Author: will

Normally, the talking heads on the leftist, mainstream media channels are nothing more than simpering lackeys for the Democrats. They cover for them, cower when criticized by them, and bark ferociously (but ineffectively) at anyone on the right that gets in the way of their leftist masters. But a few of those Democrat agents are starting to wake up and criticize Brandon, who is now so unpopular that he’s hemorrhaging voters from even strongly Democratic voting blocs. Like vultures or jackals, they’re seeing Biden start to weaken and are circling, occasionally taking snips at him as he falters in a…

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Kid Rock, the country-rock singer that became one of President Trump’s most valiant high-profile supporters, just dropped the hammer on Fauci, dedicating an entire song to tearing the short, wizened, raspy-voiced tyrant to pieces. Given that it’s released by such a huge name, a highly-popular figure, it’s hilarious that it was even released, and doubly funny that it’s become so popular so quickly. Yet better (and you’ll rarely hear me praise vulgarity), it’s completely profane, with some describing it as an “f-bomb” nightmare. Now, normally I’d be against that, as I think being well-spoken is far more efficacious, normally, than…

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Can the Federal Reserve break the back of inflation? That question is one of paramount importance as inflation rises and stays high (so much for all that jabber about it being “transitory”). Unfortunately, it looks like the answer may be “no.” At least, that’s the view of Goldman Sachs’ no. 2, its president, John Waldron, who questioned the independence of the Federal Reserve and its willingness to see inflation-crackdown policies through when talking to a Bloomberg reporter. The background is this: right now, inflation is somewhere around 7 percent, which is a forty-year high. The last time inflation was this…

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Under Brandon, the southern border has been left wide open. In the first year of his presidency alone, perhaps as many as two million illegals flooded across the southern border, swamping the states and agencies tasked with receiving them and bringing drugs, crime, and disease with them. Those who have to actually deal with the situation aren’t happy about it. It’s their cities and towns that have to handle the crime wave that comes with masses of millions flooding into small border towns. It’s those communities that have to bear the burden of Brandon’s insouciant attitude toward the invasion of…

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What does the UN do? It takes billions upon billions of dollars from the US and other Western countries and then spends them in whatever way would either be a) the most ineffective by any available metric or b) best embarrasses, humiliates, or otherwise frustrates the policy objectives of those Western powers. It takes our money and then complains about our gun laws. It puts Syria on the Human Rights Council and then savages Israel for being mean to the Palestinians, ignoring that Assad tortures tens of thousands of people and has used chemical weapons on rebels. Oh, and now…

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Peter Schweizer’s newest book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, has sent shockwaves through the country. Chapter by chapter, in painstaking detail, Schweizer exposes how Red China has grown so well not on its own merits, but because the American oligarchy has helped it along. Greedy financiers, pinko politicians, and others cozied up to the Chinese Dragon and provided the sparks of aid, capital, and economic avenues necessary to turn the Chinese economy into a roaring blaze, a blaze that turned America’s economy to ashes and forged China’s economy into one of gold. One such politician that helped…

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As America is humiliated abroad and Brandon’s brain shows itself to be on its last legs whenever he attempts to do something domestically, more and more people are fleeing him. While he entered the presidency with relatively high levels of support, with all the Democrats and many RINOs hoping he’d just not be Trump and that that would somehow be better. Well, they got what they wanted. Brandon the Senile sure isn’t Trump. Where Trump was strong, Brandon is weak. Where Trump was good for the economy, Brandon is wrecking it by destroying consumer confidence and proposing new regulations that…

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In all the discussions about which “woman of color” Brandon should choose to fill Breyer’s seat, one of the Democrats’ most famous “women of color,” one who is a renowned lawyer and has proven her loyalty to the far left many times over, has been left out of the discussion. That “woman of color,” of course, would be Pocahontas: Elizabeth Warren. She’s 1/1076 Native American and got her job at Harvard based on her gender and Native American ancestry, why not add her to the Supreme Court to boost its diversity? If a willingness to use diversity as a cudgel…

