Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Think the leftists out west went crazy enough when Oakland created no-whites allowed UBI program? Time to think again. Now the California Democrats have created a…wait for it…Mao-themed welfare program. That’s right, they apparently named a welfare program, “BIG: LEAP,” which is strikingly similar to Mao’s “Great Leap Forward.” It’s unclear if the similarity in name was purposeful, but it would be odd for LA’s foray into socialism to only coincidentally be named after one of the most famous socialist programs. The program is called BIG: LEAP. The name is an acronym that stands for “Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles…

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Not content with Biden’s disastrous foreign policy decisions so far and the pro-Palestinian unrest that took place in the US in May of 2021, House Democrats are planning on throwing gasoline on the fire by introducing a resolution that would condemn Israel and praise the terrorists that attack Israeli civilians. Here’s what PJ Media reported: A contingent of House Democrats plans to introduce a resolution urging the Biden administration to condemn Israel while also supporting six Palestinian groups that are designated as terrorist organizations by Israel, the United States, and the European Union. Rep. Betty McCollum (D., Minn.) plans to…

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On Sunday, far-left MSNBC host Chuck Todd was forced to admit the damaging truth about his beloved Democrats. While discussing a brand new NBC News poll that states 71% of Americans see the country going in the wrong direction, Todd said this was “scary”. “Just 22 percent of adults say we’re headed in the right direction,” Todd said. “A shocking 71 percent say we’re on the wrong track, and that includes a near majority of Democrats who are saying that,” he continued. “President Biden’s approval rating stands at a dismal 42% versus 54% who disapprove. Believe it or not, just…

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Did you happen to forget that far-left goofball Andrew Cuomo is no longer governor of the Empire State? Regardless, it’s a great thing for New Yorkers that he is no longer in office – whether some people can accept that fact or not. Now, the older brother of the stooge at CNN, Chris “Fredo” Cuomo,” may soon have to register as a sex offender. Here’s why. From New York Post: Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo was charged Thursday with groping a former aide in Albany’s Executive Mansion — a crime that could send him to jail for a year if he’s…

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GOOD! Yes, good. Liberals in deep blue states need to learn the hard way. If this is how things have to go down for them to understand, then so be it. In the meantime, if you’re a resident of New York City you might want to have some empty buckets ready to be filled with water – just in case. From Right Scoop: The vaccine mandates that are causing police officer resignations across the country are especially hard in NYC. But it’s not just law enforcement losing folks. CBS is reporting that as many as 30% of NYC firefighters could…

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The most liberal Pope the world has seen in a long, long time apparently told far-left “president” Joe Biden that he can continue to receive the host during mass, despite being in favor of slaughtering babies in the womb. That’s pretty bad. This Pope needs to go. So does Joe. And the ho. From Baltimore Sun: ROME — President Joe Biden received Communion at St. Patrick’s Church during Saturday Vigil Mass, a day after saying Pope Francis told him he should continue to partake in the sacrament, despite the opposition of some conservatives in the U.S. upset with his position…

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In what many Americans have seen in the last two elections cycles, mail-in ballots including absentee, appear to be the number one priority for the Democratic party. Millions of extra mail-in votes were cast in the 2020 elections. In the swing states, such as AZ, PA, GA, MI, and WI, the number of mail-in ballots requested and the number mailed-in were record-breaking. What is alarming for those who believe in fair elections, is the extra mail ballots were cast disproportionately for Presidental candidate Joe Biden, sometimes 100 percent of the total counted. In this story, VA is a prime example…

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Recently, I reported on how New York City’s Covid-19 vaccination mandate might negatively affect the city’s policing and firefighting abilities; with a huge percentage of police and firemen declaring that they’ll reject the vaccination requirement, the city might be in for more fires and even more crime. Well, it appears that that process is already starting. The vaccination mandate went into effect on Friday, the 29th of October, and the very next day 26 New York City Firehouses were forced to close because of staffing shortages brought about by the vaccine mandate. Enforcement of the mandate won’t begin until Monday.…

