Author: will

On Sunday afternoon, a Twitter blue check went on a deranged rant about the fossil fuel industry, saying: Of COURSE getting off of fossil fuels and onto renewables is a matter of national security. Fuck the fossil fuel industry and its disinformation and influence gaming. Of COURSE getting off of fossil fuels and onto renewables is a matter of national security. Fuck the fossil fuel industry and its disinformation and influence gaming. — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) March 13, 2022 Sounds about par for the course, until you realize who it’s coming from. Peter Kalmus, the one savagely attacking a major…

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Megyn Kelly was marvelously unmerciful to hate crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett and his whining family during a recent segment of her show, ripping into the recently sentenced actor after he and his family members claimed that he was experiencing personal difficulties and so should be shown mercy. His sister, Jurnee Smollett, for example, said that Cook County should free Jussie despite his recent sentencing and the heinous crime he committed because of the difference in incarceration rates between blacks and whites. making that case, Jurnee Smollett said: “Black Americans are incarcerated in state prisons at nearly five times the rate…

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John Cleese is one of the funniest comedians out there. The Monty Python movies are legendary and “A Fish Called Wanda” is one of the best, funniest movies out there. Well, Cleese, himself quite liberal, also apparently doesn’t bow to the woke and their insane agenda, one particular part of which he thinks is quite dumb. That part would be reparations, the idea that modern whites should be forced to atone for the sins of their ancestors (as if all whites owned slaves, which is not true) by making reparations payments to modern blacks. It’s a foolish idea. Not all…

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On Sunday afternoon, a Twitter blue check went on a deranged rant about the fossil fuel industry, saying: Of COURSE getting off of fossil fuels and onto renewables is a matter of national security. Fuck the fossil fuel industry and its disinformation and influence gaming. Of COURSE getting off of fossil fuels and onto renewables is a matter of national security. Fuck the fossil fuel industry and its disinformation and influence gaming. — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) March 13, 2022 Sounds about par for the course, until you realize who it’s coming from. Peter Kalmus, the one savagely attacking a major…

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Liberal host of HBO’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher, had some strong words of condemnation for his peers in the leftist media machine when speaking with the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro. Maher, speaking on the topic of the lies of the media, skewered the media figures that were and are unwilling to speak the truth on issues, particularly the issue of health, saying: “I was talking about this before COVID and got lambasted by James Corden and other people who attacked me. I’m not shaming people. We were never going to solve the health care crisis in this country until we…

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The end of the courtroom part of the Jussie Smollett trial ended in a somewhat surprising way. Jussie, apparently thinking that he was going to be “Epsteined” in prison, started proclaiming his innocence and desire to live upon hearing his sentence, yelling “I am not suicidal! I am innocent!” Watch that here: Jussie Smollett receives his sentence, and then insists he is innocent and not suicidal. — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) March 11, 2022 According to the New York Post, Smollett’s attorney had this to say on the outburst: ‘I don’t want people to think, “Well, is he going…

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Trump’s rally in Florence, South Carolina was quite the success, particularly from a creating quotable quotes perspective. He blasted Biden as “physically and mentally unfit,” tore into two RINOs and boosted their competitors, and even came out with a plan to bring the Deep State to heel. But that wasn’t all. He also shredded the Biden presidency for its many failures, going over the litany of disasters that Biden has presided over in his one year in the White House. Speaking on that, Trump first described Brandon’s presidency as “one train wreck after another, saying: “The past year we’ve watched…

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According to ICE’s annual report, deportations fell a stunning amount last year, plummeting a shocking 70% to 59,011 total deportations, only about 20% of the 300,000 or so deportations that were typical of the Trump and even Obama years, as Just the News reports. What that means is that while the ICE report claims that “ICE’s arrest statistics paint a picture of broad operational success,” that’s not in any case the truth. Rather, it looks like ICE has been doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to and has been letting illegals stick around in the US. In fact, ICE…

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Well, adding to the long list of people who have been using their high profile to push the jab and then got Covid, Obama recently announced that he’d contracted the virus. He announced so on Twitter, saying: I just tested positive for COVID. I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise. Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative. It’s a reminder to get vaccinated if you haven’t already, even as cases go down. I just tested positive for COVID. I’ve had a scratchy throat for a…

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What’s Biden doing to try and rebuild America’s oil supply now that America has been cut off from Russian oil? He’s not unleashing American oil producers, letting them flood the market with American crude to drive prices down and American profits up. Nope, Team Biden is looking into buying oil from Iran and Venezuela, two of our biggest enemies, instead. Why’s he choosing terrorists over Texas? That’s not clear. But DeSantis slammed it in a recent statement, brilliantly pointing out the delusion in an epic statement. DeSantis led off by highlighting that those who fled the vicious Venezuelan regime are…

