Author: will

According to the Hawaii Firearms Coalition, a firearm rights group, the Honolulu police just launched a new website, meant for the purpose of firearm registration. Here’s what the group announced in a Facebook post: Honolulu Police Department has finally got their registration website up and running. This, in combination with the settlement agreement in Yukutake v. Connors, means that on Oahu, you can obtain a firearm with a single trip to the police station. HPD’s policy has (for some time) been to mail rifle permits to the applicant (ask how at time of application). Now they will also mail pistol…

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If this pandemic really were the next Spanish Flu or Black Death, you’d think hospitals and clinics would be doing all they could to hold onto each and every trained staff member. Were people dropping like fleas, everyone who could possibly help would be needed. But, of course, none of that is happening. Americans aren’t dying in the streets in some modern version of the Antonine Plague or Plague of Justinian, hospitals aren’t full to the brim with Chinese flu-stricken patients, and hospitals certainly aren’t doing everything in their power to hold onto trained staff members. In fact, many hospitals…

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As the leftist hysteria over the scary-sounding “Omicron variant” continues, so do school closures. Supported more by liberal tears and Covid tyrant pearl-clutching than any real science, thousands of schools across the country have closed. 4738 schools, to be exact, according to reporting on school closures from Just the News. Those closures are happening despite Team Brandon’s pleas for the schools to remain open. Speaking during a Wednesday press conference, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters: “As the President said yesterday, he wants schools to be open. We know they can be open safely, and we’re here to…

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Fox News host Laura Ingraham took a shot at both the corrupt MSM and the incompetent Brandon Administration on Wednesday, saying “This isn’t the Biden administration, is it, really? It’s the MSNBC administration.” As part of that devastating takedown of the senile president and out of touch fourth estate, she also noted that America won’t respond to the radical rhetoric of the “MSNBC Administration” because it’s not a far-left country, saying: “This isn’t a hard left country. They’re not going to be able to convince voters to dump the Electoral College, make D.C. a state, get rid of capitalism, or…

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The US trade deficit for November reached $80.2 billion, a near-record and almost 20% jump from October. According to Breitbart, which reported on the trade deficit disaster: In October, it had fallen to a revised $67.2 billion. Analysts had forecast a much smaller gap of $71.6 billion. Imports into the U.S. jumped 4.6 percent to $304.4 billion while U.S. exports slinked up a mere 0.2 percent to $224.4 billion. The goods deficit jumped 18 percent to a record $98.99 billion. The services surplus grew 12.7 percent to $18.1 billion. ABC adds more detail on how the November number fits into…

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Here’s some more bad news for President Brandon and his demented band of incompetent bureaucrats: his approval just crashed to an even more dismal 35%. That’s according to the CIVIQS rolling presidential job approval poll, which has tracked his approval rating since his presidency began about a year ago. What it has found is a slow and steady decline; the American public, originally about evenly split on how Brandon is doing, now views him quite negatively, with about 55% disapproving and 35% approving. That’s right, Brandon’s approval rating is 20% underwater! Yet worse for Brandon is that it’s not just crotchety…

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Yet another awesome find from the Libs of Tik Tok came across my timeline this morning, and I almost spit out my coffee in a mix of both concern for America and amusement with the video. Watch it here: You can’t parody this — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 6, 2022 For those that can’t bear to watch or listen to the video, here’s what’s in it: the background is of a picture of two…people…one of whom looks like a man, but is pregnant. Describing it, an effeminate looking…person…with a beard, long hair, and an effeminate voice says:…

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California used to be known as a wonderful state. Its temperate climate, many innovative businesses, fertile soil, and beautiful vistas made it a beacon of internal immigration, investment dollars, and national attention. Now, all that remains is the national attention, and not for the good reasons that used to be the cause of its national prominence. Rather, California is in the news because it’s in the dumpster. That was highlighted yet again by the awesome Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account, which shared this sickening video of yet another smash and rob looting in California, this time the thieves struck…

