Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Sometimes, what’s really on your mind just seems to come out without you even realizing it. This phenomenon is called a Freudian slip. Well, Whoopie Goldberg had a major Freudian slip while she was verbally attacking liberal commentator, Bill Maher. It all started when Bill Maher on his show Real-time was railing on Democrats who are masked paranoid. The very outspoken political commentary went on to say: “I don’t want to live in your paranoid world anymore, your masked paranoid world. You know, you go out, it’s silly now! You know, you have your mask, you have to have a…

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All throughout high school, Collette Divitto had a dream of someday opening her own cookie company. “So actually, I always loved baking, since I was 4 years old. From high school, I had been taking baking classes,” said Divitto, 31. “It was a hard time for me. I had no friends; I didn’t have a social life. I got bullied, I got picked on. And that’s why I had been taking baking classes.” Things didn’t improve much, even after Collette graduated from Clemson University in South Carolina. She never considered that her disability with Down syndrome would prevent her from…

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It is difficult for many Americans to live in a nation that has moved from law and order to lawlessness in the pursuit of social justice causes, such as racial justice. Criminals from Los Angeles to New York City have been extended leniency, with the implementation of zero dollar bail. State legislatures have declassified certain crimes so they are no longer felonies and have increased the amount that can be stolen before an arrest is required. In addition, maximum bail has been established in certain states, which in effect ties the hands of the judges who are responsible for keeping…

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The assault on the United States is not coming from afar, but from within. Marxists have taken control of the education & immigration systems, entertainment, the major news outlets, minus Fox News, and are in leadership from the White House to the FDA. In the latest move to influence the millions of students attending union-run public schools, the American Federation of Teachers (FTA) has figured out a way to get into student’s homes, and on their phones, via a censorship browser extension that gives a color rating for each website the students visits. The vendor, NewsGuard, reports being a “news-rating”…

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This is the second time I’ve had to write about Peter Dinklage and his cry baby histrionics. Now that the man isn’t working on Game of Thrones, he’s become absolutely insufferable. He already was, we just didn’t have to hear about it all the time. Last time he was written about, he was calling fans of Game of Thrones racists for not liking the show’s final season, especially the final episode. “[Fans] wanted the pretty white people to ride off into the sunset together. By the way, it’s fiction. There’s dragons in it. Move on!” He proclaimed. Well, how ironic is…

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One of Joe Biden’s unvetted Afghan refugees was found guilty by a federal jury of molesting a three year old girl at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia where they were both being housed. 24-year-old Mohammed Tariq, was arrested after Marines had observed him fondling the little girl that was not related to him.  Tariq explained to investigators that molesting children was simply part of Afghani culture and that he should not be punished. Tariq’s attempt to quash his culture statement at his trail was unsuccesful. Tariq was arrested in September at Camp Upshur in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling…

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As of December 28th, 2021, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer again was resisting retirement, depressing Democrats, and exciting the GOP. A staunch liberal, Breyer, 83, has been either a federal appellate judge or a Supreme Court justice for 41 years, nearly half his life. Following his public statements that he would not be retiring at the end of the Supreme Court’s last term, the cancel culture kicked into high gear. Breyer has faced a wave of criticism to resign so that President Joe Biden can nominate a successor in his first term was already overwhelming. Breyer’s comments to CNN’s Joan…

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VP Kama Harris is arguably off the worst start for anyone who ever served in her position. She has zero positive accomplishments under her belt, with a few major failures from her lack of activity and incompetence. On January 13th, the Washington Examiner reported; To staff, Kamala Harris is a clueless bully who refuses to do her homework Before she became vice president, Kamala Harris had a bad habit of ignoring prepared briefing materials. She does not appear to have kicked this habit, even after making it all the way to the White House. “Staffers who worked for Harris before…

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It appears that Christmas came early last year when Candace Pimentel received a surprise Christmas gift two weeks before the big day from an “angel in a pickup truck”. The young mother of two boys had just left church services in Gardendale, Alabama, and was heading home when her 9-year old son Raylen suddenly began choking while sipping his juice. Pimentel immediately pulled over into the disabled lane and parked her car, while simultaneously attempting to render first aid to her son. Raylen had something lodged in his throat and was gasping for air. Terrified and stricken with fear, Pimentel…

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The American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence estimates that 10 million individuals within the United States are victims of domestic violence annually, with as many as 1-in-4 women and 1-in-9 men becoming victims of domestic abuse every year. The surge in domestic violence, especially during COVID lockdowns, has increased over 51% according to recent data provided by the National Domestic Violence Hotline. With those staggering numbers on the rise, what are victims of domestic abuse to do? The obvious answer is to immediately leave that dangerous environment before suffering additional physical abuse. However, in many instances, housewives and stay-at-home…

