Author: will

As has been reported here previously, Brandon and the rest of the insane leftists in charge aren’t just intent on giving illegals free lawyers, they also are freeing a record number of illegals into the American heartland through the “catch and release” program. In fact, though the true number is impossible to figure out thanks to Team Brandon’s refusal to release accurate numbers, the actual number of illegals released is at least half a million, if not more. As Senator Ron Johnson put it in a letter to Mayorkas: At a September 21, 2021 Senate hearing, you failed to answer…

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When Tucker Carlson did his segment this summer on the military spending time and effort on trying to design flight suits for pregnant women, two things happened. The first was that many Americans had their eyes opened to what the woke military really is for the first time. Whereas before the segment and the resulting woke furor from the military they thought the military was apolitical, if not to the right, after the segment and the fallout they realized that the military is actually quite far to the left. The second was that the woke military, furious at having been…

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Brandon, in all the wisdom granted him by his two functional brain cells, has decided to let men who identify as women into women’s prisons. The Federalist, which obtained a copy of Brandon’s hair-brained scheme, had this to report on what it would entail: President Joe Biden is preparing to give every rapist and molester in federal prison a get-out-of-jail-free card. Specifically, Biden is offering to transfer any and all male criminals to women’s prisons. All the men will have to do is say that they feel like a woman, and the Biden administration will take them at their word. […]under…

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During a Tuesday hearing, Senator Ted Cruz, likely attempting to recover from his remarks about the Jan. 6th protesters, grilled Jill Sanborn, the assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch, over a man named Ray Epps and the theory that the FBI was involved in what took place on that day. Cruz, beginning with a reasonable question, said: “A lot of Americans are concerned that the federal government deliberately encouraged illegal and violent conduct on Jan​. 6​. M​y question to you​ -​- and this is not an ordinary law enforcement question,​ t​his is a question of public accountability​ —…

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The saga of the Pedo Prince continues, only now it’s finally headed to a courtroom, where he might finally have to answer for his sick, perverted crimes. That’s because an American judge Lewis A. Kaplan of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York just smacked down a last-ditch effort of the Pedo Prince to avoid a trial and ruled that Epstein’s royal friend, Prince Andrew, will have to face the civil case brought against him by Virginia Giuffre, who alleges that he sexually assaulted her when she was 17. Kaplan, explaining what the case will be…

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Don’t want your job taken by illegal immigrants that are paid in cash wages far lower than what the government has told employers they must pay you? Don’t want legal immigrants flooding into the country and stealing jobs from your children? Don’t want both groups sucking up America’s housing supply, placing an immense strain on LEOs and the welfare system, and further crowding our infrastructure? Too bad. The Chamber of Commerce CEO, far more interested in protecting and furthering elite interests like topline “GDP growth” than how the economy is working for the average, taxpaying, hardworking American, wants to give…

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Bidenflation has gotten so bad that now Jerome Powell, the Fed Chair and one who long insisted that inflation was only “transitory,” is finally admitting that the inflation crisis poses a severe threat to the job market. That comment came during a hearing with the Senate Banking Committee, which is considering his nomination for a second 4-year term. During the hearing, Powell said “If we have to raise interest rates more over time, we will,” implying that the Fed will go to whatever lengths are necessary to start cracking down on the inflation threat by raising rates. We’ll see if…

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A frequent refrain online is that Biden’s presidential portrait will be one of the many scenes of him walking away from reporters during a press conference, ushered off stage by some aide before he can say anything that makes his creeping senility too obvious or paints his disaster of an administration in too bad a light. While it’s true that Brandon does that, as the Q+A portion of almost any press conference of his will attest (once the teleprompter is gone he tends to make a break for it), what the refrain hides is the fact that Biden has done…

