Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

According to a UN report more than 780 million people worldwide lack basic clean drinking water, and by 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in drought affected areas, along with a staggering population growth of over 10 billion people by 2050, and over 10.9 billion by 2100. Ironically, about 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, and almost 97% is ocean seawater, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Seawater, up until now, wasn’t safe for human drinking consumption. However, thanks to a group of dedicated scientists in Australia they have been able to…

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During the development of the original colonies, children were taught by a local teacher who was responsible for teaching every subject, while introducing the youth to basic cultural civics. As the industrial revolution started building, American Ph.D.’s went to Prussia, modern-day Germany, to learn their eight-year educational model. Upon their return, public education in the U.S. was then modeled after their system, leading to the formalization of free, tax-payer-funded, public schools. Embedded in the European system was  Marxism which has dramatically become more prevalent, especially in the last 20 years. The American education system in the 21st century is failing…

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According to a recent study published in JAMA Current Open, having a sense of purpose in life, whatever it may be, can mean the difference between an early grave or a long life span. Researchers from the University of Michigan School of Public Health analyzed data from nearly 7,000 individuals over 50-years-old and concluded that “stronger purpose in life was associated with decreased mortality”. They believe that “purposeful living may have health benefits”. The research was gathered from individuals who participated in the American Health and Retirement Study (HRS) long-term research program that gathered data from a cross-section of subjects…

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Wow, can you imagine owing 11 billion dollars in personal income tax? Well, Elon Musk, the founder, CEO, and Chief Engineer at SpaceX; CEO, and Product Architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI, is scheduled to pay this massive amount of tax, while his company Tesla will be paying $0 in federal tax on 5.5 billion in profits. Far-left radicals, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass)’s, are still claiming that Musk doesn’t pay enough taxes and is “freeloading off everyone else.” “Let’s change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year…

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For several months those in the higher levels of the democratic hierarchy have been expressing concerns about President Biden’s re-electability in 24 while sharing their thoughts on how his facing presidency could turn things around, for their party’s sake. David Axelrod, a key Barack Obama advisor from his 2008 campaign and trusted advisor during his presidency, has some advice for President Joe Biden: Be humble during your upcoming State of the Union address. In an opinion column for The New York Times,” Mr. President, It’s Time for a Little Humility,” Axelrod pleaded with Biden to tone down his rhetoric during…

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In the midst of all the political commentary filling up the news cycle, it is nice to hear from the few who have the professional experience to provide clarity on what is taking place. Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is one of them. On Sunday, Ratcliffe appeared on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” saying he is expecting “many indictments” from the investigation by special counsel John Durham into the notorious Steele dossier, arguing that everyone involved in creating the file is in “jeopardy.” Ratcliffe’s comments just days after Igor Danchenko, a key contributor to the dossier was arrested…

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From President Biden’s first week in office, after asking what he was signing during a live event, the question of who is actually in charge has been up for debate. I have been arguing that former President Barack Obama has been running the current administration, from his home down the street from the White House, an “Obiden” administration. Back on Nov 30, 2020, before Biden was sworn in, Obama actually laid out what conditions he would need in order to run for a third term. The left says it was hyperbole, I believe reality. A Manchurian candidate who would be…

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“Better late than never” is an expression used by those looking to put a positive spin on the delay of things they had expected to have arrived earlier, but then are just glad to get the delivery at all. For 5 years millions of Americans have been demanding justice, leading to the prosecution of those involved in the Russian Hoax, for the two bogus impeachments and 2020 election fraud. Back in 2017, Mr. Trump complained that his phone lines at Trump Tower has been illegally tapped, leading to the fake news networks accusing Trump of pushing “another unsubstantiated conspiracy.” It…

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When the cancel culture clowns failed to take down Joe Rogan for spreading “COVID misinformation,” these people just would not stop. A decidedly un-patriotic organization known as “PatriotTakes,” whose mission is to “research, monitor and expose the extremism and radicalization of the far right across the darkest parts of the Internet,” apparently combed through the entire archives of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast dating all the way back to 2009. They created this 29-second video of Joe Rogan saying the N-word, which is apparently what they thought would be the best way to get Rogan cancelled. This second attack…

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In the post-“insurrection” era, D.C.’s Capitol police, who take their marching orders from Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have been trending toward becoming her personal partisan gestapo. In the latest example of overreach on their behalf, a routine safety procedure became somewhat of a witch hunt for one Texas congressman. Last November, when Capitol Police noticed the door of Representative Troy Nehls’ office wide open, they went inside to ensure everything was alright. Congressman Nehls, the former sheriff of a suburban county near Houston, conceded that this was common practice and that in and of itself, it was not an issue. What…

