Author: Eric Thompson

For the majority of the past 60+ years, Marxist radicals in the U.S.A, who have been working in the media, entertainment, and higher levels of government, have kept their plans and actions hidden in order to prevent any resistance from everyday Americans who love their nation. Using the public and even some private schools, those in power have infused their curriculum with far-left anarchists ideology, including ending the nuclear family, disparaging traditional values & establishing new cultural expectations, Civics. The leftist mob blindly follows their politician’s plans requiring their dependency on government, which will lead the world into an unattainable…

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The left is especially effective in playing the long game. The democratic party has been looking for workarounds to combat GOP gains in the state legislatures. Since this is where congressional districts are determined, their party leadership and media have increased their claims that the GOP is involved in extensive partisan gerrymandering Speaker Nancy Pelosi is deceptively now saying that she can end partisan gerrymandering (creating districts favorable to a political party) with the passage of the Democrats’ HRI bill, which would in effect codify the election fraud seen in 2020, for good. Pelosi wants Americans to believe that she…

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In life, there are some constants, for all people and for all organizations. Even with the best-laid plans, things eventually, at varying degrees goes off the rails testing the character and fortitude of those involved. The COVID pandemic spread quickly around the world, creating a stress test environment for those in political offices. The results confirmed that the national leaders at NIH and NIAID are lacking in skill and humility. In the aftermath, leaders like Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) are now picking up the pieces and working on legislation that will hopefully prevent another mismanaged health care crisis from taking…

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Once again American history was targeted by a “woke” politician, looking to remove and/or destroy statues, portraits, or other artifacts seeking to acquiesce to far-left activist demands. Recently in Syracuse, New York, a historic Columbus monument was the target. In response to a few Native American groups and others’ calls for its removal, claiming it was because of Columbus’ role in enslaving indigenous populations upon his arrival in the Americas, woke Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh (I-NY) announced on Oct. 9, 2020, that he planned to remove the Columbus statue from the circle. The city would then redevelop the site into…

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The students in the Los Angeles school district just can’t catch a break. They have been laboring in masks since the mandate that was instituted and is still in force, by their liberal school district. The LA schools were among the last in the country to reopen, with most closed for more than a year during the pandemic. Concerning the mask mandate, things started to look brighter for the students as California Governor Newsome relaxed mask mandates across the Golden State. Then, shortly after Newsome’s announcement that he was lifting school mask mandates statewide,  L.A. County public health officials announced…

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President Biden has been on the wrong side of political issues for over 45 years. Biden, who was chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, during the 1991 confirmation hearings, is seen grilling Thomas about “natural law” before Thomas is seen weighing in on the experience via an interview for the movie. “I have no idea what he was talking about,” says Thomas in the film, called Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. “One of the things you do in hearings, is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they’re talking…

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Unlike any administration in American history, President Joe Bidens’ has had an “all hands on deck” approach to creating and maintaining an open southern border. With this approach not being acceptable to a majority of the American population, the left has tried to mask this effort in the name of being a compassionate country allowing those seeking asylum to find a safe place to come to. Finally one of the 2 more centrist Democratic Senators is calling Biden out. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), who is chair of the U.S. Senate subcommittee on border management, met with the front-line leadership trying to…

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After decades of living in the former Golden State, I still have not been able to get a straight answer for the hyper open-borders activists out here. I have asked them, how many American citizens have to be injured or killed by illegal aliens before they would support securing the border? To me, it is not acceptable that our government will allow one American citizen to be negatively affected by their collective dereliction of duty, required in the U.S. Constitution and listed out in U.S. Code. 1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324(A) OFFENSES Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses…

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Progressive social justice activists continue to advance their new application of “equity”, which in their vernacular is a system in which everyone who is in the pool, ends up with the same prize. Similar to their idea of participation trophies given to everyone who competes in an event, even if they have never won an event, game, or a season. They have abanded the pursuit of equality, which provides each person the same opportunity to try to succeed. Typically the results include winners and losers. In Oakland, CA a program to give $500 monthly checks to low-income families, only of…

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There are a few major differences between the two major political parties. One is, the Republicans (formerly conservatives) are fighting to preserve America while the Democrats are working to burn it down and rebuild without the free enterprise capitalistic system, without merit-based outcomes, but with social justice indoctrination. Secondly, they are different because the Democratic party leadership has been partly indoctrinated into radical city organizing ideas, such as what is found in Saul Alinksy’s “Rules For Radicals”. Here are some of the rules: 5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also…