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Leftists don’t just want you to have to pay the legal bills of illegal immigrants that, as their name says, aren’t even supposed to be in America. They also want to give those illegals the right to be here; now 33 of the wokest Democrat Senators (there are 50 Democrat Senators total) are pushing for mass amnesty. That’s right; 66% of the Democrat Senators want to give amnesty to illegal immigrants, putting the interests of criminals above the interests of the average American. They’re pushing for that radical, sure to be disastrous policy by writing a letter to Blinken and…

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According to a reporter on Twitter, longtime Senate RINO Mitch McConnel is planning on, after the 2022 midterms, running for the Republican Senate leadership position yet again. Specifically, he supposedly said, “I’m going to be running again for Leader later this year.” There’s good news and bad news in that. The good news is that McConnel is confident that the Republicans will take back the Senate in 2022. Why would he be planning on running for a leadership position if he didn’t think the GOP was going to recover its seats in 2022? So, regardless of if Mitch the RINO is…

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President Brandon, our senile Babbler in Chief, isn’t always known for the veracity of his random utterances. Whether he’s bragging about defeating “Cornpop,” bragging about some “accomplishment,” or saying that Hunter wasn’t involved in any corrupt, shady deals abroad, much of what Biden says is little more than truthless drivel. That was as true as ever on Tuesday, when President Brandon gave a speech on “voting rights” in Georgia, a speech that even Georgia’s resident radical, Stacey Abrams, wouldn’t attend. What was he lying about this time? Well, he was making up a story about the Civil Rights movement, inserting…

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President Brandon, with Mitch “the RINO” McConnell’s help, already pushed through reams of spending bills last year, spending trillions of dollars on useless nonsense even as inflation spiked to record highs and tremendously increased costs for average Americans. But, unsurprisingly, now he wants to blow even more money on “fighting” Covid, this time claiming that Omicron justifies spending yet another “substantial” sum. News on that comes from House Majority Leader Hoyer, who revealed on January 11th that Team Brandon is seeking another “substantial” sum, this time in the form of an “emergency supplemental” bill, to combat Omicron and its effects.…

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While New York sets career criminals free and California plunges (somehow) even deeper into depths of leftist insanity, Florida governor Ron DeSantis is keeping his state strong, prosperous, and one of the top spots for Americans looking for a way to relocate away from the Covid tyrants. But he can only keep a steady grip on Florida’s rudder if he remains in the governor’s mansion, and to do so he needs to win reelection this year. One way he’s apparently trying to do so is by releasing hilarious campaign gear, such as his recent release of the “lockdown libs” shirt.…

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Leftists can wave their rainbow flags, sport a Marxist BLM fist, or do whatever other anti-Western tradition things they want, in public, with seeming impunity. Heck, if the 2020 summer of discontent is any guide, they can even riot and loot without so much as a second glance from corporate America so long as CNN labels the riot “mostly peaceful” rather than an “insurrection.” But, if, for example, a pilot decides to put a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker on his bag, well, then every leftist with enough brain cells to log onto Twitter loses xis mind. That happened on Saturday,…

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One moment, you think you’ve caught the leftists at their worst. They might be bailing out rioters, championing the bloody ideology of socialism, or doing something equally detestable, and you think you’ve got them. Then they go and do something even worse. Most recently, that “something even worse” was quite bad, with an LA Times columnist saying, and yes, this is real, that it’s “necessary” to mock anti-vaxxers when they die of Covid. That’s right, if you don’t want the jab, they think you should be laughed at while you die. Specifically, the LA Times article, written by columnist Michael…

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McCarthy might not be the strongest backboned of the Republicans in office, nor is he normally a particularly high-profile attacker of radical Dems like AOC or seemingly incompetent bureaucrats like Fauci. While not anywhere near as bad as RINO Liz Cheney or Mitch “Back Down on Every Issue” McConnell, McCarthy is generally less “rock-ribbed” than most conservatives would like. However, whether because an election is on the horizon (likely) or because he had a spine surgically implanted (less likely), McCarthy is pledging to use his post-red wave power to hit back against the worst leftists. Speaking to Breitbart News, McCarthy,…

