Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

According to David Corn at Mother Jones, Democrat Senator Joe Manchin is considering leaving the Democrat party and becoming an Independent in the near future. Manchin has been a thorn in the side of Democrats, who want him to just fall in line with their radical agenda. Corn reports: “In recent days, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W. Va.) has told associates that he is considering leaving the Democratic Party if President Joe Biden and Democrats on Capitol Hill do not agree to his demand to cut the size of the social infrastructure bill from $3.5 trillion to $1.75 trillion, according to…

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Thanks to President Joe Biden, the Taliban is now rewarding the families of the suicide bombers with land who killed 13 U.S. service members. The Biden administration once praised the Taliban as “businesslike and professional.” “Addressing the gathering Monday evening, [Sirajuddin Haqqani] praised the sacrifices of ‘martyrs and fedayeen,’ referring to fighters killed in suicide attacks,” The Associated Press reported. “Haqqani called them ‘heroes of Islam and the country,’ according to [Interior Ministry spokesman Saeed Khosty]. At the end of the meeting, he distributed 10,000 afghanis ($112) per family and promised each a plot of land.” To make matters worse, the…

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He has very, very close ties to the Clintons. He was already once the governor of Virginia, plagued by scandals. He is a radically, radically far-left liberal. If you live in Virginia and plan to vote for Terry McAuliffe, what is wrong with you? Serious question. WATCH: WATCH: VIDEO: McAuliffe is making it known that if you are unvaccinated his administration will “make life difficult.” From The Daily Wire: Terry McAuliffe, the former Democratic governor of Virginia who is again running for the position, said in a recently released video that his administration would “make life difficult”…

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Get the vaccine or we will ruin your life. That is the message the left is sending. It is clear. It could not be more in-your-face. It is being done on purpose. After all, what lefties crave more than a double-double with fries and a shake is power. Absolute power, always. From SF Eater: The only San Francisco location of wildly popular California-based fast food chain In-N-Out Burger was temporarily shut down and remains closed for indoor dining after the SF Department of Public Health found the restaurant was not properly enforcing the city’s vaccination mandate for indoor dining, KRON4…

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You know how there are some foods that you hear the name and there is only one good way to make it, and then others you hear the name and there are endless ways to make it? Chicken salad is one of those foods that can be made in an endless amount of ways.  I […]

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Former relevant actress Alyssa Milano was out at the White House on Tuesday advocating for a “cause” that is already obsolete: “Voting rights.” All adult citizens in the United States (who are not convicted felons in some states) already have the right to vote. Protesting for “voting rights” is thus tantamount to rioting for the end of slavery or rallying for women’s suffrage. It may make you feel like a social justice warrior, but those civil rights battles were already won by people a lot braver decades and even centuries ago. No wonder Milano and her far-left comrades are seeking…

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Kamala Harris is heading to Nevada to “fight climate change”. However, in order to do so, she is taking a private jet. The irony isn’t surprising, but she took it a step further by posting about it on social media. You’d think her social media staff would deter this kind of hypocritical post, but they probably aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. “Today I’m heading to Lake Mead in Nevada to discuss the climate crisis–and why we must make historic investments to not only create jobs, but preserve our planet for generations to come,” Harris posted on Twitter. Look…

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Like most of America, Megyn Kelly is fed up with sleepy Joe Biden and Dr. Fauci. On her most recent radio show, Kelly said she is “sick of this bulls**t” after Fauci’s latest attempt to determine who can celebrate Christmas and who cannot. “It’s down to Fauci like ‘hmm, I’ll decide whether you have Christmas, I’ll decide whether you have Thanksgiving,’” Kelly began during her epic rant. “No, you won’t, you won’t decide,” she said. “We’ll decide for ourselves. We don’t need you to tell us whether we should gather with our family over Christmas.” “I’m so sick of this…

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If there’s two things that Democrats love in this world, it’s abortion and Planned Parenthood. All Democrats, including Virginia Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, want women to be able to abort their babies where-ever they want and WHENEVER they want. That is why he is currently panicking. When asked about a potential loss on November 2nd to Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin, the only thing McAuliffe could think about is women aborting their babies. “I’ve spent most of this campaign, if you look at my advertising, what I say on the trail, there’s huge differences, Kate, in this campaign. I’m for raising…

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According to CNBC, Southwest Airlines has scrapped their plan to punish employees who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccination. On Friday, Southwest’s senior vice president of operations and hospitality, Steve Goldberg and vice president and chief people officer, Julie Weber, notified the company that unvaccinated employees would still be able to work past the originally planned December 8th deadline. The decision by Southwest comes after the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association fought the company’s vaccine mandate in court. “The new vaccine mandate unlawfully imposes new conditions of employment and the new policy threatens termination of any pilot not fully vaccinated by…

