Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Originally established in Boston in 1933, before moving to Washington four years later, until today, the team has always proudly sported the name The Redskins. That was until the recent major outcry from the woke, cancel-culture mob who demanded the NFL team change its supposedly ‘racist’ name, which they insisted was offensive to Native Americans. Although this ridiculous, petty debate has bubbled under for a number of years, as with many similar instances, the mob finally got their way in 2020 after the BLM uprising and riots following George Floyd’s death. With sponsors, Fed-Ex threatening to pull their funding, the…

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American citizens generally expect their elected officials to act as servants, looking out for their best interests and the safety of the nation as a whole. Unfortunately, a growing number of uneducated voters continue to elect politicians who are enriching themselves while spending the nation into financial ruin. These politicians with annual salaries below $250K are somehow becoming wealthy while allowing nations that are at war economically and possibly, long-term, militarily with the U.S. to prosper at the expense of their constituents. As a result of these politicians getting entwined financially with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), The Red Dragon…

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If you’ve ever purchased a firearm from a gun store, you’ll know that filling out a form (ATF Form 4473) which is then sent off for an “instant background check” is required. Now, the ATF is required by law to destroy its copy of the form after checking to make sure you’re not a felon. That was part of the deal when the background system was created. Turns out, and this should be no surprise, the agency that NFA President Wayne LaPierre called a bunch of “jackbooted thugs,” isn’t keeping its word. In fact, it has a secret database of…

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Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield recently had former United States Army Interrogator Gregory Hartley on as a body language expert guest to discuss Kamala Harris’s facial expressions from a recent “Today” show interview. In Kamala’s interview, “Today” show host Craig Melvin asked her questions that she clearly did not expect to be asked.  Specifically, Melvin asked: “Why has the administration not been able to get Senate Democrats onboard?” in regards to voting legislation. “Why has it taken this long?”, as a follow up question. “Are we going to uh see the same democratic ticket in 2024?” in regards to Kamala running in…

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Following the requests by Biden’s Surgeon General and a handful of aging hypocritical hippie musicians,  Spotify announced a decision on Sunday to include content advisory warnings on Rogan’s interviews about the coronavirus pandemic with sources dissenting from the government narrative about the virus. Musicians Neil Young and Joni Mitchell asked the company to remove their music from their platform. Spotify Co-Founder Daniel Ek responded to the censorship campaign on Sunday via statement. He said Spotify would add a “content advisory” to all hosted content involving “discussion about COVID-19” that would direct users to a “COVID-19 Hub” including “links to trusted sources: We…

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If you’ve been listening to the elite political talking heads of late, then you’re already aware that climate change is the “Holy Grail” of the far left political establishment, attempting to shore-up conflicting scientific data with their own skewed orthodoxy concerning the environment. Regardless of what is taking place millions of miles above the earth’s atmosphere, there’s little doubt that our planet is being directly impacted negatively right here at home due to the growing crisis of plastic waste pollution. According to recent studies, plastic waste pollution is known to release harmful toxins back into the environment once the plastic…

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Following the requests by Biden’s Surgeon General and a handful of aging hypocritical hippie musicians,  Spotify announced a decision on Sunday to include content advisory warnings on Rogan’s interviews about the coronavirus pandemic with sources dissenting from the government narrative about the virus. Musicians Neil Young and Joni Mitchell asked the company to remove their music from their platform. Spotify Co-Founder Daniel Ek responded to the censorship campaign on Sunday via statement. He said Spotify would add a “content advisory” to all hosted content involving “discussion about COVID-19” that would direct users to a “COVID-19 Hub” including “links to trusted sources: We…

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Polling is an ever-changing science as those interviewing respondees have to continue to figure out new ways to reach the young generations who have departed from using home phones and emails. In addition, determining who to question, which depends on the norms in the target groups, is crucial. One of the most accurate pollsters of the last 20 years released a shocking poll on Monday. A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 50% of Likely U.S. voters support the impeachment of Biden, including 33% who Strongly Support it. Forty-five percent (45%) are opposed…

