Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, talk show host Sean Hannity, the investigative reporter, and author Peter Schweizer, plus countless others, warned America about Joe and Hunter Biden’s support and involvement with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Following Biden’s election a year ago, the administration’s mismanagement of COVID via vaccine mandates has made it difficult to find the labor to operate shipping ports. In addition, the truck drivers are staying home in protest of the vaccine mandates, hampering the movement of the products when eventually unloaded. In reaction to the much less deadly Omicron variant, the CCP has nevertheless decided to…

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Innovations can be very beneficial to society, but they can also bring more harm than good. Reports have surfaced that a 19-year-old hacker claims he’s hacked 25 Tesla cars across 13 different countries. David Colombo, 19, is an IT specialist from Germany and has reportedly hacked Tesla’s remotely and flashed headlights, controlled radios, and even begin driving keyless. Colombo made his claims on Twitter, and the New York Post summarized several of his tweets. Here’s what they had to say: “Yes, I potentially could unlock the doors and start driving the affected Tesla’s,” he tweeted. “No I can not intervene…

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History is replete with story after story of citizens of nations choosing to remain silent as fascist government officials arose from their ranks, eventually leading to the stripping away of their nation’s basic civil rights. The main part of the process is the conditioning of the submissive majority through the educational system and media. The collective identifies and punishes anyone who chooses to speak out, which in return acts a deterrent for anyone else considering taking a stand. In addition, there is a group of global leaders, including John Kerry and Bill Gates, involved in The World Economic Forum, which…

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On Thursday President Biden’s handlers sent him to Capitol Hill to meet with Democratic Senators hoping to convince four of them to join their peers supporting the end of the filibuster. In addition, the Biden administration was monitoring the Supreme Court to see if they ruled on the Constitutionality of his OSHA vaccine mandate for businesses with over 100 employees. Well, Joe got answers to his questions, plus some, which resulted in tremendous setbacks to his agenda in a 24-hour period. No, Go Joe – The Filibuster Stays In Place Biden’s met with Democrat senators for lunch to speak about…

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Iran has just released a  sickening propaganda CGI (Computer Generated Image) video which depicts President Trump and former secretary of State Mike Pompe being targeted by a drone strike at Mar-a-Lago’s golf course. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei released the video called “Revenge is Definite” and has been released to threaten Trump for his ordered drone strike that killed General Qassem Soleimani. The video starts off with a remote control car performing surveillance of Trump and Pompeo playing golf. Suddenly, the operator of the remote control surveillance car hacks into Trump’s security system and is allowed through the Mar-a-Lagos…

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On January 13th, 2022, the Supreme Court blocked President Joe Biden’s mandate requiring private businesses to vaccinate or test employees for COVID-19. In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that OSHA would not be able to enforce or fine any private business for not enforcing vaccines or testing on their employees. Conservative news and entertainment entity “The Daily Wire” has probably been the most vocal in the fight against the various mandates brought in by the Biden Administration, and when the 6th Circuit overruled a stay on the mandates by the 5th Circuit until a decision could be reached,…

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Several videos have surfaced on Twitter that show white concrete barriers being placed around the White House’s front lawn.  The video shows a digger lifting up white concrete barriers known as K-Rails. Construction workers would then place long pieces of white plywood on top of the K-Rails. In times past, K-Rails would be resurrected when foreign officials are in town, but according to Biden’s schedule, there aren’t any planned meetings with any foreign officials. Andrew Leyden, a YouTuber who has become quite notable for filming the DC area, also filmed the ongoing construction. Leyden uploaded a video called “New White…

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It was, without a doubt, a devastating year for CNN, shedding nearly 90% of its early 2021 audience in multiple categories. The network averaged 2.7 million viewers from January 4th to the 10th last year after a brief post-election spike, followed by months of plummeting numbers. Last week, the total viewers averaged around 548,000 last week, a staggering drop of over 80%. The progressive network has had issues retaining viewers during the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m. The cable news station went from 4.2 million total viewers during the first week of 2021 down to just under 705,000 tuning in,…