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These days it’s getting harder and harder to accept the reality that we live in. In a world where being a rock star once meant being a rebel, it’s hard to swallow these conformist ideologies being spewed like bile at their fans. Though, to be fair, Neil Young’s fans probably aren’t that far from the grave themselves, whereas Joe Rogan’s listeners are anywhere from half his age to more than double it. Neil Young has always been a vocal and political voice in music. There’s literally a Lynard Skynyrd song called “Sweet Home Alabama” telling Neil Young that “A Southern…

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The Florida Department of Health announced Monday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made an “abrupt decision to remove emergency use authorization for two monoclonal antibodies,” which effectively shut down treatment sites statewide. The FDA said in its statement that it is removing the authorization because the treatments “are highly unlikely to be active against the omicron variant.” “Florida disagrees with the decision that blocks access to any available treatments in the absence of clinical evidence,” the Florida Health Department blasted in a press release. “To date, such evidence has not been provided by the United States Food and Drug…

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In today’s political and cultural battles, the new governor in Virginia has quickly become a huge speedbump in the collective plan for progressives in the Commonwealth. Using the left’s playbook, Younkin just set up a way for parents to report WOKE teachers trying to force their political views in classrooms. Virginia GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin has established a tip line for parents to report teachers that teach subjects considered “divisive.” Youngkin stated on the “John Fredericks Show”: We have set up a particular e-mail address, called [email protected]. For parents to send us any instances where they feel that their fundamental…

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Over the weekend, thousands of protesters against Biden’s vaccine mandates made their way to DC to attend the “Defeat the Mandates” march. The protest was organized by grassroots organizations, and concerned citizens, and a group called The Children’s Health defense sponsored the event. It was estimated that close to 20,000 people attended the march. The protests consisted of a gigantic melting pot of different political views and ideologies, but everyone came together with one agenda: to stop all COVID-19 vaccine mandates. One lady interviewed by the Daily Signal, told reporter Mary Margaret Olohan that she is a mother who drove…

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FBI agents have just executed a raid at a COVID-19 testing center located in Chicago, Illinois. After obtaining a search warrant, federal agents raided a pop-up testing center called the Center for COVID Control after a long investigation was conducted by multiple attorney generals and the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Center of Covid Control has received over $124 million in federal aid for reimbursements for Covid-19 testing. Investigators have discovered that the Center of Covid Control has the same registration address as Doctors Clinical Library which has conducted hundreds of thousands of PCR tests around the…

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Chinese Olympic organizers announced last week that tickets to events would only be available to “select groups” in order to protect those involved with the Games from COVID-19.   Organizers had previously intended to offer tickets to the general public, though international fans had already been informed that they would not be able to attend the Games. Organizers had announced in October that all participants, staff, and volunteers would be cut-off from the rest of society and there would be harsh repercussions for any that fail to follow the strict pandemic safety protocols. #BREAKING China cancels plans to sell Winter Olympic…

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Meet Bronx native Latanya DeVaughn, an enterprising mother of three who believes every neighborhood deserves a quality bookstore. Even if that bookstore happens to be within the most impoverished borough within New York City where the median income is around $30,000. As a young girl, Latanya drew inspiration from her grandmother who instilled in her a thirst for knowledge and a love of reading. “My grandmother was an educator in the South Bronx,” Latanya tells us. “She read to the people in our community who couldn’t read for themselves. She read prescriptions, leases…some people’s lives depended on the information she…

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Joe Biden has been shamelessly shooting his mouth at reporters for over his four decades in public service. Those in the Democratic party were hoping that the 78-year-old declining Joe would be have able to keep his mind and cool when speaking with the media and citizens, and just be a grandpa to the nation if elected the 46th President Of The United States. Instead, Joe has been using a strange whisper, snapping at and as in today, mumbling to himself not realizing the reporters can hear him via a hot mic. This afternoon, the unaware Joe Biden was caught…

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As a fellow resident of the former Golden State, now a collapsing socialist disaster, the liberals running the political and education systems in California, have lost their collective mind. The radical Lbtqacb123 mob has illegally taken license to try to indoctrinate children in the public school system, especially teachers whose entire identity is who they have sexual relations with. A California mother is taking legal action against a school district, claiming that two teachers secretly manipulated her 11-year-old daughter into believing she was a transgender boy. Jessica Konen filed a legal claim against Spreckels Union School District last Wednesday. She…

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For those who are employed by the government, liberal media outlets, Universities, and the big tech giants, America is not doing too poorly considering most of them have done quite well financially during COVID especially in progressive cities like our nation’s capital. In their progressive bubbles, they regurgitate far-left ideas and learn to be protective of their movement and politicians, especially their struggling president, sleepy Joe Biden. House Speaker Pelosi’s day at a San Francisco beauty salon and her nephew, CA Governor Gavin Newsome’s high-end meal with a dozen friends, during the lockdown, are prime examples of not understanding the…