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While the establishment would like nothing more than for Mike Lindell to shut up and sit down, he’s a fighter that’s more than willing to ignore the elites in the D.C. Swamp and stand up for what he believes in. Now, his refusal to go silently into that good night is back in the news. Rather than complying with the Pelosi-dominated Jan. 6th panel and submitting his phone records and other personal data to the partisan hacks on it, he’s counterattacking and suing the Jan. 6th commission over the subpoena for his phone records. That counterattack was launched Wednesday, the…

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What do parents think of the current school system? It can be hard to tell. On one hand, many on and offline cheer teachers, calling them “heroes” and praising them for educating the youth. On the other hand, as awareness of the CRT issue has spread like wildfire, many now view teachers and the school system with apprehension, worrying about what dangerous ideas leftist teachers might foist onto the labile minds of the youth. Fortunately, Rasmussen did an excellent series of polls to determine what exactly parents want from the school system. What it found should be common sense, but…

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Rumors are swirling that Nancy Pelosi is set to retire. Whether it’s her staff leaving, her original pledge that she’d only remain for two terms, her old age, or the weakness of her party, there are plenty of indications that nasty Nancy is ready to call it quits. Speaking on that issue to Fox and Friends and speculating that Pelosi will retire in 2022, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said: “I wouldn’t be too surprised to see four or five candidates initially because . . . it’s a rare moment of openness. I also suspect that the number…

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It’s no secret that Brandon isn’t the brightest bulb nor the sharpest tool in the shed; his many gaffes have made that clear for quite a while now. Though Cornpop might be scared of his martial prowess, none of us have to fear being outsmarted by him. Still, it’s always a bit uncomfortable when he gets something so wrong that you wonder how he, or at least someone on his staff, didn’t bother to do the bare minimum of research necessary to learn the entirely obvious truth. One such example of that was seen recently; as Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD)…

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Apparently, so many Californians are now trying to flee their terrible state that there aren’t anywhere near enough U-Haul trailers available in the region. News on that came from U-Haul itself, which, reporting on general trends from 2021, reported that: California is 50th and Illinois 49th on the list for the second consecutive year, indicating those states once again witnessed the largest net losses of one-way U-Haul trucks. […]California remained the top state for out-migration, but its net loss of U-Haul trucks wasn’t as severe as in 2020. That can be partially attributed to the fact that U-Haul simply ran…

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Democrats just can’t face the heat they know they’ll have to if they run in 2022. Facing the reality that a red wave is coming thanks to Brandon’s unpopularity and their radical policies, many are choosing to drop out rather than quit. Just last week, it was big news that two more Democrat House members had decided to quit rather than try to face the heat in the 2022 election. Now, a 25th, Brenda Lawrence, has decided to join her cowardly comrades and call it quits as well, running from the fight rather than attempting to defend leftist policies. Lawrence,…

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The left’s war for the labile minds of America’s youth continues unabated, this time in the form of a leftist-run college in Tennessee offering a $3k incentive to those professors that will indoctrinate their students with DEI nonsense. As Townhall reported: The University of Memphis told its professors that they could receive $3,000 stipends for “infusing” diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice into their curricula as part of the university’s “Eradicating Systemic Racism and Promoting Social Justice Initiative.” That comes from an email sent to the faculty and obtained by the Washington Fee Beacon, which reported that: The University of…

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While leftists slander and attack the very idea of America at home, our foreign enemies are acting just as aggressively abroad, especially Iran. That barbaric, medieval state, a theocracy that’s one of the largest funders of terrorism, is now attacking Americans abroad after vowing revenge for Trump’s 2020 killing of IRGC general Soleimani, an Iranian officer that worked closely with terrorist groups in the region. Most recently, Iran’s anti-American aggression took the form of a suicide drone attack on a US base in Iraq. On Monday, January 3rd, the second anniversary of Soleimani’s killing, a pair of Iranian suicide drones…