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The activity of The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Fauci’s operated National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases (NIAID) is disturbing to millions of Americans. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the nation’s medical research agency — making important discoveries that improve health and save lives. NIAID conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. Not only did Dr. Anthony Fauci fund “gain of function” research for COVID, but has also funded absurd “research”, such as…

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Of all the issues that have divided the United States since 2019, the conflicting information on COVID had elevated the topic from kitchen tables to the public square. The democratic party until recently has been united behind the Biden administration’s push for national masking and vaccinations. With Omicron’s milder symptoms now documented though, a whopping 70% of Americans polled are now ready to move on from COVID. The poll showed a definite partisan split, with 89 percent of Republicans saying it is time to move forward compared with 47 percent of Democrats. Seventy-one percent of independents say it is time to move…

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Progressive politicians on Capitol Hill and in Governor’s mansions in blue states have discussed how to implement universal healthcare for all. As one of their top priorities, the biggest hurdle they have faced is how to pay for it. In line with their open borders and big government models, if they could implement the “right” of government-run health care, it would end up as the jewel in their fascist crowns. In a surprising move by the far, far left; California Democrats fell short of the votes needed to pass a “single-payer” health care bill Monday that would force a government…

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Super woke Hollywood couple Harry and Meghan have thrown another tantrum, this time over streaming service Spotify’s apparently unacceptable spreading of what they deem “Covid-19 misinformation’’. The pair famous for their love of privacy have a $24 million production deal with Spotify and have joined other celebrities including music legends Neil Young and Joni Mitchell to voice their “concerns” about “dangerous” and “perceptive content” on the platform. A statement from the couple’s charity Archewell was shared online by journalist Omid Scobie this weekend: ‘Last April, our co-founders began expressing concerns to our partners at Spotify about the all too real…

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US Truckers have been inspired by the thousands of Canadian truckers who have formed a massive convoy to protest vaccine mandates. Many of the American truckers who are participating in the Canadian convoy, which consists of over 50,000 truckers, are planning to turn their rigs to California and start a new convoy to DC to protest US vaccine mandates. A Facebook group called “Convoy to DC 2022” has over 92,000 members and it’s growing by the day. Most of the members are long-haul truck drivers who are sick and tired of Biden’s cross-border vaccine mandate for truckers delivering freight across…

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Former presidential candidate and Democrat Tulsi Gabbard unleashed on troubled President Joe Biden after he promised to choose a Supreme Court nominee based on their “skin and sex” rather than qualifications. Gabbard cited Vice President Kamala Harris as for why this decision was a terrible idea. “Biden chose Harris as his VP because of the color of her skin and sex—not qualification. She’s been a disaster. Now he promises to choose Supreme Court nominee on the same criteria. Identity politics is destroying our country,” Gabbard said in a tweet on Monday. Biden chose Harris as his VP because of the color of…

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The onslaught of illegal activity through our elections, immigration, and education systems is overwhelming for the average American to track or process. Hundreds of Americans sign sworn avadavats following the 2020 presidential election. They reported violations of their specific state’s election laws, duplicated ballots being inserted into the machines, ballots dropped doof around 4 am in the day following the election day, 90 plus percent going for Biden ETC. In spite of all the data, the courts have not wanted to touch the “hot potato” and have chosen to ignore their testimony, thus hamper the pursuit of the truth. Last…

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Canadian Black Lives Matter activists are furious over the group’s recent $8.1 million cash purchase of a mansion in downtown Toronto that once served as the headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada. The U.S. charity that serves as the face of the BLM movement provided the bulk of the funding for the purchase of the 10,000-square-foot property in July. The purchase flew largely under the radar at the time, but anger has now reached a boiling point amid other revelations about BLM’s management and its finances. Via FOX News. Black Lives Matter (BLM) moved millions of dollars to a charity in Canada run by the wife of co-founder Patrisse…