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The Deep State, that amorphous collection of intelligence agents, “law enforcement” officials, career bureaucrats, longtime politicos, and media hacks, was a continual thorn in the side of the Trump presidency. His conversations and details about his plans were leaked continually, those responsible for keeping the president’s information secure leaking like a sieve instead. His internet traffic was (allegedly) captured, falsified, and handed off by Clinton Campaign hacks, used by the leftist media and its intel friends to falsely present the president as a Russian asset. Then there was the fact that every time he tried to get something done, every…

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DeSantis had a strong, unrepentant message for all those that want to do away with his anti-sexual propaganda for young kids bill, the one labeled the “don’t say gay bill” by critics: he’s not backing down and has no intention of surrendering to the radical left. In his words, “We are not going to allow them to inject transgenderism into kindergarten…We’re standing for the kids and we’re standing for the parents… And I tell you this. The chance that I am going to back down to my commitment to students and back down to my commitment to parents’ rights simply…

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Did celebrities handle Trump’s 2016 election victory well? No, no they didn’t. In fact, many of them went positively postal, freaking out after learning that many Americans didn’t agree with the Hollywood elite on political issues. One such looney leftist celebrity is seriously unfunny comedian Amy Schumer. She, in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, says that Trump’s election left her “totally depressed and without anything helpful to say” in her sketch series, Inside Amy Schumer. Why she wanted to say something “helpful” rather than “funny” is left unsaid, but is probably the reason that her popularity has plummetted; her…

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“An African prince, the son of the recently deposed King Natumbo of Nigeria, needs your help! If you just reply to this email with your bank account information, your mother’s maiden name, and the street you grew up on, we will deposit 75.000.000 USD in your account so you can help him! Please respond now!” We’ve all received an email similar to the one above. Whether it’s King Natubo or someone else, thieves from Africa have sent out many an email asking for help, wanting you to click on a link so that they can hack your computer, or otherwise…

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Are Democrats excited about the upcoming 2022 midterms, a chance to secure their power by expanding their lead in the House and pushing past the deadlock in the Senate? No, no they are not. According to a not-so-shocking report from the New York Times, they have low expectations for the midterms and are “bracing for big losses.” What is shocking, however, is that they’re supposedly looking to President Brandon to rescue them. In its words: Democrats are toiling to retool their message and refocus their agenda. They are worried that the accomplishments they helped deliver to Mr. Biden are being…

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Team Biden has been pushing electric cars hard. Pete Buttigieg tells Americans frustrated by high gas prices to buy an electric car because the “fuel” for those costs less, as if those who can’t afford $5 gas can buy a $40,000 or more car. His energy secretary said much the same thing back in May of 2021, saying that higher gas prices don’t hurt those with electric cars: Biden’s Energy Secretary in May: “If you drive an electric car, this would not be affecting you” — Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 10, 2022 Biden too has commented on the preceived superiority…

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Kelcy Warren is the chairman of Energy Transfer, a major, Texas energy company that made almost $7 billion last year. But, in addition to being a successful energy executive, Warren is also a major GOP donor; in fact, he contributed $1 million to Governor Abbott’s campaign, according to the AP. Well, “Beto” (Robert) O’Rourke, the leftist Texas gubernatorial candidate, decided to call that donation corruption and said that Abbott had been “bought off” by the energy executive because the donation came after Energy Transfer made billions during the near-collapse of the Texas power grid in 2021. As the AP reports:…

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Jim Jordan, on the 8th of March, announced that he’d be appearing on Fox and Friends to discuss gas prices and why the Democrats are letting them roar ever-higher, saying on Twitter: Do Democrats want $10 gas? Discussing that and more on Fox & Friends at 8:20 a.m. Tune in! Do Democrats want $10 gas? Discussing that and more on Fox & Friends at 8:20 a.m. Tune in! — Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) March 8, 2022 Well, his appearance didn’t disappoint: he sounded off on the Democrats’ plan to deal with gas prices. Beginning his utterly merciless takedown, he began by…

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Justice Thomas has been the reason for the conservative hope that the Supreme Court might take on Big Tech since Laura Loomer and Freedom Watch requested the court take up a case (which it declined) about the censorship of public figures. Discussing the important facts brought up by that case, Justice Thomas said: Today’s digital platforms provide avenues for historically unprecedented amounts of speech, including speech by government actors. Also unprecedented, however, is the concentrated control of so much speech in the hands of a few private parties. He then, in April of 2021, boosted those hopes, writing in a…

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Lindsey Graham occasionally presents himself as a conservative with a backbone a laughable lie to anyone who has kept up with him over time; he might occasionally say the right things when doing so is politically safe, but he’s far, far from being a rock-ribbed conservative. Well, he proved that yet again, releasing a video on TikTok in which he praises Joe Biden. Watch it here: “If you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person.. you’ve got a problem and you need to do some self-evaluation, ’cause what’s not to like? He’s the nicest person I think I’ve ever met…