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When Rand Paul isn’t slamming Fauci or some other corrupt bureaucrat, he’s fighting back against the other enemies of American freedom, especially Big Tech. Most recently, Senator Paul kicked his fight against the Big Tech oligarchs into high gear by quitting YouTube for good and moving his entire video operation to Rumble. Announcing that in an op-ed for the Washington Examiner, Senator Paul said: Every year, people resolve to do things that are better for their health — quitting alcohol, processed food, toxic relationships. I have come to the realization that my relationship with YouTube is dysfunctional. Sure, I can…

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While most Republicans shy away from attacking the bureaucracy, especially the deeply entrenched medical bureaucray establishment, one Senator who has shown like a bright light in the fight against Fauci is Rand Paul. Always willing to call Fauci out on his lies, press him about uncomfortable issues, and ask him pointed questions during Senate hearings, Senator Paul has proven him a stalwart defender of the average American hurt by Fauci’s policies. Recently, he stepped up to the plate yet again, this time declaring that he would ensure the GOP hold Fauci accountable after a red wave victory in 2022. That…

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Congressman Crenshaw, the RINO that accused the real conservatives in the party of being “grifters,” is now coming after staunch conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene yet again. This time, he’s attacking her for reacting to her ban from Twitter, saying that she’s “playing the victim.” Writing on his Instagram story, he said: “Instead of playing the victim about censorship maybe use your position as a LEGISLATOR to help pass LEGISLATION against censorship. Luckily I’ve already done all the hard work for you and drafted a bill that would change Section 230 to prohibit political censorship. Want to co-sponsor before I…

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Normally, the Libs of Tik Tok account shares videos that are scary in that the people in them actually exist, but otherwise just funny. Sure, it’s not great for the country that some cave troll thinks he’s masculine or a witch is surprised people think she looks odd, but the damage is relatively contained to those delusional, demented few. But sometimes the account posts videos that do more than give Brandon a run for his money in the smooth-brained championship and instead highlight an important issue. One such video was posted recently, in which the account exposed leftist teachers trying…

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The Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account might have outdone itself with this video; normally, when watching their collections of deranged leftists, I just chuckle. This time, however, a guffaw heard round the office escaped my lips. Watch the video and it won’t be hard to tell why: I don’t even know what to say… — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) January 5, 2022 For those that can’t bear to watch someone that Salem’s residents circa 1692 might have taken an interest in investigating, here’s what the Tik Tok lib wrote: “I’m literally sat waiting for a mental health…

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While Manchin has been saying he’s against Brandon’s Build Back Better Bill for a while now, the left continually tries to resurrect the hope that he’ll reverse course and back the disastrously large spending bill. However, Manchin isn’t willing to go along with their radical agenda; rather than bend the knee to the Schumer-Pelosi-Biden agenda, he’s fighting back by declaring himself firmly against it. In fact, he’s now willing to say that the bill is “deader than ever.” That comment came when he spoke with reporters and added that he’s had “no conversations” with Team Brandon since the Fox News…

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While Texas Governor Abbot hasn’t been on strong on the Covid issue as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, he certainly appears to be doing his best to catch up and fight back against Brandon’s tyrannical policies. In a Tuesday letter announcing his plan to sue the Biden Administration over it’s jab mandate for the Texas National Guard, Abbot wrote: As the commander-in-chief of Texas’s militia, I have issued a straightforward order to every member of the Texas National Guard within my chain of command: Do not punish any guardsman for choosing not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Although my order has…

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Well, after Team Biden and our Afghan “allies” abandoned billions of dollars worth of military equipment to one of our country’s long-time enemies, the Taliban, it turns out that one of our other “allies” couldn’t keep its hands on the military equipment sold to it. That ally is Mexico, which reportedly lost about 30% of the American weapons sold to it. That report comes from El Universal’s reporter Carlos Loret de Mola, who, in a recent article, exposed the massive malfeasance of the Mexican Army. In the article, he said (according to the English translation of the original, Spanish language…

