Author: will

Ron DeSantis announced recently that his wife, Casey DeSantis, has been undergoing cancer treatment. Speaking on that issue about five months ago, Governor DeSantis said: “I am saddened to report that Florida’s esteemed First Lady and my beloved wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer. As the mother of three young children, Casey is the centerpiece of our family and has made an impact on the lives of countless Floridians through her initiatives as First Lady.” “As she faces the most difficult test of her life, she will have not only have my unwavering support but the support of our…

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Biden, in his disastrous “withdrawal” from Afghanistan, a chaotic is retreat that was more like a panicked rout than well-ordered surrender, got 13 Marines killed. By pulling everyone back to the Kabul airport, packing them in like sardines amongst masses of unknown Afghans, making them sitting ducks for suicide bombers, he got those Marines killed. That would have been bad enough, but then, during his State of the Union address, he didn’t bring them up. Though Lauren Boebert cried out about them from the audience, sparking fury on the left, Biden didn’t say a word about those 13 heroes that…

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President Biden, during his state of the union address, had this to say on the state of the border: “Folks, if we are to advance liberty and justice, we need to secure our border and fix the immigration system.” At that point, he was cut off by Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, who started chanting “Build the wall!  Build the wall!  Build the wall!” Joe, undeterred by their comments on the actual state of the union, his two brain cells focused wholly on saying the words on the teleprompter and getting back to his basement, continued, saying: “And as you…

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, after his brilliant mask stunt, made a hilarious joke at France’s expense when talking about the bravery of the Ukrainian forces, saying that France would probably just surrender. That comment came when he was diiscussing how courageous it is for the Ukrainians to keep fighting despite the odds stacked against them and the massive firepower of the Russian Army, DeSantis said: “A lot of other places around the world, they just fold when there’s any type of adversity. I mean can you imagine if [Putin] went into France? Would [the French] do anything to put up…

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Lauren Boebert, during Brandon’s utter disaster of a press conference, stood up and yelled “You put them in, 13 of them,” when Biden started talking about Afghanistan. That shout came when Biden began discussing burn pits (the same part of his speech where Pelosi started bizarrely rubbing her knuckles together and standing up), saying “Our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan faced many dangers…When they came home, many of the world’s fittest and best-trained warriors were never the same: Headaches, numbness, dizziness, a cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin.” Boebert, who made her remark then, later said “When…

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Sean Hannity, in a delusional statement, said that NATO airstrikes should target the 40-mile long Russian convoy extending out from Kiev, a city the Russians seem poised to take. Fox News’ Sean Hannity suggests NATO should launch a strike on the 40-mile-long Russian convoy headed towards Kyiv. He says members state should deny it so Putin wouldn’t know who to retaliate — Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) March 2, 2022 As you can hear, Hannity said, during his program: As of this morning, this forty mile convoy of Russian troops and Russian tanks and munitions and fuel, they’re only eighteen miles…

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If CNN fires Brian “the Potato” Stelter, we’re gonna have to find a new joke. There won’t be “Tater” to mock anymore! Unfortunately (or fortunately, if you prefer truth in media to easy jokes), news is dribbling out of the network that Mr. Potatohead’s final days at CNN are numbered, with much of that news leaking out on Twitter: Fantastic news: Brian Stelter, who spent most of the last half decade trying to cost other people their jobs, has told several people that be thinks he’s going to lose his job at CNN. Where else could he go? Who on…

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Ilhan Omar might be one of the most radical people in the House. Now, she’s facing a 2022 challenger that might just have a shot of taking her on. Check out this awesome ad that her challenger, Shukri Abdirahman, posted. It’s epic. Ilhan Omar was given a second chance when America took her in — but chose to ridicule the very country that saved her life. When I was welcomed as a legal American citizen. I responded by joining the U.S. Army. Now I’m taking a stand to give hope to the people of Minneapolis. — Shukri Abdirahman (@ShuForCongress)…