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Former Secretary of State Colin Powell died Monday of COVID-19 related complications. The 84 year old New York native (although vaccinated) was afflicted with multiple health issues including Parkinson’s and the blood cancer disease called multiple myeloma. These serious comorbidities can complicate recovery from COVID-19 infections. Although semi-retired from politics, Powell was the “real-deal” serving in both Republican and Democratic administrations. The former City College kid from Harlem gained the respect and admiration from soldiers, sailors, airman, field commanders, officers, legislators and presidents alike. Powell began his military career by joining the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), graduating with honors…

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A few of the major airline CEOs are telling the Biden administration their proposed mandates will not “fly” with them. What was supposed to be an integral part of forcing unwilling Americans to take the rushed COVID jabs is now looking like it’s crashing and burning. Last weekend Southwest airlines reported far more cancellations than any other major airline. The Dallas-based company canceled more than 1,800-weekend flights and continued on Monday as more than 350 additional flights were taken off the schedule. After reviewing the factors that lead to their poor performance, Southwest’s CEO Gary Kelly blamed Joe Biden’s Airline…

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In the United States of America, a handful of conservative governors have stepped up to challenge the massive overreach of the Biden administration. Republican Governors Ron DeSantis (FL), Greg Abbott (TX), and Kristi Noem (SD) have been the most visible and thus have the largest bullseye on their backs. All three plus other conservatives have drawn the proverbial red line in the sand when it comes to the proposed federal vaccine mandate, using OSHA as the vehicle to cross state lines. CNBC reported that as businesses brace for Biden’s Covid vaccine mandate, Republicans are threatening lawsuits. President Joe Biden last…

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Donald Trump is fighting back against the partisan January 6 commission formed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The panel is entirely composed of radical Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans and seeks to infringe on his executive privilege and his personal communications to support the bogus political narrative that January 6 was an “insurrection” and a “coup attempt” that was encouraged by Donald Trump himself. “Former President Trump on Monday filed a federal lawsuit against the Jan. 6 select committee seeking to block the panel from obtaining his administration’s records from the National Archives,” the Hill reported. “The Committee’s request amounts to nothing…

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On Monday, far-left Press Secretary Jen Psaki brushed off Joe Biden’s mask hypocrisy after he was spotted in a DC restaurant without a mask. Currently, DC mandates all restaurant guests to wear their masks until they are seated at their table. However, in the spirit of “rules for thee, not for me”, the Biden’s felt like they could skirt the rules. When Fox News Peter Doocy pressed Psaki about the hypocrisy, she got very defensive (as always). “There is a mask requirement inside D.C. restaurants yet President Biden and the first lady were not wearing masks while walking around a…

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According to a shocking report from Axios, the Biden Administration has lost track of 45,000 illegal immigrant minors. A minor, in this context, is defined by DHS as “a child who is under the age of 18 and not accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.” Axios’s report, based on a Freedom of Information Act request, claims that of the ~114,000 illegal immigrant minors that have been apprehended so far this year ~40%, or ~45,000 people, can’t be reached by HHS. However, that figure is only an extrapolation based on what data is currently available. Axios claims that “During the first…

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Do as we say or we will literally strip you of your livelihood. That’s how the Democrat Party operates and it’s the same today as it was back when they owned other human beings. How can some folks in America today still remains so blind as to what liberals in power are up to? Is it really that hard to see!? From Fox News: A growing number of U.S. Navy SEALs who are seeking a religious exemption to the Defense Department’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate are being threatened and, in some cases, harassed into submission, Fox News has learned. A series…

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Are you vaccinated against Covid-19? Is every single member of your family vaccinated, too? Phew! You’re good to go. Enjoy the upcoming holidays, folks! Now, as for the rest of you heathens… From The Right Scoop: They never stop asking Anthony Fauci who has permission to do things. They have really been asking him over and over and over who are the naughty kids that won’t get to do Christmas this year. It’s part of the press and democrat party blackmail plan for total vaccination compliance. Do as we say or you get coal. Today’s example is Martha Raddatz on…

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It’s not that Joe Biden “won” what was most likely a rigged election, it’s that he’s a complete imbecile. Decades in the public eye proved this time and time again. Yet, for some reason, the left was determined to get President Trump out of office despite all the good he accomplished – no matter the cost. Literally, no matter. Anyways, why is it that Democrat politicians are the only ones who don’t have to live by the laws they set for the rest of the American public? From Right Scoop: You know this story really speaks for itself. The elites…

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Southwest Airlines employees have gathered in a developing protest against the company’s vaccine mandate. The organizing of the employee protest was reported earlier by Becker News and can be watched live below via RSBN. A number of the Southwest employees said that they already have the Covid vaccine, but they are protesting against the vaccine mandate. “I am not anti-vax, I am just anti-mandate, that’s all,” one mother of four interviewed by RSBN said. The employee protest was also covered by Real America’s Voice, which showed dozens line up all along Denton street holding signs and waving flags. DALLAS TX:…

