Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

For those of us who can remember the Bill Clinton presidency, one person who helped salvage some semblance of a legacy for the adulterous Chief Executive Officer was Newt Gingrich. Newt served as the U.S. House Speaker from 1995 to 1999. He helped draft the “Contract with America,” a document outlining legislation to be enacted by the House within the first 100 days of the 104th Congress.  All but one part of the “Contract with America” were passed by the House. Gingrich also oversaw the passage by the House of welfare reform and a capital gains tax cut in 1997.…

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Since the pandemic lockdowns began in early 2020 and the food supply challenges increased this year, many people have looked for ways to be self-sufficient.  Raising egg-laying hens,  buying meat from local farmers, planting vegetable gardens and growing one’s own food are just some of the sustainable life changes Americans have made in the last […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Home canned pears with whipped cream and a cherry or cinnamon on top is a lovely dessert option. Nothing is quite as satisfying as putting up your own home canned halved pears. It’s easy to put up several quarts in an afternoon. Just follow the directions below and you’ll have enough to store away in […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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While politicians are pushing a green energy rollout, something that may come up as a problem with this plan, is that there is not the infrastructure to build enough electric cars and to keep these electric cars going once they’re built. Currently the electric industry is struggling in terms of its ability to deliver parts and supplies. The CEO of Rivian says that 90% of the supply chain doesn’t exist to make electric cars. “One of the problems with this industry as a whole is that, since at its very foundation it is based on government subsidies and government mandates,…

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Being able to create a suitable shelter when in a survival situation is necessary in order to keep yourself alive. Depending on the weather it is necessary to keep the body up off the ground away from the chill of the ground, or the heat of the ground, and cover the body to keep wind, rain, and sun out. Bough bed One survival shelter or rather an addition to a shelter is called the bough bed. About bed can be made using leaves, grass, Evergreen boughs, or other plant material. You can create a frame by rolling up two logs…

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When Jackelyn Kastanis figured out her childhood best friend, Brooke, was diagnosed with cancer, she dropped everything to be close to her. She not only remained with her in the medical clinic, she attempted to give her a feeling of normalcy and beauty. “She was told at 27 years old she had a year to live. Once I found out she was very sick I came home and I took up residency with her in her hospital room,” Kastanis told CBS News. “And I realized it was a very stale environment, it was very sad on her psyche. There was…

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Recently released documents from the CDC show that they plan to use phone data location to monitor schools and churches to see if people complied with COVID-19 lockdown orders. They wanted to use that data for many non COVID-19 purposes as well. The CDC bought access location data that was harvested from 10s of millions of phones in the United states in order to perform an analysis of compliance with curfews, people visiting K through 12 schools, and the effectiveness of lockdowns. The CDC used the COVID-19 pandemic as a reason to buy access to the data quickly, although it…

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Scientists are now pursuing vaccines which are contagious to populations that haven’t been vaccinated. Currently the scientists state that it is for the spreading of vaccination against Ebola in animal hosts. At least that’s the goal of several teams around the world that are trying to bring this controversial research back that would develop these self-spreading vaccines. They claim that it’s necessary for wild animals because it’s very hard to locate and vaccinate each wild animal. A self-spreading vaccine in this population would offer a quick and easy solution. But let’s stop and listen to the words they are actually…

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In 1988, a young man from the midwest entered the huge and growing state of California on his way to continue his military service in Orange County. That young man was me and it seems like yesterday. I was blown away by the fast pace and apparent wealth of those enjoying their lives under the last year of the Ronald Reagan presidency. There were jobs everywhere and the population was growing in leaps and bounds. California’s population growth was particularly strong from 1985 to 1990, averaging 2.5 percent. This was about three times as fast as the rest of the country. Under…

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In the midst of the debate over social issues, abortion is sure to be near the top of the list every time. A growing number of Americans no longer identify as Christians and have become more supportive of groups led by Secularists. These are people who reject any religious involvement in the culture and work tirelessly via lawsuits and supporting groups like Planned Parenthood to silence religious objectors. In addition, the past few generations of Americans have embraced social engineering through the education system with some either replacing their religion with or integrating these pagan ideas into their religious belief…

