Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

A tsunami of dishonesty has filled our nation’s capital. Much of the legislation drafted for the massive spending bills are so long and complicated, that many of the elected representatives either don’t read the bills themselves or rely on their aids to do the work for them. Fortunately, a handful still does, resulting in a few U.S. House conservatives catching Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) attempting to add dozens of Critical Race Theory (CRT) provisions, which are contained in Schumer’s weak plan intended to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) actions against the U.S., into the National Defense Authorization…

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Americans’ confidence in President Joe Biden’s mental fitness is declining as he nears a full year in office, a new poll shows. In addition, a majority believe the nation is heading in the wrong direction. The morning Consult/Politico poll, released Wednesday, shows that just 44% believe that Biden, who turns 79 on Saturday, is “stable,” while 50% said the opposite. The gap widened to 10 points when asked whether Biden “is in good health,” with 40% saying yes and 50% saying no. Americans say 48%-46% that Biden is not “mentally fit,” the poll added. In another question – “Now, generally speaking, would…

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You could make the case that then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse probably shouldn’t have been outside during the George Floyd riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year, sure. But the kid wanted to keep his community safe and there’s nothing wrong with that. At the end of the day, Rittenhouse shot his AR-15 at multiple people to save his own life because he feared protesters would end it. It’s really that simple. But the prosecutors (along with the alphabet networks and MSDNC) need you to believe that Kyle had the whole thing premeditated. He wanted to kill that night. He was out for…

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For some people, it takes longer to come around. To finally grow up and see the truth is never easy, but it is reality. Members of the Democrat party live in Fairytaleland and they know it, understanding that their policies will never work. But they don’t care. Hopefully, as was just seen during the Virginia gubernatorial election, more and more people will wake up and vote the right way. From New York Post: Longtime Texas Democratic state Rep. Ryan Guillen announced Monday he is switching parties and joining the GOP, saying that his “fiscally conservative, pro-business, and pro-life values are…

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Kamala Harris was a bad senator for California, a horrible 2020 presidential candidate who cut her campaign short very early on, and an even worse vice president – just as every sane person knew would be the case. Now, for some incredibly strange reason, Joe Biden is apparently “considering” naming the former Golden State attorney general to the Supreme Court (most likely to get her poll numbers, worse than his, far away from him). Could you even imagine it, though!? Justice Kamala? Holy cow. From The Daily Wire: Two CNN reporters penned a piece on Sunday headlined “Exasperation and dysfunction:…

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Joe Biden’s chief of staff is Ron Klain, another far-left buffoon who has no business holding such a high-profile position. Based on this comment about the economy alone, Klain should be forced to resign. The thing about Democrats, though, is that they stick together – no matter how wrong they know the other person to be on a particular subject. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: Forget about that crazy high inflation, those sky-high gas prices, and the empty shelves at your local grocery store: to White House chief of staff Ron Klain, everything’s great. Klain made his claim…

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The entire nation dodged a bullet when then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) decided to postpone Barack Obama’s SCOTUS appointment, Merrick Garland, back in 2016, following the death of Antonin Scalia. Unfortunately, Joe Biden decided to “right the wrong” and nominated Garland for attorney general in 2020, a position he now holds. As most sane people predicted, Merrick has been a train wreck. Now, he has been caught lying to Congress. LOOK: VIDEO: H/T: Right Scoop

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What makes Joe Biden an ineffective leader, aside from his view of the world and backward political policies, is that the guy is a raging hypocrite. All Democrats are hypocrites on one issue or another (or multiple, in most cases) and that’s because they can’t keep their stories straight. Check out the latest on the imbecilic tales of the man liberals refer to as “president” – via New York Post: Americans may be grappling with how to put food on the table amid a sharp rise in the cost of everyday goods — but you’d never know it from the…

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This Binger guy who is trying to prove that Kyle Rittenhouse killed two people in cold blood, pre-meditated, needs to be disbarred after the defendant is let off the hook on Wednesday. The man is a complete goof and clearly liberal. Binger’s actions in court over the past 10 days have shown the country everything they need to know about what can happen when the left has an agenda. Check this out, via Breitbart: Prosecutor Thomas Binger claimed Kyle Rittenhouse lost his right to self-defense by bringing a gun with him to the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, on the night…

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Since billionaire mogul Donald J.Trump famously came down the golden escalator with his wife, Melania, to announce he was running for President Of The United States, the financial ramifications have been staggering. In an interview with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, the former President said he lost billions of dollars during his time in office and that he “expected” that to happen. As part of an extended interview during which the men mainly discussed claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, Mr. Trump said that he suffered a major financial loss while in the White House. Lindell described Trump as…