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What is Clarence Thomas? An amazingly thoughtful and intelligent Supreme Court justice? A hero of sorts that overcame the disadvantages of his upbringing, the prejudices of his time, and the damage done to his career by affirmative action and ended up at the very top of the legal system? Well, yes, those are both correct answers. But the jabbering parrots on “the View” didn’t arrive at that answer. No, according to those bitter, cackling hens, Clarence Thomas is a “race traitor.” Yes, they really said that. Oh, and they implied that Amy Coney Barrett is a traitor to women. Those…

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Mitch McConnell is certainly not a rock-ribbed conservative. He’s backed down to the left time and time again, often managing to pluck defeat from the jaws of victory by refusing to stand firm and wield power in the realpolitik way that the left wields it. However, though that’s generally true, there’s one issue on which McConnell has actually done a good job, one issue that was so big even he grew a spine and learned to fight. That issue is judges, an issue that’s caused him to (potentially) regrow his spine and return to those brave days where he refused…

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Jen Psaki, like the senile man her press conferences attempt to cover for, isn’t much loved by the American people. Whether she’s getting blown up on Twitter for some dumb comment or another, memed into oblivion by the creative geniuses all over the internet, or slammed by other media figures, Psaki is often under (deserved) attack. Governor Ron DeSantis recently jumped into the fray, blasting Psaki for the lies she constantly tells while attempting to cover for Team Brandon and all of its many, many, foul-ups, both domestically and abroad. During a press conference at Miami-Dade College, DeSantis said “The…

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Someone leaked that SCOTUS Justice Stephen Breyer is about to retire. That means that Joe is going to get to nominate a Supreme Court justice to fill his seat. Unfortunately, it looks like Brandon is focusing more on diversity than merit, as if that worked well with his horrendous VP, Kamala Harris. She, you will remember, was only chosen because Biden foolishly pledged that he’d choose a black woman to be his VP, only to then find out that he had no good choices and had to go with Kamala. Now he’s making that same pledge, saying that he’ll nominate…

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Would asking our legislators to not invest in Red Chinese companies that are actively working against American interests be too much to ask? Apparently. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who apparently couldn’t get rich enough trading stocks with her fellow Buffett-like legislators, decided to get rich via investing in a CCP company. Well, to be fair, her husband did; he invested in a Red Chinese company that sold malware to the US military. That comes from Peter Schweizer’s new book, which is titled Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. In one chapter of it, he tells the sad tale…

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When Joe Rogan signed his famous, $100 million deal with Spotify, one concern many had was that the beloved podcast host would see his content, much of it far from PC or approved of by the powers that be, censored by the platform. Fortunately, those fears appear to have been at least mostly unfounded, even in the face of Covid-19 “misinformation” claims. Whereas Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube censor and smack down wrongthink with an iron fist, Spotify has done a good job of resisting the totalitarian impulses of the modern left and letting Rogan speak. We first saw that when…

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As the saying in Game of Thrones goes, “winter is coming.” Well, in this case, “the end of easy money is coming” might be more accurate, though the sentiment conveyed by each is similar. You see, as inflation stays high, not “transitory.” as Fed Chair Jerome Powell initially said it would be, the Fed is having to adjust its easy-money policies in an attempt to tamp down on the rapidly rising inflation that’s hitting every American in the pocketbook. As a result, the Fed is hinting that the first rate hike in three years could come this March. The Federal Reserve hinted…

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Is Trump running for president in 2024? He’s yet to announce his candidacy, but he’s dropped numerous hints that he’s at least strongly considering it. Despite all the hate, scorn, and abuse heaped on him for working tirelessly to make America great again during his first presidency, he might be willing to brave the hatred of the detestable left again to make America a better place. While he hasn’t said openly whether he actually is running or not, he did just drop a very substantial hint that he’s planning to kick out Brandon the Incompetent and return to the White…