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Pete Buttigieg is back from “paternity leave” and so, apparently, is his husband, who’s now in the news for having young children pledge allegiance not to Old Glory, but to the rainbow flag. Don’t think the left is indoctrinating your kids? Watch this video exposed by Matt Walsh and think again: “Pete Buttigieg’s husband leads kids in a pledge of allegiance to the gay pride rainbow” Pete Buttigieg’s husband leads kids in a pledge of allegiance to the gay pride rainbow — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 10, 2022 Walsh, after sharing the video, commented on where it came from,…

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Jen Psaki posted two utterly absurd tweets recently, both of which she was ripped to shreds for. Why? Because they weren’t just partisan attacks; that much is par for the course on both sides and we’ll take it as it comes. No, these led to such a vociferous response because they were both ridiculous, bald-faced misrepresentations of what’s actually going on. First, she attacked Senators Scott and Johnson, saying: Senate Republicans have a plan to gut health care, raise premiums, and strip protections for pre-existing conditions. They also want to raise taxes on half of Americans, including seniors and working…

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President Brandon, while attempting to give a speech about health care for veterans, a worthy cause, undid whatever goodwill might have been directed toward him by the speech when he made a very, very cringe joke about the three congressmen with him. Watch him tell that joke here: Joe Biden: “The three congressman you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball and the other one looks like he can bomb you.” — (@townhallcom) March 8, 2022 Speaking about the two African-American congressmen present for the speech, he said they “look like…

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Tucker Carlson, ever able to describe things just right, had some harsh words for RINO warhawk Lindsey Graham, the saber-rattling Senator that’s never met a regime he doesn’t want to topple or a war he wouldn’t like to involve the US in. That Senator, speaking about Vladimir Putin, first called for his assassination then, when pressed about it on Fox, reiterated his calls for a Russian to assassinate Putin, saying: “You will never have a future. You will be isolated from the world and you’ll leave in abject poverty. So I’m hoping someone in Russia will understand that he is…

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Those who voted for President Biden should have known what they were getting themselves, and thus the nation, into. Biden has always been a bit of a disaster, a gaffe-prone fool who Robert Gates described as someone who has “been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Even Obama, who Biden served as VP under, said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Well, apparently what’s true of foreign policy and Joe generally is equally as true about Biden’s ability to wreck America’s energy situation, as he’s proven a disaster…

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Some things the left does are foolish, most of what it does is incomprehensibly dumb, a good bit is disastrously bad for the country, and a fraction of its actions are positively evil. One such evil act was exposed by Chris Rufo, the renowned anti-Critical Race Theory journalist who has done so much to expose the left’s race-crazed nonsense in the past few years. He, in a shocking Twitter post, exposed a “sexy summer camp” that a number of leftist women are running for children in Kentucky. Yes, really. A sex-focused camp for young kids. Here’s the tweet: These women are running…

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The American Truckers’ convoy, called the “People’s Convoy” by the organizers of it, has rolled across America, picking up steam and attendees in its journey to DC, with an amazing 60 miles of truckers headed to make their voices heard within the Swamp. The truckers have now reached their destination and made it to DC, where they’re circling the Beltway to express their displeasure with Covid mandates. As the People’s Convoy organizer, Brian Brase, put it.“We are law-abiding citizens that are just exercising our rights to this protest.” However, while their message is powerful, the People’s Convoy has so far…

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The Mississippi legislature, taking a bold step, albeit that all GOP legislatures should have taken long ago, just banned critical race theory from classrooms in the state. They did so by passing SB 2113, the bill that bans the radical ideology, in a landslide vote. As Just the News reports: The bill passed the Senate by a 32-2 vote, but with 18 members absent when the vote took place. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a 75-43 vote, with three absent and one present but not voting. The short but sweet text of the bill says that no…

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Jen Psaki, during her March 7th press briefing, was asked about the Biden Administration’s negotiations with Venezuela, with a reporter asking: “There was a U.S. team there this weekend talking to the Maduro regime.  Sanctions have been in place since 2019, a lack of diplomatic engagement since then because of electoral fraud, because of all the things that that regime has done to the Venezuelan people. And I hear you say we’re doing everything we can to bring down the cost of gas, but is it really worth doing business with a despot like Nicolás Maduro to drive down gas…

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While Pelosi and Crenshaw disrespect the flag, the far-left radicals appearing on leftist “news” programs are attacking America’s history and heritage, with one particularly egregious MSNBC segment describing the Constitution as “kind of trash.” Yes, really. They hate our Constitution but are so incompetent and inarticulate as to be unable to describe it as anything other than “kind of trash.” Watch that horrifying segment here: .@ElieNYC on his book ‘Allow Me To Retort’: “What I’m trying to do with this book is explain in layman’s terms what Republicans are doing to the law because I honestly believe that if everybody…