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While the actual jury is still out as of the end of day yesterday, November 16th, 2021, the mainstream media’s verdict has been in since the very beginning. MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times and just about every other leftist commentator out there decided that not only was Kyle Rittenhouse guilty of murder, they’ve labeled him a mass shooter, a domestic terrorist, and even a white supremacist. Even though nobody can truly know the full weight of the burden that Rittenhouse is currently carrying at the moment, one other can at least understand that bile and hatred…

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Several months ago, a documentary featuring NYU Professor Elijah Stephens, regarding modern 21st century medicine and the evidence surrounding miracles, and whether miracles can be scientifically proven. The professor wanted to explore the natural tension that exists between the scientific and medical communities and individuals of faith, who have personally experienced God’s divine intervention. “I want to shift the culture of the charismatic movement,” Stephens told Fox News in an interview in September. “The whole movie is called Send Proof because I want people to send in their evidence. That’s not occurring and there’s lots of little cultural issues that…

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Every year in the United Kingdom, Remembrance Sunday is a holiday held to remember, honor, and commemorate soldiers who died during any war or military operation “since the onset of World War I.” This year, and every year prior, it is held on the second Sunday of November. At 11:00 am, most will be holding a two minute moment of silence in churches, over broadcasts on radio or television all over the UK, but this past Remembrance Sunday silence wasn’t observed in one Taxi Cab. Emad Al Swealmeen, a 32 year old rejected asylum seeker, got into a cab with…

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Perhaps it’s CNN’s dismal ratings, losing almost 40% of their viewing audience, or maybe it’s simply Biden fatigue.  It could be a yearning desire to turn the calendar back to the good old days of Trump bashing, when America’s prosperity was taken for granted and the only controversies within the mainstream media was choosing which nasty tweet by number 45 to report on. Rather then the current fiasco taking place within the Biden administration, with a corrupt, incompetent and incontinent president,there is an equally incompetent and less popular Vice President, in one Kamala Harris. She seems to have lost her…

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The shocking revelation just uncovered that an Arizona school board president kept a secret “enemies list” of parents who spoke out publicly against his policies at school board meetings. The stunning disclosure that Scottsdale Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg kept a dossier on 47 parents, who openly challenged his authority, has hundreds of angry parents demanding his resignation. Sensitive and personal information gathered by Greenburg included Social Security numbers, background checks, a divorce paper, mortgage documents, trade certifications, and screenshots of Facebook posts, specifically targeting outspoken parents who questioned his policies. The Secret Dossier, according to Fox News, was kept by…

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“Out of the mouth of babes”, precocious second grader Fiona Lashells, has been suspended a stunning 38 times from school for refusing to wear a face mask.  She has become the face of resistance for every child in America after she recently confronted her local board in Florida. The tiny tot, who just celebrated her 8th birthday challenged members of the Tampa Bay School Board, admonishing them for forcing her to wear a face mask or be suspended from attending class. The 2nd grader appeared for a second time in front of the 7-member school board telling them directly how…

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The Pentagon on Wednesday announced that both communist China and climate change are equally important national security threats currently facing America. U.S. Department of Defense spokesman, John Kirby, told Fox News, “Both are equally important. Both are challenges that the secretary wants the senior leadership at the Pentagon to be focused on, as well as many others too.” Adding; “I think we get paid to examine all the threats to our national security. And I don’t know that it does anybody good to put some sort of relative analysis assessment on that,” he said when Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson asked…

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From mid-2009 to the present, more than 60,000 Christians have been killed or disappeared by Islamic fundamentalist insurgents in Nigeria. I estimate that about 20,000 Christian churches and schools have been burned since that year. The initial insurgency of the terrorist organization Boko Haram has been joined in recent years by that of Muslim Fulani herdsmen radicalized by jihadist ideology. In its August 4 report, Nigerian NGO International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, also known as Intersociety, explained that: “The total number of Christian deaths (…)from July 2009 to July 2021 (…) is not fewer than 43,000…