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We may never know where or when a simple act of kindness can make the difference between life and death. Even a thoughtful gesture as simple as a “thank you” can make all the difference in the world for someone silently struggling to survive. Casey Fischer, a student at Southern New Hampshire University, had just completed her first class. She had about an hour to spare before the next class when she decided to get a cup of coffee at the local Dunkin’ Donuts. When she arrived to the store, she noticed a homeless man by the side of the…

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President Biden’s policies have managed to take a fast recovering, energy-independent nation and flip it upside down in less than a year. By closing pipeline construction, the once again energy-dependent. As a result, gasoline and home energy cost are way up. In addition, COVID cases, and racial tension have also skyrocketed nationwide. More bad news for Biden was just reported. U.S. inflation hit its fastest pace in nearly four decades last year as pandemic-related supply and demand imbalances, along with stimulus intended to shore up the economy. The Labor Department said Wednesday the consumer-price index—which measures what consumers pay…

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The far-left corporate media and news outlets tirelessly reported the increasing number of COVID cases and death from April of 2020 until President Trump left office. Television news networks, like CNN, placed a box on their home page that included COVID updates around the clock. Unlike the flu, the number continued to grow year-round, not starting over with the next year’s “season” thus making the number appear still out of control. With the Democrats controlling Congress and the White House the past year, the media is working overtime trying to provide cover for the administration’s disastrous first year. To help…

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For those that tuned in for the White House press briefing Wednesday afternoon, we once again witnessed a stellar performance by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. She has become quite accomplished at deflecting and dismissing reporters who seemed critical of President Biden’s coarse language during his appearance at Atlanta University and Morehouse College on Tuesday afternoon. Psaki was asked specifically about Senator Mitt Romney’s criticism by a reporter. The Utah lawmaker slammed Biden for not using the speech to unite the country, but rather attack those GOP legislators who disagreed with him and linking them to segregationists simply because…

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A big announcement was just by the United States Supreme Court. The court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing its overreaching vaccine-or-test requirements for large private companies but did allow similar requirements to stand for medical facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid payments. The ruling came three days after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) emergency measure started to be implemented. That mandate required that workers at businesses with 100 or more employees must get vaccinated or submit a negative Covid test weekly to enter the workplace. It also required unvaccinated workers to wear masks indoors at…

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The British Monarchy has been under the public eye with increasing scrutiny for decades, especially with the outspoken rebellion of now Duke of Sussex Harry and wife Meghan Markle. Now the Royal Family is dealing with Prince Andrew’s purported sexual crimes. In response to possible criminal charges, Andrew’s military affiliations and royal patronages are being returned to Queen Elizabeth II at her behest in the wake of his ongoing legal battle with Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre. Andrew is currently waiting for a judge to decide whether his rape accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s civil lawsuit will be ditched. On…

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It was a bizarre, irrational, and angry race-baiting speech. Void of reality, even for an over-the-hill Biden, attempting to somehow link the late segregationist George Wallace to the GOP. Biden’s angry diatribe had all the characteristics of a dementia confused senior spouting out a litany of falsehoods. His attempt to vilify Republican lawmakers as racist by invoking the name of the late Alabama governor lit up social media, with many pointing out that Wallace was a Democrat who Biden had repeatedly praised in the past. The president appeared at Atlanta University Center Consortium of Clark Atlanta University and Morehouse College,…

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Tucker Carlson has the number one cable news shows for a reason, and it’s because he actually does investigative reporting instead of shilling propaganda in disguise as news and he’s able to make people laugh on a nightly basis. Well during Tucker’s latest show he made one of his funniest jokes of the year. It all started when Tucker in a serious concerned tone, broke “news” that Pop star Michael Jackson was spotted on the news show Face the Nation. He continued by saying Michael wasn’t performing his hits songs from the 80s and 90s but was rather giving a…

