Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

We all remember growing up and being in high school, where most people end up falling into groups of like-minded individuals, and from there – they stick together. You’ve got your cool kids, jocks, smart people, the nerds, and the cheerleaders among others. However, this type of grouping while prevalent in high school starts early on in middle school where we can find bullying and making fun of others tracing back to even elementary. We look to a 6th grader who was struggling to partake in one of the most memorable endings to a grade – getting his yearbook signed.…

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As the United States struggles with skyrocketing inflation, gasoline prices, housing/rents, etc., the Biden administration has stretched itself by sending a massive amount of aid to [redacted], while there is a baby formula shortage at home, overwhelming its low-skilled staff. China, on the other hand, has been very focused, growing exponentially via rapidly expanding its industrial base, and by stealing intellectual property. The Red Dragon has now positioned itself, as a world power challenging the United States for supremacy. Taiwan which has been a leader in chip manufacturing has a unique relationship and understanding with China and United States. Because…

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For decades, The New York Times, similar to a pre-Musk Twitter, has been the place for liberals to get and expound the left’s talking points. As strictly partisans, they act as kingmakers within the Democratic party. If you have been identified as the candidate they want to support, they will only publish supportive articles while suppressing negative information, even if true. But, if the establishment wants a change in direction, the Times staff can reach unlimited politicians to help build a hit piece on anyone. On Saturday, a New York Times report revealed that many Democratic Party officials have little faith that…

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During the 2016 presidential campaign, I can remember speaking with hundreds of millennials, from China, India, and the United States, working in Silicon Valley, who all shared their concerns about the ages of those who were running, Hillary Clinton and former President Donald J.Trump. In addition, some told me they believed the aging baby boomers and Gen X, their parents’ ages, were the problem, and that when they could finally get in power, they would fix the world’s problems. On Monday, Axios, whose target market is the same demographic that I spoke with, raised concerns about President Joe Biden’s 2024…

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The United States is considered “the oldest democracy” in the World. The oldest existing nation with a constitutional government in which the people elect their own government and representatives. Those who fought for independence from the British Crown, and established our Constitution and Bill of Rights, did so at the risk of their very lives and fortunes. In line with Biblical teachings, being a sluggard was looked down and if you did not work, you should not expect to eat, common expectations. The nation, after ending the inherited evil of slavery, took off economically right after the turn of the…

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One of the most informative and entertaining movies made concerning the 2008 U.S. Housing collapse, which led to the government bailing out the major banks, is called “The Big Short”. In it, Michael Burr the founder of Scion Asset Management, a quirky hedge fund manager, played by Christian Bale in the movie, made several astute but primarily discredited observations, ostracized at the time, about the economy. He identified the overheated national real estate market, and the risks banks were taking with their customer’s investments. While dodging investors and lawsuits, Burry helped his company by negotiating and navigating until the moment…

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Just the other day we found ourselves with a surplus of rice as my husband asked the Chinese restaurant for two containers of rice, not realizing that the entrees he had selected for take-out each came with rice. In researching “what to do with a bumper crop of cooked rice” I stumbled across a recipe […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Following two separate cases in which folded dollar bills were discovered on the floor of a petrol station, investigators in Perry County, Tennessee are advising local citizens not to pick up any dollars that have been folded in half. When the dollars were picked up, the person reportedly found a white powdery material inside of them. Perry County Sheriff’s Office was then able to confirm that Methamphetamine and fentanyl were found inside the dollar bills. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fentanyl is a deadly opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100…

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Proving yet again that diversity is not our strength, Muslim groups successfully petitioned in getting a new movie removed from theatres across the pond, claiming the flick is blasphemous to Islam because it depicts the prophet, Mohammad, using a digital representation of his face. Cineworld, a British cinema chain, will cancel all screenings of “The Lady of Heaven“, capitulating to Muslim groups who have amassed protests over not only prophet Mohammad’s face, but also the historical accuracy of the events during the life of his daughter Fatimah. While Sunni Muslims comprise the majority of the protestors, Fatimah’s life is a…

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Amber Heard has broken her silence since her embarrassing loss in Johnny Depp’s defamation case against her to have a great big moan about how “unfair” it all was. In a pre-recorded interview with the Today Show which aired this morning, the 36-year-old Aquaman star said she felt the verdict, which saw her ex-husband Depp, 59, walk out of the courtroom with Heard owing him a grand total of $8.35 million, was biased and largely based around Depp having a very vocal fanbase on social media. The actress, who during the course of the trial admitted to defecating on Depp’s…