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The Department of Defense is now facing a major class action lawsuit over its Covid vaccine mandate, which forces service members, employees, and contractors to get vaccinated or face disciplinary action or even termination. The class action lawsuit was filed by the Liberty Counsel in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida. It lists President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as defendants. “Plaintiffs are United States Armed Forces servicemembers, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors who face a deadline under the Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate to receive a COVID-19 vaccine that…

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The Biden administration has quietly authorized damages to be settled with coerced vaccine takers if they suffer serious side effects under the still-unissued federal vaccine mandate. The clause was buried deep in documents in a Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation bulletin issued earlier in October. “On September 9, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order mandating COVID-19 vaccination for most Federal employees,” the document states, although the pertinent OSHA regulation has still not been formally issued. “The order directed each agency to implement a program to require COVID-19 vaccination for all of its employees, with exceptions only as required by…

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According to the Financial Times, China just demonstrated advanced space capability by successfully testing a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile.. Here in America, our President gets a round of applause if he can successfully complete a sentence in the english language. (Yes, we’re in trouble) The FT report adds that this capability came as a “surprise” to the United States: “The hypersonic glide vehicle launched by the Chinese military circled the globe in low-orbit space before speeding towards its target, sources told the paper. Although the missile missed its target by about two-dozen miles, the test demonstrated China’s advanced space capability and…

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Hold the phone! You’re telling me that it’s possible for liberals to break laws!? This is inconceivable. After all, whenever we think the left has done something wrong the MSM is right there to protect them. Then again, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Check this out, via The Daily Wire: Citizens for Responsibility & Ethics (CREW), a liberal watchdog group, is demanding an investigation into White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki for allegedly violating the Hatch Act during a press briefing. Psaki was asked on Thursday about the gubernatorial race in Virginia between Democrat Terry McAuliffe…

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When pro-Trump dorks “stormed” the Capitol Building on January 6 (even though they were literally invited in by police), the mainstream media went berserk, calling said dorks domestic terrorists who were inciting insurrection. But when liberal know-nothings storm the Interior Building in DC on October 16, the MSM is dead silent. Why? From Right Scoop: Noisy climate protests in D.C. this week drew some media attention, it’s true. But it was favorable press. Careful press. Kid glove press. And it wasn’t everyone. CBS mainly. Some local channels. Some radio. CNN? LOL no. MSNBC? Not exactly. See even the ones who…

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In the midst of the hotly contested Virginia Governor race, the Democrats have decided that they want to blatantly break the law in order to win. I mean, why not? They have total power in Congress, so who would “prosecute” them? According to WTOP news, “more than 300 Black churches across Virginia will hear from Vice President Kamala Harris between Sunday and election day in a video message that will air during morning services as part of an outreach effort aimed to boost McAuliffe.” “I believe that my friend Terry McAuliffe is the leader Virginia needs at this moment,” says…

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Police officers in major cities across the United States are standing up to unlawful orders that force them to be vaccinated for Covid-19 or face termination. In Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego and Baltimore, the police are sending the message that these vaccine mandates are unlawful, and they are not going to obey them or enforce them. In Chicago, a standoff is brewing between the city government and the police in one of the nation’s deadliest cities for violent crime. In the Windy City, the head of Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police, John Catanzara, has called on his fellow…

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Lt. Col. Stu Scheller pressed for “accountability” from military leadership for the current sitation in Afghanistan. On Friday, a military judge began doling out the penalty for his criticism. Scheller was given a sentence of one month forfeiture of $5,000 in pay and a direction to receive a letter of reprimand from a military judge. Marine Corps Judge Col. Glen Hines said he weighed giving Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller two months docked pay, but he limited it to one month because Scheller spent nine days in pre-trial confinement at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. On Thursday, Hines found Scheller guilty…

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According to a brand new poll, two-thirds of GOP voters want to see President Trump run for President once again in 2024. The new Morning Consult poll showed that 51% of Republican and Republican-leaning respondents said that Trump should “definitely” run again, while 16% of them said that he “probably” launch another White house bid. However, the poll wasn’t perfect for Trump. 14% of Republicans were “strongly opposed” to Trump running again, and 15% of them said he should “probably not” run again. Take a look at the poll results below: 🇺🇸🗳 Important political reality check: Two-thirds of Republican voters…

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Momma always said: Stupid is as stupid does. Is it possible that Jen Psaki is a fictional character who may be the sister of “Forrest Gump,” but who just so happened to become a liberal instead of following in her brother’s conservative footsteps? I don’t know, man. These liberals are completely off the reservation – and that’s the way they like it. From The Daily Wire: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki partially defended rising costs on everyday goods during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Friday afternoon, saying that the costs were rising because demand is surging, which…

