Author: will

It’s not just companies like Amazon and Apple that are bowing to the Chinese dragon out of greed. America’s educators are too. The most recent example of that comes from Boston, the former seat of American liberty. There, Harvard’s former chemistry chair recently admitted that he took tens of thousands of dollars in bribes from Red China. News on that comes from the Epoch Times, which reported that: The former chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry Department accused of hiding Chinese ties has admitted to taking tens of thousands of dollars from China, video footage presented in federal court on Dec. 17 shows.…

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Amazon isn’t just crushing small businesses in America, it’s also apparently crushing dissent in China, working with the CCP to silence negative reviews of Xi’s book. News on that comes from Reuters, which reported that: Inc was marketing a collection of President Xi Jinping’s speeches and writings on its Chinese website about two years ago, when Beijing delivered an edict, according to two people familiar with the incident. The American e-commerce giant must stop allowing any customer ratings and reviews in China. A negative review of Xi’s book prompted the demand, one of the people said. “I think the…

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Former President Trump, a self-described “counter-puncher” that generally employs a take no prisoners approach when dealing with political enemies, recently raised the black flag again, this time to excoriate weak-kneed Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority leader known for backing down to Democrats and eschewing the MAGA agenda in favor of typical Conservative, Inc. priorities. Furious over McConnell’s backing down to the leftist agenda, Trump released a statement in which he said: Mitch McConnell has given away the Unfrastructure Bill and will soon be giving away the Build Back Worse Bill, which will change the very fabric of our society. This…

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Governor Abbott, Texas governor and staunch defender of his state, is stepping up to the plate yet again. Building on another victory of Team Brandon, his rejection of the jab mandate for the Texas National Guard, Abbott recently highlighted that Texas is building the border wall to defend citizens from illegals. About six months ago, shortly after Brandon assumed power and opened the floodgates of illegal immigration, Governor Abbott declared that Texas would build its own border wall. At the time, he said: “The Biden administration has abandoned its responsibilities to secure the border and Texans are suffering as a…

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In what might be her dumbest take yet (and that’s really saying a lot), MSNBC host Joy Reid claimed that Elon Musk had appropriated his “Karen” insult from black people. Watch her make a fool of herself here: That’s right. Reid, as you can watch in the video, says: “So for so many reasons, being a freeloader, and a selfish and disrespectful one, and for misappropriating black vernacular for misogynistic purposes, Elon Musk is the absolute worst” Reid’s comments came after Elon excoriated Elizabeth Warren on Twitter, eventually calling her “Senator Karen,” in what might have been one of his…

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In what was surely one of her worse recent performances, Nancy Pelosi gushed about President Brandon in detestably glowing, obsequious terms while even her lipstick, smeared as it was, looked sloppy. Watch her here: As you can tell, from watching the video, her depiction of Joe is as crazily out of touch as it is obviously a lie. For example, at one point, Pelosi has the gall to claim that Joe is “just perfect.” Specifically, during her remarks, she says “Our country could not be more — it could not be better served, than with this most experienced, capable hands…

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In what will surely be remembered as an event as terrible as the smallpox epidemic that swept the Native American population when the first settlers arrived, it was recently reported that Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren tested positive for Covid. BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren tests positive for COVID-19 — Fox News (@FoxNews) December 19, 2021 News on that negative test came from Pocahontas herself, who, on Sunday, tweeted “I regularly test for COVID & while I tested negative earlier this week, today I tested positive with a breakthrough case. Thankfully, I am only experiencing mild symptoms & am grateful for the protection provided…

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While Republicans often label Democrats “communists” or “socialists,” it’s rare that those representatives and senators self-identify as such, or show up at commie events. Well, Senator Blumenthal decided to join the likes of Senator Sanders and openly join up with the American communists. That’s right, according to The Drill Down, Connecticut Senator Blumenthal (D, of course) “accepted an invitation to speak at an awards ceremony for Communist Party affiliate the Connecticut People’s World Committee; they were celebrating the 102nd anniversary of the Communist Party USA and actively recruiting new CPUSA members.” Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) was a special guest at…