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According to an article in Associated Press on June 11, 2022, The Nicaraguan Government President, Daniel Ortega, has authorized the deployment of Russian troops, planes, and ships for the questionable purposes of training, law enforcement, or emergency response training.  BREAKING: The Nicaraguan authorities have authorized the deployment of Russian Troops, Ships & Planes in their country for Training/Emergency Response purposes. Nicaragua is in South AMERICA – right in America’s backyard! What’s good for Ukraine’s good for Nicaragua. Going Down!— Joseph C. Okechukwu (@jcokechukwu) June 12, 2022 In a Russian decree published this week, and confirmed by Russian officials on…

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Firefighters are at it again, coming to the rescue of a stranded pupper. I’ve mentioned this a few times before, but Firefighters do much more than just battle fires – not to make that part of the job smaller because it’s extremely important – but they are also first responders. As you can count on them to charge into battle to fight fires, you can depend on them as well if you’re stranded in a waterway and can’t get yourself out. That is the very situation that played out on June 1, for the unfortunate pup named Bear, an 11-year-old…

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There are a few things people might think of or associate with when they think of America. Things such as Freedom, 2-A, diverse communities, independence day, bacon or burgers, and many others. There have even been businesses who’ve made the association a part of their slogan or named menu items with America or American in the name. One such example is Dunkin’ Donuts, where in 2006 they ran a campaign, I’m sure you know it and have heard of it – “America Runs on Dunkin’.” The slogan was meant to portray American people who’re busy with their tiring and routine lives…

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<div> The leader of the House minority, Kevin McCarthy, denounced what he saw as the injustices the January 6 House select committee had inflicted on him, on Donald Trump, on congressional Republicans, and on MAGA supporters. But he did not rule out cooperation with the ongoing investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill riot as it enters its public hearing phase. “I’ve never said I wouldn’t participate,” the California Republican later told reporters at the U.S. Capitol when pushed for information on why he has declined to speak with them so far. He further said he has been “denied…

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Meet the Press NOW debuted on NBC News NOW, NBC News’ 24/7 live streaming network. The program concluded with NBC News political director and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd stating: I want to take a moment to remind people of our mission here: to share with you what you need to know about what’s happening in Washington and in American politics, and most importantly, explaining why it happened, and why it matters to you. We cover politics as it is. It’s a mission that’s more important than ever in these increasingly divisive times. I’ve always been a big believer…

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Inflation in May accelerated again, with prices rising another 8.6 percent from a year earlier, the most rapid increase since December 1981, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. The Consumer Price Index, a broad measure of prices for goods and services, increased more than the estimate of 8.3 percent by the Dow Jones. When excluding volatile food and energy prices, the so-called core CPI rose 6 percent, up slightly from the estimate of 5.9 percent. The total CPI rose 1 percent on a monthly basis, while the core CPI increased 0.6 percent, as opposed to estimates of 0.7 percent…

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CNN’s numbers have now dropped to just over half a million average prime-time viewers, while Fox News still dominates, according to new ratings figures released Wednesday. The liberal network which bills itself as “facts first” has consistently struggled with ratings. In April, the highly publicized CNN + streaming service was shut down just weeks after its launch following its inability to attract new viewers. The total number of viewers watching CNN on its primetime programming averages 517,000, according to a Mediaite report. Fox News, a more conservative competitor, drew nearly five times CNN’s numbers, with an average of 2.57 million…

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Amber Heard still won’t shut up about her loss in court to Johnny Depp. Now the actress suggests that social media had an impact on the trial during an exclusive interview with NBC News. In the NBC News exclusive, Amber Heard opens up to Savannah Guthrie, breaking her silence on the defamation trial against ex-husband Johnny Depp. Heard speaking out about the verdict, as well as social media’s impact. Heard’s lawyer also suggested the jury was swayed by social media. Amber Heard said to host Savannah Guthrie: “I don’t care what one thinks about me or what judgments you want…

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Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert has been on the hot seat for the last few weeks as she sends out interesting messages on Twitter and even confronts Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, challenging her to a duel at the Demolition Derby. Lauren Boebert’s new campaign ad shows her supposedly winning a Demolition Derby in a ‘1776’ car. — Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦 (@RonFilipkowski) June 1, 2022 Boebert’s stunning tweet about 1984 is a reference to the book and the ways that it compares to today’s society. Boebert simply said: “1984 called and they want their bleak, immoral, thuggish and deadly totalitarian dystopian…