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The National Institutes of Health has quietly scrubbed its affiliation with a horrific beagle research study that has drawn tremendous fire from all segments of the media. A White Coat Waste investigation in August had uncovered a cruel study involving tortured beagles in Tunisia. It was reported by Cassandra Fairbacks of the Gateway Pundit in late August, but it took a few months for the story to recirculate through social media channels to really draw attention to its disturbing nature. Dr. Anthony Fauci was directly implicated in the investigation, because of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ role…

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On Saturday, reporters caught up with Alec Baldwin and his wife to ask about the fallout from his fatal mistake of shooting and killing a producer on the set of “Rust” last week. The reporters asked him to comment, and things got heated very quickly. “Let’s go, what do you want to know?” Baldwin asked. “Alec, what’s the current state of what’s going on with the case?” asked a reporter. “I’m not allowed to make any comments because it’s an ongoing investigation,” Baldwin shot back. “I’ve been ordered by the sheriff’s department in Santa Fe. I can’t answer any questions…

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Whole roasted chicken.  It’s better than turkey, in my opinion.  And my opinion matters.  Don’t get me wrong, I love turkey on Thanksgiving.  Don’t be cooking no ham on Turkey Day, that is just plain wrong and downright rude.  Again, only my opinion.  But this chicken could be done on Thanksgiving.  I bet no one […]

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Another week is coming to a close as the politicians on Capitol Hill are being analyzed for what just transpired in both chambers of congress. The main focus in the U.S. Congress was trying to get “President” Joe Biden’s two signature spending bills passed before he departed for the G20 Rome Summit in Italy. The leaders of the top 20 economies were scheduled to meet at the Rome Convention Centre ‘La Nuvola’, in the city’s EUR district. The Media Centre is located in the congress arena (‘Palazzo dei Congressi’), in the same district. In spite of huge concessions in the human…

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CNBC reports that the personal consumption expenditures price index rose at an annual rate of 4.4 percent in September, the highest since 1991. And that’s with the soaring food and energy costs taken into account. Even without them, Western Journal reports, “year-over-year inflation hit the highest rate since May 1991 at 3.6 percent.” That “core” PCE index, which excludes energy and food, is the measure the Fed prioritizes in measuring inflation. Its yearly goal is two percent inflation. CNBC adds that “the headline inflation rate was pushed by a 24.9% increase in energy costs and a 4.1% gain in food.…

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Chiraq’s bloody streets are, somehow, only getting bloodier. According to shocking new data released by the Chicago Sun-Times, more people were shot in the 16 beats composing the Central, Near North, and Near West police districts in any year since 2016. In fact, the number of shooting victims in the first ten months of this year alone, 77, is over triple what it was in all of 2019. More specifically, the Chicago-Sun Times has this to say: In just the Central police district — which includes much of the downtown business district — the total number of shootings and total…

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The Virginia governor’s race has tightened down the home stretch to Tuesday’s election and one of the most memorable “dirty tricks” in recent political history has surfaced. Democratic operatives with close ties to the McAuliffe campaign orchestrated a desperate race hoax to frame Terry McAuliffe’s now-leading opponent Glenn Youngkin as a ‘white supremacist.’ The “white supremacists for Youngkin” hoax appears to have begun with a report by Elizabeth Holmes that was tweeted early Friday morning. These men approached @GlennYoungkin’s bus as it pulled up saying what sounded like, “We’re all in for Glenn.” Here they are standing in front of…

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The U.S. Supreme Court has once again failed to stand up for Americans’ God-given rights to bodily autonomy and control over their own health. The nation’s highest court, purportedly controlled by ‘conservative’ justices, rejected an appeal by workers in Maine who appealed a vaccine mandate. “The Supreme Court has rejected an emergency appeal from healthcare workers in Maine to block a vaccine mandate that went into effect Friday,” the AP reported. “Three conservative justices noted their dissents,” the AP noted. “The state is not offering a religious exemption to hospital and nursing home workers who risk losing their jobs if…

