Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

Why does it feel like our nation is slipping away? With over 3 million illegal aliens crossing our southern border last year, and the same number is estimated for 2022, the amount of time to save our republic is rapidly coming to a close. Included in this invasion are human traffickers, drug dealers, cartel members, foreign nationals from nations sponsoring terrorism, etc. Once they are caught and released into the U.S. many are convicted of armed robbery, drunk driving, burglary, cocaine trafficking, grand theft auto, heroin trafficking, credit card fraud, money laundering, and other crimes. Our immigration laws make it…

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There is a phrase, Freudian slip, which is defined as ” is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.” Typically this type of “misspeak” is caught by the person saying it, quickly correcting themselves, but if they are not fully aware of their faculties, they move on in the conversation leaving a possible time bomb for others to use against them in the future. Wednesday night following Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s failed attempt to modify the filibuster in the U.S. Senate, many in…

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For hundreds of years before September 11th, 2001, fundamental Islamic terrorist groups in the Middle East and Europe have been openly threatening to wipe Israel and those in the West, the United States Of America, off the global map. The violence between the Jewish people living in their re-instated homeland of Israel on May 14, 1948, and the Arab Muslim population surrounding the nation has escalated and still existed today. As a result of the attack on the World Trade Centers, the contested and unpopular Patriot Act was put in place supposedly with the purpose of preventing another attack from…

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The pro-abortion industry originally relied on public ignorance and science’s incomplete understanding of the stages of developing babies in the womb. As a result, a racist eugenist named Marget Sanger worked tirelessly through Planned Parenthood to abort (kill) as many people of color and with disabilities as she could for the “benefit of the society.” Racism, Eugenics, & Hatred: The Truth Behind Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger.  After the truth came out about Sanger, some of the Planned Parenthoods removed images and the mention of her from their facilities. Decades later, pro-life groups in the black community are speaking out…

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In an exercise in futility, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) tried to ram through a carve-out of the filibuster on Wednesday in order to pass through the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts. For several months two of Schumer’s constituents, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) have publically announced they will not support removing or modifying the filibuster rule. Let me be clear: I will not vote to pack the courts & I will not vote to end the filibuster. The U.S. Senate is the most deliberative body in the world.…

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World hunger within third world developing nations is a critical issue, according to the United Nations. Each year over 1.3 billion tons of rotting African food, that could otherwise feed over 300 million people annually, are discarded. In just Uganda alone, up to 40% of fruit and vegetables end up being thrown away. Ironically, thousands of African’s die annually due to hunger and malnutrition. Perishable foods, like fruits and vegetables, rot in the hot Ugandan sun and account for the highest wastage rates of any food group. Some of the major reasons for much of Africa’s food waste crisis are…

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If you’re a movie buff, you’ll undoubtedly recall the 1988 critically acclaimed film/documentary “Gorillas in the Mist”, starring actress Sigourney Weaver as famed primatologist researcher Dian Fossey. The film recounts Fossey’s struggle to save the critically endangered mountain gorillas. Known as the “Gorilla Girl” among the natives, Fossey was a fearless and ferocious advocate for saving these magnificent primates against extinction. However, on December 27th, 1985, Fossey was found dead in her isolated cabin at the Mt. Visoke research site, murdered by a machete blow to the head. Her assailant was never actually identified, although rumors persisted that it may…

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Well, choke one up for the anti-Trump January 6th witchhunt committee. With President Joe Biden’s collapsing poll numbers bringing down the Democrat’s chances of keeping the Congress in the 2022 mid-term elections next November, their ability to get access to Mr. Trump’s records will surely cause accusations to flood off Capitol Hill, eventually leading to calls to block former President Trump from running again. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against former President Donald Trump refusing to block the National Archives from sharing documents from his time in the White House with the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.…