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This isn’t a dessert or anything like the dessert of the same name. The meal I propose to you is so cheap, so easy, so ludicrously indulgent in a way only comfort food can be, you and your kids will be thanking me! It’s not the healthiest of meals. It’s mostly just mashed potatoes with […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Here is a classic dish that everyone should know how to make.  It is a cheap and easy dinner that is very filling.  It’s perfect for a tight budget family, which, unfortunately, is most Americans during this year of mandates.  But on a brighter note, this recipe is also delicious!  Who said cheap food couldn’t […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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In the angry, radical social justice movement, everyone who is male, white, and/or Christian, is fair game when it comes to attacking them for having privilege, implying racism, and calling for retribution without any individual wrongs committed. On Sunday during a segment of “Cross Connection, the radical MSNBC host, Tiffany Cross, took aim at the trucking industry for employing too many over 55 years old, white males who “overwhelmingly voted for Trump” and are too “aggressive” on the road. Cross joined CrossCountry Truck Driving School owner and president Pamela Day to discuss the ways in which the trucking industry can attract…

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There are few things more unlikely to happen than an eclipse, but with their departure from journalism, far-left Marxist propaganda outlet MSNBC might just qualify. The odds of seeing a negative story about President Joe Biden on their network is not likely, statistically almost zero. On Monday Far-left MSNBC host Joy Reid host displayed her annoyance that Biden is not more popular with Americans who got ‘the shots and checks’ The pro-Biden activist derided and mocked Americans for not being sufficiently grateful to President Biden. During her interview with left-wing historian activist, Michael Beschloss on “The ReidOut,” Reid worked to…

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Just this morning, November 16th, 2021, NPR put out a tweet of their article that seemed to imply Boston, Massachusetts is racist for picking an Asian woman as Mayor over three other black candidates. Even the headlines seems to lament the historic first, “Why Boston Will Need To Wait Longer For It’s 1st Elected Black Mayor”. This, despite the fact that Michelle Wu is the first woman and first Asian to be elected as Mayor. Take a look below and see if you agree. Btw only the tweet is gone. The article is still up. (Though linking or posting the…

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When thinking about what two men have reached success at high levels, who had high approval numbers across the nation and yet were willing to risk it all wanting to preserve liberty in the United States Of America, former President Donald J. Trump and MyPillow CEO and founder of FrankSpeech Mike Lindell, top the list by a long shot. Tonight, a historic interview between the two men will air at 7pm EST tonight, November 16th! You can watch the full 40 min interview tonight on Here’s a sneak peek:   Mr. Trump, prior to announcing his White House run…

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The Democrats once again played the GOP on Capitol Hill. This time, they put forth a totally unacceptable reconciliation bill knowing it will get stalled but would allow the more palatable infrastructure bill to get pushed through, also stuffed with part of their far-left green agenda. Though touted as a “bipartisan infrastructure bill,” the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act contains no conservative victories but has many leftist carveouts. President Joe Biden signed the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law, it’s Biden’s only significant legislative victory since Congress passed his coronavirus rescue plan in March, the $1.9…

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As the negotiations of President Biden’s massive pork-filled reconciliation bill slowed to a crawl, the administration pivoted attacking the estimated costs causing the delay. Just as the Obama administration aggressively pushed known lies; Americans would be able to keep their doctor and families would save $2,500 per year on Obamacare, the Biden administration has been insisting their massive multi-trillion-dollar spending bill would actually cost ZERO dollars. Biden doubled down that $3.5T reconciliation bill will add ZERO to the debt. Now President Joe Biden’s administration is facing a “bill-killing” reality check. The head of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is saying…

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On Tuesday morning Judge Bruce Schroeder instructed the jury for the last time before sending them off to deliberate the fate of 18-year old Kyle Rittenhouse. The high profile case has gurnard much attention, and has perhaps also dispelled the false narrative that had circulated within the mainstream press and within the White House.  For almost a year they portrayed the teenager as some sort of trigger-happy vigilante, or worst yet, a white supremacist, a tagline used my many within the leftist media and also within the Biden White House. Perhaps the most egregious moment for Rittenhouse was when the…

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On Monday evening during their meeting, Communist dictator Xi Jinping threatened President Joe Biden and the United States if we assist Taiwan for their independence. The two, according to the New York Times, “pledged at a virtual summit to improve cooperation, but offered no breakthroughs after three and a half hours of talks. The call, which was initiated at Mr. Biden’s request, reflected his administration’s deep concern that the chances of keeping conflict at bay may be diminishing. Mr. Biden has repeatedly suggested that it should be possible to avoid active military engagement with China, even as the United States…

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The Democratic Party chose to get behind and help elect an aging and ineffective politician, former VP Joe Biden, as the 46th President Of The United States. After 10 months of a failing Biden Presidency, the Democrats are now feeling the stress of how to maintain the majorities of both chambers of Congress in the midterm elections coming up on November 8th, 2022. With the Democrats currently holding a very slim majority, some of them have “freaked out” over their peers announcing their retirements and the prospect of Republicans reclaiming the House. One of the Democrats retiring from the House…

