Author: Frank Bojazi

Most of the articles you see on this author account were written by Bob Amoroso. Follow Frank on X / Twitter.

There is a billionaire known around the world who is actively funding the deconstruction of independent nations into a new world order. His name is George Soros, a Hungarian-born American billionaire investor and philanthropist, the Founder / Chair of Open Society Foundations. Soros is also indirectly funding Governing for Impact. His funds allow GFI to work behind the scenes with President Biden’s administration to shape policies, according to documents reviewed by Fox News show. From the GFI website; “Govern for Impact is dedicated to building a world where boards lead the organization to achieving clear purpose and critical outcomes in…

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The Biden administration is back at the Supreme Court again on Tuesday. The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is scheduled to hear a case concerning the administration’s cancellation of another one of former President Trump’s immigration policies. In 2019, the Trump administration installed the Remain in Mexico program that helped eliminate the disastrous policy of Catch and Release at the U.S.-Mexico border. Rather than apprehending and releasing border-crossers into the U.S. interior, the program required officials to return border crossers to Mexico while awaiting their asylum and immigration hearings in U.S. courts. Even though the Stay in Mexico policy was…

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In what seems like rote reporting at this point, another vaccinated and boosted D.C. Establishment figure has tested positive for Covid. This time, Kamala Harris gets to take her turn thanking the wonderful performance of four shots for ensuring her bout with the virus is not as bad as it could have been. Kirsten Allen, the press secretary for the Vice President, released this statement: “Today, Vice President Harris tested positive for Covid-19 on rapid and PCR tests. She has exhibited no symptoms, will isolate and continue to work from the vice president’s residence. She has not been a close…

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I saw a meme recently that resonated with today’s insanity. It basically said that in twelve years, the political left has gone from anti-war, anti-pharma, and pro-worker to the complete opposite. It’s actually an incredible feat, and if I didn’t know any better I’d say someone had bet a dollar they couldn’t get the sheeple to do a 180 on every supposed core value. It’s Trading Places on a national political level. With Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, we can add concern over Big Tech to the list. How are people honestly this stupid? For years, we have been told…

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Note: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. After years of screeching “hypocrite” every time the Democrats do something hypocritical, a charge that never does anything other than rile up the base (leftists couldn’t care less about being called ‘the real racists,’ or whatever. They know the charge sticks on the GOP better than them), the GOP thinks it’s found a charge that’ll finally stick and stop the Dems. What is that charge? That certain legislators, legislators that will remain nameless so as to avoid a repeat of the John McAfee end (suicided) for this…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. In what will be terrible news for those who enjoy seeing at least one major company not toe every single bit and piece of the leftist line about whatever the current thing is, a partnership composed mainly of Bill Gates and George Soros has announced that it, in revenge for Elon buying Twitter and rolling back the forces of censorship, will be buying Chick Fil A and taking that company public. Posting about it on Twitter, Gates said “Who’s the pregnant man now, Elon?” That response was…

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Shortly after Elon Musk purchased Twitter for over $40 billion, thousands of leftist users abandoned the soon-to-be free speech haven and announced a plan to join up again on Weibo, the CCP-owned social media company, in the hopes of finding an online environment that censors different opinions.  Several Twitter users posted one final tweet announcing their departure: “In order to save democracy, we must prevent ideas from being heard!” “Can’t wait to join Weibo. The Chinese actually know how to run a country on democratic principles!” “Thanks, Elon. Misinformation is an existential threat to America. I guess I will take…

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A teacher by the name of Turquoise LeJeune Parker helped raise over $100,000 to help the children of Lakewood Elementary School in Durham. She ends nearly every class by letting the students know she loves them, but this time she went above and beyond to prove it. Among other fundraisers, this most recent one raised the most amount of money for the students. Her undertaking was dubbed Mrs. Parker’s Professors Foodraiser, which used the funds she raised to buy, and distribute over 5,200 sacks full of food to students though the Durham Public School area. In the dozen schools this…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such.  The night of 4/20 was a gloomy night for the WEF’s Klaus Schwab. Firing up his computer in the hope that yet another MSM outlet had published his essay on the necessity of eating grasshoppers rather than cows (for the lower and middle classes, of course, he ate a steak the night the wrote it), he saw something that horrified him, the one argument he’d been worried might crop up and that he had no idea how to counter. That idea? That we should not “eat ze…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. As many who have kept up with Europe’s descent into hell as a result of political correctness know, “groomer gangs” are a big problem over there. The gangs of Pakistani men are known for drugging young British girls and then forcing them into sexual servitude, raping the young women hundreds of times, as British police do nothing to stop them out of concerns about not being politically correct or being called “racists” by the rapist gang members. Meanwhile, in America, which is going to hell in a…