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DeSantis, obviously taking pages out of the Trump playbook, is growing more and more “based” by the day. Whereas his RINO colleagues, such as Governor Kemp of Georgia, seem intent on bending the knee to the radical left and selling out the conservatives that put them in office, he’s waging a no-holds-barred fight against the left. From Big Tech to illegal immigration, DeSantis is touching all the third rails that he’s not supposed to, proving that a backbone is the perfect antidote to the leftist fury that so troubles other Republicans. Recently, he proved that yet again, discussing on FNC’s…

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Are you an American that doesn’t think illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay here after invading the nation, often with the help of the vicious cartels that traffic deadly drugs like fentanyl into America? Well, too bad. Brandon is just gonna let them go, using “catch and release” to let them rush past the border and into the heartland. But, even if he does decide to try to deport a few, you’re the one who has to pay for their lawyers. That’s right; you have to pay to provide free legal representation to the very criminals that shouldn’t even…

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During the Covid pandemic, students have been kept out of schools for incredibly long stretches of time, often thanks to the lazy members of teacher’s unions preferring a life of (even more) ease to one of doing what they’re paid to do and teaching students. But, though parents might have initially been tolerant of, if not supportive of, those “remote learning” policies, they’ve quickly grown frustrated with lazy teachers being paid thousands of dollars every month to not do their jobs. Now, with the same unions and lazy teachers using “Omicron” as an excuse to push “remote learning” yet again,…

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Long one of the few Senators willing to go after Fauci in public fashion, Rand Paul is at it again, this time hitting him for what Sen. Paul describes as “malpractice.” In fact, Sen. Paul says that Fauci’s malpractice is so severe that he needs to be removed from office! What’s the basis of that claim, one which came Monday Night on FNC’s “Fox News Primetime”? The fact that Fauci treated everyone the same for the purposes of Covid policy rather than zeroing in on the least healthy and most at risk. Here’s what Sen. Paul said: “But all along…

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It’s not just a few liberal nutjobs in Silicon Valley that support the tech censorship Americans have, unfortunately, grown accustomed to in recent years. Rather, a majority of the Democratic Party supports censorship of content that offends “some” people, according to a recent Rasmussen poll. That poll says: While a majority of Americans still think social media sites should permit free speech, most Democrats want companies like Twitter and Facebook to regulate content on their platforms. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of American Adults believe it’s better for the owners of social media…

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It’s not just the motley collection of not-so-forward-thinking medical bureaucrats over at Mayo Clinic that is firing unvaccinated staff by the hundreds. The leadership of Citigroup, a bank so poorly run that it was on “the brink of collapse” in 2008, is now apparently following suit and firing those staff members that refuse to get the jab, thus fulfilling a pledge it made in 2021. Apparently, news of that came to employees in the form of a memo reminding them that they must be “fully vaccinated as a condition of employment.” The memo also reportedly told employees that “You are…

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Think that the left is wrong and that “systemic racism” is more a figment of its CRT-induced fever dream than any actual facts? Well, you’re probably right, but that also means that, if for some reason you planned on writing for it, you’re not allowed to write for Emory’s law review. Apparently, University of San Diego’s Larry Alexander attempted to write an article critical of Emory professor Michael Perry’s “disparate racial impact theory.” According to Just the News, “The essay challenged Perry’s early argument that the courts should expand human rights through a “noninterpretive” approach to the Constitution, using a…

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Andy McCabe, the disgraced, former #2 of the FBI recently showed his true, anti-conservative colors yet again, this time in a crazy rant in which he compared conservatives to ISIS and called parents protesting their school boards a threat to national security. First came the attack on conservatives as…wait for it…ISIS. That’s right, the drunk guy chanting “f*** Joe Biden” at a football game and your aunt who posts too many articles on Facebook is, according to Andy McCabe, cut from the same cloth as the ISIS terrorists that beheaded prisoners for fun. Specifically, he said: “I spent years working…

