Financial disclosures reveal Nancy Pelosi’s embattled husband bought up to $2.1M in stocks, some very recently
It’s really simple: Be the f—ing president: Democrat strategist slams Biden, troubled by White House problems
Did orders come from the top? Watters seeks deeper investigation on ‘left wing lunatic’ who wanted to end Brett Kavanaugh’s life
God’s Working Through People In This Video: This Administration May Not Be Doing Anything About the Border in Texas, but People Are, and They’re Sharing the Glad Tidings While Doing It
“Domestic Enemies”: J6 Committee Chair Bennie Johnson Slanders Half The Country With His Opening Monologue
Disgusting: J6 Committee Opens Hearing By Calling Participants “Domestic Enemies”, Compares Their Legacy To KKK
“Bears Some Responsibility”: Top Republican Blasts Schumer in Wake of Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt
Partisan hosts like Jim Acosta and Brian Stelter could be OUT from CNN, new boss may focus on actual news instead
Police quickly locate and arrest armed suspect wandering around in hopes of killing ‘a specific U.S. Supreme Court Justice’