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Fauci continues to stay in the news cycle for all the wrong reasons. A recent investigation from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has discovered that the Fauci-led NIH has been conducting unethical experiments on male monkeys in an attempt to make them transgender. PETA reported the NIAID spent over $200,000 on experiments that would take male rhesus monkeys and introduce them to feminizing hormones in a sadistic attempt to see whether or not the monkey would be more likely to get HIV(although tests before have proven monkeys are immune to the human AIDS virus). In a public…

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Since the beginning of the reports of COVID-19 reaching the United States, Epidemiologists have investigated and tracked the virus in order to determine how to control or stop the spread or prevent it from happening again. Often called “Disease Detectives”,  Epidemiologists search for the cause of disease, identify people who are at risk,  Physicians, veterinarians, scientists, and other health professionals often train to be “Disease Detectives”. As the number of cases and deaths climbed former President Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force was asked to formulate a plan to combat the “pandemic”. For some unknown reason, Dr. Fauci and…

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On November 5th, 2008, 14-year-old Chelsea Banton was fighting for her life at Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina. Suddenly, something appeared that signaled to her mother, Colleen Banton, God had indeed heard her prayers and sent an angel to intercede on her behalf. The startling image of an illuminated winged figure hovering in front of Chelsea’s hospital door was captured on the hospital security camera after Chelsea was taken off life-support. The young girl had been admitted to the hospital once again, suffering from a horrific case of pneumonia on top of a lifetime of other severe health issues…

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If you were thinking about opening up a business in New York, particularly in Manhattan, may we offer a word of advice? Don’t. Even before this year, it was dangerous to try and make a living if you were a small business owner, but thanks to a newly elected District Attorney, life is about to get even harder for law abiding citizens and much easier for dangerous and armed criminals. Ever since Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg took his position this year, he’s been mired in controversy for directives that he’s given his office and staff. His first memo basically…

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For a majority of Americans, the workings of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a sub-agency of the National Institutes of Health, have been unknown and not worth doing research on, at least that is what they thought. Unfortunately, though, some of the organizations ‘scientific”  research commissioned by the director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has come to light, and is disturbing, to say the least. For example, a new report released shows Dr. Anthony Fauci paid scientists to give monkeys transgender hormones. Dr. Fauci’s agency approved a $205,562 grant for the fiscal year of 2022 to Scripps Research for…

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In a sign of President Biden’s declining support in the democratic party, more and more in the mainstream media are expressing reasons why Hillary or someone else should be the party’s candidate in the 2024 presidential election campaign. This is an important decision as most political pundits expect the Democratic nominee to run against the GOP’s nominee, former President Donald J. Trump. Could the disarray in the Democratic party be the justification for Hillary Clinton to be their nominee in 2024? That’s the case made by two prominent Democrats who claim a “perfect storm” of President Biden’s plummeting job approval ratings, Vice…

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Since President Joe Biden threw his hat into the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries, the 79-year-old mentally and physically declining politician has struggled with the whole COVID mask-wearing issue. Several times Joe has forgotten or lost his mask apparently not considering them effective for preventing him from catching the COVID virus variants. Here is an example – President Biden loses face mask at a podium On Tuesday Biden, while struggling to speak to reporters, accidentally shared how he truly feels about wearing COVID-19 face masks, in this case, while outside. ‘This looks stupid’ Biden removed his face mask and declared “this…

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“What happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that all of a sudden that kindles the crazies out there and I have threats upon my life, harassment of my family and my children with obscene phone calls, because people are lying about me.” The above statement comes from the highest-paid government official in America, Dr. Anthony Fauci, during Tuesday’s Senate hearing. He was referring to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. You can expect the mainstream media to back Fauci with everything they have (because he’s clearly a leftist like them), while slamming Paul…