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I just finished reading an article written by Chauncey DeVega, a senior politics writer for Salon. His world view and take on President Joe Biden, along with his overt hatred of Republicans, for whom he calls “GOP Fascists, is indicative of the disdain his progressive mob has for traditional America. Democrats do not want “unity” with the GOP “fascists,” according to DeVega’s recent article in which he accuses Republicans of seeking to create a “21st-century Herrenvolk society” in which black people “have no rights the white man is bound to respect.” The interesting thing is, he doesn’t provide any proof…

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Former “Empire” star Jussie Smollett was sentenced to 150 days in jail, 30 months felony probation and to pay restitution to the city of Chicago, and a fine of $25,000 on Thursday, after he was that he staged a hate-crime attack against himself in 2019. Judge James B. Linn stated that the evidence against Smollett was “overwhelming” and that the jury’s verdict in his case was “correct.” In December Smollett was found guilty on 5 charges of disorderly conduct – one count for each time he lied to police following the hoax ‘attack.’ Smollett was found not guilty on a…

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Here is another story, in a line of many, showing the decline in the American culture. Until recently life was valued and if you killed someone you would be adequately punished for your actions. Not so in today’s hyper-social justice environment. If racism is involved in a disagreement, excessive violence is explained away, even if it resulted in the killing of another human being. In a recent story, a Florida Dunkin’ Donuts employee, Corey Pujols, 27, was accused of fatally punching a customer who used a racist slur against him. The prosecutor offered him a plea deal, with him pleading…

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During the 2016 presidential elections, the Democrats insisted a Donald Trump presidency would take the U.S. into military conflicts with Iran, Russia, and/or North Korea. To their surprise, former President Trump actually withdrew troops from the Middle East and Afghanistan, not sending troops into any new military conflicts his entire fours years in office. Kim Jong-un has been the Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011 and is known for having a short fuse. In a surprise to many, Trump and Jong-un actually developed a good working relationship, which led to them meeting at the DMZ where Trump crossed Into…

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During his entire four years in office, Former President Donald J. Trump fought the world establishment. He angered globalists by pulling out of the Paris Accord, walking away from the Iranian nuclear deal, adding/increasing tariffs on Chinese products, and for preventing Russia from supplying more gas to Europe, especially Germany. In December 2019 President Donald Trump approved sanctions on the Russian gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2. Trump followed up by signing a law that imposed sanctions on any firm that helps Russia’s state-owned gas company, Gazprom, finish a pipeline into the European Union. The sanctions targeted firms building Nord Stream…

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Once again the judiciary had to step in, putting a stop to another one of the Biden administration’s blatant violations of existing laws. Texas has been the most active state fighting the Biden administration in the courts. So far they have stopped a 100-day deportation moratorium from being enforced last February, and recently won an order by a federal judge ordering the Biden administration to continue Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, where asylum seekers are returned to Mexico to wait for their hearings. On Friday, a Texas federal judge ordered President Joe Biden to stop the mass release of illegal…

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My wife and I occasionally discuss what careers we might have chosen after graduating, many years ago, if we knew then, what we know now. Of the professions that we discussed, for me, teaching was nowhere on my list. The teaching profession has a lot of pressures associated with it, especially for those who are members of the ever-evolving, radical national teachers’ unions. Instead of being allowed to focus solely on teaching standard curriculum, including reading, writing, arithmetic, and science, they are now expected to be social justice activists of varying degrees. In far-left schools, this could include introducing young…

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Once again Florida is out in front on COVID, this time telling Floridians, it’s time to leave the children alone. Defying guidance from the nation’s top infectious disease and pediatric health experts, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo announced Monday that the state will become the first to recommend that healthy kids not get vaccinated for COVID-19. Ladapo made the announcement at the end of a roundtable discussion in West Palm Beach that Gov. Ron DeSantis convened to discuss “failures” in the response to COVID-19. The group of experts downplayed the importance of the vaccine for children, with some saying the benefits…

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There are very few things as predictable as the rising and setting of the sun. Well after 14 months of the most incompetent vice-president in U.S. history making a fool of herself on a regular basis, the probability that Kamala Harris will say or do something to embarrass herself again, is almost as predictable. Today, Harris while trying to be a social justice warrior for the environment, criticized the amount of pollution she thinks is caused by heavy trucks, on the same day a group of patriotic truckers circled Washington, DC. “Pollution from heavy-duty trucks and buses has made the…

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There are a few things that Americans know about President Joe Biden. He has trouble putting two sentences together, his son Hunter is a Crack attic and Biden makes up lies and/or exaggerates on a regular basis. Well, Joe just did it again. This time the 78-year-old cranky U.S. Chief Executive Officer repeated a prior claim that he had been a teaching professor following his days as Barack Obama’s VP. This was not the first time Biden told this fabrication; “I really enjoyed teaching and writing.” As of today though, Joe still has not stood in front of a classroom at…

