Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

If you’re an R&B and blues aficionado, then you’ve no doubt heard of musician Daryl Davis. What you may not know, aside from his incredible talent, is that Davis has a unique and perhaps dicey way of confronting racism; by seeking out KKK members and other White supremacists for a congenial sit-down. Born in Chicago in 1958, young Daryl experienced outright bigotry for the first time when he was about 9-years old, marching in a Cub Scouts parade while several white kids began taunting him because he was black. One even threw a rock that almost hit him. Confused, he…

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There is a move underway globally for massive investment groups to buy up a majority of the residential properties in the U.S., with the intentions of becoming the landlord to millions of families in the near future, 2030 being their benchmark. With this in mind, it makes sense that the real estate market is hot as a result of coronavirus-pandemic challenges, even with supply chain issues. And now reports show that investors snapping up record amounts of single-family homes is making it even more difficult for people shopping for a home. In the last three months of 2021, investors spent $49.9…

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In today’s political landscape, those who choose to take a stand against the establishment, frequently find themselves receiving a lot of attention, from those who are in agreement with them or by those who insist that anyone fighting the system is dangerous. Last week, the DHS issued an advisory that actually sounded more like a tyrannical attack sheet written by dictators, like Joseph Stalin or Benito Mussolini, which would have been distributed to the masses. “DHS Issues National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin.” Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include: The proliferation of false or misleading narratives,…

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In a lengthy new poll asking respondents a wide range of questions, by topic, it is obvious to me that the 1,500 people involved represent a more divided, formerly known as, the United United of  America. The decline in unity has been a successful and consorted effort by Marxists who have risen to high positions of authority in the national teachers’ unions, corporate board rooms, entertainment, etc. Even though blue states are rapidly dropping mask mandates for all indoor activities, in a new poll by The Economist/YouGov., a total of 58% of Americans said they will continue to wear a…

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A ‘Defund The Police’ activist once honored by Barack Obama has been released on bail by BLM for $100,000, after allegedly attempting to murder a Jewish politician. Quintez Brown, 21, stormed into the politician’s campaign headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky, on Monday and opened fire on Craig Greenberg. The mayoral candidate luckily escaped the horrific incident without serious injury, although a bullet grazed his body. This comes a few months after British Conservative politician David Amass was stabbed to death by a terrorist during a constituency meeting. Brown was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, but spent less than 48 hours…

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Journalism at one time was a crucial part of holding our government and those committing criminal acts in local communities accountable, and in the public eye. Unfortunately though, many in their industry have shifted over to pushing propaganda, creating daytime shows like The View, a long-running roundtable conversation, featuring a group of far-left-leaning women. On February 2nd, The View host Whoopi Goldberg was suspended after saying the Holocaust involved “two groups of white people”. ABC News said Goldberg would be off-air for two weeks after her “wrong and hurtful comments”. The actress and TV personality said on ABC’s The View…

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In a totally unsurprising development, Twitter is at it again censoring another user for calling the left out on their hypocrisy. I know, I know. You’re completely blown away by this news. On Tuesday evening the popular account Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) was suspended. The account almost exclusively posts photos juxtaposing two tweets from a particular leftist politician, commentator, celebrity, or organization highlighting either blatant hypocrisy, or how the older tweet simply did not age well. The user almost never adds any kind of commentary to the post. Shortly after the suspension, podcaster Eliza Bleu posted this message, stating that it…

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The controversial social justice activist group, Black Lives Matter (BLM), is starting to reap what they sowed following their on-the-street anarchists causing over 1 billion dollars in damages while rioting across the U.S., and their founders purging the organization of millions of dollars in donations for personal real estate purchases. A big revenue source for BLM just ended the relationship. Amazon kicked Black Lives Matter off its charity platform AmazonSmile on Tuesday as the social justice organization faces intense scrutiny from multiple states over the status of its financial windfall from 2020. The move deprives the organization of a major revenue source that has provided…