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NOTE: This is satire, not a statement of fact. Treat it as such. The US government, or at least the executive branch of it, ground to a screeching halt on Friday when President Joe Biden decided to take a nap. Problem was, he decided to nap not in a bedroom or his favorite nap spot — the nuclear bunker underneath the White House — but rather in a small closet at the opposite end of where he normally spends his days, watching reruns and eating oatmeal in between naps. As a result, it took the Secret Service agents and White…

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During the COVID pandemic, citizens of the United States lived under various levels of lockdown, with their liberties under pressure from state and national leaders. In order to try to slow the rate of illegal aliens trying to enter the US early on in the Pandemic, Title 42 was instituted by former President Donald Trump’s administration which allowed migrants to be quickly deported. It has remained in place under Biden, but the president announced recently that he plans to rescind the policy effective late May. If Title 42 is allowed to end, the Border Patrol, DHS, other government officials, and…

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Democrats are facing a nightmare scenario with six months to go before the midterm elections. A majority of their base doesn’t know that their party is losing support with one of their major constituent groups, Hispanic voters. Hispanics. They are rapidly becoming Republicans. Their problems are compounded with President Biden failing miserably, as shown in recent polling. In response, leftists are spending a lot of time on defense, trying to shift the blame for Inflation, immigration, the war in Ukraine, and the still-lingering COVID-19 pandemic to former President Trump. This makes for a depressing political atmosphere for President Biden’s party. Statistically,…

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The Biden administration has been dealing with a political headache on a regular basis, his name is Ron DeSantis, the governor of the sunshine state of Florida. What has to drive the administration crazy, is the judge who just shot down their last national mask mandate, in the transportation industries, including airlines, resides in Florida too. The Biden administration officials are appealing FL United States District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s ruling ending the federal mask mandate because they “like to exercise power over the people they govern,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said on Thursday. “There should be no mandates…

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The city of brotherly love is replete with corruption, especially at the political level. A city that was known nationally for the Liberty Bell, Eagles, Sixers, and Rocky is now also known for high poverty, crime, and voting irregularities. As a very woke, anti-racism, social justice hub, simply following the edicts laid down by the democratic party leadership, has been of paramount importance to those running Philadelphia. With incompetence abounding, the Philly Health Department is now ditching its indoor mask mandate less than a week after bringing it back, according to local officials. “Due to a recent leveling-off of case…

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The founding fathers of the United States of America created a constitution founded on the principles put forth by those identified as Federalists. They advocated and supported a system of government in which several states united under a central authority. The first political party in the United States was The Federalist Party, made up of traditionalist conservatives. They determined that there had to be one group solely responsible for creating the new nation’s immigration policies. They chose the Congress and it was enshrined in the Constitution: Article 1, § 8, clause 4 of the United States Constitution “To establish an uniform…

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Scientists in England have discovered a ‘treasure trove’ of information which indicate previously unknown causes for cancer. The research could be used to prevent the disease’s occurrence. In a discovery hailed the ‘biggest of its kind, researchers from Cambridge University, England uncovered “mutational signals” in the DNA of a selection of cancer patients. The study involved researchers examining 12 thousand cancerous tumors, and the outcome for the research could help doctors with treatment and with prevention. While lifestyle choices like smoking or using tanning beds have been well-known to contribute to an individual’s likelihood of developing cancer, the new research…

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Massive Twitter buzz is going around about China and its lockdowns. One tweet mentioned that Bloomberg noted that there were 477 cargo ships waiting to deliver resources into the country. With Shanghai in a near total lockdown, this is a map of the commercial ships currently waiting offshore to be loaded and offloaded of goods; exacerbating global supply chain woes — Scott Gottlieb, MD (@ScottGottliebMD) April 18, 2022 One impressive Twitter thread goes on to explain the entire situation in detail, which I hope to sum up for you. China’s agricultural heartland’s trucking volume is down by over 85%…

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Immigration and Customs Enforcement allegedly spent 17 million on unoccupied hotel rooms while housing illegal migrants in 2021. This happened after hiring a politically connected contractor which failed to meet the COVID-19 protocols that the government had set. Ice entered into an $87 million contract with endeavors, a nonprofit company, that was supposed to provide services for a surge in illegal aliens coming from the southern border. Ice did not seek multiple bids for the work. Instead, they signed onto a sole source deal with endeavors. This required the agency to pay for a block of 1200 hotel rooms whether…

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Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the decidedly not-non-profit Black Lives Matter, announced her candidacy as a Democrat candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives Friday morning. Cullors, a black multi-millionaire race hustler who has profited immensely by selling black grievances and holding the feet of corporate CEOS to the woke flame, was welcomed by Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Kamala Harris, and Barack Obama at a press conference. “I am so much better than you,” the elitist Cullors began. “You idiots gave me money because I threatened to burn down your businesses and then I made you believe that white supremacy exists.…