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The first time I made Pad Thai, the stir-fried Thai street food that is on every Thai restaurant menu, was in Thailand at a cooking school I found on online during an extended trip to South East Asia. The school is nestled among rolling hills on the outskirts of Chiang Mai and the cooking classes […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. While much of the attention on the Alito opinion leak has so far centered on the Alito opinion leak, things are escalating and this issue is taking precedence over Russia’s invasion of a certain county in Eastern Europe, so everyone with a possible grievance to moan about is trying to hop on board the abortion train so they can feel validated in complaining. One such interest group is the “pregnant men” demographic, one that didn’t used to exist until recently but now only far-right reactionaries deny the…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki demurred from doing her usual refuse to answer while pretending she’ll circle back routine during the May 3rd press briefing and instead jumped right to the point, explaining what she thinks that liberals upset by the Alito opinion on abortion to do. She was forced to speak on that after FNC White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked “So, what level of a meltdown can we on the right expect from the left, Jen? Are we talking the usual weeping and gnashing…

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A barrel that had been underneath the waters at lake Mead for four decades, was recently discovered half stuck in the mud by local boaters at 3 PM Sunday afternoon. Police were alerted to a victim’s remains within the barrel and started to investigate it as a homicide immediately. According to Las Vegas Metro Police Homicide Lieutenant Ray Spencer, they suspect that the victim died sometime during the 1980’s based on personal items inside of the barrel. He refused to elaborate to local news outlets on the victim’s cause of death, state of the remains of the victim, or the…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Hunter Biden has remained surprisingly silent about the whole Supreme Court leak, along with the other issues that have cropped up recently. Why? Because between Russia’s predations abroad and chaos at home, Hunter’s sniffing an opportunity to get away from the investigation into him. Speaking about that in an email of his to a friend in China (Premier Xi) that was leaked (turns out the password for his [email protected] email address is “boobz”), Hunter said: “Yeah, things were looking bad a few months ago when news was…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. The FBI should be investigating the Supreme Court to find out who leaked the Alito opinion (cough, Sotomayor the “wise Latina”, cough). Unfortunately for all those interested in justice, however, the FBI has announced that it’s just too busy hunting down Jussie Smollett’s racist attacker to figure out who crossed the Rubicon and leaked from the nation’s highest court, something that’s almost never happened before. Speaking on that, FBI Director Christopher Wray gave a press conference and said: “We understand that people are angry, we understand that…

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Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, two heavyweight whistleblowers who blew the lid on nefarious, corrupt, and illegal U.S. government operations, spoke out about the disconnect between revealing information on how our tax dollars are spent policing us and the subsequent minimal public outrage, compared to the outrageous public outcry over a similar leak, revealing nothing more than an imminent adjudication concerning legalized infanticide. As one political observer has noted: “Obviously, one of the leftist judges leaked the Court memo to ignite protests and riots that would intimidate the justices. You will see this leaker be feted in the media.” This…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Credit where credit is due, the following article was inspired by this hilarious tweet: BREAKINGLIVE reaction from Ruth Bader Ginsburg: — Jake Neidert (@jake_neidert) May 3, 2022 Always one to fight for whatever evil opinion she believes in, even death wasn’t enough to stop former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg from calling in to CNN’s direct line from hell and speaking out against the Alito abortion decision, saying: “Well, I was speaking to the Dark Lord a moment ago in my respite from the furious…

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Pickled beets are a longtime family favorite. My grandmother used to make pickled beets once a year and then reuse them to make pickled beets and hard-boiled eggs for my after-school snack. This mixture was later placed in a quart jar in the refrigerator, and I would sneak out a pink egg dyed by the […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Everyone loves a good spud. They’re so versatile. They can play a role in your main dish, and let’s face it, very palatable (even to the kids)! There are many recipes that are to come soon featuring different kinds of potatoes, but today we’re going to take a look at some creamy, home-made mashed potatoes. […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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A Royal insider who wrote Princess Diana’s diary has said that Meghan Markle “hated” touring Australia with her husband Prince Harry in 2018 and found the visit “pointless”. Tina Brown, the editor of Vanity Fair is closely acquainted with many members of the Royal Family and Palace staff. She was Princess Diana’s diarist and has recently released a new royal biography entitled The Palace Papers which reveal some scathing inside details about Meghan Markle’s feelings about her time in Oz. According to a Palace staffer, Meghan was wholly unimpressed with the Australian tour which the couple embarked upon the autumn…