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There are a few things we have learned in the most recent election cycles. Voter fraud, big tech influence, and ghost voters can rally change the outcomes of the elections, and secondly, several polling companies have not figured out to contact a wide enough base of registered voters to accurately forecast the upcoming elections. Their formula of contacting people via their landlines is no longer working, and the mobile nature of the population is creating havoc for them all. This is not to say that all of the pollsters have lost control of the wheel. Some of them have seemed…

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When the US retreated from Afghanistan, the US Treasury froze the reserve assets that belong to Afghanistan. Though the US cannot legally spend the confiscated money, freezing the assets imposed severe financial sanctions on the Taliban’s state, now called the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. According to the World Bank, roughly $10 billion in reserves are stored abroad, reserves the Taliban government cannot use to prop up the war-torn country as it heads into a frozen winter. Both Beijing, which has been providing economic and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan since the US retreat and Taliban takeover, and the Taliban are demanding…

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What is more American than an Italian dish?  You disagree?  Tell that to a New Yorker.  I’m talking ab out the most creamy, mouth watering, make your grandma proud, Fettuccini Alfredo!  Yes, it’s the Instant Pot lady again and I’m not asking, I’m telling you to make this dish!  You will not be disappointed…until you […]

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Most Democrats in DC, including Joe Biden, love the idea of abortion. They say it makes a woman’s life easier if they “make a mistake”. Accidentally get pregnant? No problem! Just go to a doctor and they’ll rip that thing right out of you! However, the problem for Biden’s image is that he claims to be a Catholic. But, how can you be a Catholic when you support the murder of innocent children in the womb? In a normal and sane world, you can’t. However, even the Pope is letting the abortion-lover-in-chief slide. According to new reports, the Pope met…

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Every once in a while I am surprised by a decision coming out of a courtroom. A federal jury has awarded David Duvall, a former executive with Novant Health, a North Carolina-based health care system, $10 million for his wrongful termination due to his race and gender. In today’s culture of mandated diversity quotas and equity, this decision is unusual considering the fact that the plaintiff is a white male who claimed he was discriminated against as part of the company’s enhanced ‘diversity program. Under equal application of the law though, this appears to be the correct verdict when looking…

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We’re less than a week away from the Virginia governor’s election, and Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe can’t stop lying about kids with Covid. The latest example of the former governor and DNC chair ginning up Covid panic to carry his flagging campaign is even more egregious than his latest misstatements. McAuliffe appeared on WSLS-TV for an interview and unleashed a litany of lies and distortion about the hot button topic that it takes the informed citizen’s breath away. “We just came out of a round table where we were talking about vaccinating versus not vaccinating. You had a number of…

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What is shockingly apparent to those who have been around for a few years, is the left’s rapidly departing regard for anything traditionally pro-America. These social justice activists are attempting to fix all the wrongs of the world today and are even trying to correct what they deem to have been wrongs committed hundreds of years ago in the past. Their plan for the latter is to tear down statues, remove portraits, and rename buildings trying to erase any sign of former leaders whom they deem are no longer appropriate for display in the public view. In apparent hypocrisy, this…

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There has been speculation over the last few weeks that Facebook would eventually change it’s company name, and now we have received official word as to what it will be. According to a brand new announcement by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is changing their company name to “Meta”. Yes, really. Here’s the breaking news from CNBC: BREAKING: Facebook changes its company name to Meta. — CNBC (@CNBC) October 28, 2021 Extremely bizarre choice, but Zuckerberg is standing firm in his decision. Here’s a video of Zuckerberg explaining what he calls “The Metaverse”: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explains his “Metaverse”…