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A video of former President Gerald Ford has gone viral and has many speculating that the 38th US president predicted Vice President Kamala Harris will replace Joe Biden as the US President. The video from 1989 took place at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, almost a decade after Ford left office. Ford was at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum to address youth on what a US president does after leaving office. After addressing the youth a bold little girl stepped up and asked President Ford “What advice would you give a young lady wanting to become…

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Like any Democrat in power, Joe Biden has people on his team who wake up thinking of new lies to tell the American people in an attempt to cover for bogus policy issues. It seems as though Biden, quite literally, has no clue what he’s doing as president. He literally does not know what is going on. Good going, lefties. Big win here. Imagine getting so caught up in being “woke” that you completely ignore every other single aspect of your job. That is the situation in which Biden finds himself. This entire current “administration” finds a new way to…

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“What a moron…J**** C*****!” That’s what serial liar and premeditated murderer Dr. Anthony Fauci called a Republican Senator on Tuesday afternoon. Like a typical liberal coward, he did it under his breath. You just gotta love hot mics! Fauci must’ve been pretty shaken after that shellacking he took from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). More on that below. First, check this out – via The Daily Wire: Dr. Anthony Fauci got feisty on Tuesday during a contentious Senate hearing, at one point calling a Republican senator “a moron.” The top U.S. immunologist, who has been the face of the federal government’s…

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The extremely progressive city of Vancouver like other large cities in Canada and the United States has seen a massive surge of fentanyl-related overdoses during the pandemic. While lawmakers are focused on pushing vaccine mandates, they are completely ignoring the fentanyl epidemic. An underground activist group called DULF(Drug User Liberation Front) is looking to stop overdoses. The only problem is they are giving users free drugs out in the open in Vancouver, Canada in an attempt to stop overdoses. Yes, that’s right DULF is handing out free Heroin, Meth, Cocaine, and other hard drugs that have been tested negative for…

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Dr. O’Neil best known as Shaq was an unstoppable force on the basketball court and was one of the most dominant centers to play the game of basketball. His 7 ft. 1 in. stature coupled with his 325 lb body made him unstoppable in the paint. Well, Shaq isn’t just known for his dominant basketball playing ability or his larger-than-life body size but to those closest to him they know him for having a big heart. Shaquille O’Neil in a recent podcast revealed that he gave away over 1,000 Nintendo switches and 1,000 Playstation 5s, and countless bikes and other…

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Once again CNN had on guest who when in doubt, played the race card. CNN contributor Bakari Sellers compared Democrats who are opposed to ending the filibuster to those who were opposed to granting civil rights for African Americans in the sixties, AKA racists. Sellers made the comments on CNN Tuesday after a report detailing the lack of support among Senate Democrats needed to change U.S. Senate regulations in order to push a voting rights act through Congress. Dem commentator @Bakari_Sellers’ message to Senators who don’t support changes to filibuster rules: ‘We’ll remember’ @abbydphillip, @gloriaborger and @rameshponnuru discuss — The Lead…

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As President Biden shared the U.S. plan for withdrawing from Afghanistan, the Taliban leadership expressed a desire to govern more moderately, following our departure, than the terrorist radical group the world has grown accustomed to. Following the Biden administration’s abandoning of American citizens in Afghanistan, the Taliban has instead re-installed a fundamental Islamic government with reports coming out showing the government has threatened to send 2,000 suicide bombers to Washington, D.C. And yet, Biden’s administration has been silent. The suicide-bombing threat was first reported by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a watchdog that keeps an eye on communications…

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The state of California is operating as an autonomous “nation” still somewhat accountable to the United States Of America. With this being said, the supermajority in Sacramento is ramming through every conceivable progressive / SJW policy imaginable. In a perfect example, the state taxes have become increasingly progressive shifting the tax burden to the wealthy and corporations. Fortunately for Governor Gavin Newsome’s state budget, tech companies in Silicon Valley, San Jose north to San Francisco, have grown exponentially resulting in state revenues climbing to an all-time high. Newsom on Monday proposed a budget that would cut taxes while also promising…