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Many see Elon Musk, TIME’s 2021 Man of the Year, PayPal co-founder, and current CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, and the Boring Company, as just the sort of go-getter entrepreneur that makes America great. Though he has his detractors on the right and left, many see his innovative nature, penchant for hard work, and willingness to drive things forward as just the sort of qualities necessary to maintain America’s greatness. One person who sees things in such a way is Kayleigh McEnany, the former White House Press Secretary. She, now a Fox host, said plenty of positive things about him during…

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While Governor DeSantis has gotten the lion’s share of the attention for standing up to President Brandon’s incompetent regime, he’s not the only one to do so. Governor Abbot of Texas, though sometimes not quite as willing to grapple with Team Brandon, also stands up for the right of his state in times of crisis. Now is one such time. President Brandon is demanding that all service members, including members of the reserves and National Guardsmen, get the jab. Abbot, following the lead of Oklahoma, is saying he won’t enforce that order on Texas National Guardsmen. News of that came…

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Other than nuclear power, natural gas is probably the best fuel out there. It’s clean-burning, cheap, relatively easy to transport, doesn’t require the massive quantities of lithium required by “renewable” energies, and is very reliable. Predictably, the Gaia-obsessed left hates both with a burning (no pun intended) passion, despite the fact that nuclear power and natural gas are some of the best solutions out there. Instead, they want to rely on solar power and windmills. One such gaggle of leftists with that belief is the New York City council, which voted on Wednesday to ban the use of natural gas…

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While it was bad enough that Brandon was letting illegal immigrants flood across the border and yet worse that he’s letting them fly around America as they please, in what might be the worse decision yet, now he’s not even detaining illegal immigrant families. That’s according to Axios, which reported that, while some individuals are still detained, every illegal immigrant family has been let out of the detention centers: “As of Friday, the U.S. had zero migrant families in detention facilities, according to internal government data obtained by Axios — with the last and largest facility used for the practice…

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In a fallen world such as ours, one can sadly not expect even law enforcement officers to be paragons of virtue or always law-abiding. Everyone makes mistakes, even the runner stumbles. But, still, it seems fair to expect FBI agents to not hire prostitutes and then get away with it when caught. Apparently, that’s too much to ask; as it’s exactly what just happened. According to an Office of the Inspector General report released recently, four overseas FBI officials “solicited, procured and accepted commercial sex.” A fifth FBI agent apparently solicited commercial sex without accepting it. In the words of…

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After suffering under the crippling burden of mass looting for far too long, America’s business owners, the usual victims of riots, have finally had enough and are standing up to the inept (or dastardly) government officials that are not only letting riots and looting happen, but sometimes even egging such anti-social, anti-private property activity on. In fact, the problem has gotten so bad that even Big Business, which is typically liberal, is stepping up and complaining about the flash mob looting problem. In a letter sent to Congressional leadership, the CEOs of 20 major companies, including CVS, Walgreens, and Nordstrom,…

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Slow Joe isn’t just letting illegals flood across the border like a biblical plague of locusts o’er the land. Now he’s also letting them jet around the country, without proper identification, of course. That’s right. In the name of not being racist, Team Brandon is allowing masses of invaders to board commercial flights around the country, hopping on flights without an ID whenever they please. While that’s horrific and certainly undercuts US immigration policy, it’s finally being brought to light thanks to the tireless efforts of Rep. Lance Gooden of Texas, who is investigating the TSA because, according to the…

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The New Yorkers pushing back against their tyrannical governor’s newest Covid diktat aren’t the only ones that are sick and tired of the insane Covid-related restrictions foisted on their backs by unaccountable bureaucrats. According to a recent poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group and the Convention of States, a poll with a sub-3% margin of error, 69.4% of those polled think that there shouldn’t be new or increased mandates and restrictions, even to combat the media-hyped “Omicron” variant. Only ~30% of those polled are in any way for stronger/new restrictions to deal with Omicron, a massive public opinion win for…