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On Thursday morning, anchors at the left-wing propaganda network CNN were stunned when God-awful new economic numbers were released. The numbers were so bad that even CNN couldn’t sugarcoat it. “Breaking news! Brand new GDP numbers released just moments ago,” the CNN host said excitedly. “I’ve got no idea what they are, but chief business correspondent Christine Romans does!” “2%”, Romans muttered. “OOOOOH”, exclaimed the other left-wing host, realizing that his beloved Joe Biden has failed our country once again. “That was less than expected,” continued Romans. “And it’s a downshift from the spring when we had a really robust…

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Not only does radically far-left Governor Chris Murphy plan to force vaccine mandates statewide if he wins re-election, but he’s simply one of the worst human beings America has to offer today. Here is yet another reason why. Wendy Martinez is a senior adviser to Murphy. Here’s her conversation, caught on undercover video, with “Project Veritas.” Martinez: “It [money] was for the excluded workers – for the undocumented workers. I think it’s $40 million, something like that, and to designate that much at this point would be political suicide.” PV Journalist: “If he allocates that much to the illegals? So,…

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Talk about looking like a complete fool. That was Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday afternoon, while testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. In other words, Texas conservative Ted Cruz caught a body. Cruz absolutely murdered Garland for the entire nation to see. And Garland was completely helpless. From Fox News: Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, hammered Attorney General Merrick Garland Wednesday during a Senate hearing, accusing the chief law officer of engaging in political affairs after he failed to do research and issued an “abusive” memorandum instructing the Department of Justice to investigate parents who have threatened school board members.…

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Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has announced that the state’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich has opened up a ‘formal investigation ‘into Maricopa County election officials’ misconduct due to the revelations in Arizona’s independent election audit. Karen Fann was on ‘The Conservative Circus’ with James T. Harris to discuss the Arizona audit and revealed Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s investigation. She also discussed coming changes to election law in Arizona. The audio segment can be heard below. “Some of that report is inconclusive and so we will have supplemental reports coming,” Fann said. “And the reason why it is inconclusive is…

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The Department of Justice, being run by openly partisan Attorney General Merrick Garland, has told House Republicans seeking access to January 6 records to beg the partisan committee formed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Department of Justice responded to Rep. Jim Banks’ request for information, as was obtained in a letter by The Federalist: “This responds to your letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), dated September 16, 2021, seeking information provided by the FBI to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (Select Committee),” the DOJ letter to states. “We understand…

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Gallup, in a poll released on Tuesday, October 26th, announced that “Americans’ approval of the job the 117th Congress is doing slipped six points in the past month to 21%, its lowest thus far in 2021.” Gallup does note that, while the 21% approval rating is low and a long way off from the 36% approval rating Congress had at this year’s high point, it’s hardly the worst approval rating that Congress has gotten in recent years. For example, it’s “still better than the 15% approval rating at the end of the divided 116th Congress in December.” The 36% approval…

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According to a top Pentagon official, ISIS-K could be ready to attack the west in six months due to President Joe Biden’s incompetence. The comments were made during a Senate Armed Services Committee testimony with undersecretary of defense for policy Colin Kahl who declared that ISIS-K would be ready to attack in 6 months to a year while al-Qaeda will be ready to attack in one to two years. “We could see ISIS-K generate that capability in somewhere between six or 12 months, according to current assessments [from the intelligence community],” Kahl said. “And for al Qaeda, it would take a…

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On Tuesday night, NY Post columnist Miranda Devine sounded the alarm on the shady “business” of Hunter Biden’s paintings. During an appearance on Tucker Carlson, Devine revealed that some of Hunter’s paintings cost $100,000 MORE than signed pieces by Picasso. (Nothing weird about that, right?) “In the end, I went across the road to another art gallery, very high end art gallery called the Martin Lawrence gallery. And they have beautiful paintings by Picasso and Marc Chagall and Roy Lichtenstein and so on, and they are cheaper. You can buy a signed Picasso for $400,000 which is cheaper than Hunter…