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The experiment called the United States Of America is unique in the way a single person can control major decisions in Congress affecting all 340 million citizens. The left political left had huge plans going into President Biden’s first year, especially after winning both U.S.Georgia Senate seats. These victories gave them a razor-thin majority with 50 votes plus the VP as the tiebreaker. Well hold the press, there are two moderates in the fifty who have decided to not play ball on two of Biden’s major agenda policies. One of them has become the most hated politician in the Democratic…

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The increasingly far-left movement, of the formerly moderate Democratic Party, has created a situation in which the proverbial “center aisle” has disappeared in Congress. In blaring examples of hypocrisy, the left has been mocking former President Trump for promoting the Big Lie. Yes, a few of their party’s leaders have been promoting their own Big Lie for several years with other Democratic support. Hillary Clinton has still not accepted her loss in the 2016 Presidential election loss to President Trump. Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’  Stacey Abrams refused to concede the Georgia governor’s race on November 7, 2018.…

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As the United States struggles through Joe Biden’s failing presidency, the idea that “elections matter” is becoming more relevant as the current SCOTUS, with three Trump-nominated Justices now on the bench, is taking up more cases that appeal to traditional Americans. In a case that the court previously turned away, Republican lawmakers and a group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence filed amicus briefs this week asking the Supreme Court to take up the case of a Washington state high school football coach who said he was fired from his job for praying on the 50-yard line after a…

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In the midst of all the news flying around the internet, a few of the stories stand out as being flat-out ludicrous, yet being advanced by globalists. A majority of public and private universities are staffed with far-left, anti-God, pro-evolutionary activists. In place of God, they are calling on the government to force the concerns of the social justice movement, and are looking into the animal kingdom for “inequalities”. A group of scientists at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) has been conducting studies into so-called “inequality” among animals in the wild, attempting to find similarities with alleged inequities…

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The Democratic Party has placed all their eggs of trying to stop former President Trump from running again in 2024, in NY prosecutors’ baskets. Two radical anti-Trump direct attorneys are working feverishly to find something to charge Mr.Trump and the Trump Organization with. The Trump Organization is currently under indictment in Manhattan facing a criminal investigation by Mimi Rocah, the Trump-hating Democrat DA in Westchester County, New York. New York Attorney General Letitia James late Tuesday night told a court its investigators uncovered ‘significant evidence of fraud’ as part of a civil fraud probe into whether the Trump Organization inflated…

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We sometimes forget that those celebrities we fawn over appearing on our TV screens usually come from humbled beginnings, like most of us. Many worked as servers and waitresses before hitting it big, while others struggled for years taking menial acting roles, playing bit parts, hoping that lightning would strike. Hoping one day they would achieve the fame and fortune that comes with being a star. One such celebrity is Actress Chrissy Metz, who acknowledged several years ago while being interviewed by Glamour Magazine, just how destitute she was before her life was suddenly transformed. With just 81 cents left…

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There were close to 2 million illegal aliens processed at our southern border last year, a record. As we enter 2022, the caravans are still forming and hundreds of thousands of more illegals, from over 100 countries, are crossing or heading our way. With the Biden administration stopping the completion of President Trump’s border “Wall”, and re-implementing catch and release, Texas and other border towns continue to be overrun. In an attempt to stop the flow, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott launched Operation Lone Star last year to combat the wave of illegal immigration and drugs coming through the border. The…

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The eccentric and deep thinking Elon Musk warned on Tuesday that people need to be concerned about the collapse of civilization due to declining birthrates. Musk, who founded SpaceX and co-founded Tesla Motors, is a billionaire entrepreneur who has previously sounded the alarm that the population is shrinking which will be a problem for the economy and civilization overall in the future, if not addressed. “We should be much more worried about population collapse,” Musk wrote on Twitter. “UN projections are utter nonsense. Just multiply last year’s births by life expectancy. Given downward trend in birth rate, that is best…