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Disney CEO Bob Chapek announced to his Florida-based employees that beginning January 1st, 2023, they would all be moving to China in response to the hate-filled, homophobic legislation signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.  Chapek stated emphatically that he could no longer live and work in a state filled with so much hatred and intolerance. DeSantis, after all, signed the Parental Rights in Education bill that made it illegal to indoctrinate students as young as five into gender theory and various woke offshoots.  In addition to announcing the move, the Disney CEO also revealed that he had many offers to uproot…

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Netflix was one of the most successful pioneers in the through-the-mail DVD rental market, before morphing into an online streaming service. Their appeal to millions of families was the ability for them to get access to a wide range of movies, for a much lower cost than going to a theater. In the last few years though, Netflix appears to have hit the proverbial ice, resulting in the company losing subscribers. If this trend is not reversed, it might lead to their ship possibly sinking into the deep-water graveyard of other failed Internet companies of the past. As with a…

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The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, suggested Thursday that a court did not have the authority to strike down the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) mask mandate. U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle on Monday ruled that the face mask mandate for travelers, which had been extended from April 18 to May 3 by the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) earlier this month, was unlawful. In her ruling, Judge Mizelle determined that the mandate “exceeded the CDC’s statutory authority, improperly invoked the good cause exception to notice and comment rulemaking, and…

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One of the most popular young politicians is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Cortez presents herself as a far-left social and environmental justice activist, pushing for defunding the police. She and her progressive colleagues from New York argued against increasing the police presence in New York City’s subway system in a 2019 letter. “In our view, desperately needed resources would be better invested in subway, bus, maintenance and service improvements,” the letter sent to former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said. “We are urging the MTA to divest from this current model of criminalization.” The letter was written in response to Cuomo’s plan to…

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In an interesting chain of events, Clarence Thomas, the senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, part of the conservative majority, was almost prevented from serving due to “a high-tech lynching,”, led by then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joseph R Biden Jr. As part of President Biden’s campaign pitch in 2019, the former Vice-President under Barack Obama said his administration would work to protect abortion “rights” and Roe. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has again gone on the record saying that he believes the Roe v. Wade ruling from 1973 that allowed virtually unlimited abortions should be…

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) announced state lawmakers would consider a proposal this week to strip away Disney’s special district. Florida state Rep. Randy Fine (R) responded quickly by proposing the legislation to eliminate this corporate welfare for Disney. “Disney is a guest in Florida. Today, we remind them. @GovDeSantis just expanded the Special Session so I could file HB3C which eliminates Reedy Creek Improvement District, a 50 yr-old special statute that makes Disney to exempt from laws faced by regular Floridians,” Florida state Rep. Fine said in a statement on Tuesday. BREAKING: Disney is a guest in Florida. Today, we remind…

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It was revealed today that a mom from Queens who was brutally stabbed 58 times and then dumped in a duffel bag was having a two-year on-off affair with a man who is now been charged with her murder. Orsolya Gaal, 51, was murdered in her basement last Friday while her 13-year-old son, Leo was upstairs. Gaal had reportedly been on an evening out at the Lincoln Cneter in Manhattan with female friends on the night of her murder. She returned to Queens at around 11pm, stopping in a bar for a quick drink before walking home alone. Cops arrested…

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A near-unanimous school board vote struck down a proposal to create an After School Satan Club at the Northern York Elementary School. — (@TribLIVE) April 21, 2022 On Tuesday, the Northern York Elementary school board voted 8-1 against a proposed After School Satan Club. Thomas Welch was the lone board member voting for the club whose proposal was initiated by Samantha Groome, a district resident. Lucien Greave, the co-founder of the Temple of Satan that created the national After School Satan Club, said that the school board meeting ‘unnecessarily traumatized those who wanted the club to be brought…

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Poland invoked the trouble clause and knew right away that the European Commission and primary vaccine maker Pfizer would have legal reprimands for their refusing to pay for and receive additional coronavirus vaccines. Poland has a population of 38 million of which about half are fully vaccinated. The European Commission ordered the coronavirus vaccine for Poland and Poland has now refused them. Poland explains that it has 25 million unused doses and that the additional doses ordered were up to 70 million. About 59% of all Polish people received a single dose of the vaccination. “We’re very disappointed by the…