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A key tenet of leftist gun control orthodoxy is that “assault rifles” must be banned. Whatever the truth about how frequently those guns (semi-auto rifles that look scary to Democrats) are used to commit crimes (next to never), they just can’t get over the fact that some Americans like to own a semi-auto rifle that looks like an M16. So, they go berserck the four times each year such a weapon is used in a high-profile crime. Rending their garments and beating their chests in the halls of Congres and in front of the cameras of CNN as corcodile tears…

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Everything that happens in the dark eventually comes to the light and so is the case for the Clinton campaign’s dirty treasonous secrets. A recent filing from Special Counsel John Durham has revealed that lawyers from Hilary Clinton’s campaign paid a tech company to “infiltrate servers” in both Trump Tower and eventually the White House in a failed attempt to link Trump to Russia. The filing from Durham was made on February 11th which primarily focused on potential “conflicts of interest” in the representation of former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann. Previously Sussmann was charged with lying to a federal…

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One of the most frustrating parts of the George Floyd Riots summer was watching all the people that had attacked gun rights for years lining up around the block in the hope of buying an AR or handgun from their local gun store. After doing everything in their power to limit gun rights, claiming that no one “needs” an AR, 30-round magazine, semi-auto handgun, etc., they went on to rush to buy those things as soon as they felt threatened. Yet worse, they bought up all the ammunition the rest of us needed. 5.56, 9mm, .308, 6.5 Creedmore, and .45…

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The Department of Energy has just hired a new Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition who is a drag queen activist in his spare time. Sam Brinton is the new hire who goes by the drag name of “Sister Ray Dee O’ Active”. Brinton has been a bit controversial for his speeches on kink role-play and according to the National Pulse, the top Biden official even discussed the topic of having sex with animals. Here’s Biden’s new director of Nuclear Waste Disposal. Not joking. — Gunnery Sergeant Jessie Jane Duff (@JessieJaneDuff) February 12, 2022 Here’s a…

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History shows the reality that former President Donald J. Trump was crushing the 2020 elections, especially in several swing states, well at least until millions of mystery ballots started appearing at ballot processing facilities around 4 AM in PA, WI, GA, AZ, MI. Universal mail-in ballots plus Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s non-profits unmonitored drop boxes were identified as 2 of the sources used by the left to insert the illegal votes. The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) issued memos to Wisconsin clerks in March and August of 2020 encouraging their use, stating that absentee ballots do not need to be mailed by the voter or…

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As Joe Biden’s presidency is collapsing and with no sign that the mentally and physically declining Oval Office occupant is capable of turning things around, the Deep State has started looking for possible replacements for Biden on the 2024 ticket and is also trying to stop Trump from running in 2024. 11 Democrats who could replace Joe Biden in 2024 (CNN)Combine President Joe Biden’s age (he’ll be 82 shortly after the 2024 election) and his ongoing political struggles (he’s mired in the low 40s in job approval) and you get this: a series of stories examining whether Biden runs again…

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In typical fashion, the Democratic party will do anything including hook or crook, to advances their social justice objectives and maintain political power. Even though men, who think they are women, are crushing women in their sports, the left went out and found a boy is not a good athlete to misrepresent what is taking place a majority of the time. Here are a few examples: 2 Transgender high school sophomores Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood came in first and second place, respectively, in the 100-meter race at the State Open Finals on June 4, angering some parents who complained…

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In another open display of disdain for traditional America, and in line with the objectives set for in The Great Reset, a group affiliated with the government is openly promoting Democratic Socialism while disparaging American Capitalism, is hosting a public conference with a radical, anti-America  French economist. The Department of Defense’s National Defense University (NDU), the premier educational institution for military and defense civilian leaders, is hosting a lecture on how Western countries should adopt socialism in response to the challenge from China. The lecture, which is scheduled to take place online, on February 16, and is titled, “Responding to…

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Once again a public school has crossed the line in seeking to encourage and solicit sexual thoughts from elementary-aged children. With more and more teachers and classroom aids admitting on social media that they are teaching LGBT, CRT, and sexual material into their classes, without the approval or knowledge of the school administrators, criminal charges need to be determined as a future deterrent. A school district in Enfield, Connecticut has been caught asking eighth-graders to share their sexual desires in the form of pizza toppings. After getting caught the school officials quickly blamed the distribution of the assignment to the children…

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We often hear after we encounter a story about someone’s near death experience how reluctant they were in coming back. Dr. Bruce Greyson is a respected psychiatrist and a renowned author, chronicling hundreds of cases of near-death experiences within his 50 years of research. He explains in his critically acclaimed book titled After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond, why individuals who’ve survived a near death experience (NDE), return feeling a sense of sadness upon their return. Dr. Greyson also suggests that NDE’s are a lot more common than people realize; “Near-death experiences are fairly…