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YouTube recently slapped Dan Bongino for a suspension over a comment he made about masks, Kicking him off the video-sharing site he uses to earn a livelihood because it disagreed with him politically. As I reported at the time: YouTube slapped him for saying that masks are “useless” in stopping the spread of the Chinese flu because its Covid-19 information policy specifically prohibits any content that denies the effectiveness of masks. According to the Hill, which reported on the censorious action, the suspension is for a week and the demonetization is for at least 30 days. But all wasn’t well…

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The pandemic unemployment program was rife with fraud. Overburdened by a mass of people suddenly making claims, state governments handed out the freshly-printed money like candy. As a result, many fraudulent claims were submitted and many dollars were paid out based on those fraudulent claims. California, for example, spent about $20 billion on fraudulent claims. It would have been bad enough were it Americans stealing all that money, But, predictably, because it’s not only Americans that are lawbreakers, illegal immigrants here dabbled in the pandemic unemployment fraud line of enrichment too, some of them doing so quite successfully. One such…

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Many of us have had bad experiences when dealing with mask tyrants in public areas. The masks are uncomfortable, hard to remember, and make us look like a nation of banditos, so it should be understandable that some people might not want to wear them, especially when outside. The petty tyrants that so love the Covid pandemic because of the power it has granted them and allowed them to flex without respite, however, either don’t get that or don’t care about it; they’d rather just keep screaming at, and sometimes even attacking, everyone who won’t wear a mask. The most…

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One of the most hypocritical things about the modern left is that when it rages against Americans like George Washington that owned slaves two and a half centuries ago, it does so primarily from iPhones that were built by what amounts to slave labor from China. Similarly, many other things Americans use and even watch have some connection to Chinese slave labor. Many things, from cheap cotton t-shirts to Mulan (parts of which were filmed near Xinjiang), have some connection to Chinese slave labor. And the worst of that slave labor takes place in Xinjiang, where the CCP has imprisoned…

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When corporations help the Biden Administration move illegal immigrants around the country, flying and bussing them away from the border and into the heartland, what are they really doing? In effect, they and the Biden Administration are assisting the drug cartels by making the journey they take migrants on worth it. Were the illegal immigrants swiftly kicked out of America, if their invasion was rebuffed and they were sent back, the trip wouldn’t be worth the thousands of hard-earned dollars they paid for it, a massive expense for those who hire the cartels to sneak them past the border. Thus,…

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According to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, Americans think Trump did a better job as president than Brandon is doing. The poll, which recorded the responses of 1,815 registered voters, first asked those voters “In general, do you think the country is on the right track or is it off on the wrong track?” The answers tracked with what many have been reporting recently. 33% of respondents said they thought the country is on the right track, 59% said the nation is on the wrong track, and the remaining 8% were unsure. The next question was similar, but focused on the…

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As Joe Rogan uses his platform to blow up CNN for being a terrible, “full of sh*t” network and attacking those that use the alt-right label to slander opponents, UFC head Dana White is using his platform to attack those that are trying to cancel Rogan. Appearing on the Full Send podcast, Dana White and the others began to discuss Rogan about 43 minutes into the episode. Watch them here: As you can hear, White attacks the letter that was supposedly written by 270 “doctors” and demands that Spotify remove Joe’s podcast, claiming that it must do so because he spreads Covid-19…

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Joe Rogan recently had a very interesting conversation with James Lindsay about CRT, the media, and other culture war issues. In it, the two discussed numerous hot-button topics, including how the left is attempting to discredit its enemies by labeling all those who disagree with it as “alt-right.” Another topic of note that the two discussed is CNN, which Rogan described as “full of sh*t.” That comment came as the two discussed CNN’s record low ratings, which declined by 90% since a high point last year. Speaking on that, Rogan first said “They have to know that they’ve destroyed their…