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A key priority for many Republicans right now is keeping transgender athletes out of women’s athletics, protecting the ability of young women to compete in sports without being blown out of the water by a man identifying as a woman. Unfortunately for parents of female athletes in Utah, that state’s RINO governor, Spencer Cox, is claiming that he will veto a bill that would prevent transgender athletes from dominating women’s sports. The Daily Mail, reporting on the issue, notes that Cox is planning to buck the GOP trend by vetoing the bill, which passed on Friday. In that outlet’s words:…

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One of the key figures implicated in the bombshell Durham dropped about the Clinton campaign spying on former president Donald Trump is Michael Sussman, a lawyer involved with the Clinton Campaign who Durham alleges was involved with washing the internet data collected and handing it to the intelligence agencies. Well, Sussman is fighting back; he recently asked for the judge to dismiss the lying to the FBI charge that he’s faced with, arguing that the lie the charge relates to wasn’t material to the case at hand and thus not something that he can get in legal trouble for. Of…

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One reason you hear the leftists continuing to talk about the January 6th trespass as an “insurrection” is that they’re trying to use that term to stop the best and brightest in the conservative wing of the GOP from running in 2022 and 2024. By labeling them “insurrectionists” for daring to question the 2020 vote, the left hopes to keep them from running for office. They have that hope because of Section Three of the 14th Amendment, which reads: No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil…

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Americans are fleeing high-tax blue states like California, Michigan, and New York, putting aside their liberal distaste of red state America to flee to low tax states like Texas and Florida, neither of which even have an income tax. So, it might seem natural for the governments of those states to lower the tax rates and make them attractive once again to businesses and job creators. While true for all three, that’s doubly true for Michigan, which has neither the beautiful weather of California nor reputation as a center of business held by New York. It’s cold and in the…

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The federal government, that bloated DC bureaucracy, that center of massive spending and outcomes that are rarely, if ever, positive, has gotten far too big. It does much, but little of it well, spending money like there’s no tomorrow while achieving little, racking up a massive mountain of debt and inflating the currency away to nothing for no corresponding gain of note. Yet worse, much of what it’s doing is unconstitutional; federal agencies of dubious constitutionality rule over the American people like eastern despots while the rules they promulgate crush small businesses under a mountain of paperwork or make whatever…

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Remember when the Biden regime’s FBI went on the warpath against anti-CRT parents, releasing a memo that highlighted supposed threats to teachers, administrators, etc. coming from parents furious that their children were being indoctrinated with an anti-American ideology? As a reminder, that memo was a response to a letter from the NSBA (National School Board Association), a letter that essentially equated protesting parents to domestic terrorists. Well, according to Fox Digital, a number of red states remember the FBI doing that and remember Garland’s refusal to recant; now they’re fighting back by suing Biden. Those states are Indiana, Arkansas, Arizona,…

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Right now, America is importing hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil from Russia, a nation we’re theoretically about to be at war with, or at least need to counter abroad. Last year, we imported massive quantities of Russian oil too, spending millions a day on buying something we could produce but don’t because…Biden thinks the angry sun monster would get mad if oil was pumped here rather than in Russia, or something. Well, while many Democrats back that bizarre, green agenda one Democrat is standing up to the Biden regime on that and calling on America to start producing…

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If you’re an average American, someone who wants the nation’s highest court to be full of the best and brightest, you might want to know the LSAT score that Kentaji Brown Jackson, Biden’s SCOTUS pick, received. If she’s as smart as the left claims when it writes its glowing articles about her, then no trouble, right? She got a good score if she’s as smart as they say, so it (theoretically) shouldn’t be a problem; it’d just be more proof of her smarts. Well, according to politically “enlightened” ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin, you’re a racist for wanting to know…

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In Former AG Bill Barr’s book, the one in which he stabbed Trump in the back, former AG Bill Barr also discussed the Epstein suicide and gave his impression of what happened on that fateful night in 2019. And his opinion on the topic is important for two reasons, as the Daily Mail reports: (1) Barr was the AG at the time, and thus the top man meant to deal with Epstein, and (2) many people think Epstein didn’t kill himself. In that outlet’s words: Barr was the AG when Epstein killed himself in prison in August 2019. He was…

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Though he didn’t find the time to bring up the Marines his policies got killed in Afghanistan during his State of the Union address, Biden did have time to give a long-winded defense of abortion “rights.” Speaking on that topic, the senile president said: Folks, advancing liberty and justice also requires protecting the rights of women.  The constitutional right affirmed by Roe v. Wade, standing precedent for half a century, is under attack as never before. If you want to go forward not backwards, we must protect access to healthcare; preserve a woman’s right to choose; and continue to advance…

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