Author: will

Marjorie Taylor Greene has become one of the most quoted and noted members on the right as of late. While other members of her party bend the knee time and time again to the left, Congresswoman Greene has proven herself to be one of the toughest fighters in the GOP. She’s introduced a bill that would give Kyle Rittenhouse a medal, exposed the horrible treatment the January 6th political prisoners are receiving, and called out RINOs for having their spines surgically removed and bowing down to “dictator Biden.” Now, she’s taking the fight to the left again, this time by…

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You’d think that, after probably manufacturing a virus that ground the world to a halt after it escaped, the Chinese might slow down their mad scientist-like experiments for a bit and relearn how to do science in a safe way. Unfortunately, that’s the exact opposite of what they’re doing. Now, after developing coronaviruses potentially including Covid-19, the Chinese are creating something called “humanized pigs” that they plan to use for Covid research. Here’s what ZeroHedge reports: Nobody knows where those gene-edited girls are now (the Chinese government won’t say), but Beijing has apparently found a new project for its best…

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Would you rather pay lower prices than higher prices to heat your home this winter? Well, too bad. Brandon is worried about the climate, what with all those tornadoes and such, so he’s pushing a new tax that’ll raise your heating bill by 16% this winter alone. Background on the new tax and the cost imposed by it comes from the Wall Street Journal, which reported that the House of Representatives just passed a stealth tax on natural gas. According to the WSJ: The bill slaps an escalating tax on methane emissions by oil and gas producers that will reach…

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Trump was derided for saying that Chris Wallace was biased against him. Leftist and RINO talking heads and Twitter personalities mocked Trump claiming that, as he worked for Fox, Wallace might have even been biased toward Trump. Well, Trump was proven right, again: Chris Wallace is showing his true colors and moving from Fox to CNN. News first broke that Wallace was leaving Fox late Sunday morning, will CNN’s resident potato head, Brian Stelter, later announcing that Wallace would be moving to CNN: Chris Wallace to join CNN — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) December 12, 2021 The Associated Press…

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A common refrain of the angry Sun monster-fearing left is that every unfortunate weather event can be blamed on “climate change.” Never mind that hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. all occurred before the Industrial Revolution, much less that those deadly weather events like hurricanes have actually grown less frequent in the past decades and aren’t getting more severe, leftists want to blame human activity for them, so they just ignore the evidence and go ahead and do so. Thanks to that mindset, they went ahead and blamed the recent, deadly tornadoes that tore through Kentucky on climate change and, you guessed it,…

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The corruption of the Biden Crime Family hasn’t gone unnoticed by Mo Brooks, a current Alabama representative who’s a candidate for the 2022 Senate election. According to Rep. Brooks, it’s high time Congress investigates Brandon’s son for his seemingly corrupt activities. Here’s what Brooks said: “[H]unter Biden is selling that so-called art for tens of thousands of dollars. And keep in mind, he’s already been plagued with past ethical lapses where he traded off his father’s name when he was vice president of the United States, perhaps even when he was Senator in the United States Senate. And those kinds…

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On Friday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, explaining his six-part strategy to take on the companies and NGOs that are helping illegal immigrants flood into Florida. Here’s what he said: “For one, any of these contractors that are facilitating Biden’s illegal policies by bringing people into Florida, oftentimes flying in at two o’clock in the morning with no notice to the State, anyone who is doing that forfeits the ability to have contracts with State and local government in the State of Florida, and they are going to be responsible for providing restitution to the State…

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Well, you know what they say: “another day, another bit of insanity from Team Brandon.” And another bit of insanity it is. Now, under a provision in the so-called “American Rescue Plan” that Brandon is pushing, funds would be diverted from Covid funding to CRT training in New York. That’s right; your tax dollars are being siphoned off to fund CRT in New York. Under the American Rescue Plan and other relief funds, New York public schools received a grand total of $9 billion out of the $1.9 trillion dollar program. But, now, it no longer needs that funding because…