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Can you spoil a mostly biographical movie? If you’re a history buff or a pop culture connoisseur, then no. So… If you don’t want anything spoiled about the film, this review may not be for you. We’re gonna start right out of the gate with… SPOILERS BELOW First, allow me to make clear that while certain conflicts in the film were in fact real in this “true story”, the timeline was altered heavily and so too were the conflicts themselves, all for the sake of the drama. Many films have been claimed to be true stories, Disney’s sports stories in…

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A New York man has just been arrested for threatening to kill President Donald Trump.  The man allegedly called the Capitol Police and made death threats against Trump. Thomas Welnicki, who hails from Rockaway Beach, New York, has been charged for knowingly threatening to kidnap and kill a former President. Welnicki made the statements on July 21st, 2020, and was quoted saying if Trump doesn’t step down as the President, he would “take him out and buy weapons”. Man allegedly threatens to ‘acquire weapons’ and kill Donald Trump — WND News (@worldnetdaily) January 10, 2022 Welnicki would, yet again,…

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It took less than 2 weeks for the newly appointed New York City mayor to reveal himself as yet another leftist politician. Mayor Eric Adams is now allowing over 800,000 illegal aliens living in New York City to vote in upcoming local elections, evading federal immigration laws and virtually invalidating the vote of every American citizen residing within the city. On Monday, New York Republicans filed a lawsuit in Staten Island Supreme Court asking a federal judge to issue a temporary injunction to halt the egregious law. This will prolong and, hopefully, prevent the city Board of Elections and Mayor…

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Human-animal-hybrids were once deemed as a conspiracy theory for people who fell off the deep end but now a breaking report coming out of Baltimore has declared that a 57-year-old man with life-threatening heart disease has become the first man ever to receive a heart from a genetically modified pig. The surgery becomes the first successful heart transplant from a pig to a human’s body. The surgery took over 8 hours at the University of Maryland Medical Center and the man who received the heart was David Bennet Sr. of Maryland. The New York Times was able to interview…

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The hippies of the ’60s are today serving in leadership positions across the workplace and other organizational spectra. Unlike their generation who took to the streets and on campuses to protest over various issues, today’s snowflakes need to be encouraged to do the same but do turn out to virtue signal. A student group called “Teens Take Charge” announced an action mirroring teachers’ union demands, saying New York City students would walk out of school on Tuesday to protest the lack of a “remote” option for teachers and students. The group said, “Our partners at Students Break the Silence, PRESS…

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It is probably a decent bet to say most Americans believe members of Congress should not come out of office with a higher net worth than when they entered. After all, a $174,000 salary is far more than most people make on an annual basis – and these politicians do not work as hard (or as many hours) as most folks. Yet, people like Nancy Pelosi, with close ties to high-ranking people (and most likely…insider info), are the reason a bill to stop stock trading must be put into place. If Republicans take back the House (and hopefully Senate) during…

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This report found that lower-income families were hit the hardest. You hear that, Democrats? Yeah, they heard it. But that’s the whole point, isn’t it? If you keep people dependent on government, they will continue voting for you. Give them free stuff and they’ll keep you in power. By the time the average liberal wakes up and realizes they have been voting incorrectly their entire lives, it will be too late for the country. From The Daily Wire: A new report published on Tuesday revealed that inflation under President Joe Biden is costing American families an average of $5,000 per…

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The level of hypocrisy at the federal level is hitting record levels which need to be addressed. The Biden administration’s policies have encouraged millions of unknown foreign nationals to pour into the U.S.A. without COVID testing or vetting, supported ANTIFA and BLM as their riots caused over a billion dollars in damage while injuring thousands of police officers, without charging them as domestic terrorists. BUT, following the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021, those who are advancing an anti-Trump sentiment and hatred of those who love America, are moving forward with setting up a new domestic terrorism…

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