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If there were one college major that summed up everything wrong with the world, what would it be? Probably gender studies. According to UCLA (we’ll trust the woke Californians to know about such a woke topic), “Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the complex interaction of gender with other identity markers such as race, ethnicity, sexuality, nation, and religion. Gender— femininity and masculinity—is such a basic form of social organization that its operation often passes unnoticed. Feminist scholarship demonstrates that traditional categories used for social analysis and their accompanying interpretive approaches often reinforce gender hierarchies and inequalities.”…

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What should the GOP do when it reclaims power after the 2022 red wave? With Biden in office, passing legislation is unlikely, as is ushering pro-Constitution judges through the Senate confirmation process. Though Biden won’t be able to get much done either, the GOP will be more or less unable to do anything that requires the president’s signature. But there is one thing the GOP will be able to wield its power and do: investigate those who have done so much to destroy America. Jim Jordan hinted that such a plan might be on the GOP’s plate post-November, telling Just…

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During President Trump’s last State of the Union address, Pelosi, sitting behind him, ripped his speech to pieces as soon as he finished speaking, a horrendous display of bad manners and a showing of the “unity” the Democrats are actually after. Watch her here: Well, now she’s back to making a fool of herself during State of the Union addresses, this time by licking her chops “like the Joker on meth” while Biden speaks. Here are a few clips of her and the comments about her performance from Twitter: “Looks like the Joker on meth.” Looks like the Joker on…

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Ireland fought for its freedom for decades, if not centuries. Year after year, IRA terrorists (or freedom fighters, depending on perspective) fought British troops in the streets, detonated bombs outside of pubs, and even raised an organized, armed force to fight the British Army in a set-piece battle (the Easter Rising). Yet, just a few decades after earning that freedom, they’ve given it up. After years of fighting, thousands of deaths, and an inestimable amount of misery, the Irish have surrendered their freedom, giving it up without a fight. And to whom did the Irish surrender their hard-won liberty? The…

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Trump made lots of newsworthy points at CPAC. He all but said that he’s running again, got great news about his chances in 2024, blew the Democrats to smithereens, and gave a stirring speech on the importance of border security. But beyond all those great things, he also said something that might be one of his most powerful lines yet, a quote that Wayne Dupree is calling a “linguistic kill shot.” It was: “They indoctrinate your children to hate their parents while calling you a hateful racist,” he said, “They use big tech to censor you. They use the deep…

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Biden is demanding that DeSantis participate in his tyrannical plans and send the Florida National Guard to DC to deploy during the State of the Union to deal with the trucker convoy and any other anti-Biden protests that might occur. DeSantis, however, refused. As Jack Posobiec announced on Twitter: “BREAKING: DeSantis REJECTS Biden’s request for Florida National Guard to deploy to DC for the State of the Union” BREAKING: DeSantis REJECTS Biden’s request for Florida National Guard to deploy to DC for the State of the Union — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 28, 2022 DeSantis too announced the move…

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Leftist states, particularly the cities within them, are earning a reputation as hellholes. New York City is full of crime and garbage, criminals roaming the street thanks to the soft on crime policies of the leftists who have run it for years now. San Francisco and LA are both known for their “problems,” namely massive homeless populations that the city governments can’t find an effective way of dealing with, the related drug problem, and the feces seen all over their streets and sidewalks. But one of the worst leftist cities might be Seattle, a city that has fallen firmly into…

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William Barr, Trump’s AG for the latter part of his first term, has turned on Trump, the man that put him in the greatest position of power he’s likely to ever obtain. News on that comes from the Wall Street Journal, which reports that Barr, in his new book, criticizes Trump and claims he lacks the necessary qualities of leadership. In the WSJ’s words: Attorney General William Barr writes in a new book that former President Donald Trump has “shown he has neither the temperament nor persuasive powers to provide the kind of positive leadership that is needed,” and that…