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As was widely expected from the redpilled right, Mitch “the RINO” McConnell went ahead and did what he does best: back down to Democrats. Rather than stand up to Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats pushing for a massive increase in the debt ceiling that would allow them to spend yet more on their America-last policies, as real conservatives in the Senate did, Mitch and his coterie of Conservative, Inc. cowards backed down yet again. Without Republicans, the Democrats couldn’t have passed their spending plan. Under typical Senate rules, 60 votes would have been needed, which Democrats had no hope…

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“The Purge” has come to LA, with cops so unable to deal with crime thanks to the left’s soft on crime policies that they’re actively warning potential tourists not to visit during the holiday season. In a shocking, December 10th video, LAPD detective Jamie McBride told potential visitors to stay far, far away from his hellhole of a city: In the video, McBride tells the media “don’t visit because we don’t think we can keep you safe right now” and “My advice to anybody considering coming to Los Angeles is ‘Don’t,’ he said.  “We can’t guarantee your safety. It is really, really…

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You’d think that former constituent parts of the Third Reich would be at least somewhat hesitant to act tyrannically, but you’d be wrong. In Austria, the government might start imprisoning people for a year if they refuse to get the Covid jab. That’s according to Summit News, which has a terrifying report on what’s going on in Austria. The article reports that: Susanne Fürst of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), which voted against the amendment, warned that it could be used to punish the unjabbed with much harsher sentences. The amendment raises fines from €726 (£617/$818) to €2,000 (£1,701/$2,255) and…

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Americans are losing in faith in a woke military that increasingly seems far more focused on training a generation of social justice warriors to fight microaggressions than on training warriors to fight, kill, and dominate America’s enemies. As you might expect, there’s a bit of a difference between the leftist snowflake path and the real warrior path, and the military has, under the disastrous “leadership” of Milley and Austin, taken the snowflake, critical race theory path. And Americans are waking up to that and losing faith in the military as a result. According to the Hill: Is the U.S. military’s…

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Yet another court is standing up to the Covid tyrants and for the rule of law, this time in Pennsylvania, where the state’s supreme court struck down a state-wide mask mandate for schools. The court’s ruling found that Democrat Governor Tom Wolf’s mask mandate, instituted by a bureaucrat named Alison Beam, was invalid because the governor lacked the authority to impose such a mandate under state law. According to ABC: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled Friday that Pennsylvania Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam’s school mask mandate does not pass constitutional muster. That decision affirmed the ruling of the lower…

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The bad news for fake news outlet CNN just keeps rolling in. First, word leaked that it’d have to fire lots of its “talent” due to plummeting ratings. Then Fredo Cuomo had to be let go thanks to sexual assault allegations. Then a Don Lemon accuser said it was full of predators and perverts. Now, a CNN producer has been arrested for engaging in unlawful sexual activity with a 9-year-old! That’s according to Newsweek, which, in a shocking article, reports that: John Griffin, 44, of Stamford, Connecticut, was arrested on Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), according to a…

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A continuing frustration on the right is that leftist NGOs and corporations continue to direct massive gobs of funding toward the leftist policies that are the most disastrous for America. Whether it’s their support of BLM or their aiding and abetting the illegal immigrants coming to the US, leftists are doing what they can to fund radical causes that harm American interests. Fortunately, however, some conservatives are coming up with ways to take on those companies and NGOs that fund anti-American causes. One such conservative is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who recently laid out 6 ways we can tackle the…

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Earlier this year, it came out that the US has sent a small number of Marines and Special Operations troopers to the Republic of China (Taiwan), where they are advising and training Taiwanese forces and have been doing so for over a year. China, which has been threatening Taiwan by sending flight after flight of fighter jets and even nuclear-capable bombers toward the island, was predictably upset. Now, however, it’s gone beyond being upset, and Chinese state media is declaring that the PLA will attack those US troops and others when it attacks Taiwan. That threat came from an op-ed…