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Though under 40% of the American public has a positive view of socialism, it might not be as pro-capitalism as many hope and think. In fact, despite previous polls showing support for capitalism being in the ~60% range, the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer found that negative views of capitalism are quite high. Specifically, the “capitalism under fire” portion of the report found that 56% of those polled think that “Capitalism as it exists today does more harm than good in the world.” And, though that’s a world average, the American result is little better; according to a later page in…

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Are you a parent of a kid forced to deal with constant, tyrannical Covid mandates pushed on them by the pearl-clutching and pill-pushing Karens that run many of America’s schools? And, if so, are you infuriated with the tyrannical nonsense? Well, if so, you’re not alone. Other parents are tired of the school mask mandates, tired of the school shutdowns, and tired of the feckless bureaucrats running the school boards. One such parent is Jeff Perrine, a California dad who has had it with the Lincoln, CA school system and whose epic confrontation with the Lincoln, CA school board just…

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Far-left politicians like Ilhan Omar, AOC, and Rashida Tlaib might love “criminal justice reform” and “bail reform,” by which they mean letting criminals out of jail, but they’re not alone in loving jail break bills. Criminals, unsurprisingly, love such “reform” bills just as much as the insane leftists, if not more so. And some are even willing to say so openly. One such criminal supporter of “reform” is Charles Wold, a career criminal that burglarized at least ten businesses. Now out of jail yet again after being apprehended, he had this to say to the New York Post, speaking to…

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The Queen, long a symbol of English grace, honor, and the lost spirit of better days, is reportedly dealing with her significantly less honorable descendant, Andrew the Pedo Prince, by refusing to pay his legal bills while an American judge decides if Virginia Giuffre’s case against him can proceed. News on that comes from the Mirror, a UK paper, which reported that: With legal bills mounting over his legal battle with Virginia Giuffre, Prince Andrew is in a race against time to raise funds to pay them. And the Duke is now trying to force through the sale of his £17million Swiss…

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As Brandon does a worse and worse job as president, his obvious incompetence and mishandling of issues more than making up for whatever grace voters showed him early on, former President Trump is rising in the polls. In fact, according to a Rasmussen poll that was released on Thursday, former President Trump is now viewed positively by more than half of the American populace. As that poll reports: Nearly a year after former President Donald Trump left office, many voters still view him favorably, while Democrats consider most of his supporters to be racists. A new national telephone and online…

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The vitriolic, rage-filled leftists continue to rant endlessly about Trump. Their main issue, other than pushing CRT and socialist policies on America, policies that have thankfully been relegated to the back burner thanks to CRT’s unpopularity and Manchin’s continued rejection of the BBB bill, is how terrible the bad orange man is. Hence their continued ranting and raving about the supposed “insurrection” on January 6th and all they’ve done to hype up an event in which the only person violently killed was an unarmed woman shot by police and under $2 million in property damage was done. When compared to…

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Speaking to Breitbart’s Alex Marlow, James Lindsay gave America a dire warning: the woke, oft-ridiculed CRT radicals aren’t just foolish lunatics. They’re a dangerous force that want to dismantle the US and create a woke dictatorship. Here’s what he said. First, speaking on Marxists, he said that, to keep people radical, they have to find “less easily stabilized” issues, so “racial identity, sexual identity, and so on, became the target.” Then, continuing his discussion of those issues, he said that they “became a very fruitful wheel of acquiring power for them, because it all comes down, at the end of…

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Though the Red Chinese seem to have been generally taking the heating-up confrontation between our two nations more seriously than we are, especially now that Biden has replaced Trump, there is a bright spot on the horizon. That bright spot is that the US, Japan, and Australia are finally working together to pool their resources and take on the Red Dragon. According to ZeroHedge: Coming off a “historic” signing of a formal defense cooperation agreement with Australia on Thursday, Japan is now pursuing a deepened commitment for military assistance from the United States. Both are expressing concern over China’s growing military might and…