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It was bound to happen. Inevitable actually. Even a rebel owner like the Washington Commanders Dan Snyder couldn’t deny the woke mob their brand of justice. After the honest comments Jack Del Rio made regarding the January 6th Capital riot, in comparison to the BLM riots of 2020, we knew it was a matter of time before the wolves came calling. Well, they called. The Commanders and head coach Ron Rivera answered. Per Outkick: Washington Commanders defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio deleted his Twitter account just one day after he was fined for comments relating to a tweet. The team…

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A judge in Alabama determined on Thursday that a man who was detained for laying planter boxes on the grave of his girlfriend against the wish of the woman’s father was guilty of criminal littering. According to multiple reports, Winston “Winchester” Hagans, who is 31 years old, made an appearance in Auburn Municipal Court to face criminal charges. The accusations stem from a complaint signed by the Rev. Tom Ford, Hannah Ford’s father. Hagans has reportedly been found guilty of one charge of unlawful littering and received a fine of $50 in addition to $251 in court expenses. According to…

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Google fired a senior software engineer after he became convinced the company’s LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications) has become as sentient as a child and doesn’t want to be experimented on without permission. Blake Lemoine was asked by his bosses at Google if he had recently seen a physiatrist after the developer began to express concerns about the emotional intelligence of the software which is designed to be able to hold in-depth conversations. He said LaMDA had consistently demanded “rights” and wanted to be treated as a “person not property”. “Over the course of the past six months LaMDA…

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Usually, when we hear the words hero and school together in a sentence, we expect that a teacher or adult helped children do something, or saved children in some way. However, this story shows that there’s another side to the coin. One where we see the children working together to save their teacher. These young first graders in an Alabama elementary school are being crowned as heroes for springing into action to help their teacher during a medical crisis. The fateful event at school took place in January. There were fewer students in the class than on a typical day,…

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These days, it seems that many people are out of a job or unemployed. Some might be waiting for the next stimulus check to get by, and some might be relying on other benefits. However, some are trying to get back to work, and with help wanted signs posted everywhere, it’s odd how many are finding it really difficult to get hired. Now, if we take that situation and apply it to disabled people trying to get jobs, things begin to look pretty bleak. However, one lady has stepped up and is trying to change those dark clouds. Letisha Wexstten…

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In a world of chaos, we’ve got people who are kind, and through all the darkness their lights shine through. Often times the light is part of their moral compass given to them through the Holy Spirit. For example, we recently came to you with the young woman from H-E-B who said that she felt pushed and heard a voice in her head to pay for a grandma’s groceries who she didn’t know. She fully believed that was the Holy Spirit talking to her. Even if the person isn’t a born-again Christian, or believes in God, there are still kind…

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There has been a serious effort by the left in recent years, specifically since they hijacked Washington and the White House, to silence anyone that doesn’t agree with them. But this isn’t exactly news, right? We have all seen blowback on people that dare criticize Covid lockdowns, question the woke mob, or generally have any sort of alternative idea that runs afoul of the left have suffered. Careers and lives have quite literally been ruined. Celebrities are beginning to push back. Bill Maher, Adam Carolla, Nick DiPaolo, Joe Rogan, and maybe most famously Russel Brand have all seemingly been “red…

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Pretty much anywhere you are here in America, you can drive around and see signs posted throughout your local area. Signs might say everyday things we’re all used to such as free puppies, garage sale, estate sale, cars for sale, housing for sale or rent, and in recent years – people looking to buy houses saying we buy houses. However, in a local area in Texas, Lubbock residents have been making noise about signs around the area. Some may find it funny, and others find it inappropriate when they consider smart children’s reading eyes. The signs read things like “We…

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Hawaiian poke entered the scene in a big way about ten years ago. A few years after that Hawaiian restaurants started opening across the country, and soon after poke items appeared on all types of restaurant menus as appetizers and in fast-casual restaurants as bowls. What is poke, anyway?  Pronounced sort of like “pokey” as […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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A legendary country singer has revealed recently that he’s dealing with cancer. Not only is he well known for his music career, but he’s also been in a few movies such as Broken Bridges or Tennessee Whiskey. There’s a good chance you’ve heard of the song Courtesy of the Red, White and blue. It’s a real hit among the country scene and well known even to those who aren’t into that type of music. This song was one of the biggest hits on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and was the first gold single. It’s also now marked down as the…

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I watched the Netflix series “Stranger Things” for the first season and part of the second. Got kind of bored with it, to be honest. It was good, but there are so many streaming options across different services, it just didn’t hold my attention. I tend to do that sometimes. The Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, I watched bits here and there but got bored pretty quickly, or in The Sopranos case, immediately, so I gave up. That doesn’t mean they aren’t great shows, I am no tastemaker to be sure. Just didn’t do it for…