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The tech censorship continues, this time on TikTok, which has labelled a popular, pro-Rittenhouse video “hate speech” and banned it. As Fox News reports, YAL, a youth-oriented libertarian organization, posted a pro-Rittenhouse statement to the platform after Mr. Rittenhouse was acquitted and leftists at ASU began protesting his enrollment there, only to see it banned by the platform and labelled as “hate speech”: The Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) group, a youth libertarian organization, said its recent video in support of Kyle Rittenhouse was censored by TikTok. On December 1, the group posted a video responding to the news that Arizona State…

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Given that the cost of gas has risen dramatically under Biden and that he’s been (unsuccessfully) begging the Russians and Saudis to release more oil to lower the cost, you might expect him to at least fund projects abroad that would produce more fuel and lower the cost. Even if he’s ideologically opposed to drilling in the US for some reason, he would at least want it to be drilled abroad, especially since he’s been pressuring other nations to drill more. Well, that would be reasonable, so it’s the exact opposite of what President Brandon is doing. Instead of providing…

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Kat Cammack, a Republican Congresswoman from Florida, is known as a staunch conservative. As such, she has open eyes when examining the China threat and is frustrated by Biden’s weakness in the face of it, especially his weak-kneed “diplomatic boycott” of the 2022 Winter Olympics. Ripping the weakness and uselessness of that decision on Just the News’s John Solomon podcast, she had this to say: “[I]f you’re going to get tough about China, then you actually have to do that. It has to be an action, not just words, and not sending a diplomatic representative is the very bare minimum,…

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When California prosecutors finally started charging violent Antifa militants last week, arresting 10 of them for assualt, it was hoped that the scales might fall of the FBI’s eyes and it would wake up to the domestic terror network that is Antifa. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, at least at the highest levels. FBI Director Wray, despite the arrests and Antifa’s history of violent action throughout the US, and especially on the West Coast, continues to insist that Antifa is only an “ideology,” not an “organization.” That comment first came last year, when Director Wray testified before the House Homeland…

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This past week, Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls declared a local emergency. Why? Because he was forced to by the massive number of migrants flooding into his city from Mexico without even being stopped and processed by the Border Patrol. Covering the border in Yuma today after the Mayor declared a local state of emergency, right now authorities are loading up a group of men, women and children who crossed the border today. A lot of them from south and Central America. Among the group: a pregnant woman. #azfamily — David Caltabiano (@DavidCaltabiano) December 10, 2021 According to AZ Family,…

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Democrats used to gloatingly say “demography is destiny.” By that, they meant that as the US became more diverse, they’d become harder and harder to defeat, as minorities typically vote Democrat at a higher rate than they vote Republican. Now, however, leftist insanity might mean that’s finally over; according to a recent WSJ poll, Hispanic voters are evenly split between the Republican and Democrat parties. Specifically, the poll found that: One year after giving Democratic House candidates more than 60% of their vote, according to polls at the time, the Journal survey found that Hispanic voters are evenly split in…

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Just when we thought inflation had gotten so bad that surely something would be done to at least contain it, it rose again. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which reports on such matters, the Consumer Price Index rose by 0.8% in October, which means that the CPI overall has risen by a massive 6.8% over the past twelve months, with energy and food priced being particularly problematic. Here is what BLS had to say about inflation over the past month and what factors made it rise so precipitously: The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased…

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According to Gallup, about 60% of Americans still support capitalism. While that’s somewhat good news, as it means the supermajority of the populace is still holding onto capitalism, it’s bad news that 40% of the nation stands against the economic situation that made us so prosperous. What’s even worse news is that 38%, nearly the entire remainder, supports socialism. That’s right, 38% of the population supports the same ideology that killed about 100 million people in the last century. Gallup, which has measured the opinions Americans have had about capitalism and socialism since 2010, has found the results generally stable,…