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Much as leftist, globalist NGOs might clamor for American dollars and funding, they certainly hate traditional America with a burning passion. They leech off our prosperity and agitate for our decline. One such anti-American NGO that’s sucking up US dollars is the International Organization for Migration, or IOM, which is a UN (and thus US) funded organization. Though the total level of funding support is unclear, what is known, according to a State Department 2019 summary, is that the IOM spent ~$60 million that year on activities around the border and in South America. And what does the IOM spend…

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Clinton (the wife, not the alleged pedo), has been back in the news recently. Whether she’s attacking the idea of voter fraud after spending the four years after 2016 claiming that her election was rigged or saying that she’ll “never be out of the game of politics,” Hillary has been trying to insert herself back into the news cycle. Most recently, she got teary-eyed while reading a speech she had prepared for a 2016 victory, a speech she obviously never got to read for real, and also claimed that if Trump runs again it would be “the end of our…

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Americans are sick and tired of the left’s radical, nonsensical Covid policies. Whether the petty tyrants want to bring back lockdowns, mandates, or any other policy, Americans aren’t having it. That was most recently seen in New York, where counties and small businesses are giving the new governor, Kathy Hochul, the middle finger and refusing to enforce her mask mandate diktat. The new, strongly resisted order from the governor would place the onus on private businesses to force patrons and employees to wear masks or be vaccinated. One man, Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus even went so far as to…

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It’s as if President Brandon’s approval rating and the price of gas are inversely correlated; since the end of 2020, one has been in free fall and the other has shot to the sky. Can you guess which is which? In fact, the price of gasoline has risen by 55% since December of 2020, according to Fortune. That outlet reported that: As of Friday, that WTI contract price stands at $69.62 per barrel—up 52% from December 2020. That has also translated into higher prices at the pump. The average U.S. regular price of $3.34 per gallon is up 55% since December 2020.…

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Back in 2018, Pelosi pledged that she’d only remain in Congress for two terms. Even she knew that Americans could and would only tolerate the wicked witch of the West for so long. Unfortunately, with her second term drawing to a close (and none too soon!) it’s looking like she might be ready to renege on that promise, which is quite unfortunate for all those that find her snobbish leftism unbearable. That’s according to CNN, which had this to say on Pelosi sticking around longer than she initially indicated: Speaker Nancy Pelosi will stay until at least after the midterm elections, extending…

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Well, the purge of the unvaccinated from the Armed Forces has begun. Yesterday, I reported that the Navy took action against the second in command of a guided-missile destroyer, the USS Winston Churchill, for refusing to get the jab. Today, it was announced that the Air Force discharged over two dozen personnel for refusing the jab. Word on that first came from the Associated Press, which reported on Monday that: The Air Force has discharged 27 people for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, making them what officials believe are the first service members to be removed for disobeying the…

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More bad news for the Cuomo brothers, this time the eldest one, Andrew: the state of New York has ordered that he fork over more than $5 million dollars that he received from his book deal. That order comes as the result of a 12-1 vote in the New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics, a watchdog commission in the state. The resolution, which was passed in the aforementioned vote, revoked prior approval for him to earn income outside of his state salary. And, as Just the News reports, that change came because it recently came out that the disgraced…

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With Brandon being so terrible, there’s already starting to be some speculation over which Republican will defeat him in 2024. While most Republicans prefer Trump, a substantial number would like to see DeSantis run. That has led to some worries over if the MAGA base will be deleteriously affected by primary in which the two champions of the MAGA agenda are pitted against each other, something Trump has indicated he doubts will happen. Still, however, if the two do decide to run and end up fighting, that could have some serious negative consequences and splinter the most enthusiastic members of…