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Omicron is a highly-transmissible COVID variant which even some who have taken all the COVID jabs, are catching it anyway. The top 5 symptoms of Omicron are much milder than Aplaha and Delta Runny Nose Headache Fatigue (mild or severe) Sneezing Sore Throat CDC quietly admitted on Friday that the thin cloth masks the agency and its corporate media allies spent the last two years cheering actually “provide the least protection” against COVID-19. It was “the first time the C.D.C. has explicitly addressed” the relative ineffectiveness of cloth masks, according to The New York Times. With all of this being said, US Supreme Court…

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For those of us living in the deep blue state of California, the rapid move to the far left, European style, socialism, is making it nearly impossible to get ahead financially in the Golden State. On Thursday Democratic lawmakers announced a plan to fund government-run health care for all Californians, setting up a fight over raising taxes over the next month. The measure would rely on the Legislature passing new taxes on businesses and people making more than $49,900 per year to fund the program. The Tax Foundation reports “this will increase taxes by $12,250 per household, roughly doubling the state’s already…

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One of the more difficult things for American citizens to comprehend is the international community’s plans for their nation. In the name of “Equity”, the global powers are demanding the U.S. adopts the U.N. Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and The Great Reset restructuring plan.  The United Nations and George Soros funded globalist organizations, are providing cash to help migrants work their way up through South America, Central America, and Mexico on their way to the United States. For the fiscal year 2021, U.S. officials are reporting nearly 2 million illegal aliens were processed. In addition, another one plus…

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The biggest fear parents have throughout their life is something happening to their children. In cities like Los Angeles, criminals are no longer prosecuted and the homeless are allowed to rob businesses, defecate on the sidewalks and shoot up drugs without any repercussions. When parents’ children live and work in lawless communities like LA, these parents’ worst nightmares are coming to pass more often. A UCLA grad student, 24, was stabbed to death while working in an LA furniture store: Homeless man knifes her in random attack before calmly walking out of the back door The Daily MAIL Summarized The…

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New Yorkers can breathe a sigh of relief since former mayor Bill de Blasio posted a 90-second video clip on Twitter announcing that he will not run for governor of New York State. De Blasio appearing outside his Park Slope home, touted his record on education and policing before declaring, “No, I’m not going to be running for governor of New York State.” The former mayor added, “But I am going to devote every fiber of my being to fight inequality in the state of New York.” His decision not to launch his longshot bid for governor comes on…

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A 76–year-old former BBC Producer was caught with 832 indecent images of children on his hard drive and other electronic devices. Victor Melleney, 76, a retired producer for BBC News, was found guilty by a British court for having hundreds of pictures of indecent photos of children in his possession. However, he’s not facing any jail time after a judge decided that “prison would be too challenging” for Melleney’s health during the midst of a pandemic. Judge Simon Brian originally sentenced Melleney to 20 months in prison, but suspended the sentence after Melleney had a heart attack. BBC producer caught…

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A Biden supporter who took it upon herself to wreak havoc at Trump’s rally in Florence, Arizona ended up being thrown out of the event handcuffed. A video that has been getting major retweets on Twitter, depicts a woman causing trouble at Trump’s rally while wearing a Biden 2020 shirt and holding a sign that read “Trump lost Arizona”. The woman was reportedly running around the rally grounds screaming and shouting anti-Trump rhetoric to which she was finally confronted by security to leave. After refusing to leave at the security guard’s request, the Biden supporter continued to wave her sign…

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Just like the 8 track music player and black and white televisions have gone away, so has the reasonable Democratic political party which used to be similar to the GOP, consisting of Reagan supporters who loved America, and were very pro-union. The modern-day Donkey Party has been highjacked by Marxists. With each passing generation and college graduation, the reasonable members have been replaced with far-left angry snowflakes. As we start 2022 many voters have become skeptical toward the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet a majority of Democrats embrace restrictive policies, including punitive measures against those who haven’t…