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Various individuals and groups have participated in the civil rights movement. Unfortunately, the movement has been highjacked by opportunists like Al Sharpton. Jessie Jackson and increasingly Black Lives Matter (BLM). BLM was founded by 3 angry teenage girls,  two of them admitting to being trained Marxists. From BLM’s website In 2013, three radical Black organizers — Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi — created a Black-centered political will and movement building project called #BlackLivesMatter. It was in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. #BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon…

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It’s nearing the end of January and we have already lost several legends this year. Ronnie Spector, Bob Saget, Meat Loaf, Sidney Poitier, and Louie Anderson, just to name a few. Even as our favorite journalists or news sources report these deaths as soon as they can, we get lectured by some of them and even some of our own friends and family. How dare we “care more” when a celebrity dies. How dare we feel grief over people who are famous for playing pretend, for performing music, or for telling jokes for a living. We get the guilt trips…

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A slobbery kiss and a wagging tail just makes everything seem better. But while you may have just had a tough day at the office, canine companions can even help veterans suffering with severe mental health issues bounce back from the brink. They say a dog is man’s best friend and no one knew that old saying is true more than Shari Duval and her son, Bret. After serving two tours in Iraq and previously as a K9 police bomb dog handler, Bret began to suffer the crippling effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Despite seeking medical help, nothing the…

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Six high school girls who refused the jab were recently segregated from the rest of the school.  The girls were made to sit outside, denied chairs, and forced to sit on the cold concrete.  School officials even put yellow caution tape around the students’ area and stationed guards to ensure the girls did not escape. The school was New West Charter in Los Angeles, California, and make no mistake, this is not just a wayward teacher.  To place the tape and to allocate security would have required the explicit instructions of the Administration. LAPD was on the scene, but they…

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The Democratic Party has lost its connection with the average American, and surprisingly with a significant number of voters, especially for being the party in power, the independents. Yes, there is a move to the radical left pushed by the AOC Squad and the old Communist Bernie Sanders driving it, but the people I am speaking with, from ages 17 and up, don’t like Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton, yet they are the two of the top horses probably vying for the 2024 nomination. President Biden’s first-year job performance is not receiving good feedback from political pundits on either side…

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As more and more questions are being asked concerning who will be on the 2024 Presidential ticket for the Democratic Party, the handlers for President Biden and VP Harris have had the impossible task of trying to make Joe and Kamla relatable to the American people, justifying their possible running again for their respective offices in 3 years. In addition to basement Joe losing track of his thoughts and snapping at reporters, and Kamala seemingly clueless of what the administration’s plans are, both are declining in political polling which is the main driver to why many on the left are…

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In another hypocritical move by a Biden administration, which is not requiring illegal aliens pouring across the U.S. Southern border to be vaccinated, Sleepy Joe’s DHS is now requiring truckers who are bringing much-needed supplies into the US, to prove their vaccination status before entering. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its new policy on Saturday, January 22nd: “The Department of Homeland Security will require that non-U.S. individuals entering the United States via land ports of entry or ferry terminals along our Northern and Southern borders be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and be prepared to show related proof of vaccination,” This requires all non-U.S. citizens – including Mexican and Canadian…

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‘The father of a UPenn swimmer says his daughter and ‘a good number’ of teammates are furious and ‘crying on the pool deck’ because feel they can no longer compete fairly with trans swimmer Lia Thomas on their team.   The team has been told it must continue to compete against biological men in the future, as the sport’s national body ruled non-elite trans athletes must feel included. The distraught team members are reportedly reluctant to make any public comment regarding Thomas’ involvement in the club for fear they may be labelled ‘transphobic’. Speaking anonymously to Fox, the concerned father…

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According to a Department of Justice Press release, Duniel Tejeda, a 35-year-old man from Clewiston, Florida, was sentenced to 30 months in prison yesterday. Tejeda was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Robert N. Scola Jr who was appointed by Obama in 2011 in the Southern District of Florida for conducting fraudulent clinical drug trials.  Tejeda was indicted, along with three other men, including one Dr. Martin Valde, in March of 2021.  The trial documents paint more of a picture of the four defendants living large on the money they obtained. The DOJ had this to say about Tejeda’s crime: According…

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Starting in the 1600s, the description of the ideal family unit for Americans has been promoted by psychologists, sociologists, and the Christian church. The data shows that children who grow up in a home with a married father and mother statistically perform better in school, commit fewer crimes and live more productive lives. But for those who want to advance Black Lives Matter’s (BLM) anti-white racism and the LBGTQ agenda, these facts are abhorrent to them and must be redefined. Like the Soviets, Black Lives Matter Purges Its History. Last year Black Lives Matter scrubbed a page on its website this week…