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Mobile phone footage has emerged of legendary boxer Mike Tyson repeatedly punching an unruly passenger on a plane on Wednesday. According to Tyson’s spokesman, the drunk passenger had continually harassed Tyson in his seat on a flight to San Francisco, adding that the man had been “aggressive” and “wouldn’t stop provoking” the former world heavyweight champion. Other passengers say Tyson, 55, had happily taken selfies with fans on the plane prior to the incident but became agitated when the intoxicated passenger became increasingly irritating. “Unfortunately, Mr. Tyson had an incident on a flight with an aggressive passenger who began harassing…

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Pine pitch glue can be used for everything from putting a knife handle on, making a basket watertight, or even making arrows.  It’s a glue that humans have been using for years and goes back to ancient times. Pine pitch glue is made from readily available ingredients in the environment. The most difficult ingredient to source for pine pitch glue would be charcoal because it can’t be the charcoal that you get out of the store. Pine pitch glue requires charcoal that is from a wood fire and that is hardwood. First collect your charcoal for use in pine pitch…

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NOTE: This is generally satire, not a statement of fact. Other than the video, treat it as such. Biden, fulfilling his campaign pledge to a union worker that he’d take away his “AR-14” (watch Biden’s threat and the worker’s later response below), Biden finally signed off on the demand of his ATF head, chomping at the bit to relive Waco, and agreed that there should be an assault weapon seizure, duly writing up an order and sending it to the eagerly waiting jackbooted officers at ATF field offices. However, there was a problem. Slow Joe had insisted on typing up…

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NOTE: This is satire, not fact. Treat it as such. “It just doesn’t make sense,” Special Agent Raymond muttered as he glanced over crime statistics published by the FBI in the end of the Bush Era, a full decade and a half before his assignment began “how did Republicans commit so many crimes in dark blue areas like inner-city Chicago? Did they have stronger urban outreach efforts in the past? Were there insurrections happening around the country, with buffalo horn-clothed gangsters taking over cities and states? This data is so confusing.” Unable to comprehend what was going on in those…

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Greasy Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, finally figured out how to solve the Bidenflation crisis, or at least the aspects of it stemming from high oil prices. Taking it upon himself to bear the burden of fixing the current crisis, Governor Gavin Newsom fearlessly offered up his most prized asset–his hair–to solve the oil shortage problem and lower costs for American families. After having one final dinner at The French Laundry with his current hairstyle, Governor Newsom then made a journey to that hair salon where Nasty Nancy Pelosi got her hair done while everything else was shut down…

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Note: This is satire, not fact. Treat it as such. Team Biden was furious to discover on Thursday, April 21st that it would have to evacuate the White House ASAP because Hunter, in a crack-induced stupor, had sold it to Red China as a way of making up for all the back taxes he’s had to pay as part of an FBI investigation into his business activities. Apparently, Hunter, needing to make a quick buck, offered to sell the building and all its “miscellaneous contents” to Xi Jinping’s family and convinced the various officials on the US side to sign…

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The embarrassment that has been the Joe Biden administration never seems to end. On April 18th Twitter was aflame with videos of Joe Biden, the president of the United States, being herded around by the Easter Bunny on the White House lawn during the annual Easter Egg Roll. No wonder Saudi Arabia has such wonderful comics making fun of our president. He gives them so much material to work with through his daily interactions with the public. The Biden administration is like a gift that keeps on giving to comedians. Unfortunately, for the citizens of the United States it’s like…

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On Sunday, Infowars filed for bankruptcy protection in US Bankruptcy court for the Southern District of Texas. Infowars faces several defamation lawsuits due to claims made by Alex Jones its founder. The founder of Infowars, Alex Jones, was found liable for damages from three lawsuits last year. These liable lawsuits stem from alleged false claims about the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting. Alex Jones has maintained that the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax and this is where the libel lawsuits stem from. Alex Jones claimed that the Sandy Hooks shooting in Newton Connecticut, was fabricated by gun…

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China has been embroiled in a scandal where in it used 83 tons of gold as collateral. The 83 tons of allegedly pure gold was stored in the creditor’s coffers of Kingold in June of 2020. It was supposed to be backing a $16 billion yuan loan. This was reportedly 22% of China’s gold production or 4.2% of its stated gold reserves as of the year 2019. The takeaway here is that at least 4% of China’s official gold reserves may be completely fake because that 83 tons of gold was actually copper. Of course, this assumes that there is…

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If you’re on a diet that restricts your ability to have flour, starches, potatoes, pasta, and other carbohydrate filled foods, it can be difficult to find a dinner that the whole family will enjoy. This crustless quiche is not only delicious but easy to make. Additionally, you can make it ahead and freeze it to […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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Easy egg bites are a wonderful breakfast on the go. You can make ahead a couple of dozen, put in zip locks or vacuum seal for individual use, and freeze. Then thaw them out the night before you need them. They are excellent for quick breakfasts, after school snacks for the kids, take along on […] This story syndicated with permission from Recipe For Freedom

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