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Why do Democrats want to defund the police? Is it because they actually care about the hoodie-clad valuable young man slinging crack on a street corner with a Glock tucked in his waistband or the twelve-time rapist that just got arrested yet again but is pledging to the Soros-backed DA that he’ll be as free of sin as an unblemished lamb if let out for the thirteenth time? No, it’s not. If they really cared about those people, they’d lock them up and force them to reform and atone for their sins while also flooding the communities they had once…

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The death of many Millennials’ favorite TV dad, Bob Saget, continues to get more bizarre. On January 9, 2022, Bob Saget died at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Orlando, Florida. According to Saget’s family, the tv star bumped his head on something and went to sleep thinking it was no big deal. However, Dr. Joshua Stephany, the chief medical examiner that oversaw Saget’s autopsy, stated that Saget’s head trauma was extremely serious and not an injury that can be just shrugged off. Dr. Gavin Britza, neurosurgeon at Houston Methodist Hospital, stated that someone who has injuries like Saget’s usually come from…

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A reporter from the Daily Mail recently asked Hillary Clinton if she paid operatives to spy on the Trump campaign. The same reporter would go on to ask when Clinton would comment on the spying allegations, but, as expected, Clinton replied by waving her hand and completely blowing off the reporter. Watch the moment it happened here: Hillary Clinton Asked Directly To Her Face If She Spied On Donald Trump As President— Her Reaction Says It All — Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 15, 2022 There was no chance Hillary Clinton was going to answer that question. Right now, her entire…

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With most of America starting to re-open, following close to 2 years of COVID restrictions messing with their normal living, many on both sides of the aisle are looking to the CDC and NIH for information on what measurement is in place to determine when the pandemic has officially ended. As the US states wait for the federal government’s decision on COVID, several have just announced they are ending their indoor maks mandates for those who are vaccinated. New York and California’s announcements were a surprise as both governors have recently made public declarations that they would be keeping the…

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Canadians are gradually losing more freedoms under Justin Trudeau’s Prime Ministership as he urges cops to visit the homes of people who post to social media in support of the Freedom Convoy protests. With the protest in Ottawa now in its third week, Trudeau’s approach to dealing with the peaceful campaigners who have blocked roads and international border bridges has shifted up a gear. On Wednesday afternoon, cops issued flyers to those in ‘no-go areas’, ordering them to leave the area immediately or face fines, vehicle seizures or even arrest. But protesters saw a glimpse of hope this week as…

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Why is it that the corporate press is generally met with ridicule every time it tries to smear the brave Canadian truckers as “terrorists” or some other form of violent, malicious political actors? Because, despite the Trudeau government’s provocations, they’ve managed to stay in control of themselves and keep the protest peaceful. Despite the thuggish Canadian police showing up to steal their fuel, the only source of warmth they had in the bitterly cold Canadian winter, the truckers stayed in control. Despite the government’s threats to start taking their children if they continued protests, they kept in control, seething as…

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You can’t make this up, except when it pertains to politicians. Even though Democrats in the U.S. Senate have voted for nearly every major bill during our nation’s recording amount of spending under President Joe Biden, those who appear vulnerable to losing their seats in the upcoming  2022 elections are hypocritically deciding to run on the idea of cutting taxes. Yes, the party that never met a tax increase it didn’t like, now wants voters to believe they’re interested in cutting taxes. Vulnerable Senate Democrats are attempting a bold strategy: Running for reelection as the real tax-cutters in Congress, even…

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The history of the COVID pandemic includes a wide range of stories. Many of them explaining the draconian measures taken by governments around the world, in response to erroneous forecasts provided by the “experts”. Marxist political governors in the U.S. used the temporary emergency powers afforded to them by their state legislatures, to control their populations, similar to past tyrannical fascist dictators such as Stalin and Mussolini. As more and more data has come out concerning the effectiveness of natural immunity, and as more stories of politicians and elite members of Hollywood flouting the rules they put in place, a…