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Newt Gingrich, appearing on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” program and said that not only are  Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Jan. 6th committee “running over people’s civil liberties,” but also that the members of that committee could face legal repercussions for their actions. In his words: “I think when you have a Republican Congress, this is all going to come crashing down and the wolves are going to find that they are now sheep, and they’re the ones who are in fact I think going to face a real risk of jail for the kinds of laws they’re breaking.…

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George Orwell’s 1984 isn’t the only book that woke, European censors are coming for out of concern for the weak of heart and easily offended. No, in an even worse and darker move, the Finnish government’s top prosecutor just labeled Biblical quotations as “hate speech.” The comment came on January 24th, during the trial of two Christian Finns that are currently on trial for teaching the Biblical view on sex and marriage. Apparently, they have real faith, unlike the woke Catholics running Viterbo University. As background, the trial is taking place because of a tweet;  former Finnish interior minister Paivi Rasanen tweeted…

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Viterbu University is a small, private, Catholic university. As such, you might expect it to at least somewhat conform to traditional views of gender and pronouns. Well, unfortunately not. As the College Fix exposed, the university’s “Communications Style Guide” now instructs professors to use the term “all genders” rather than saying “both genders.” Here’s what that guide says: Inclusive Language: Avoid broad generalizations, labels, and gender-stereotyping. Use all instead of both when referring to sexes/gender. Oh, and it adds that gendering professions isn’t allowed either, saying “For occupations use gender-neutral terms when possible: chairperson, police officer, firefighter, council member, etc.”…

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While Nancy Pelosi often gets called out as the Congresswoman that knows how to make money day trading based on upcoming legislation and things that only the legislature knows to be ture, she’s hardly the only one that does so. In fact, Congress as a whole beat the S&P 500 in 2021, according to a shocking report from Unusual Whales. According to that report, 105 members of Congress were involved in over 3,500 trades last year, selling somewhere in the range of $290 million in stocks. Further, 6 members of Congress were involved in over 270 options contract transactions totaling…

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You might not think that the cash in your wallet becoming less valuable by the day is a good thing. Well, MSM outlets like New York Times have news for you: it is. Whether because they know inflation is a political albatross for Biden but is something they can’t do anything about in the short term or because they’re so crazy to believe it, the media figures are actually pushing the insane line that inflation is a good thing. That line was first pushed by MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle, who said that inflation is a good thing because government handouts brought…

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It’s less than a month into 2022 and thugs have already murdered five police officers in three states, those horrific murders standing as a testament to the massive crime wave sweeping across the country. As Breitbart reports, one murder happened in LA, where Officer Fernando Arroyos was murders by gang-affiliated thugs while shopping for a home with his girlfried. He died bravely, shot while helping his girlfriend escape to safety: Officer Fernando Arroyos had served three years with the Los Angeles Police Department in California when, on January 10, he was allegedly robbed at gunpoint by members of the F-13 Gang.…

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It might come as a surprise to you that Liz Cheney, the arch Trump critic that’s always willing to side with the Democrats if it means getting a chance to insult the bad orange man and member of the Democrat-dominated January 6th committee, is still running under a GOP banner. Unfortunately, however, she is. Fortunately, though, the primary is yet to begin and she, the incumbent, is down by nearly 20 points to the real conservative she’ll be running against. In fact, as the Hill reports: Cheney, the panel’s vice chair who broke with her party to help lead the committee, is…

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While Bill Maher is still a liberal that has leftist segments, he also manages to push out the occasional segment that speaks the truth about all the craziness that’s going on right now, especially when it comes to abject absurdities pushed by the radical left. Recently, he did the right thing yet again, this time slamming the far-left’s stringent Covid policies and praising how DeSantis has handled things in Florida during a “Real Time with Bill Maher” segment that included Bari Weiss and Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) as guests. Weiss, a former NYT employee, attacked the radical lockdowns and other…