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Correction:  They are not illegal, they all have Visas. The United States is under attack from within; internationally via George Soros, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum in Devos, Switzerland. The Biden administration has removed all of former President Donald J. Trump’s successful immigration policies in addition to stopping “the wall” from being completed. All of the international players are funding the invasion of millions of illegals from around the world, pressuring banks and corporations to move to ESG scores. When adding in the massive number of VISAS and the Marxist indoctrination taking place in the U.S. education…

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The man who was denied from receiving a heart transplant due to not getting the Covid-19 vaccine, health is deteriorating quickly according to those who are closest with him. DJ Fergeson,31, who made national headlines after his name was taken off the heart transplant list due to his vaccination status was left fighting for his life earlier this week after he underwent emergency open-heart surgery. Ferguson was admitted into the Brigham and Women’s Hospital after he suffered from heart failure several years after being diagnosed with arrhythmia. Ferguson was on top of the heart transplant list but was immediately taken…

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One thing that has baffled me for years is the sentencing of criminals. I am trying to figure out what formulas do the courts use in determining what provides adequate justice for the victims, and adequate punishment to mete out to the convicted criminals. In a perfect example of the system not working, a man, James Tubbs, began a gender transition from male to female after being taken into custody on charges of child molestation as Hannah Tubbs. Tubbs has been sentenced to 2-years in a juvenile detention facility. Hannah Tubbs, 26 years of age, is a biological male who…

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The fact that two plus million more illegal aliens have the nerve to head to the U.S. southern border in 2022, expecting to get in, is infuriating to many American citizens especially those who served in the United States military. The U.S. border officials are preparing for as many as 9,000 border arrests per day by the spring, according to two Department of Homeland Security officials, which would be significantly larger than last year’s peak and could cause a headache for the Democratic administration ahead of midterm elections. The Biden administration’s policies lead to a record-breaking 1.7 million border arrests…

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With the emergence of progressive politicians in formerly right-leaning governments, in nations such as the U.S., England, Australia, and New Zealand, the respect for autonomy and concern for the citizenry has diminished in importance dramatically. President Joe Biden abandoned hundreds of American citizens during the withdrawal from Afghinmstans will erroneously transport unvetted Afghanistan nationals not targeted for removal. New Zealand with one of the most tyrannical governments during the COVID pandemic, appears to have also left some of its citizens behind the Islamic Wall in Afghanistan too. Although the spread of Covid-19 has been limited in New Zealand and just…

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Once again President Joe Biden comes up way short in a national poll. Even though the Biden administration continues to claim that Joe has outperformed expectations as president, less than half of American voters think he is doing a good job at all. In a new poll from Zogby, they discovered that almost half of the people asked, disagree with sleepy Joe. In fact, in their poll, when asked, those who were interviewed stated they believe Biden lied just to get elected, and now the country is worse off than before he took office. Yes, a huge number of Americans…

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The richest man in the world has just called out Joe Biden. CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, took to Twitter after Biden shared a video on Twitter that claims GM and Ford’s Electric Vehicles are the future. Musk was truly upset that Biden would mention both Ford and GM as the leaders in electric vehicles when Tesla outproduces and outsells both of them combined. Musk had enough of Biden’s anti-Tesla tweets and called Biden a “damp sock puppet”. Musk didn’t stop there though he went on to reply to Biden and tweeted “Starts with a T Ends with an A…

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We often hear in the news how a first responder on the scene helped deliver a baby before the mom was able to get to the hospital. In most instances, several people are usually present during the emergency birth and offering their support. Now, imagine for a moment being alone and stranded by the side of a road, going into labor with no one around, and forced to give birth on your own. No doubt a scary scenario. That terrifying moment is exactly what happened to Charlotte Fatoma. She ended up giving birth by the side of Interstate 476 in…