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Thick snow blankets the frozen ground and the air is bitter cold, but despite all odds, the Freedom Truckers have stood their ground for over a month now against the wrath of the draconian establishment. Since January 9th, truckers have been gathering in the Canadian capital of Ottawa. From the 28th of January on, the ‘Freedom Convoy’ moved Eastward to other major Canadian cities, parking bumper-to-bumper, blocking highways and bringing traffic to a stand-still. Hordes of diverse people of all races, ages, and creeds have since joined the protest. Families sit huddled around make-shift fires while the Maple Leaf flags…

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Eighth grade students at John F. Kennedy Middle School in Connecticut were set a bizarre school assignment which told them to select pizza toppings based on their least and most favorite sexual acts, including “kissing” and “giving oral”. The school came under fire when concerned parents took to social media to voice their disgust at the paper entitled ‘Pizza & Consent’, which was designed for kids as young as thirteen. According to Fox News, the assignment showed photos of pizzas along the top of the page, along with options; “Enthusiastic – It’s a genuine ‘YES’ and a strong want and…

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The FCC, or Federal Communications Commission, is one of those many agencies in the swampy bureaucracy that enables unelected bureaucrats to exert immense power over our daily lives. It is meant to regulate those communications that occur via radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable, maintains jurisdiction over other ways people communicate, such as broadband access, and also deals with regulatory issues such as fair competition in the communications space, radio frequency use, and media responsibility. Now, think about how frequently you interact with the areas the FCC maintains dominion over. From broadband to radio, cable to satellite, the FCC is…

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On August 4th, 2013, Illinois student Katie Lentz was driving her Mercedes convertible on Highway 19 when she was suddenly hit head-on by a drunk driver. The horrific accident crushed Lentz’s car in a mangled wreck, leaving her with life threatening injuries including multiple fractures, a ruptured spleen, and damaged liver. Emergency responders rushed to the accident scene, tasked with the responsibility of stabilizing the 19-year-old crash victim and extracting her from the tangled wreckage. However, the challenge in dislodging Lentz from the twisted metal proved daunting due to the equipment at the scene not proving strong enough to cut…

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One of the biproducts of the racist social justice movements including Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, and Intersectionality theory, is that children have difficulty processing and living with the idea that all people with white skin hate them. Just like the fake hate crime hoax perpetrated by the wealthy, former television star Jussie Smollet, who hired 2 back men to perform an alleged mugging by two white men, at 2 AM, more and more black youth have been getting caught also trying to stage fake hate crimes in the pursuit of “racial justice’ against their white peers. A black student…

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The Adele TERF wars continue on social media today as many in the Trans and LGBT community deny ever having called Adele anti-transgender, instead accusing anti-trans activist of stirring up hatred. When the BRIT Awards made the announcement they were doing away with separate male and female artist awards this year and instead would issue a gender-neutral ceremony, there was bound be heated debate on social media from the off-set – but when Adele made her acceptance speech, Twitter debate exploded. Pop icon Adele, 33, took home three awards at the BRITs on Tuesday evening, but controversially during her acceptance speech…

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Many Californians took a victory lap around the track last week when a Single-Payer Health Care scheme died on the Assembly floor.  The victory lap was cut short, however, when those same Californians learned that the Gavin Newsom Administration made a deal with Kaiser Permanente that was similar to Governor Newsom’s state-controlled health care bill, Assembly Bill 1400. The main notable difference between AB 1400 and the Newsom deal is that the Newsom deal was inked outside of the legislative process and was done by high-powered lobbyists. The Californian Globe reported last week: “Kaiser Permanente “has given nearly $100 million…

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Most of us at some point in our lives have had uncanny experiences that we cannot explain. Whether it’s being at a place or event familiar to us, but never actually having been there, or recounting a set of circumstances eerily familiar, although never actually having experienced them. The French call it “Déjà vu”, which translates to “already seen”, meaning that a person has a feeling they’ve done something that they’ve already lived through, without actually living through it. However, another possibility may be the experience you’re feeling of familiarity may have already happened to you in another lifetime. According…

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Our nation’s enemies are attacking us from Beijing and Moscow, plus are openly and secretly tearing us down from within. With an incoherent president in office who is just trying to remember what day of the week it is, the radical members of President Joe Biden’s cabinet appear to be free to execute the directives coming from, in my opinion, Barak Obama’s desk, a short drive down the street from the White House. On April 8th, 2021, White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted President Biden and former President Barack Obama talk “regularly”, but refused to say how often to…

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Well, it’s almost the full-blown 2020 mid-term election cycle time, and the democrats are getting, “ready to rumble”. Following a flurry of legal activity and public calls to continue the mask and vaccine mandates, and even though the U.S. Covid death toll hit its highest level in about a year, rising 39% over the past two weeks, many on the left are suddenly OK with dropping the mask mandates for vaccinated individuals in states like California and New York. Since the “science” on Covid has not measurably changed, the obvious reason for their change of heart has to be that…