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Tired of McConnell the squishy RINO constantly ruining the plans of conservatives and handing over victory to the left so he can feel good about “reaching across the aisle?” Ready for Pelosi, the real estate investor and stock trader that has made millions as a “public servant” to leave the political scene for good? Sick and tired of Tony Fauci going on some leftist news network and flip-flopping on issues while enacting tyrannical mandates that ruin your life? Well, you’re not alone. A massive chunk of America, according to a recent TIPP/Issues and Insights poll, is ready for all three…

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Trump had lots to say when speaking to the Washington Examiner about the January 6th Commission and New York AG’s attempts to drag Ivanka before it, something he describes as a way Nancy Pelosi is attempting to distract the country from Joe Biden’s many, many failings. And it’s not just Ivanka that the commission, which is acting like a Soviet-style tribunal or kangaroo court, wants to drag in to question. It’s also coming for Don Jr. and Eric, both of whom didn’t work inside the White House but did serve as outside advisors. As a result, Trump is absolutely furious…

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Considering that they work for the taxpayers, especially the parent taxpayers that send their kids to local schools, it’s probably fair to say that school board members “work for” parents in at least one form or another. Unfortunately, some of the members of America’s school boards might be so intoxicated with power, power they’ve been using to push mask mandates and anti-American propaganda on young children, that they’ve forgotten who they work for. One such school board member is from the York Suburban School District in Pennsylvania. He, Richard Robinson, wrote a bitter op-ed for the York Dispatch titled “With…

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If you’re a Democrat politician and even Chuck Todd, a media figure that works for NBC and has shown himself to be nothing more than a Democrat apparatchik, is slamming you, then you’re in deep trouble. Well, that’s exactly what happened to Brandon. Watch it here:A As you can hear in the video, Todd tears into Biden, saying “Our new NBC News poll suggests Mr. Biden does need a reset, because he’s lost his identity a bit. He’s no longer seen as competent and effective, no longer seen as a good commander-in-chief, or — perhaps most damaging — as easy-going…

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At a time when inflation is becoming a major problem, the government is tens of trillions of dollars in debt, and the money supply has increased by about 20% in one year alone, it would make sense to start pinching taxpayer pennies and not spending money on random pipe dreams. Unfortunately for America, Brandon fully intends on spending taxpayer money on such random pipe dreams, blowing both what the tax collectors have brought in and what Jerome Powell’s money printers have printed on random leftist objectives. One random such objective is a “Civilian Climate Corps,” which would have been like…

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Tucker Carlson is one of the best media voices and Howard Stern is absolutely one of the worst. Well, at least Stern is now. In the past, Howard Stern was, though not a conservative, a super funny, edgy guy.  He was a lib, but, if you were looking for someone that would go rogue on the airwaves and crack you up, he was the guy. More than that, he was a valiant fighter in the battle for free speech that got fired more than once for standing up for his right to speak freely. That’s all gone now, he’s a…

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One of the slanderous labels the leftists most often use to refer to their opponents is “alt-right,” which they use to imply that their opponents are “literally Hitler.” That’s if they don’t just say the Hitler thing outright, as Nikki Fried recently did when speaking of DeSantis. After waking up to that lie, increasingly red-pilled podcast host Joe Rogan was speaking to noted CRT opponent James Lindsay and called it out, saying that the left just refers to people as alt-right whenever it wants to destroy and dismiss them. In his words: “Smart people use that pejorative, ‘Oh these alt-right…

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President Trump recently released a book about his presidency called Our Journey Together. Full of 320 beautiful, inspiring photos of the former president and his time in office along with captions selected by Trump himself, the book follows Trump=around the world and around America, tracking all of the many highlights of his presidency. It’s been a massive hit. Such a large hit, in fact, that Serio Gor, the president of Winning Team Publishing, told Breitbart that he can’t keep up with the demand for the book. Speaking to that outlet Saturday, Gor first said that “conservative books outsell liberal books almost…

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