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Billionaire and new Twitter-owner Elon Musk made his debut appearance in public since his take-over of the social media giant at the star-studded Met Gala last night. Elon, 50, was accompanied to the New York event by his mom, Maye, 74, who is a Canadian-South African model. The Tesla CEO looked relaxed as he laughed and joked on the red carpet alongside his glamour mom. Of course, his Twitter takeover seemed to be the main topic of conversation for the media and celebrity guests alike. He was quizzed by TV personality La La Anthony upon his arrival about his Twitter…

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The state of Arkansas, also known as the natural state, has seen an increase in natural disasters of 135% over the past 40 years. Arkansas is known for its tornadoes, but also has occasional flash floods. Arkansas is in the area of the country known as Tornado Alley. The study by Quote Wizard had found that there were 77 natural disasters from 1981 through 2021. “What we have really seen is just an increase in these natural disasters that have just been, quite frankly, shocking,” VinZant said. Authorities are suggesting that Arkansans prepare for a new severe weather season this…

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Police have begun a manhunt as a convicted murderer escaped an Alabama prison with a female police officer. They say both are likely to be armed and dangerous. Vicky White, 56, filed for retirement from her job the day before escorting 6ft 9in Casey White, 38, to a fake mental health appointment at the county courthouse. No appointment had ever been made. Her patrol car was found in a parking lot near a mall later that day, but White and Casey were nowhere to be seen. According to authorities, White would have been carrying her handgun with her and Casey…

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Living without refrigeration is often seen as impossible. In certain instances refrigeration is absolutely necessary for the health and safety of the people within your household. Although refrigeration isn’t necessary for condiments such as ketchup and mustard, refrigeration is absolutely necessary for insulin. Below we will discuss several different methods for keeping items that are of the utmost important to be refrigerated cold. A Cooler and Ice One of the simplest ways to keep items cool for a short period of time is a cooler with ice in it. To keep the items dry but cool, ice packs can be…

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Anyone that commutes or travels a lot throughout the week should have a 72-hour emergency kit in their van. If you have a van, it’s likely you have a family which includes children. The 72-hour kit that is suggested for emergency use would also include childcare needs. At a minimum each member of the family must have their own 72-hour kit inside of the vehicle. Each kit doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it should be tailor made for each individual. Every 72-hour kit should have a minimum at of the following inside of the individual’s bag. Later we will…

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Multitudes of communities, cities, countries, and regions are coming together with one global goal in mind. Dubbed the Zero-Waste Movement, and it got a significant lift this week as two of its leaders were granted the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize. Rossano Ercolini and Nohra Padilla are two of the winners of this year’s Goldman Prize, which grants $150,000 to every one of the six grassroots environmentalists who have accomplished extraordinary impact, often against great odds. Frequently against incredible odds. On the surface, Ercolini and Padilla seem to not have much in common. Ercolini is a grade school from the rural…

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During my four years in the United States Marine Corps, the chaplains were an integral part of our unit for spiritual guidance and counseling for those who asked for their involvement in their lives. Even on our “dog tags”, which would be used by those who would find us, in the event we became incapacitated in the field, our religion was included. Starting with President Bill Clinton though, the tolerance of homosexuality in the military and a newly enforced separation of duty & religion started to take root. Religion was no longer a desirable attribute, but instead, a traditional value…

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The United States of America was only able to form as the signers of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and a majority of the citizens in the 13 states, were Christians or at least sympathetic to the advantages and privileges included in the liberties set forth in the faith’s basic teachings. As recorded in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights,…

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There are a handful of prominent, publically known, New World Order activists that just can’t help but be in front of a camera or crowd as often as possible. One of them is Bill Gates, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft, promoter of the Great Reset, and a well-known philanthropist. In addition, and unknown to a majority of the American population, Bill Gates is now the US’ biggest farmland owner. Since stepping down as the CEO of Microsoft, Gates has been working on environmental and COVID-related projects. He has been given a voice on topics that he has no technical training or…