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Once again Florida is out in front on COVID, this time telling Floridians, it’s time to leave the children alone. Defying guidance from the nation’s top infectious disease and pediatric health experts, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo announced Monday that the state will become the first to recommend that healthy kids not get vaccinated for COVID-19. Ladapo made the announcement at the end of a roundtable discussion in West Palm Beach that Gov. Ron DeSantis convened to discuss “failures” in the response to COVID-19. The group of experts downplayed the importance of the vaccine for children, with some saying the benefits…

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There are very few things as predictable as the rising and setting of the sun. Well after 14 months of the most incompetent vice-president in U.S. history making a fool of herself on a regular basis, the probability that Kamala Harris will say or do something to embarrass herself again, is almost as predictable. Today, Harris while trying to be a social justice warrior for the environment, criticized the amount of pollution she thinks is caused by heavy trucks, on the same day a group of patriotic truckers circled Washington, DC. “Pollution from heavy-duty trucks and buses has made the…

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There are a few things that Americans know about President Joe Biden. He has trouble putting two sentences together, his son Hunter is a Crack attic and Biden makes up lies and/or exaggerates on a regular basis. Well, Joe just did it again. This time the 78-year-old cranky U.S. Chief Executive Officer repeated a prior claim that he had been a teaching professor following his days as Barack Obama’s VP. This was not the first time Biden told this fabrication; “I really enjoyed teaching and writing.” As of today though, Joe still has not stood in front of a classroom at…

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Hold on a minute New York City Mayor Eric Adams. I know you are new but what about the risks from COVID? According to Dr. Fauci, the CDC,  your predecessor, and past 2 governors, since COVID variants exist, the mask and vaccines mandates should stay in place. Well, Mayor Adams instead of following their examples just fell in line with dozens of other blue state mayors and governors who recently ended their mask and vaccine mandates.  Not simply because the scientific data has improved, but because recent polling overwhelmingly shows that Americans are done with COVID and ready to vote…

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Former Florida Governor Rick Scott has shown the ability to govern effectively. Following his eight years as the Governor of Florida (2011–2019), Scott ran in 2018 and was elected to one of the two U.S. FL Senate seats. The 3-year senator just wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that the GOP establishment on Capitol Hill doesn’t want to play ball with him. On Wednesday, Scott took McConnell to task for opposing his action plan, mentioning the proposal requiring all Americans to pay income tax to reduce the deficit that McConnell has increased under his tenure as Senate leader: I have committed…

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The Republican Party had a great opportunity in 2022 to update the congressional maps to accurately reflect the electorate, giving the party several extra opportunities to pick up seats in the November mid-term elections. Instead, in some of the conservative majority states, the legislatures and governors are allowing feedback from the democrats and seem to be acquiescing to their requests of letting some districts, which could have gone to either party, stay with democrats instead of giving the GOP voters the fruit of their labor for turning out in huge numbers. In Florida, you have a divided GOP. The Florida…

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Wired reports that Google’s latest privacy-invading technology can read your body language without using cameras. One Google designer ominously commented, “We’re really just pushing the bounds of what we perceive to be possible for human-computer interaction.” Wired reports that Google’s newest tech uses radar to detect users’ body language and then performs actions based on its analysis. Google’s Advanced Technology and Product division (ATAP) has reportedly spent over a year exploring how radar could be implemented in computers to understand humans based on their movements and to react to them. Google has experimented with radar in its technology in the past. In 2015 the company…

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In February Republican lawmakers in the Sunshine State were working to pass a bill that bans discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in-state public schools from kindergarten through fifth grade. It also encourages parents to sue school districts that promote talking about such issues. It was crafted after reports surfaced about a 12-year-old girl attempting suicide after her school attempted to transition her to male without her parents’ knowledge or consent. US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, a married homosexual, responded, claiming that Florida Republicans’ controversial Parental Rights in Education bill could drive up LGBTQ youth suicide rates if it’s implemented. President…

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According to national data, American schools are failing, especially in larger urban areas run by national teachers’ unions. Instead of raising standards, far-leftists are instead feeding social justice into the schools, increasing racial tensions, while promoting more and more gender identities. On the darker side of their efforts, in line with other dictators who from the beginning of world history have targeted children, an increasing amount of new curriculum is being used to indoctrinate the youth. One of the worst is Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer who has aggressively pushed for the insertion of critical race theory into her state’s schools.…

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One would think that even the most radical mask enforcers would have snapped back into reality following the end of mask mandates in deep blue states such as California, Illinois, and New York. Even Saturday Night Live, last week, mocked the 2 years of masks mandates. A group of friends discusses mask mandates, vaccines, and COVID over dinner. On Wednesday,  Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis triggered hyper COVID enforcers who took to Twitter claiming the popular Republican governor had yelled at students, pressuring them to take off their masks. Well, facts are normally a funny thing when exposing lies, but…