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As if the woke, certifiably insane nonsense in California schools couldn’t get any worse, now it has. Those schools, which already promote witchcraft as a way to harm people that say “all lives matter,” are now pushing leftist sexual morays on children as young as four. According to the Federalist, that push includes everything from an LGBT club for the four-year-olds to even promoting “two spirit” sexuality with them. We’ll begin with the club, which the Federalist reports “was called “Rainbow Club.” Why any students would be pressed to attend it is unsaid (but can be easily inferred when one…

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Another day, another example of rampant crime in California, a state whose own police are now warning would-be tourists that it’s too dangerous to visit. This time, the insane crime took place in Oakland. According to Mercury News, three armed thugs robbed an NBC news crew, stealing their camera equipment but not inflicting any casualties: The crew was on assignment in the Jack London Square area when three armed individuals took a camera from inside the crew’s vehicle, according to Oakland Police Department spokesperson Kim Armstead. None of the crew members were holding the camera at the time and there were…

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Elon Musk has become one of the most on-the-nose defenders of American values recently. Whether it’s because he comes from South Africa and can see the blessings of liberty better than native-born Americans, because his role as a business leader, or simply because of temperament, Musk is one that has been willing to stand up for freedom and against the insane left when few others are. No matter whether he’s slamming Bernie Sanders, taking down Lying Liz Warren, channeling Milton Friedman, or otherwise hammering the left, he can put things in an easily digestible way that shows the horrid nature…

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The Red Dragon is rising and it’s furious at the occasional temerity of the US, which, though it normally bows to Chinese aggression and predation, occasionally puts roadblocks in the way of the CCP. Most recently, the US sanctioned China because it’s waging a campaign of genocide against the Uighurs in Xinjiang province. Those sanctions, announced last Friday, are meant to target the individuals and companies responsible for the genocide. And boy is China ranting and raving about them. In a statement released by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin, Red China had this to say: “We urge the US to…

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With Bidenflation at the forefront of many American minds, discussions of it are growing only more common and concerned. Such a conversation recently took place on Tucker Carlson’s show, during which he and Peter Schiff went off on the deleterious nature of the rapidly rising inflation taking place under the Brandon regime. Watch it here: Tucker leads the conversation by noting that CPI rose by nearly 7% year over year in November, the highest inflation in decades. While that’s bad enough, Schiff responded by noting that CPI probably isn’t even the right measure of inflation, with the true inflation number…

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Everyone wants something for nothing it seems, including the recently victorious Taliban, which is now demanding that the West fork over $10 billion dollars. As ZeroHedge reports: [The Taliban is] pleading with global powers to send $10 billion in funds to the country. In particular they are urgently asking for the release of reserve funds in the Afghan central bank that were previously frozen. Afghan Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said Afghanistan needs the world’s “mercy and compassion” at a moment millions are on the brink of starvation, and are without jobs, and amid a fast plummeting currency. This as they deploy ‘Islamic morality police’ to the streets…

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From his public rips of Fauci to his constant defense of our individual and natural rights, Rand Paul has been one of the greatest defenders of freedom in the Covid Era. When others back down, he stands up. When they remain silent or preach the faux gospel of the Covid tyrants, Sen. Paul speaks truth and defends American values. That fighting, pro-freedom spirit of his could be seen again when Sen. Paul appeared on Fox to speak with conservative commentator Dan Bongino. Watch it here: During the interview, Senator Paul said: “Schumer left out one thing, when they were denying…

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Twitter censorship has been picking back up again, escalating ever since Jack Dorsey stepped down and the new, anti-free speech CEO, Parah Agrawal, was installed a few short days ago. Most recently, Twitter banned Melissa Tate, a conservative commentator and influencer known for her brilliant attacks on the leftist regime. Here’s what she had to say about her suspension when she announced it on Facebook: BREAKING: Twitter just suspended my account with almost half a million followers with no warning for sharing a clip from the Joe Rogan podcast where he is interviewing Doctor McCullough. Twitter said this was “harmful…