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Following the fraud-ridden 2020 elections, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell stepped out from being one the most popular marketing personalities on television, into the lion’s den of the far left cancel culture. Mr. Lindell was one of the first to speak out about the voting irregularities and early morning mystery ballot drops. Lindell using his national reach told the media that an audit of the elections in several swings states needed to be done before the January 6th electoral college counting took place. As a result of Mike speaking out, the national media zeroed in on Lindell leading the “cancel culture”…

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Joe Rogan must be stopped. This is the consensus from all of the wisest and most compassionate voices in our society. According to the White House, Spotify should not merely lead off Rogan’s COVID-19-centric episodes with a content warning; according to press secretary Jen Psaki, “our view is that it is a positive step, but that there is more that can be done.” According to CNN’s Brian Stelter, host of the ironically named “Reliable Sources”: “He is now apologizing. And we’re going to find out if that’s enough for Spotify, the company that has an exclusive distribution deal with him.”…

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According to the National Post, MyPillow CEO  Mike Lindell and a truckload of over 10,000 pillows were both refused entrance into Canada on Tuesday evening while attempting to join truckers protesting in Ottawa. Multiple reports have surfaced which revealed that over 10,000 pillows and Bibles were unable to enter Canada because the driver of the MyPillow truck carrying the Pillows was unvaccinated. Lindell himself reportedly attempted to enter Canada but was turned around because he was unvaccinated. In an interview with the Daily Beast, Lindell jokingly told a reporter that he now plans to airdrop his pillows into Ottawa by…

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It appears that states like Texas, which has taken steps to try to prevent the advancement of the controversial idea of Critical Race Theory (CRT), may have rushed through their legislation too quickly, leaving gaps in the bill’s language, which those on the left are exploiting. A former “equity specialist” at a Texas school district admitted that its schools teach through a Critical Race Theory (CRT) “lens,” according to videos obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Jonathan Pérez, a former “Equity Specialist” at Fort Worth Independent School District in Fort Worth, Texas, says the school district teaches through a…

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In what appears to be an attack on the legal protections afforded to gun manufacturers, and in line with the Great Reset’s agenda, the insurance company representing the now-defunct Remington Arms agreed to compensate the survivors of gun violence perpetrated by someone using their rifle in violation of the law, instead of allowing the courts to relieve them of any responsibility. This is the first time that a U.S. gun manufacturer has been held responsible for a mass shooting, ABC News reports. On Tuesday, Remington Arms agreed to a $73 million settlement of liability claims from nine families of Sandy…

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For two years Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, has been in the news daily, seemingly twenty-four hours per day. His advice has at best been confusing and at worst, politically driven. On March 8, 2020, the soon to be known as flip-flopping-Fauci and infectious disease expert told 60 Minutes; There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” I’m old enough to remember when Dr. Fauci went on 60 Minutes in March 2020 and said, “Right now in the United States, people should not…

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With each passing week, the Republican’s chances of re-taking the U.S. Congress in November has many political pundits on the left losing sleep. The nation appears to be growing tired of the Biden administration’s policies which are causing inflation and driving a massive number of illegal aliens over the southern border. In addition, other issues not polling well include: The administration’s mismanagement of the COVID vaccine rollouts Their push for mandatory vaccinations of all federal employees Their attempt to mandate jabs for all workers, at all companies, with 100 or more employees Their failed Afghanistan withdrawal These concerns have the…

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For the millions of college students pursuing higher education around the world, the events taking place in Ottawa, Canada should be included in their classroom discussions. After weeks of anti-vaccine mandate protesting by the Freedom Convoy, which has bogged down Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau just declared martial law against the Freedom Convoy Protest. Trudeau who was able to survive the cancel culture’s attacks on him for his past “black face” photos etc., has also previously been allowed to advance policies that he says better represent Canadian values. But, with the decline in COVID cases, and…