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If a liberal politician says something completely ridiculous on Monday, a second liberal almost immediately has to do their best to out-stupid the other. Then it’s basically a back and forth competition like a baseless reality TV show: Who Can Be Most Idiotic? On Tuesday, Minnesota Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) took top prize. From Right Scoop: The radical socialist Ilhan Omar actually blamed the Minneapolis police for the crime surge that’s happening in her city. […] Omar says that the lawlessness in the city is the result of “police choosing not to fulfill their oath of office”. Seriously. It’s…

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The ignorance of some people is too much to ignore. That being said, when a whole group of ignoramuses get together to re-elect a fellow imbecile they are basically getting what they asked for. When radically far-left Governor Chris Murphy is re-elected governor of New Jersey, he plans to instantly kill jobs by forcing American workers to do something they may not want to do. The sad part is that the mainstream media will never report on this story. It would hurt the agenda. From Fox News: New Jersey Republicans are demanding that Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy speak out about…

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This guy has worked as a camera operator for CNN and a whole bunch of the other far-left alphabet networks. His name is Eugene Huelsman. Huelsman wants Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) dead. Looks like he wants Gaetz’s kids dead, too. You’d have to imagine the MSM isn’t going to give this story much coverage. But if the tables were turned and a Democrat was threatened…wall-to-wall coverage, guaranteed. From Fox News: A man accused of barking death threats at Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., over the phone earlier this year was nabbed last week on a federal indictment, according to court…

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NIH Director Francis Collins, who is expected to soon retire, was subjected to a refreshing series of tough questions by a CNN journalist. Pamela Brown’s grilling of the NIH director over the “oversight failure” that led to its grant to EcoHealth Alliance being used for “risky research” is absolutely worth watching in full. “You’re just now finding out U.S. tax dollars were being used to pay for this risky research in that Wuhan lab two years ago,” Brown said. “So the question is how can you know what this money is going toward? What kind of research this is going…

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A member of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has just introduced a bill to fire the increasingly unpopular Dr. Anthony Fauci, the beleaguered head of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases. Tonight I started the discharge petition on my Fire Fauci Act H.R. 2316. The highest paid federal employee who funds puppy torture and CCP bioweapons that has killed millions needs to go. Call your Rep! 202-224-3121 Tell them to sign the discharge petition to #FireFauci! — Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) October 26, 2021 “Tonight I started the discharge petition on my Fire Fauci Act H.R.…

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The NBA, Nike and LeBron James love their very profitable relationship with the communists in China and they would hate to see anything disrupt that. Enter Boston Celtics star Enes Kanter. On Tuesday, Kanter posted images of blood-stained shoes while calling out Nike for using slave labor to make their shoes. The shoes read “Hypocrite Nike”, “Made With Slave Labor” and “Modern Day Slavery”. “To the owner of Nike, Phil Knight,” tweeted Kanter. “How about I book plane tickets for us and let’s fly to China together. We can try to visit these SLAVE labor camps and you can see…

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On Tuesday, October 21st, the Illinois Supreme Court, in a shocking win for gun rights and 2nd Amendment advocates, ruled that Cook County’s tax on guns and ammunition is unconstitutional. For reference, the Epoch Times reports that: In 2012, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved a $25 tax on the retail purchase of a firearm within the county. The county’s Firearm Tax Ordinance was enacted in April 2013. A separate county tax was enacted in 2015, which added $0.05 per cartridge for centerfire ammunition and $0.01 per cartridge for rimfire ammunition. Americans who fail to pay those taxes are subject to…

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The fallout out from the National School Boards Association’s ill-conceived letter to the Department of Justice has begun. The NSBA last week made news by apologizing for its insidious “domestic terrorists” letter it sent to the Justice department, which Attorney General Merrick Garland seized upon to threaten parents with FBI investigation if they vocally opposed such matters as Critical Race Theory being taught in schools. But on Tuesday, the NSBA got bad news that the Ohio School Boards Association is now ditching the NSBA. “OSBA’s decision to terminate membership and affiliation with the NSBA is a direct result of the…

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