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Trump, during his time in office, did his best to end the disastrous catch and release policy that set thousands upon thousands Biden, however, apparently has no compunctions about the catch and release policy. In fact, it’s quite the opposite; Brandon has freed a record number of illegals into the US with his catch and release policies. That’s according to Breitbart, which reported that: As of late December 2021, Biden has placed about 150,755 border crossers into the government’s Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program, wherein border crossers are apprehended and quickly released into the U.S. interior with minimal tracking. […]An official with…

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A long-time criticism of Covid policy is that it treats the healthy and unhealthy the same; though most of those who die are generally unhealthy, Fauci and the rest of the Covid bureaucrats treat everyone as if they’re at the same level of risk. While that’s a valid criticism, Israel might be taking the whole “health” thing a little bit too far. Now, in that nation, you apparently need the jab…to order from a kiosk. Just watch here: What a joke @McDonalds is.. you have to show your “green pass” to order food. — The Juggernaut (@TheJuggernaut88) January 3,…

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Are America’s kids, at least as they portray themselves on Tik Tok, all right? Lol, no. No they are not. Don’t believe me? Well, just watch this video that Libs of Tik Tok found. It’s really something: We have a mental health crisis plaguing our country and TikTok and social media is only making it worse — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 6, 2022 There is a whole lot going on there. As is usual with the “my pronouns are xlam/xu/they” crowd of blue-hairs, the self-obsession is there from the start. The most humble “them” in the world…

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What a horrible world it was before this cold winter! You see, up until recent days, Tik Tok didn’t allow all the blue-haired manatees and balding weirdos of indeterminate gender on its platform to choose their pronouns. But now, by the grace of Gaia and the most holy spirit of feminine empowerment, Tik Tokers can select pronouns to display! Cave trolls, potential witches, and bearded, pregnant ladies everywhere are rejoicing, I’m sure. For what would they be without their constantly changing and often grammatically incorrect pronouns? Watch one man, some chef that the awesome Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account…

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I’m “literally shaking” right now. Some right-wing fanatic, probably a Trump voter, said that these obviously empowered girl bosses aren’t actually empowered. What a fool! I mean, just watch these feminist icons and see all that feminism has conquered in its long march through the West: What did I just watch — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 7, 2022 Girl power! They just broke the glass ceiling and became…Michael Vick’s dogs. Though one can never be sure, I have the feeling that this isn’t what Susan B. Anthony and her coterie of bra-burners hoped for when they first…

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Want to know what the leftist radicals in charge of educating the youth are teaching children as young as preschoolers? Well, then look no further than the Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account, which just exposed their insanity in a recent post: Preschool teacher in WA brags about teaching that white people are problematic and there is no gender binary — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 7, 2022 What books are on the list for preschoolers? One about “kids in cages” (though probably not the kids Brandon put in cages), one on why “white people are the problem,”…

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The American Dream has long entailed the fabled suburban home with a white picket fence, car in the driveway, and kids happily playing in the mowed grass of a well-cared-for lawn. However, while that idyllic image is still burned into the public consciousness as part of the vision of success and happiness, it’s quickly becoming a remnant of halcyon days. Why? Because many young Americans, financially crushed by debt, declining job prospects, and rapidly rising home prices, have been priced out of a central component of the American Dream, with their enthusiasm for it dampened as a result. Evidence for…

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Far-left social media companies in America aren’t the only ones banning posts that go against the regime’s talking points. The CCP, the brutal, authoritarian government of mainland China, is acting much the same as our tech oligarchs and banning any “negative” posts about lockdowns. That suppression of “negative” views is happening in Xi’an, the epicenter of China’s recent Covid infection spike and resulting, harsh lockdowns. After residents of the province took to social media apps like Weibo to voice their displeasure with the government’s handling of the situation, Radio Free Asia reported that government authorities sent an SMS message saying:…

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