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A reporter from the Daily Mail recently asked Hillary Clinton if she paid operatives to spy on the Trump campaign. The same reporter would go on to ask when Clinton would comment on the spying allegations, but, as expected, Clinton replied by waving her hand and completely blowing off the reporter. Watch the moment it happened here: Hillary Clinton Asked Directly To Her Face If She Spied On Donald Trump As President— Her Reaction Says It All — Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 15, 2022 There was no chance Hillary Clinton was going to answer that question. Right now, her entire…

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It appears that states like Texas, which has taken steps to try to prevent the advancement of the controversial idea of Critical Race Theory (CRT), may have rushed through their legislation too quickly, leaving gaps in the bill’s language, which those on the left are exploiting. A former “equity specialist” at a Texas school district admitted that its schools teach through a Critical Race Theory (CRT) “lens,” according to videos obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Jonathan Pérez, a former “Equity Specialist” at Fort Worth Independent School District in Fort Worth, Texas, says the school district teaches through a…

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In what appears to be an attack on the legal protections afforded to gun manufacturers, and in line with the Great Reset’s agenda, the insurance company representing the now-defunct Remington Arms agreed to compensate the survivors of gun violence perpetrated by someone using their rifle in violation of the law, instead of allowing the courts to relieve them of any responsibility. This is the first time that a U.S. gun manufacturer has been held responsible for a mass shooting, ABC News reports. On Tuesday, Remington Arms agreed to a $73 million settlement of liability claims from nine families of Sandy…

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The international frenzy surrounding the Prince Andrew sex case has begun, not at all unpredictably, to morph into a political attack against existence of a Monarchy today, led by the usual left-wing, anti-British Harry and Meghan Stans. This comes as sources close to claimant Virginia Giuffre says she wants to write a tell-all book. Who saw that coming!? As part of the agreement with Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Virginia Giuffre will have to wait until after the Queen Jubilee year to speak publicly about her claims. It is thought the Prince was eager to settle the matter quickly in…

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It was only a few short weeks ago that the tennis star said he would get vaccinated after watching rival Rafael Nadal win the Australian Open, but now the Serbian superstar seems to have dramatically changed his mind. Since Novak Djokovic was controversially denied the opportunity to play at the Australian Open last month, the strict vegan has become a poster-boy for vaccine sceptics around the world. After initially allowing unvaccinated Djokovic entry into the country with a medical exemption, the Australian court later overturned the decision, admitting authorities had provided his team with inaccurate information about the grounds for…

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Right now, the Trudeau regime in Canada is waging war on free speech. Taking a cue from the banks that have kicked everyone from 2nd Amendment advocates to Mike Lindell out in the name of…”safety” or some such nonsense, Trudeau is going after the bank accounts of his political enemies. Speaking on that plan in a press conference, he said: “After discussing with cabinet and caucus, after consultation with premiers from all provinces and territories, the federal government has invoked the emergencies act to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockades and occupations. I want to be very…

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According to the Guinness World Records, Anthony Mancinelli was the world’s oldest working barber at 108-years old. The honor was bestowed upon him in 2007, when Mancinelli was a mere 96 years old. Born in Naples, Italy in 1911, young Mancinelli came to the United States with his family when he was about 8-years old, landing at Ellis Island in New York Harbor on September 11th, 1919. The family settled in Newburgh, which is now New Windsor, because an aunt of his lived there. Mancinelli began cutting hair in 1921, when he was just 10 years old and a haircut…

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Censored no more! President Donald Trump is returning to social media and this time he will be using his own platform. Donald Trump Jr., has just, tweeted a screenshot of the first post on Trump’s up-and-coming social media network Truth Social. ‘It’s time for the truth!!!’ Donald Jr. tweeted Tuesday night, sharing a photo of his father’s Truth Social post, which reads: ‘Get ready! ‘Your favorite president will be there shortly.’ According to social media users, the beta version of Truth Social was debuted for only certain users including President Trump. The Daily Mail reported: ‘TRUTH Social (beta) has…