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Eduardo Verastegui, a conservative activist and Mexican actor, appeared at CPAC 2022, speaking to a crowd about an issue near and dear to his heart: the border crisis. Speaking on that issue, as Breitbart reports, he didn’t stand by a soft line or otherwise encourage any weakness on the topic, as those uninformed about his conservative leanings might have expected given his nationality. Rather, he went all-in on the topic of border security, blaming Biden and Harris for the catastrophe at the southern border and calling for policies that “make Mexico and America great together.” To begin the immigration portion…

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During CPAC, a straw poll was conducted among attendees, most of them the sort of die-hard conservatives that would be voting in a primary election, asking who they wanted on the GOP’s 2024 presidential ticket. What it found was that, try as they might, the RINOs can’t garner more than a shred of support and that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, though beloved by the MAGA movement, is a decidedly second choice when compared with Trump. The poll, which was conducted from Thursday through Sunday and garnered the responses of 2,564 attendees, held some excellent news for Trump. And no, it almost…

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Remember the guy (who happened to be a Florida man, go figure) that took Pelosi’s lectern during the trespass in the Capitol on January 6th? Well, he was finally sentenced, his sentence coming over a year after his arrest. According to the Epoch Times: The Florida man who said he “broke the internet” when photographed carrying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s lectern at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced Friday to 75 days in jail, a $5,000 fine, and a year of supervised release. […]The stay-at-home father of five children will be allowed to serve the jail sentence at…

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Dr. Fauci and the CDC can say whatever they want about the effectiveness of masks in stopping Covid. This isn’t about them, their claims, or the accuracy of those claims, nor was Dr. Ben Carson’s speech on CPAC. Rather, his speech hit on a different aspect of the masks, one that the left is loath to bring up: how forcing kids to stay masked at school is affecting their mental and emotional development. Speaking on that issue, one that’s quite the hot topic considering how schools are tenaciously defending their masking policies, Carson had this to say about the development…

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President Biden, during his 2020 presidential run, released an ad and posted a tweet in which he at least strongly implied that Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who defended himself from a mob of violent Antifa radicals in Kenosha and shot three (white) members of the mob attacking him, was a white supremacist. Here’s that tweet, which includes the video ad: There’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) September 30, 2020 Of course, it’s ridiculous. Trump wasn’t a white…

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Tulsi Gabbard, despite being a former Democrat congresswoman, spoke at CPAC. During her speech, she railed against the cancel culture so everpresent in the Biden era, saying: “We have too many people in positions of power whose foremost responsibility is to protect our freedoms and uphold our God-given rights, and yet they are the ones who are actually trying to take these rights away from us.  This is the biggest threat to our country. It is not coming from some foreign country — it is coming from power elites here at home and their co-conspirators in the mainstream media and…

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Mike Lindell is a great American patriot that not only has risen like a phoenix, building a massive, hugely successful company after hitting the deepest depths of addiction, but has also been willing to put it all on the line in his fight for conservative values and voter security. His fight for those things, particularly the security of the vote, has meant that he has been deplatformed, debanked, and ridiculed by the leftist hacks in the mainstream media. Still, he has kept fighting and has kept his wits about him. Plus, like Trump, he has a tendency to counter-punch twice…

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Rumors recently began to dribble out that Jen Psaki, Ms. “Circle Back,” might finally be leaving her job as the White House press secretary and moving into a role in the leftist media. However, Jen hadn’t addressed those rumors until the press briefing on Friday the 25th, when asked about them directly, with a reporter asking “Can you confirm that you are looking for a job at CNN or MSNBC?” Psaki, shooting down the rumors, said “I have more than enough on my plate here.  So, you can’t get rid of quite yet.  Sorry, Peter, for you on that.” Her…

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Supposedly, Donald Trump wasn’t presidential in bearing because he liked to tweet mean things about Jeb Bush, Rosie O’Donnell, and the Morning Joe hosts at 2 am. Well, whatever concerns people might have had about his hilarious tweets not being dignified just got blown out of the water by Texas Railroad Commissioner candidate Sarah Stogner, a GOP candidate that just released a ridiculous campaign video on TikTok in which she poses naked on an oil rig with the caption “they said I needed money, I have other assets.” They said I needed money. 🤣 I have other assets. —…