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Part of the strategy globalists like billionaire investor George Soros use includes funding political campaigns of progressive, “Woke”; Judges, District Attorneys, and even state Attorney Generals. During her 2018 campaign for NY Attorney General, candidate Letitia James made headlines in anti-Trump publications and on leftist news networks after making a number of statements that showed hostility towards the NRA. “The NRA holds out as a charitable organization, but in fact, really [is] a terrorist organization,” she told Ebony magazine in October 2018. James also vowed to “target the NRA” in a July 2018 release by her campaign, promising to “investigate the legitimacy of…

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The 2020 elections will go down in history as being infected with voter fraud, especially in a handful of swing states. Arizona was one of the states which was expected to end up in the Trump column on election night, but did not, so the AZ legislature has taken several steps since to further sure up its election processes. The GOP-controlled Arizona House and state Senate voted Monday to approve a measure on the November election ballot that would drastically increase the identification requirements needed for Arizonans who want to vote both in-person and by mail. Gina Swoboda, third vice…

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One of the major concerns for many in the United States is the growing threat of China and Russia. In addition to their increasing military prowess, their cyber warfare, and intellectual property theft has led to huge jumps in their technology helping them almost catch up with big tech companies in Silicon Valley. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and ruling party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Prior to the 1970s, China was a poor nation with hundreds of millions of its citizens living in poverty. Things began to change…

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The democratic party has morphed into a far-left, pro-social justice, pro-criminal, and pro-abortion socialist political party. With some of their constituents running teachers’ unions, big tech, big media, and entertainment companies, the democrats messaging propaganda is being distributed 24 hours a day. As the 2022 poll numbers have dramatically shifted towards the GOP, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) just pulled out the democratic election playbook consisting of the race card, racial justice, and fighting for “women’s rights”. The Senate just tried passing a piece of legislation on Monday afternoon that would have codified Roe v. Wade, overturning many…

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In an interesting turn of events, more and more far leftists are starting to worry about a potential President Donald J. Trump second term, starting on January 20th, 2025. Things looked promising, at first, for the globalists who pushed former Vice-President Biden into running for the Oval Office in 2020. Since being elected though, the incoherent Biden has spent only part-time in the White House, and part-time at home in Deleware. Those chosen to run the various administrative departments for the White House, including the Department of Homeland Security, have been unabatedly wreaking havoc on existing U.S. immigration and other…

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On Capitol Hill it appears that every decision comes down to one thing, staying in power. The democratic party promoted Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the defunding of the police during 2020-2021, but then suddenly stopped when they started losing special elections, as the electorate voted to remove them out of office for these and other reasons. The left is nervous as polls are showing that the Biden administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and COVID vaccines mismanagement are setting up a probable red wave in the upcoming mid-term elections. In a recent Washington Post/ABC poll, published Sunday, found that President Bidens’s…

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Prior to the mid-1990s, most information about the citizenry was kept in files, such as employment records, physical tax returns, and medical records maintained by local physicians. With the advent of affordable computers, industries started their migration over to everything digital. It was sold to the public as a more efficient way to keep data and a great way to save a huge amount of paper from going to the landfills. What most people were not taking into consideration while going digital was the future risks of their personal information being used for nefarious reasons by criminals and government officials.…

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Another week is upon us and as we reflect on what our failing president said in the past seven days, you have to believe Joe Biden suffers from cognitive dissonance issues. The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. What Are The Signs You Might Be Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance? General discomfort that has no obvious or clear source. Confusion. Feeling conflicted over a disputed subject matter. People saying you’re being a hypocrite. Being aware of conflicting views and/or desired but not knowing what to do with them. On Friday, Joe…

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Well, the far left chalks up another victory on Capitol Hill. Liberals for several months have pressured Supreme Court Justice Bryer to retire prior to the 2022 mid-terms election expecting the Democrats to lose control of the U.S. Senate. Here’s a photo of Demand Justice’s billboard truck outside of Union Station. — Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) April 9, 2021 With a liberal succeding Breyer, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1994, the balance of the court’s current 6-to-3 conservative supermajority, would not change. So what is the main qualification for the person replacing Bryer, a white male? She…

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The funny thing about those on the left is they have for decades pushed for radical reforms hoping to change the United States into a socialist state, like Europe, but now are freaking as voters and members of their own party are jumping ship. Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is warning Democrats there may be impending danger for this year’s midterms after last week’s San Francisco school board recall election sent shock waves across the nation. A Tuesday op-ed from the former mayor warned Democrats of the “seismic challenge” ahead, saying that the party is headed for doom…

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