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Pete Buttigieg was a mayor, somewhere in Indiana. He ran for president in 2020, but failed. Then, when Joe Biden “won” the presidential election over Donald Trump last November, Pete was nominated for secretary of transportation – for whatever reason. If you’re wondering why you haven’t heard this guy’s name over the past few months, it’s because he has been on a vacation of sorts – all while still collecting a paycheck from by the American taxpayer. Only in 2021 can a gay man go on paternity leave. Paternity. Leave. LOL – where have all the real men gone? From…

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People are dumb. That isn’t exactly a shocker, since people have always been dumb. It’s just that now, quite possibly more than ever before, the stupidity is amplified x1000 thanks to social media outlets (which give dummies a place to vent). The person in the video below (which is a woman, in case you were wondering – hard to know for certain these days) is the epitome of dumb. Clearly a liberal. Just listen to her for yourself. You’ll deduce quickly that she is not a genius. From The Right Scoop: Leave it to a UNION boss to think we’re…

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You’ve probably had cornbread from one of those boxes of cornbread mix at the store. Maybe you’ve even had some from a BBQ place that had jalapeños in them. They’re usually as sweet as a slice of cake and just as moist. While those types of cornbread biscuits absolutely have their place, I grew up […]

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We’ve gone over all sorts of different techniques and basics for staying alive in a survival situation. Everything from getting a fire going in the cold, to finding food in the wild, to purifying water in a pinch, to making a makeshift shelter to get you through the night. But what if you’ve already been practicing these things? What if you’ve got the basics covered and you’ve spent the time in the dirt? Well I’ve got some hacks for you that will make you’re life much better out in the woods, whether it’s in a survival scenario or just out

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had another rough outing on Friday. After getting served with an ethics complaint for violating the Hatch Act, she found herself on CNN with Jake Tapper defending the skyrocketing inflation that is stressing the budgets of working class Americans. “Inflation is skyrocketing, as I don’t need to tell you,’ Jake Tapper pointed out. “The prices for home heating costs, cars, groceries, furniture, rent, gasoline are hitting Americans right in the wallet. The White House response has been generally to say ‘hey, inflation shows that we’re coming out of the recession, so it’s a good…

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On Wednesday, October 13th, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), released a report titled “The Tax Burden on Corporations: A Comparison of Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development Countries and Proposals to Reform the US Tax System.” The report, written by Kyle Pomerleau, a tax expert at AEI, “compares the tax burden on corporations in the United States under current law to the corporate tax burdens of 36 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development member nations.” It contains a number of unsurprising but dire conclusions. In it, Mr. Pomerleau says “Current proposals to reform U.S. corporate taxation would increase the statutory…

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Capitol Police Officer Michael Riley was indicted on Thursday for misconduct related to an internal police probe on the response to the January 6 riot. The indictment on two counts of obstruction of justice stated that: On January 7, 2021, in the Districtof Columbia and elsewhere, the defendant, MICHAEL ANGELO RILEY, aid knowingly corruptly persuade, and attempt to do so, with intent to cause and induce any person to alter, destroy, mutilate, and conceal an object with intent to impair the objects integrity and availabilty for use in an official proceeding —that is, RILEY directed Person 1 to take down…

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During a recent interview with far-left news network MSNBC, Democrat Representative and conspiracy theorist Adam Schiff took a shot at former President Donald Trump and his supporters, stating that history will rebuke him and “everyone who stood with him.” Schiff said, “I do think, though, as time goes by and it will become increasingly more clear as we gain perspective on the last four years Americans will realize what a disastrous presidency Donald Trump’s was. How many people needlessly lost their lives during the pandemic because of his narcism and incompetence. Also, how his daily dose of bile and poison…

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How are future parents supposed to tell their kids that “cheaters never prosper” when all they’re going to see is liberals getting away with murder on a daily basis? It’s a shame that people still support the Democrat Party, while refusing to acknowledge the blatantly racist policies they put forth. How can so many “smart” people be so stupid? From Daily Mail: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife gave nearly $420million to nonprofits that aided in the administration and infrastructure of the 2020 election, and heavily favored Democrat counties, according to a new report. Zuckerberg, 37, and his wife…

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Thank the Lord for the few sane politicians left in America, these days. Most of them are too far left to see straight, knowingly infringing on basic freedoms on a regular basis. The nation needs more sheriffs like Alex Villareal when it comes to dealing with COVID. If it wasn’t for him, residents of L.A. county would be in for a world of hurt due to the policies of imbeciles like Governor Gavin Newsom (D). From Right Scoop: Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva explains in an interview that he will not enforce the vaccine mandate on his officers and…

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