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In a published interview on Friday with the far-left publication, The Washington Post, the online paper attempts to present Dr. Anthony Fauci as a hero for his handling the COVID pandemic and as a victim of anti-vaxxers and GOP politicians trying to take him down for political reasons. Fuasci is also presented as an energizer bunny who just can’t take time off because the anti-Fauci mob is preventing him from working efficiently. He has not had a day off since the beginning. “I would say I’m in a state of chronic exhaustion.” He quickly adds: “But it’s not exhaustion that’s…

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Under Barak Obama, a national argument on the how-to process and define illegal aliens started to change. Eventually Obama arbitrarily, illegally, passed an de facto amnesty bill, via a Presidential Executive Order. Under Biden, DHS Secretary Mayokas has encouraged the invasion of illegal aliens by reinstating catch & release and by stopping the Remain In Mexico policy. In addition, DHS has been sending planeloads of illegal aliens into suburban areas across the country. With the administration pushing for a pathway to citizenship in the BBB bill, aka amnesty, for millions of illegals, this intentional distribution of the military-aged, unvetted men…

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Last year, you could barely turn on the TV without hearing some reference to the Black Lives Matter campaign. Even prominent video games jumped on the bandwagon, with FIFA 2021 updating the game with a propaganda statement about BLM popping up and surreal virtual protests organized in children’s games like Animal Crossing. Of course, the organization first came to international prominence after months of rioting, looting, and violence across America following the murder of the convicted black criminal George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis in 2020. Copycat protests proceeded to spring up across the Western world, with thousands…

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One of the main tenants for a stable and law-abiding society is a judicial system that enforces laws and ensures equal justice for all. The reverse is true in progressive cities, resulting in an increase in crime. Various government organizations, even all the way up to the Department of Justice, have gone astray. Social justice warriors are now in positions in the DOJ to implement “racial justice”, which determines how to prosecute cases based on the race and/or social justice cause, not commensurate with the crimes committed. A perfect example can be seen in a murder committed by a BLM…

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Beware writers and entertainers the world over. Slapping a “Based on True Story” or “Adapted From Real Events” may not be enough to protect your art when you blatantly lie about what really happened or about the people said events happened to. Honestly, it’s about time. Movies like “Remember the Titans”, “Glory Road”, “Cool Runnings”, and countless dozens have been making a mockery of history in the name of drama for years, particularly when it comes to sports movies. Upselling the drama by making racial tensions greater than they were, lying about whether or not a team was the underdog,…

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Compared to the USA which seems vast to us on this little island across the pond, Britain is a relatively small mass of land roughly equating to the size of one US State. Tiny island nation Britain is now facing an invasion of thousands of illegal migrants every month and because the British Conservative Party government cannot (or will not) control its borders, the British public is facing some serious consequences as a result. This January alone, over 1,308 migrants have landed on British beaches so far, using small boats and dinghies to cross the English Channel from refugee camps…

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A new study released on Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) confirmed the development of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination.  The study confirms what those that follow the VAERS data have long suspected, and found that the conditions occur mostly in adolescent males and young men. The study was based on reported cases of myocarditis from VAERS between December, 2020, and August, 2021, and included 192, 405 ,448 individuals over the age of 12. According to The Gateway Pundit: “According to the study, VAERS received 1,991 reports of myocarditis (391 of which also included pericarditis) after…

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Hari Roberts is a 19-year-old self-confessed daredevil who enjoys an action-packed life of climbing, horseback riding, swimming, and running. He’s also been blind since birth. That hasn’t stopped the outgoing teen from Anglesey, Wales, from continually surprising strangers who initially didn’t caught on that he’s blind and astounding them with his “can do” attitude. “I have just done a high-roped climbing course with my dad, I’ve been horse riding since I was nine years old, I’ve been skiing and I’ve gone on to do a triathlon to raise money, and I like running, swimming and walking. “I’ve shown from a…