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Well, the military declined to grant any religious exemptions for the Covid-19 vaccine mandate requirement, and now it appears that the purges of the unvaxxed have begun. According to the Military Times, Cmdr. Lucian Kins, second in command of the USS Winston Churchill, an Arleigh-Burke class guided-missile destroyer, was relieved of duty by his superior officer, Capt. Ken Anderson, commander of Naval Surface Squadron 14, for not getting the Covid jab and refusing to take a test for the virus. That report said: Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Jason Fischer declined to give the precise reason why Kins was relieved of…

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A concerning news story I reported on recently was that the Israel Lobby, including Israeli diplomats, is pushing Biden to take military action against Iran in response to Iranian intransigence during nuclear negotiations. In the view of the Israelis and their American lobbyist and interest group allies, America needs to strike Iran because it refuses to negotiate to their satisfaction. Luckily, Biden, like Trump, is apparently uninterested in war with Iran. According to ZeroHedge, Biden rejected Israeli requests for a concrete plan of attack against Iran. That article further reports that:  the “Israeli delegation that recently visited Washington accused the United…

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It’s not just the far-right that views the policies of the left as socialism. While that criticism of Biden and his lackeys is certainly more prevalent the farther to the right you go, it’s growing into a worry for the majority of the country. In fact, according to a recent Rasmussen poll, 53% of Americans view the Biden economic agenda as socialism. That’s right, over half the country views Brandon’s policies as being “socialist.” Here’s what the poll, which surveyed 1,200 registered voters across the political spectrum, found: Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters believe it is accurate to describe the…

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Much has been made of Nancy “Diamond Hands” Pelosi and her stock trading ability. From her husband’s stock trades in companies like Tesla and Microsoft, she’s been able to make quite the pretty penny during her time in office, with a suspicious number of the companies she has invested in having something to do with government regulations or policies. Just a coincidence, I’m sure. Unfortunately, Nancy is far from the only politician to have suspicious financial ties to certain companies with which the government does quite a bit of business. In fact, according to a highly concerning response from Business…

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As if the discrimination against those without the jab couldn’t get any worse, now the Make A Wish Foundation is apparently refusing to grant wishes to dying, unvaccinated children. According to PopTopic, an unvaccinated 4-year-old from Staten Island wanted to travel to Disney World as his last wish. The Foundation refused to fulfill it, citing his unvaccinated status: Rocco, the terminally ill 4-year-old boy from Staten Island NY, made a wish to go to Mickey’s House and meet Mickey Mouse in Disney World in Orlando, Florida, with his family but the Make-A-Wish Foundation decided to refuse the child because he was not…

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Inflation continues to get worse under President Brandon. In October, the CPI, which is hardly the highest measure of inflation, went up to 6.2% on an annual basis. Then, in November, it shot up yet higher, this time to 6.8% on an annual basis. Average Americans, the ones who have to pay the increased costs and fit ever more expensive basic goods into their already tight budgets, aren’t enthused. In fact, according to a recent ABC/Ipsos poll, more than a supermajority of Americans disapprove of how Brandon is handling the inflation problem. It found: More than two-thirds of Americans (69%) disapprove…

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Another day, another tyrannical pronouncement from the high king of public health, Dr. Toni Fauci. This time, he’s saying that you should take a yearly booster shot “if necessary.” Given that he’ll certainly deem such a thing necessary, that can be more or less interpreted as his demand that you take a yearly jab and stop complaining about it. His remarks came during yet another Fauci appearance on cable TV, this time on ABC’s “This Week,” with George Stephanopoulos as the anchor. In the appearance, Stephanopoulos asks Fauci “You talked about the advantages of the booster. Should we be thinking…

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The left’s war on Christmas, a Cambodia-invasion type war that it insists isn’t happening but really is, has already gotten quite bad. People are told to say “Happy Holidays” rather than Merry Christmas, Christ being removed from the picture anytime Christmas is portrayed in media, leftist groups demand nativity scenes be removed, and the holiday has taken on more and more of a materialist meaning while the savior being born aspect, the important part, has been done away with. Hence why more Christians than ever are saying there is a war on Christmas. But now it got even worse. SNL…

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