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I don’t know a single person who doesn’t like chicken.  So from that statement, you know that I don’t have any vegan/vegetarian friends.  Not that I’m bashing their dietary style.  It’s just not my thing.  I love my meat.  Not enough to go hunting for it, mind you.  That’s why we have grocery stores.  Now […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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As stated in the title, this dish is a classic.  I first had this back in my Hamburger Helper days.  I loved it then, and I love it even more, now that I make it from scratch, and with better quality meat.  But I’m not gonna lie, I still grab some Hamburger Helper from time […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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What do you do with all of the leftovers from Thanksgiving?  I’m assuming you have leftovers.  I hope you have leftovers, because this recipe sounds and looks so delicious!  And the best part is it’s easy!  Everything is already cooked.  With this recipe you just layer it until the leftovers are gone or the pan […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Red Notice is a Netflix original starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot. The movie is an action adventure with large mix of humor that makes fun of itself in the best of ways. There are moments where you feel like you are visiting the sets of Jumanji, one of the many Marvel films, Wonder Woman, an Ocean’s 11 movie, or even Indiana Jones. Though that may be the point. The good news is that the movie isn’t straight up awful. Whether poking fun of some classics or dropping their own new one-liners, the film is funny…

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Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there for Aaron Rodgers. In a statement made on November 8th, 2021, State Farm made the following statement about the Green Bay Packers quarterback. “Aaron Rodgers has been a great ambassador for our company for much of the past decade. We don’t support some of the statements that he has made, but we respect his right to have his own personal point of view. We recognize our customers, employees, agents and brand ambassadors come from all walks of life, with differing viewpoints on many issues. Our mission at State Farm is to support…

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Aaron Rodgers, starting quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, November 5th, 2021. This was reported by ESPN, as well as several other news agencies. Now, keep in mind that people test positive for COVID-19 every single day, especially vaccinated players that don’t get dragged out by the media for catching the virus. So why does the media care so much? Because back in August right before the season, Aaron Rodgers claimed to be “immunized” against the vaccine, but because the journalists only hear what they want to hear, they took that to mean the…

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On November 5th, 2021, during a late evening vote, the house passed a $1,200,000,000,000 Bipartisan Infrastructure bill. It could have been written as $1.2 trillion dollars, but those zeroes need to be seen. What else needs to be seen? That 13 House Republicans who helped the Democrats get the bill passed, which is why they are calling it a “bipartisan” bill. The split? 228-206. Had those thirteen Republicans voted no, the bill would have failed. So, who are the Republicans who helped the desperate Democrats to get Biden a much needed win? “Rep. John Katko, Rep. Tom Reed, Rep. Nicole…

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On November 2nd, 2021 the Atlanta Braves stepped up in a big, bold way to take on and put an end to the hopes of winning the Series for the Houston Astros! During Game 6 the Atlanta Braves won the best out of seven World Series in fantastic form resulted in their second championship win since they moved from Milwaukee! The Houston Astros only won two of the games during the series and were shut in two of the six games played. Even while losing the Atlanta Braves managed to score at least 2 runs in every game. The first…

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On November 12th, 2021 the conservatorship over Britney Spears was terminated permanently after 13 years. The legal custody which controlled Britney’s personal life along with her financial life began on February 1, 2008 after a series of incidents wherein her parents claimed the singer was incapable of taking care of herself. It started out as temporary but after a couple of extensions it became permanent on October, 28th, 2008. Good God I love my fans so much it’s crazy !!! I think I’m gonna cry the rest of the day !!!! Best day ever … praise the Lord … can…

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Graphic Videos Posted Within the Article The Kyle Rittenhouse trial has been all over the news, but while the trial against the three men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery has made the occasional splash, it hasn’t been televised or reported on to the same degree despite both incidences taking place in 2020. The shooting in Kenosha received immediate attention as the mainstream media appeared to do as much as they could to paint Kyle Rittenhouse as another “mass/active shooter” on a rampage on the night of August 25th, 2020. The Arbery shooting received attention only when the video was dropped…

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As of October 13th, 2021, the city of Portland, Oregon joined a few others around the nation in granting bereavement to city employees that have suffered the loss of a baby during pregnancy. This compassionate step is meant to help encompass the many types of loss a family or employee can experience. Loss during a pregnancy can be devastating, especially if you are of the mind that the loss is the loss of a baby. What has several conservatives scratching their heads is the exact wording of the amended administrative rules. They list still birth, miscarriage and other loss as…

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