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Weekly far-left progressive activists jump in the mainstream news network trying to assign blame for anything going wrong to former President Trump, his supporters, or those who happen to have a white skin color. On MLK Jr. Day, MSNBC Contributor Says Sens. Manchin (D-WV) and Sinema (D-AZ) ‘Are the White People’ MLK Jr. ‘Warned Us About’ .@ElieNYC: “The people like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, these are the white people that Martin Luther King Jr. warned us about.” — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 17, 2022 On Saturday in Colleyville, TX a Pakistani man entered the Beth Israel Synagogue taking the…

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There are a handful of states whose political leadership has embraced Marxism demanding submission from the citizens of their states. Even though children in the U.S. have a 99.995% chance of surviving COVID-19 and study in the UK showing there is only a 2-in-a-million chance the disease will be fatal in children, Minnesota is using money to manipulate hesitant parents to get their children jabbed. To put it further in perspective, children have greater odds of drowning than dying from COVID yet the small children are still in the crosshairs of the “establishment”. The state of Minnesota, which is divided…

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Once again America has experienced an international terrorist attack from a member of Islam. The mainstream media, and for a few days the FBI, have done their best since Saturday to push a narrative that the attack on a Jewish Temple in Colleyville, TX had nothing to do with the Temple worshipper’s religion. The British terrorist who was shot dead after taking hostages at a Texas synagogue had spent the week before in a Christian homeless shelter and bought his gun ‘off the street’ nearby. Malik Faisal Akram, 44, from Lancashire, staged the attack near Dallas and held the rabbi…

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President Trump held his first rally of 2022 in Florence, Arizona where he talked to thousands of his supporters decked out in MAGA gear. Trump talked on several key topics which included election fraud, vaccine mandates, immune systems, Biden’s disastrous foreign policies, and even called out at one point the FBI for allegedly sending informants to the Capitol on January 6th. During the rally, Trump boldly asked the question “Exactly how many of those present at the capitol complex on January 6th were FBI confidential informants, agents or otherwise working directly or indirectly with an agency within the United States…

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After a few months of trying to pressure Sens. Manchin (D-WV) and Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) into passing one of President Biden’ top legislative priorities, the Democratic leadership is now ramping up their desperate attempt to pass HR1 which would nationalize state elections, opening Pandor’s Box unleashing election fraud nationwide In a new video, US Congresswoman Rep. Kat Cammack is sounding the alarm. She shares the Democrats are breaking all the rules trying to illegally nationalize state elections. The U.S. House is trying to hide their election legislation, in a NASA Bill! Speaker Nancy Pelosi took an already passed bill, amended…

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While speaking at Trump’s rally in Florence, Arizona CEO of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, has some very choice words for Fox News. Lindell was given a speaking slot during Trump’s rally in Arizona and used the time to talk about alleged voter fraud during the 2020 election and also slammed Fox News. While speaking to a massive crowd in Florence, Arizona, Lindell told the crowd that the enemy isn’t the “Fake News Media” because it’s quite obvious they are already biased but the real enemy is the “Conservative media the one’s that don’t talk“. The CEO of MyPillow would then say…

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A recent bombshell report by the Daily Mail has revealed that between 1993-1995, the now-deceased convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein brought a total of eight young women to the White House while he was meeting with then-president Bill Clinton. Previous visitor logs from the White House have confirmed Epstein visited the White House a total of 17 times. His first visit to the White House was in 1993, shortly after Bill Clinton was inaugurated, and after that day he visited the White House 16 more times and also brought young women as guests. The White House logs confirmed that three of…

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Most of us have experienced mail delays at least once in our lives. Maybe it was one day, one week, or even one year, but a widow from Massachusetts received a letter that was sent from her husband over 76 years ago. Army Sergeant John Gonsalves who was stationed in Germany during World War II. penned a letter to his mother who lived in Woburn Massachusetts, but unfortunately, his mother never received the letter because it got lost in the mail. Now, flash-forward to 2022, the USPS found the letter and was able to track down Gonsalves’ widow named Angelina.…