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For most of my adult life, globalists and futurists have promoted and envisioned the use of digital currencies and even microchip implants. Though exciting for those who want to simplify their lives, some of the technology is alarming to Christians, those opposed to The Great Reset, and various anti-government groups. On Thursday The Federal Reserve released its long-awaited study of a digital dollar, exploring the pros and cons of the much-debated issue and soliciting public comment. Billed as “the first step in a public discussion between the Federal Reserve and *stakeholders about central bank digital currencies,” the 40-page paper shies away from…

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UPDATE 1/22/2022: the video posted was based on a rumor and there’s no evidence to support litter boxes were ever inside the schools. The superintendent has issued a statement, as reported by Detroit News: Litter boxes have never been inside Midland Public Schools and are not being used by students, according to the district’s superintendent who issued a statement to families on Thursday to dispel rumors on social media. Michael E. Sharrow, Midland Public Schools superintendent, took to Facebook to say a community member told the board of education on Dec. 20 that litter boxes were provided within student restrooms for those…

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After a few years of the left and Silicon Valley’s big-tech companies punishing anyone who spoke out about Natural Immunity’s effectiveness in stopping COVID infections, Isreal and the CDC are now reporting some findings which support these individuals after all. Natural immunity better protects against the Delta strain of COVID-19 than a vaccine, according to a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday. Researchers examined COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations from May through November 2021 in California and New York. The research team examined case and hospitalization rates among four cohorts of people: the unvaccinated…

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Millions of men and women cope with different types of mental disorders and trauma each and every day of their existence. Many living lives of quiet desperation, hoping that somehow they could make it through another day without the use of mind-altering drugs. Jaylo Miles, a 39-year-old dad from Llandaff North, Wales, is one of those individuals suffering from traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a complex mental condition that renders individuals with suicidal thoughts and severe bouts of anxiety. For years, the Cardiff resident had endured abusive foster homes, several years of homelessness, and drug addiction, all of which left him…

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There are some stories I read in the news cycle that clearly reveal the mindset of the people involved. In major cities around the U.S., George Soros-funded District Attorneys have decided to look the other way from the day-to-day crimes that take place in their communities. In their attempt to advance racial justice these “public servants” do everything they can to help the “disadvantaged” in the society such as offering zero dollar bail, increasing the amount a thief can steal before it’s considered a felony, and ignoring prostitution and other nonviolent crimes on the street. Criminals and those associated with…

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During the early hours of the night, a historical statue of President Theodore Roosevelt was removed from outside the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.  Roosevelt’s statue will now find its new home in North Dakota where it will not be canceled. President Roosevelt’s statue was ultimately taken down because members of the public and the museum claimed the statue was racist.  The statue which is named “Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt” depicts Roosevelt riding on a horse and right next to him walking is a Native American and African American. According to NPR, Museum members…

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Progressives would have America believe that President Biden still has strong support and that he has done well in his first year in office. In spite of recent polling, a sputtering economy with bare shelves becoming the norm, fuel costs up 50 percent, U.S. citizens still trapped in Afghanistan, skyrocketing crime in major cities, etc, the mainstream media is still pushing the false narrative. In search of finding out how the average voter is feeling about Biden’s performance, A new Times Opinion focus group with 14 independent voters, who are far more worried about their finances than about Covid’s impact,…

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The Pentagon has just released a previously classified video of a United States drone strike that resulted in 10 innocent civilians being killed. The strike came less than 24 hours after suicide bombers of ISIS-K detonated bombs that were strapped to themselves, resulting in 13 U.S. troops and over 160 Afghans being killed. The video footage is about 25 minutes in length and depicts two Reaper drones navigating the area of the scene where the airstrike occurred. When the strike first occurred, Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley declared this strike as a “righteous kill”. Milly went on to…

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According to a Department of Justice Press release, Duniel Tejeda, a 35-year-old man from Clewiston, Florida was sentenced to 30 months in prison yesterday. Tejeda was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Robert N. Scola Jr, appointed by Obama in 2011 in the Southern District of Florida for conducting fraudulent clinical drug trials.  Tejeda was indicted, along with three other men, including one Dr. Martin Valde, in March of 2021.  The trial documents paint more of a picture of the four defendants living large on the money they obtained. The DoJ had this to say about Tejeda’s crime: According to court…

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A new video showing Ashli Babbit’s last minutes in the Capitol building before her death, completely exposes the corporate media’s narrative that she was a threat to the officer who killed her. The video was released on Twitter by field reporter Tyler Hansen, who was alongside Babbit the last moments of her life. The video shows Hansen(journalist filming) and Babbit walking peacefully towards police officers inside of the Capitol building and at one point Hansen even offered the officers some water. The video goes on to show Babbit confronting the police officers peacefully and asking the officers to call for…

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