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With it becoming more and more likely that stock-trading, real estate investing Nancy Pelosi is getting ready to quit for good, reports are circulating that her staff is fleeing, trying to get off the sinking ship and find a new job before it sinks for good. For example, according to Breitbart, “[t]he executive director of Nancy Pelosi for Congress, Jorge Aguilar, is the latest person to leave Pelosi’s side after being with her for roughly a decade. Aguilar will move to theGroup, a strategy and communications firm.” Breitbart adds that his leaving is likely a sign that Pelosi is retiring,…

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We all know leftists are crazy. I mean, who wouldn’t guess that “Sharon,” the twenty-five-year-old two-spirit that lives at home because his $100k gender studies degree didn’t pay off is all there in the head? In any case, their meltdowns over anything and everything, from a GameStop employee calling a man “sir” to Donald Trump’s 2016 election, are hilarious to watch, but also concerning. From their rants to their leftist tear-filled meltdowns, you want to laugh, but also can’t help but feel that the country is headed down a distinctly “late empire” path. One such video came out on Tik Tok…

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Elizabeth Holmes, the 37-year-old founder of Theranos, was just found guilty on four counts of fraud and conspiracy. Specifically, the twelve person jury, after 50 long hours of deliberation, found her guilty on three counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. The jury remains deadlocked on three charges and dismissed four other felony charges. The dismissed charges were allegations that she deceived patients who paid for Theranos blood tests. The judge reportedly told the jury to continue deliberating on the four charges on which it has neither found her guilty nor not guilty, but…

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The NYT’s “1619 Project,” authored by Nikole Hannah-Jones, is widely regarded as being full of lies, half-truths, and misleading statements. Supposedly a work of revisionist history, in reality, it’s little more than the opinions and ramblings of an anti-American fool. Jones proved her status as such a fool yet again, this time when discussing the American Civil War. As ZeroHedge reports: The creator of the revisionist ‘1619 Project,’ Nikole Hannah-Jones, who has long argued that pretty much all complex modern issues – from obesity and traffic jams to capitalism itself – is the result of racism being at America’s core, apparently has yet to grasp…

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During our ignominious rout from Afghanistan, Team Biden shuttled back about 75,000 Afghans, claiming they were “US allies” and that we couldn’t abandon them. However, as many weren’t screened or checked to ensure that they weren’t terrorists or criminals, quite a few “bad hombres,” as former President Trump might say, were flown to the United States. That first became obvious as the evacuation was ongoing, when an Afghan “refugee” brought to Fort McCoy, Wisconsin raped two young boys. Then, another refugee brought to the same base was arrested for strangling his wife. Quite a nice bunch Brandon brought to America.…

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While many of the BLM riots had calmed down by December of 2021, the crime wave sparked by them was still continuing unabated. In city after city, most of them deep blue, thugs roamed freely, able to sling drugs, murder rivals, and rob or loot with near impunity. And while those crimes are bad enough, they were added to by an evil greater evil: the murder of a half-dozen cops in December of 2021 alone. Those six deaths topped off what was already a record number of cops killed in a year the months before December. Those six officers murdered…

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While Nancy Pelosi might be best known for her seemingly corrupt, or at least suspicious, stock trades, her massive, ~$114 million fortune isn’t just built on equities. Turns out, she’s also a massive holder of real estate. Open Secrets has a pdf of her financial disclosure statement that includes her real estate holdings. The Free Press Report also reported on some of her holdings. Here they are: 11 Zinfandel Lane, St. Helena, California: This sumptuous, Romanesque estate of Pelosi’s is a sprawling vineyard that has a large guesthouse, a pool, and collects about $5,000-15,000 from the sale of grapes. It…

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The Trump Administration was great for the American manufacturing base. The tariffs, the pro-worker policies, the focus on making America’s once-great manufacturing sector great once again, all of it helped push the factories that produce the goods used in the real economy higher and higher, thus increasing both jobs and profits. Team Brandon, unsurprisingly, hasn’t been as good for the manufacturing base, which is now at its weakest since Covid and the lockdowns ravaged the American industrial base in 2020. News on that comes from the Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM’s) Manufacturing Business Survey Committee chair, Timothy Fiore, who had…

