Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Tell us you hate America without actually telling us you hate America. Seems like Maxine Waters was successful in doing that today. The wealthy Democrat Rep. spent her 4th of July getting shamed on Twitter after she had the nerve to criticize the Declaration of Independence. Here’s what Maxine Waters said this: July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!…

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Former President Donald Trump tried to ban TikTok and after watching some of these videos of liberals refusing to celebrate the 4th of July, it’s a shame the Don wasn’t successful in banning it. Now don’t get me wrong – there is a LOT of great content on TikTok – lot’s of funny videos, sports clips that I enjoy watching, and quirky dance videos. But there is one section of TikTok where mostly white liberals rant about America and how much they hate it and how the American flag is racist, and literally everything is racist to them in some…

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White House press secretary Jen Psaki only needed one sentence to get herself dismantled on Twitter and the responses were amazing. Psaki says: “The president ran on and won the most votes of any candidate in history on the platform of boosting funding for law enforcement, after Republicans spent decades trying to cut the cops program.” This did not end well for Joe Biden’s press secretary as Psaki’s video was viewed 758,000+ times in just 15 hours, generating 6,000+ comments and many of them were people calling her out. Going from Kayleigh McEnany to Jen Psaki is like trading a…

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Here we go with Lori Lightfoot again. When the failing Democrat mayor isn’t saying people only criticize her because she’s a black woman, she’s then blaming her disastrous Democrat run city of Chicago’s crime problems on former President Donald Trump. To make it worse, Lori Lightfoot then suggested Newsmax was “incendiary” – but wait, does she mean that hypothetically, or like a fire set by Antifa? Lori Lightfoot, when asked about the crime problems, suggested the question was insulting to her. She also suggested the crime rates are trending down in her city of Chicago, but that doesn’t mean the…

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If there was a sign from God that we need to get our you know what together, then this might be it! While Joe Biden is saving everyone 16 cents and Jen Psaki is hamming about hot-dogs, we’ve got the Gulf of Mexico on fire after a gas leak at a state-owned oil development belonging to Mexico – and everyone stopped to watch it burn in unity. It was almost like everyone put their pronouns and protests on the side to collectively point fingers at Mexico and crack jokes about them setting the ocean on fire by accident – and…

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Good news, folks! You may have saved $0.16 cents this year! How are we going to spend our $0.16? Maybe buy a home, get gas, or throw it in the couch with the rest of our coins? President Joe Biden and his hack VP Kamala Harris are doing a great job if releasing the worst 4th of July video in history was on their list of things to accomplish this week. Kamala Harris finally made it to the border (El Paso doesn’t even count) and Joe Biden refused to answer questions on Afghanistan because it’s the “4th of July” (no,…

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Former Senator Claire McCaskill made two terrible statements to help solidify her spot on a hypothetical list of America’s most hated – at least among people with any common sense. The clearly disgraced and un-American former politician suggested that the incident at the Capitol on January 6 was worse then Benghazi. She followed that up with announcing her new family tradition on the 4th of July, saying her family will watch videos from the January 6 protest in DC. If she’s trying to be less likable than Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton, then she’s surely putting in maximum effort. And…

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President Joe Biden bumbled his way through a statement about the economy and Ronald Reagan and 1984. The ancient Democrat said “Ronald Reagan was telling us ‘It’s morning in America.’ Well, it’s getting close to afternoon here. The sun is coming out.” Has Joe Biden been to a store or bought gas lately? Has Joe Biden remembered that labor shortage we’re suffering right now because some people would rather stay home and live on government handouts instead of going back to work? The response to this video was classic roasting of the president, stuff you’d see on Comedy Central,…

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