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For two years Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, has been in the news daily, seemingly twenty-four hours per day. His advice has at best been confusing and at worst, politically driven. On March 8, 2020, the soon to be known as flip-flopping-Fauci and infectious disease expert told 60 Minutes; There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” I’m old enough to remember when Dr. Fauci went on 60 Minutes in March 2020 and said, “Right now in the United States, people should not…

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With each passing week, the Republican’s chances of re-taking the U.S. Congress in November has many political pundits on the left losing sleep. The nation appears to be growing tired of the Biden administration’s policies which are causing inflation and driving a massive number of illegal aliens over the southern border. In addition, other issues not polling well include: The administration’s mismanagement of the COVID vaccine rollouts Their push for mandatory vaccinations of all federal employees Their attempt to mandate jabs for all workers, at all companies, with other 100 employees Their failed Afghanistan withdrawal These concerns have the Republicans…

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For the millions of college students pursuing higher education around the world, the events taking place in Ottawa, Canada should be included in their classroom discussions. After weeks of anti-vaccine mandate protesting by the Freedom Convoy, which has bogged down Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau just declared martial law against the Freedom Convoy Protest. Trudeau who was able to survive the canceled culture attack on him for his past “black face” photos etc., has also been previously been allowed to advance policies that he says better represent Canadian values. But, with the decline in COVID cases,…

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Former President Donald J.Trump and his supporters have expressed concern that spying took place leading up to, and following Mr. Trump’s victory in 2016. Former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committee have been frequently mentioned in the list of those involved. In addition, fake news networks promoted and distributed the story of a dossier showing collusion between Trump and the Russian government. It has been discovered that leadership from the Obama White House, FBI, and CIA  developed, executed, and covered up their activities in the modern-day coup d’etat. Is a moment that rocked DC, Attorney General William…

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Shortly after President Biden’s inauguration on January 20th, 2021, former President Trump’s tens of millions of supporters started the call for Mr. Trump to run again in 2024. With challenges of the 2020 elections still underway, Trump stayed focused on exposing the election fraud reported in AZ, GA, NV, PA, WI, and MI, and overturning the 2020 elections. As Biden mismanaged the rollout of the COVID vaccines by increasing the federal overreach in mandating jabs for millions of federal employees, against the data showing a lack of efficacy from them, Americans looked for governors to stand up and fight against…

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After weeks of anti-vaccine mandate protesting by the Freedom Convoy, which has bogged down Canada’s capital city of Ottawa, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau just declared martial law against the Freedom Convoy Protest. Trudeau is invoking an executive order that was formerly called the War Measures Act. The Emergencies Act is the rebrand used during two world wars and in 1970 when militant Quebec separatists kidnapped a British diplomat. The Freedom Convoy which is made up of primarily Canadian truckers, made international news when thousands of drivers and supporters parked their massive vehicles in front of the parliament building, lifting their voices in…

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We reported that legendary comedian and America’s “Dad”, Bob Saget died on January 9th, 2022. At the time, all that was known was that he had died and had been found in his hotel room after a performance in Jacksonville Florida the night before. Cops indicated no foul play and no signs of substance abuse were found in his room. His family requested privacy, as per the norm. There were touching tributes and a funeral in the days that passed. We were told by both police and the family that the results from the autopsy could take any from 4…

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Central to the idea of the American spirit is “ordered liberty.” Inherent in that idea is the belief that Americans have the right to do what they want, but only within the bounds of what’s acceptable and congruent with a functioning society. In other words, you have the right to do what you ought, not whatever would satiate your basest desires. The problem is that we’ve forgotten that concept, ordered liberty, and replaced it with the vague, much less restriction notion of “freedom.” Freedom is generally taken to mean the ability to do whatever you want, hence why “lolbertarians” yell…

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