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Many on the right view Viktor Orban, the Hungarian PM, as one of the West’s greatest defenders and saviors. While other political “leaders” in the formerly great states of Europe surrender to floods of Middle Eastern migrants, American wokeness, and socialist welfare policies, Orban is fighting for his nation and culture. Fortunately, it’s no longer just media figures like Rod Dreher and Tucker Carlson that are shining light on the good work Orban is doing in Hungary. That’s because former President Trump, the figurehead of the MAGA movement and one of the greatest populists out there, just threw his immense…

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Though the petty tyrant-created lockdowns took a wrecking ball to small businesses and the middle class, America’s oligarchs have done quite well. In fact, during the course of the pandemic, during which thousands of small businesses were closed and middle-class lives ruined, billionaires increased their net worth by a collective $341 billion. That figure comes from CNBC, which reports that “Combined, the 10 richest billionaires added $402.17 billion to their net worths in 2021. They were led by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who this year became the world’s richest man and briefly saw his net worth top $300 billion. He added $121…

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It’s not just crazed leftists in America that are cheering on the Marxist BLM organization, one many argue cheered on, if not outright instigated, the “George Floyd riots.” In fact, our cousins across the pond, the Brits, apparently decided to express their support for the radical, race-focused organization during London’s New Year’s Eve firework show. Though the firework show has traditionally been apolitical and focused on fun rather than pushing a radical leftist agenda, this year those that tuned in to the show were subjected to a rolling barrage of pro-BLM and pro-leftist propaganda. To begin the politicized ceremony, London…

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As Twitter cracks down on American dissidents, the Red Chinese are continuing their war on free speech, especially in Hong Kong. There, journalism outlets that originally were able to report on the truth because of British governance and then the “one country, two systems” system are being targeted by the CCP, which crushed the last vestiges of liberty on the island while the world was distracted by Covid. While some collapsed under the weight of the CCP immediately, as is understandable given the brutality of the communist regime, a brave few desperately clung to life in a bid to continue…

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It’s hard to kick CRT out of the classroom if you have no definitive proof of what the teachers are saying; without video or audio evidence, it’s the teacher’s word against the student. To rectify that and help fight back against the cancer-like spread of CRT into every aspect of life, Florida Rep. Bob Rommel just proposed a bill in the Florida legislature that would allow video and audio recordings in classrooms. Reporting on the provisions of the bill, WFLA said: It would allow school districts to install video cameras in classrooms for the purposes of recording an “incident” —…

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When you visit the doctor, what’s more important- the anti-racist steps his office has taken, or the quality of the care you’ll receive? Given that matters of health are often matters of life or death, or at least continued wellness, most Americans typically want their doctor to be qualified and focused on medicine, not “anti-racism.” Sadly, Team Brandon seems intent on pushing doctors toward focusing on anti-racism rather than top-notch medical care. News on that comes from the Epoch Times, which reports that Brandon’s Administration has used the blob of the federal bureaucracy, not the legislature, to push a plan…

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While CNN has grabbed all the headlines for its pedo epidemic, it’s not the only place that’s suffering from a pedo problem. Rather, it’s a problem that seems to be spanning the country. Most recently, that horrific problem cropped up in Darby, Pennsylvania, where a Democrat town commissioner turned himself in for a blood-curdling child rape that occurred four years ago. He has since been charged with rape, sexual assault, and luring, among other, related charges and is being held on a $100k bail. Here’s what Breitbart reports that that evil man, Marvin Smith, did: According to investigators, on August…

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First there was one. Then there were eight. Now there are ten. Let’s Go Brandon-themed stores, that is. News of the first Let’s Go Brandon store broke about a month ago, when the first store opened in Massachusetts and drew the laughs and applause of many online. Since then, the owner has expanded the number of Let’s Go Brandon stores tenfold, filling New England with stores making fun of Brandon as Brandon’s poll numbers drop like a rock. Speaking to Fox News, owner Keith Lambert said that he’s increasing the number of stores to keep up with demand, demand that…

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