckle beneath him as what can only be described as a tremendous weight has been lifted off the 18 year old’s shoulders. Count 1: First Degree Reckless Homicide – Not Guilty Count 2: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety – Not Guilty Count 3: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety – Not Guilty Count 4: First Degree Intentional Homicide – Not Guilty Count…

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After a few painstakingly long days, the Kyle Rittenhouse jury came up with their unanimous verdict; not guilty on all 5 counts. Shortly after the verdict was announced, Biden told reporters Friday afternoon that he stood by the jury. Biden said ‘just heard a moment ago’ about the verdict, and that he ‘didn’t watch the trial, which featured clashes between the prosecution and defense lawyers and testimony by the accused teen in an event that got gavel-to-gavel cable news coverage. ‘I stand by with the jury as the jury system has concluded. The jury system works and you have to…

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Well America, our radical federal government has pushed our nation up to the cliff’s edge. In a sign of political arrogance, the Democrats, without a national mandate and with only razor-thin margins in both chambers of the U.S. Congress, is close to giving amnesty to over 8.5 million-plus foreign nationals. The Democrats’ Build Back Better (BBB) bill will add millions of new immigrants to the U.S. population in the first 10 years, on top of an amnesty for roughly 6.5 million people, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). “About 6.5 million aliens (non-U.S. nationals) would receive parole,” say the…

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As expected, the House of Representatives passed President Joe Biden’s $1.85 trillion Build Back Better Act (BBB) on Friday, sending the measure to the Senate, where major hurdles could significantly change, or even halt, the legislation. The vote follows a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure measure signed into law this week. Biden’s BBB bill will add millions of new immigrants to the U.S. population in the first 10 years, on top of an amnesty for roughly 6.5 million people, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). “About 6.5 million aliens (non-U.S. nationals) would receive parole,” say the notes to the CBO’s…

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It would be safe to assume that this incident in the wee hours of Monday morning would never have taken place under a Trump administration. This incident once again demonstrates how compromised this administration actually is, in that Russia would brazenly fire a missile in outer space that would presumably endanger the lives of American (and Russian) astronauts. The incident involved Moscow recklessly firing an anti-satellite missile at one of their old satellites, intending to destroy it. However, in so doing they created a huge debris field that apparently traveled towards the International Space Station, threatening the safety of the…

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Most critical thinking individuals realize when it comes to COVID research and following the science, that something isn’t right concerning the lopsided information being fed to the general public by bureaucratic government officials (including the CDC).  Large health systems are using the pandemic as a smokescreen, to either garner millions more dollars from the government (if you’re a healthcare facility, or pharmaceutical company) or continue the obvious power grab and overreach (if you’re the Biden administration). Why else would these two entities ignore the indisputable science that individuals who’ve contracted the virus have natural immunity, that rags covering faces don’t…

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And during the 2020 presidential election, America, allegedly, decided to play the dumbest game of all by voting for Joe Biden to become president. We’re all now suffering the consequences because some people chose to believe CNN, ABC, MSNBC and other agenda-driven liberal outlets over the truth. Stories like this one are likely to continue to take place if the politically uninformed in this nation keep putting Democrats in office. Sad but true. From 100 Percent Fed Up: A stunning home security camera shows a team of four people who identify as employees of…

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With a growing number of American citizens becoming aware that their federal government is working to bring in millions of foreign nationals, and whose policies are causing huge increases in the cost of energy, contributing to inflation, their desire for change in leadership is giving the GOP hope for 2022. According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, more U.S. voters want to see the GOP take control of the House and Senate next year. This poll is more confirmation that the Democrats have an uphill battle ahead of them as they prepare to defend their razor-thin majorities in both chambers.…

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***FAIR WARNING: This video is pretty graphic and disturbing. *** This former running back, who never really made much of himself in the NFL, is about to be in some very,  very big trouble with the law. You’ll see why in just a minute. The way he goes about repeatedly beating his ex-girlfriend, with their kid not far away in what appears to be an apartment, is something else!! From The Daily Wire: Former NFL running back Zac Stacy has been accused of violently beating and throwing his ex-girlfriend and mother of his child around the room while his baby…

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If the vast majority of liberals one day woke up and decided to be good people, then the United States would not be facing a single internal issue. Not one. Not really. But the problem remains: the white liberal is the most dangerous threat facing the nation, bar none. And who is behind all this continued virus/vaccine nonsense? The white liberal, of course. Here’s the deal from Aaron Siri: The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19…

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Top Republicans in both the House and Senate have finally coordinated their effort, launching an all out official challenge on Wednesday to Biden’s egregious executive order, mandating that all private businesses that employ 100 workers or more enforce vaccine-or-testing requirements or face heavy fines. Republican Congressmen Fred Keller, the ranking member of the House Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, is leading the charge along with 160 House Republicans to counter the administrations destructive mandate that will further damage America’s fragile economy along with rising inflation and a growing supply chain crisis. Meanwhile, in the upper chamber, Senate Republicans are simultaneously attempting…