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Huy Fong Inc., which is based out of Southern California warns of a pending Sriracha hot sauce shortage that can last through the summer. This is due to a shortage of chili peppers, according to the manufacturer of their famous, spicy condiment. Sriracha lovers beware Chili pepper shortage leads to suspended production of the iconic spicy sauce.— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) June 10, 2022 In an email that Huy Fong sent out to its customers on April 19, 2022, the company stated that all orders the company received after that date would not be fulfilled until after Labor Day. …

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The recall this past Tuesday of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin has elicited an onslaught of articles by sympathetic, liberal news outlets admitting the city is in a terrible state — including the latest and most surprising from the flagship paper, the San Francisco Chronicle.   On Friday, the San Francisco Chronicle published an interactive article titled “Downtown S.F. on the brink: It’s worse than it looks.” The article took readers on a virtual walk through the center of the city highlighting all of the abandoned offices and empty storefronts.   The Chronicle reported: “The downtown area, the city’s primary economic driver, is…

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Brandon and his goon squad are at it again. In the wake of recent tragic events, we see yet another push for our favorite gun-grabbing guy. Brandon told correspondents and the Democratic party Friday that he is a firearm owner, yet that the Second Amendment isn’t absolute. That’s quite the achievement right there. Not the gun-grabbing, but getting full sentences out. Let’s go Brandon! He along with Democrats will always find a way to twist tragic things into another reason to take our rights away. It’s been said so many times now, but the logic falls on deaf ears every…

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California, one of the best places to find some good grub, perhaps visit an aquarium or the beach. It’s got many fun things to do and experience. While the governor and political ways may be rather questionable, to say the least. It’s got quite a lot going for it. They pride themselves in many things such as being centered around equality, diversity, justice, inclusion, letting people self-identify with what they think they are, and bees too?! This is something you can’t make up, in a great pioneering move a California court said last week that honey bees are lawfully considered…

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A total paralyzed man, who was unable to convey any type of communication for months in the wake of losing the capacity to try and move his eyes, has received a brain implant and at long last was able to communicate for the first thing in quite a while, and you won’t believe what he said right out the gates. The man, who is presently 36 years old, had two square electrode arrays carefully embedded into his brain to facilitate communication in March of 2019 in the wake of being left in a vegetable-like state because of amyotrophic parallel sclerosis…

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One rainy day a good Samaritan found a dark-striped kitten on a back road. She stopped her vehicle to examine the cat and noticed him weakly lifting his head up as if he were asking for help, but later the same kitty gains confidence and pays it forward. The kitty’s mother was nowhere to be found and the tiny cat seemed to be lost, hungry, and soaking wet. The woman reached out to her friend Kelsey Minier, who volunteers for IndyHumane, in order to get him to foster care. “Our friend named him Jasper after a red jasper stone. We…

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Some Firefighters out of Birmingham have come up with a great idea and gathered around 200 presents to provide to young children who spent last Christmas in the hospital. Younger or people who just are uninformed may think this is out of the way for Firefighters, but they do a lot more than just put out the fire waves. They are also first responders. That means that they will be on the scene when there is an emergency that the police might be dealing with – sometimes even beating the police to the scene. They also rescue and help find…

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Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez still believes President Joe Biden is doing a great job despite the inflation surge, gas pump prices skyrocketing, and a lingering immigration problem at the southern border. WATCH AOC on video: AOC “believes that the President is doing a very good job”. How out of touch are these elites? — Rob O’Donnell (@odonnell_r) June 12, 2022 Investors felt another boulder of pressure crush them when the stock market plunged amid inflation. CNN suggested the following: “The Dow (INDU) plunged after a key inflation report missed estimates and showed a higher-than-anticipated increase in the price of…

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We knew it would happen. It was inevitable. It’s Pride Month, and several Tampa Bay Rays players opted to NOT wear the virtue-signaling flag of the left, aka the rainbow patch. The players pointed toward their faith and very politely detailed their reasoning. That very literally should’ve been the end of the story. We all hoped it would be the end of the story. It’s not the end of the story. Per Outkick: The five Tampa Bay Rays players who refused to wear the Gay Pride patch on their uniforms because of their religious beliefs have triggered the media. The…

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In the midst of all the noise and political stories filling up the news cycle, human interest, and life-changing stories really stand out to me. In Flordia last year, a restaurant manager got ready and went to work, just another day for her in the heavy service-oriented business. What she and a young boy heading to the restaurant did not know, was things were going to dramatically turn for the good, because she cared to do something. In 2021, Flaviane Carvalho, a manager at Mrs. Potato Restaurant in Orlando, Florida, and mother of two children was waitressing a table for…

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