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If President Brandon wanted the economy to boom, one step he’d probably take is cutting the regulations that are stopping Americans from having access to cheap fuel. That wouldn’t be a complete fix, but it’d certainly be helpful. But, of course, it’s exactly the opposite of what he’s doing. Instead, he’s taken step after step to make it harder to pump or transport oil, thus raising costs at the pump tremendously. And, as if that weren’t enough, now he’s pushing for the US government to reach “net zero” emissions by 2050. According to the Guardian, which gleefully reported on Brandon’s…

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When Brandon chaotically withdrew the last US troops from Afghanistan he abandoned not only families of service members, but also many of America’s allies in the fallen country. Whether they were informants, soldiers, police officers, government officials, or other allies, many were left behind during the hasty, chaotic retreat from Kabul. At the time, many predicted that they would be targeted for death and/or torture by the Taliban. While some of those fears might have been proven incorrect, as the Taliban largely incorporated former Afghan soldiers into its ranks, it’s now being proven largely correct, wit the Taliban brutally punishing…

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The vaccine pushers are now so angry with those that insist on remaining unvaxxed that now they’re trying to strip the unvaccinated of health insurance. In Illinois, the leftist legislature has put forward a bill that would mean health insurers no longer have to cover unvaccinated people who get Covid, which would force people to pay their medical bills without insurance if they get sick and aren’t vaccinated. According to The Chicago Sun Times: Unvaccinated Illinoisans would have to pay for their health care expenses — including hospital bills — out of pocket if they contract COVID-19 under legislation filed…

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Theoretically, voting is a system by which citizens of a nation, state, or other unit of governance can make their voices heard in a peaceful and productive manner, and thus have a say in how their community is governed and who governs it. “Citizen” is one of the crucial words there; voting is intended for citizens. Or, at least, it was. Now, New York City has just voted to let some non-citizens vote. As the Washington Times reports: Noncitizens in New York City would gain the right to vote in municipal elections under a measure approved Thursday by the City Council that would give…

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Elon Musk channeled Milton Friedman on Wednesday, taking to Twitter to declare that “Nothing is more permanent than a “temporary” government program,” which is a well-known saying of Friedman’s that President Reagan often used. Nothing is more permanent than a “temporary” government program — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 8, 2021 The comment, part of Musk’s blistering campaign of tweets against the Biden Administration’s recent policies, most of all the Build Back Better bill and its massive price tag. Earlier in the week, he had bashed the bill, saying that the Senate shouldn’t pass it, as the Daily Wire reports: Billionaire…

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The Senate might have finally gotten its act together and voted for a bill that would ban Biden’s jab mandate, with two Democrats (Manchin and Tester) joining the GOP to pass it, but the White House isn’t planning on going along with the bill. According to Jen Psaki, the Whtie House Press Secretary, the White House will veto that bill rather than accept the will of the people. Watch her here: However, it’s unlikely that the bill will ever get far enough for President Brandon to have to slap it with a veto. That’s because, though the bill was passed…

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Congressman Dan Crenshaw has been having trouble maintaining his conservative credentials recently. First, it came out that he supports red flag laws. Though he insists he supports a different version of them than what the left has in mind, many are still concerned that he supports any version of them, as there are worries they could eventually be used to remove firearms from the hands of “thought criminals” rather than just the dangerously insane. Then he voted to fund a bill that provides funding for state immunization information programs. Though he insists that he voted for it as part of…

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Democrats insist that Republicans are racists. AOC called the GOP the “KKK caucus.” Many insisted, without a shred of evidence, that Trump was a racist; it was one of their most favorite and least true attacks on him. Yet it’s not Republicans that are introducing measures that keep huge chunks of the black population from working. It’s Democrats that are doing that. Specifically, for now, at least, it’s New York Governor De Blasio that’s doing that with his new vaccine mandate for New Yorkers, as highlighted in these tweets by NYC Council Minority leader Joe Borelli: To be clear, Mayor…