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This is Tillie, back again with some weird college, or as one early 00’s cartoon show referred to it, Bachelor Chow! This meal is incredibly easy, especially if someone else already went to the trouble of making the main ingredient for you! I highly suggest this route if you are as cooking challenged as I […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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If you haven’t noticed lately, computers have become as essential as our smartphones, and perhaps just shy of bottled water in our everyday lives. Most of us over 40 no longer rely on a daily newspaper to get our news and we’re less likely to leaf through a “how to” manual, preferring instead to go on YouTube and have someone demonstrate, usually in real time, how to assemble, repair, clean, paint and save money by doing-it-yourself. There are apps instructing us how to workout, how to get medical advice, and how to invest our money.  Now there is an app…

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As we come on up a year since the progressives took over Capitol Hill, many who put their hopes in hope in a 78 years old declining senior citizen, appear to have buyers remorse. In a new poll, American voters are saying that if the 2022 midterm elections were held today, they would want to see the Republican Party win control of both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll of adults released on Thursday. Last month’s Quinnipiac poll, Joe Biden’s job approval was at 37/52, which at the time looked like…

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The morning of Thursday, November 18th, 2021 started off with a bang as court was called to order in Wisconsin. Judge Bruce Schroeder banned all staff from MSNBC from the courthouse for the duration of the Rittenhouse trial after one of their employees was caught following and filming a bus that transports the Jury to and from the courthouse. Rittenhouse judge bans MSNBC from courthouse as jury continues deliberations — Fox News (@FoxNews) November 18, 2021 According to information passed along to the judge, the MSNBC employee known as James J. Morrison was following the jury bus and actually…

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If you have ever had a stray cat that will not stop coming back or a friend or family member who insists on sending a fruit cake every Christmas season, then you understand how I feel about crooked Hillary Clinton. The disgruntled and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton once again made a fool of her politically irrelevant and narcissistic entitled self. On Wednesday Clinton tweeted out to her 31 million Twitter followers claiming “voter fraud” is a “myth”. “Voter fraud is such a myth that its most outspoken critics have to commit the fraud themselves to find an example of…

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If you’ve been watching any of the Rittenhouse trial, than you’re already aware how the prosecuting attorneys attempted to continually violate the established legal guidelines agreed to by all parties before the high profile trial began. Judge Bruce Schroeder had instructed both camps on what was admissible and what was not. However, within a matter of days “bad boy” Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger, was willfully violating the judge’s ruling, by attempting to infringe on Rittenhouse’s constitutional rights. Judge Schroeder immediately stopped the proceedings, and ordered the jurists to exit the courtroom. What followed was a rare glimpse of what…

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Let it be known that if you are planning to make some wild accusations and create a career off of conspiracy theories, you’d better be able to back it up. If not, you might find yourself forced to pay out. Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis ruled on Monday, November 15th, 2021 that Alex Jones was “liable for defamation” and that he knowingly spread “the false conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a “hoax”.” Ruling in favor of 8 different families that were suing Jones, Judge Bellis “found that Jones lost the case because” he didn’t…

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On November 17th, 2021, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, also known as OSHA, announced they would not be enforcing the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. This decision came after a court order was upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. OSHA will not be able to resume enforcement efforts unless court ordered. Their statement can be found on their own website, but states; “On November 12, 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted a motion to stay OSHA’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard, published on November 5, 2021 (86…

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When you are a leader and promoted to high-ranking positions, you end up a hero to some and a villain to others. You have to take the good with the bad, especially in politics. Following the 15 days to stop the spread, shut down fiasco, Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis took control of the COVID outbreak in his state and set in motion plans to protect the elderly especially, which has paid off in spades for their large population of retirees. During a speech at a dinner hosted by the Heritage Foundation, Governor DeSantis went after President Biden and other…

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Not only did Joe Biden not really win the 2020 presidential election, but he hasn’t even been calling the shots since he was sworn in as commander-in-chief on January 20, 2021. Somebody is in charge but it’s certainly not the former VP. That much should be clear even to most Democrats, at this point. The man simply isn’t “all there.” From The Daily Wire: A reported memo from the Director of the Office for Civil Rights within the Biden Administration’s Health and Human Services Department hints of the Biden administration’s apparent desire to roll back religious liberties. In a draft…

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It should not come as a surprise to any American that Democrats actively attempt to bring more and more illegal aliens into the Untied States. For them, it’s good business. First of all, Democrats in Congress think it shows how compassionate they are. It doesn’t, but that’s what they believe. Secondly, Democrats use these illegals for empathy, then give them free money in exchange for future votes. It’s a cycle. And it’s intentional. Here’s more from Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R)… “You know, sadly, we didn’t get an answer to virtually anything, and one of the most dismaying things seeing…

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Rising inflation. Liberals burning down cities when they see “injustice.” A historic border crisis, with hundreds of thousands (if not more) of illegal aliens streaming into America  unvetted. These are real problems. This “insurrection” nonsense isn’t something on which we should be focused. Check this out, via Washington Times: Jacob Chansley, the self-proclaimed “QAnon Shaman” who became widely known after photos circulated of him wearing face paint, a fur pelt and a horned hat inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, was sentenced Wednesday to 41 months in prison for his role in the riot. U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth,…

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It was by all accounts a terrible weekend for Trump turncoat, Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who’s now considered by the state Republican Party “persona non grata” and no longer welcome within the GOP. According to the Casper Star-Tribune, Cheney was given her “walking papers” over the weekend, in a 31 to 29 vote, to no longer recognize the 55-year old as a member of the Republican Party. Cheney, the eldest daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, had served in the Bush administration and chaired the House Republican Conference, a leadership position within the House from 2019 to 2021. Her…

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