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Recently I have noticed the #metoo movement has acquiesced to the non-binary, non-assigned gender movement, in effect diminishing the original call for people to help defend and elevate women’s rights to be equal with men For example, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has taken a stand against blurring the line between women and men, who think they are women,is getting attacked for it. ‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling)…

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In a time when Los Angeles County is experiencing skyrocketing crime, homelessness, and brazen theft, their county supervisors have been considering firing thousands of highly trained peace officers, for not taking the disputed COVID jabs. Yes even though homicides in Los Angeles County have increased 94% over the last two years, the edicts coming down from their politicians must be complied with or county employees could face termination. Their plans to fire the huge number of officers, when The Los Angeles Police Department has 296 empty officer positions and almost 500 fewer officers on duty than it did this time…

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Those who are considered baby boomers and Gen X grew up in an America in which the individual was responsible to pull up their own bootstraps and make something for themselves by pursuing their dreams. No one was going to coddle their neighbor, so most people had thicker skin, expecting ups and downs, but it was all part of the journey. Through the indoctrination of students since the 1960s, things have changed considerably in Millennials and Gen Z generations. They were introduced to social justice, the redefining of marriage, and the confusing world of gender dysphoria allowing the acceptance of…

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In the past decade, far-leftists have been advancing the concept of paying Universal Basic Income (UBI) payments to all citizens. UBI is a Utopian dream in the pursuit of “Equity”. For progressives, Universal basic income is a sociopolitical policy proposal, income redistribution, in which all citizens receive a regular payment and equal financial grant paid by the government without a means test. In other words, every citizen, regardless of whether they work or not, would get an equal monthly payment as a right for being a citizen. Now the left, especially “woke” corporations that have embraced the Great Reset, are…

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Biden, in a recent, delusional statement, described handguns as weapons of war. Whether he hadn’t finished his afternoon oatmeal or had just waken up from one of his much needed naps and was still a bit groggy, his statement was utterly absurd. Speaking on the handgun used to kill Officer Rivera, Biden said: “A magazine with 40 rounds. It’s…a weapon of war.” Biden says that a “glock with 40 rounds” is “a weapon of war” — Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 3, 2022 Here’s the thing: 1) no it isn’t, and 2)it wouldn’t matter even if it were. For starters,…

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Under the authoritarian leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada has turned into a biomedical security state. Not everybody is satisfied with living inside of a biomedical security state though, thousands of truckers in the last several weeks have expressed their disapproval of Canada’s extreme vaccine mandates by forming the freedom convoy. Since the freedom convoy took over Canada’s capital of Ottawa, the city has not been silent since, but has instead, been filled with the sound of truckers blasting their air horns for freedom. Not everybody is a fan of the truckers and residents of Ottawa honking at night,…

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The GOP has become predictably weak in recent years, especially when trying to push through meaningful legislation or fighting against the cancel culture. Saying this, two voices especially are still calling out from the crowd saying; Don’t back down, never surrender. They are former President Donald J. Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis shared his thoughts concerning Rogan and the cancel culture during an interview with Fox News Digital in response to attacks from mainstream media. “No, he shouldn’t have apologized. I mean, you see what happens? The mob will come after people, and they’re targeting…

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What is the point of the left’s campaign of cancel culture attacks on figures like Joe Rogan? Is it to hold public figures accountable and create a more just, humane, and responsible society? Or is it to strike down the opposition and shove heterodox views and those that preach them out of the public sphere to protect an unpopular regime? Undoubtedly it is the latter, one for which there is no excuses. In the former case, where the goal is to push people toward being better, there is a valid defense. Liberty isn’t licentiousness, after all, so there is a…

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For several decades the civil rights movement worked to end segregation. In a day ingrained into American history, on Sept. 10, 1963, twenty black students entered Alabama public schools following a standoff between federal authorities and Gov. George C. Wallace. In spite of anti-integration politicians, like Senator Joesph Biden, trying to stop the bussing of black students from poor-performing schools, to those with more resources, with predominantly white students, schools have become integrated through the U.S.A. Unfortunately in the past decade especially, radical social justice activists have been working to integrate social justice ideology, including Critical Race Theory, into the…

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The fallout from the violence perpetrated by BLM and ANTIFA during the COVID pandemic is sweeping the nation. The need for the restoration of law and order, and removal of the social justice movement and mask mandates from their family’s lives, has driven parents nationwide to take action. Some of these fed-up parents started attending school-board meetings in 2021, pushing back against officials who were promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and masking mandates for their children attending the schools. As the frustration against the SJW school administrators increased, Attorney General Merrick Garland was asked by the radical school board association…

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