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Once again a case that should have never made it up to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) did because of the unconstitutional rulings by progressive judges in the appeals courts. The High Court ruled on Monday that the city of Boston showed bias against Christianity, namely by preventing the flying of a symbolic flag featuring a Christian cross. In a unanimous decision, the court said the city created a public forum, open to all comers when it allowed organizations to use a flagpole in front of City Hall. The justices agreed that the city of Boston had violated the…

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Pectin is a natural substance that helps to make jams and jellies thicker. Purchasing pectin in a store can be difficult at times to source and expensive. However, pectin is something that could be made at home for little to no money with an apple tree. Fruit pectin provides structure to the cell walls of […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Shoppers along New York City’s Madison Avenue will have to plan their visits to the high-end glass and metal retail palaces a little more carefully now, since many stores have moved to ‘by appointment only’ amid coordinated daytime shoplifting sprees along the storied glamorous boulevard. In addition to not having regular trading hours, the retailers have dimmed their lights, dead-bolted doors and placed security guards outside to deter would-be thieves during daytime hours. Even the swankiest of shops have not been spared the shocking rise in retail theft, despite NYPD patrol cars parked on the street. The Carolina Herrera boutique…

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A new paper from researchers at mostly Danish institutes found that the M RNA COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer and Moderna did not cause a reduction in all-cause mortality in randomized controlled trials. Incidentally COVID-19 vaccines made with older technology which are considered the adenovirus vector vaccines, specifically Johnson and Johnson’s, had a lower overall all caused mortality. This adds to the questions about the basis for the vaccines and booster mandates for 10’s of millions of Americans. The FDA’s former chief scientists Luciana Borio and the current advisor to pull off it recently stated that they were worried the…

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We know how cute and playful cats can be, but experts at Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) are cautioning visitors to the islands against playing with or feeding stray and feral cats as they pose a threat to Hawaiian wildlife and spread disease. According to Ryan Jenkinson, PhD, who works in the DLNR’s aquatic division, the stray cats are incredibly destructive animals to the native species in Hawaii he said in an interview with Fox News Digital. Most of the animals on the islands, including monk seals and native birds, do not have natural defense mechanisms to…

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NOTE: This article is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, got in major trouble with Delaware state troopers on the weekend when he was pulled over for going 90 mph in a 45 mph zone. The cop, not even bothering to glance at Hunter’s ID, which is where the problem began, yanked him from the high-end Tesla he was driving and carted him off to jail. Hunter, who had been busy smoking crack when the trooper pulled him over, was way too gone to bother demanding the cop let…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. President Joe Biden thought he was pulling a fast one on Elon Musk with the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board. Well, he might not have; according to our anonymous White House source he was busy looking for ice cream the day it was announced and ended up accidentally eating a jar of mayo and some raisins. But, Team Biden generally, according to that source, was pretty happy with their idea, thinking that they’d found a way to make Elon’s purchase a waste of money: who cares…

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At the mention of Joy Reid, I automatically cringe and laugh. She is a woman so unserious and delusional that it is no wonder her audience continues to abandon her with unmatched speed. Correction: CNN+ lost viewers at a quicker clip. No matter, Reid is unhinged and unbearable. She views the entire world through the ridiculous trifecta of race, gender, and sexual orientation. White skin makes one evil, as does the natural world’s binary, heterosexual existence. She is insane. Tucker Carlson, whom Reid obnoxiously refers to as Tuckums (why???), is one of the few brave media voices in America willing…

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The left predicates its entire existence on lies and falsehoods. I have often asked ignorant, confused friends to pick any political topic, specifically a position held by modern-day Democrats (i.e. radical Marxists) and I am prepared to show them how those positions are not only just wrong, but often inhumane, dehumanizing, or downright evil.  Unfortunately, this usually ends a conversation rather than starting one. The reason why is obvious. Conversation, particularly one that explores and upholds the truth, dismantles every aspect of leftist ideology. Most people would rather not confront their prodigious cognitive dissonance. Despite obviously being wrong – yet…

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At this time of year farmers markets abound with appealing spring vegetables: asparagus, spinach, peas, green onions, ramps.  If you’re like me you buy all of it, imagining future plant-based meals that will delight family and friends, making them marvel over how you made vegetables taste so good. But sometimes I get stuck, not in […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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