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One common refrain about Trump is that he lives rent-free in the mind of every leftist. His controversial style, unapologetic nature, and refusal to back down on any issue mean they just can’t let him go. While that remains true of Trump, it’s increasingly becoming just as true about Rep. Lauren Boebert, a conservative firebrand that the left won’t stop attacking after she made a joke about Rep. Omar. Now, after savaging Boebert on talk shows and op-eds despite her good faith attempt to apologize, the left is trying to kick her out of her committee assignments. Specifically, Massachusetts Rep.…

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Yesterday, I reported that the Twitter account tracking the Ghislaine Maxwell trial had been nuked by Twitter, which claimed it had somehow manipulated engagement, a claim the account owner insisted was untrue. This tweet about summed up how many felt about the situation: Maxwell trial tracker did not kill itself — Greg Capital (@phoenixvalue) December 8, 2021 Then, following public outcry, the account was reinstated. Later in the day on the 8th, following a severe amount of public outcry, the account owner tweeted “I’m back again…. And then if I go down… I’ll be back again …” Well, it’s…

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Titleist makes some of the best golf balls on the market and allows customers to order balls with special printing on the side. Unfortunately, the company is now preventing people from ordering balls with the chant heard round the world, “let’s go Brandon,” on them. It started when Caleb Hull posted this on Twitter, thinking it’d be funny to get a few with the slogan on the side: I don’t know why I didn’t do this earlier — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) October 27, 2021 Titleist, however, wasn’t enthused. It stopped his order and banned the phrase from being printed…

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Probably thanks to his abysmal polling levels, Democrats in the White House have now resorted to telling the media what to say and think. That’s right, in Banana Republic fashion, the White House is now directing reporters on what to say about the economic situation in Joe Biden’s America, as was called out on Twitter. Some news in @ReliableSources: Senior White House and admin officials have been holding briefings with major newsrooms over past week as they try to reshape economic coverage. — Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) December 7, 2021 And it’s not sketchy, right-wing-biased sources that are reporting…

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Americans are pretty upset with President Brandon. His policies are making their lives worse in most every way and they’re waking up to it. Thanks to that realization of what could most charitably be called his incompetence, his support has plummetted, with some recent polls showing he has only a 36% approval rate. But Brandon’s polling problems don’t end there. According to a recent poll conducted by Issues and Insights and TIPP Insights, only about 22% of Americans want Biden at the top of the ticket again in 2024: Just when it seemed President Joe Biden could get no lower…

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There’s much that’s wrong with President Brandon. Whether it’s his “live worse” policies or incompetence in every issue area, from foreign policy to domestic issues, President Biden isn’t doing well and Americans are doing worse because of it. In few areas of life is that more obvious than with his energy policies, which have raised the price of gas precipitously and are terrible for those that both produce and use energy. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Brandon and his few brain cells are backing down from an anti-fossil fuels stance. Rather, it looks like he’s all in on pushing the…

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The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is one of those rare events that nearly everyone is interested in. Because of Epstein’s suspicious death, the massive number of people connected to him all over the political sphere, the connections he had with people in every industry, and the air of mystery that surrounds his success and fortune, people want to hear more about what went on at Epstein’s island, or at least who was involved. Unfortunately, due to federal court rules, TV crews aren’t allowed in the courtroom. Instead, we have to rely on the reports of those who manage to get seats…

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As the visibility of the evil ideology that is Critical Race Theory has increased, so has pushback against it, especially from parents. Whether those parents are frustrated voters in Virginia voting red for the first time in years in a desperate attempt to force CRT out of schools, angry parents showing up at school board meetings to protest and show their displeasure, or furious, loving parents that pull their kids out of the indoctrination centers that are government schools to keep them away from CRT, what’s clear is that average Americans are done with CRT. The elite, however, is not,…

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