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A little over a week ago the corrupt Democratic party held a sham January 6th committee meeting, promoted and televised nationwide. They spent all day trying to assign domestic terrorism to those who are patriotic, protest the 2020 election results, but primarily for being a Trump supporter. What the left doesn’t want to discuss or acknowledge is the amount of violence and crimes committed by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, especially over the past 2 years. A demented “Social Justice” activist, Winston Glynn, 30, was charged with first-degree murder and robbery charges, days after Kristal Bayron-Nieves was shot dead at…

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Republican Glenn Youngkin was sworn in as Virginia’s 74th Governor on Saturday. Youngkin is the first Republican governor of Virginia in over 10 years. Mr. Youngkin shocked the political establishment by defeating the far-left Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe in November as Republicans nearly swept the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. Many Democrats still blame McAuliffe for his comments that parents should not have a say in what their children are taught in public schools. In addition, Critical race theory and school safety were top issues for Virginia voters in November after a female high school student was raped in a girl’s bathroom by…

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The Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas describes itself as an “intimate, vibrant, growing Reform Jewish congregation that has a lot to offer in terms of religious, social, and educational opportunities for the youngest to our oldest members.” On Saturday the synagogue member’s worst nightmare took place, a hostage situation. The Colleyville Police Department said on Twitter that they are conducting SWAT operations “around the 6100 block of Pleasant Run Rd.” All residents in the immediate area of the incident are being evacuated, according to the tweet. We are currently conducting SWAT operations around the 6100 block of Pleasant Run…

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Recent polling shows that a majority of Americans expect 2022 to be worse than 2021. Fifty-one percent of  U.S. adults are fearful of what is to come, thirty percent have less hope for themselves in 2022! The ongoing COVID restrictions and draconian vaccine mandates are the reasons these citizens gave for their lack of hope. Yet when you look at millions of illegal aliens who crossed over the U.S. southern border the past 12 months, the government’s COVID exemption for this group of lawbreakers is staggering and hypocritical. As American citizens are being hit with mandates to obtain one of…

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Ray Epps, for those not familiar with the name, is a shadowy figure who was captured on video at several different locations days before and during the January 6th rioting. He appeared to be giving instructions to other demonstrators to tear down police barriers, while also shouting for demonstrators on January 5th (a day before the riot) to enter the Capitol building after the Trump rally. Epps was initially identified as a former Marine with a photo of him appearing on an FBI wanted poster which suddenly vanished. Even though there’s video footage of him instigating others to break the…

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The term “Semper Fi” or “Semper Fidelis” is a Latin phrase meaning “always faithful”. It’s the motto that every Marine recruit comes to know the moment he or she enters boot camp. The phrase reflects a collective and eternal commitment to succeed, whether on the battlefield or later in life. Josh Himan studied finance at Radford University. After graduation, the young patriot felt a calling to serve his country by joining the Marine Corps. Soon after enlisting in the elite branch, Himan was deployed to Afghanistan where he served his tour of duty without any major instances. That is, until…

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As someone who writes political articles for a living, the rapid change in the culture below the radar is staggering. In addition to the Marxists controlling the various education systems, the mainstream news and entertainment industries are complicit in the attempt to deconstruct American and rebuild it as an unrealistic Utopian mirage.  The leftist, Godless experiment would fail as the culture would die of thirst while walking towards the oasis in the desert that doesn’t exist. In response to the WOKE cancel culture’s demands, DirecTV, one of the largest U.S. pay-TV providers plans to drop One America News Network, the conservative channel known…

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Once upon a time, the homosexual community would march in the streets demanding tolerance from the American culture. Then they moved to demanding acceptance of the “alternative lifestyles”. Once they were empowered with the backing of most of the media and liberal news outlets, the LGBTQA++++ WOKE mob has pushed through “hate speech laws in blue states and are now demanding cultural promotion of their Gender Dysproia driven lifestyles. As part of their activists’ agenda, universities around the U.S. have bought into Critical Race Theory and social justice causes and have added mandatory classes promoting these radical ideologies to those…

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