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In less than a decade, the far left has been able to force the removal of historic landmarks, rename schools, force sports teams to change their names, are have recently started working in WOKE Disney. The family-friendly company Walt Disney started, now in an apparent move to increase their globalist ESG score, has begun implementing several progressive changes across its entire company, from adding racism warnings to several of its classic movies – including Peter Pan and The Jungle Book – to encouraging white staff members to ‘decolonize their bookshelves’ as part of anti-racism training. Disney has come under fire…

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As someone who went through the public school system in the 1970-80s, today’s overt attempt to indoctrinate the youth by the LGBTQ and/or social justice teachers is infuriating. Now as a grandfather I am concerned about what secretive plans my grandson’s teachers might be planning in his school. Parents of fourth and fifth graders in a Beaverton, Oregon, elementary school are outraged about the creation of a Queer Student Alliance (QSA) club they say their children were asked to join without their consent. At a January 18 virtual school board meeting, parents of children aged 9-11 years who attend Raleigh Hills…

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Indoctrination has taken place since the fall of mankind in the Garden. Those involved in expounding change, choose to convince others to move away from cultural norms by developing and repeating their new ideas. They continue as others join them or they give up if the society rejects them outright. The United States for the first 200 years, was known as the land of the free and home of the brave. A nation of rugged individualists who desired liberty over everything. Personal accountability and integrity were part of basic civics in most communities. In confirmation of what many have already…

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President Biden’s administration does its best to put on a happy face even though a majority of Americans don’t support most of their radical policies. As a result of Biden’s policies; inflation is skyrocketing, energy costs are shooting through the roof, and because of his mismanagement of Afghanistan and COVID, etc., his polling numbers have plummeted 10-15 percent. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas frequently speaks on how he is directing the U.S. Border Patrol to not process caught illegal aliens for deportation, in the name of justice and equity for the lawbreakers. Mayorakas also has expressed…

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The voice actor behind one of the most recognized cartoon characters in American history has died from an apparent suicide. Peter Robbins, who was the original voice of Charlie Brown, reportedly took his own life at the age of 65 after years of mental health trouble. One of the last words Robbins was recorded saying was, “I really need your prayers,” which came from his agent Dylan Novak. The voice actor had a long history of drug abuse and was checked out of rehab as recently as January 18th, 2022. The last place Robbins lived was in California, but his…

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Special Counsel John Durham provided a “discovery update” to the court in the Michael Sussman case yesterday.  In the filing, in which he requested leeway in discovery, Durham disclosed that there may be more charges coming for Sussman. Michael Sussman was charged with giving false statements to the FBI in relation to the Alpha bank-Trump hoax, but Durham states that the “Government also maintains an active, ongoing criminal investigation of” Sussmann’s conduct. Catherine Herridge, of CBS tweeted: #Durham confirms “active, ongoing criminal investigation of the defendant’s conduct (Sussmann) + other matters.” Dozens of interviews including former senior FBI + member…

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We all know that air travel is one of the safest modes of transportation available today. In fact, a recent study conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board revealed that (on average) over 46,000 people die in auto accidents annually, compared to 137 deaths in 2020 due to air travel accidents. Dr. Barnett of MIT compared the chance of dying from an airline accident versus dying from an auto accident, and determined you are 19 times safer in a plane than in a car. It’s no doubt for those of us who perhaps need that extra adult beverage before we…

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President Trump made a major declaration while playing a round of golf at his Mar-a-Lago estate. A video that has been floating around on Twitter the last 24 hours shows Trump setting up his tee and a person recording Trump introduces Trump as the 45th President of the United States, but Trump stops him dead in his tracks and makes a rendition to the man’s statement. Trump corrected the man and stated “the 45 and 47th President”. The statement by Trump shows that Trump has his eyes on being elected as President in the 2024 election. Watch the moment when…

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