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Think Paul Ryan, the RINO that used to be Speaker of the House and ran as Mitt Romney’s VP is on your side? Think again. Not only is he trying to take down Trump, but he’s deeply connected to Biden’s far-left Supreme Court Justice nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. In fact, she’s married to a man named Patrick Jackson. Patrick is the twin brother of Paul Ryan’s brother-in-law, William Jackson. And while Ryan the RINO claims that their politics are different, he’s done what he can to advance her legal career, a legal career that means advancing leftism in the courts.…

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Florida State University is currently running a federally-funded (and thus really taxpayer-funded) program called PURPOSE (Partners United for Research Pathways Oriented to Social Justice in Education) that, as its name implies, inserts wokeness into a curriculum. As the program’s website states: The theme of the PURPOSE program is, “Social Justice: Using Research to Address Inequities in Education”. Students from FSU and FAMU will have opportunities to develop their own research projects during the yearlong fellowship by engaging research problems targeting educational injustices. One of our program outcomes is a value for participating in the process of social justice, with the…

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Governor DeSantis isn’t the only one giving a rousing speech at CPAC. Texas Senator Ted Cruz just gave a great one too. Beginning with a joke poking fun at Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who was caught maskless in a photo while students had to remain masked, Cruz said: “What an amazing sight. Thousands of patriots and not a damn mask in sight. Obviously, everyone here is just following Stacey Abrams’ example.” It was then that he went after the left and its war on liberty. Beginning that portion of his speech by saying “We find ourselves at an existential…

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, appearing at CPAC for a speech, decided to hit at one of the biggest issues facing America today: the mind virus of wokeness that has taken over everything from corporate America to the military, destroying whatever it touches in the process. Speaking on that, he started off strong, blasting the woke radicals for their attacks on the Founding Fathers, attacks on this great nation’s heritage and history. In his words: “Woke is the new religion of the left and this is what they have in mind. That’s why they want CRT because they want to divide…

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Though Trudeau has now surrendered his Emergency Powers, giving in to the massive pressure pushing him to give such powers up and saying: “The situation is no longer an emergency, therefore the federal government will be ending the use of the emergencies act. We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are sufficient.” However,  at least one aspect of the tyranny remains: those that supported the protest are still debanked, with their assets frozen and bank accounts canceled in the name of public safety. Breitbart, reporting on that, had this to say: Under the Emergencies Act invoked by this week…

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Matt Gaetz, the rock-ribbed Florida conservative congressman, is one of President Trump’s most consistent congressional defenders. While many RINOs and Conservative, Inc. Republicans waver back and forth in their support of him, Gaetz is always by Trump’s side. Further, because he’s much more a populist than an establishment Republican, Gaetz is willing to think outside the box for ways to achieve political victories and score wins that the RINOs wouldn’t have ever thought of, much less seriously contemplated. He pushed one such idea recently, as Newsweek reports, saying that Trump should become Speaker of the House, at least temporarily. According…

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President Trump isn’t the only one who ripped into Biden’s plan to stop Putin with sanctions, saying that such a response is weak and not going to stop Putin. Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat representative from Hawaii, also took Biden to task for his sanctions plan, albeit taking a different line of attack on them. Speaking on the sanctions plan, Gabbard told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that what sanctions will do is increase costs for Americans. First, saying that sanctions don’t work at stopping Putin but do work at raising the costs for consumers, Tulsi said: “The reality is the…

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When he was running for president, Biden (in)famously promised voters in South Carolina that he’d nominate a black woman for a seat on the Supreme Court if he got the chance to do so. Then, Justice Breyer’s retirement was announced and Joe reaffirmed his commitment to that plan, promising to exclude an entire gender and many races from his selection process. Many, viewing that overt racial and sexual discrimination with horror, objected, saying that it is, or at least should be, illegal for him to pick someone on the basis of their melanin and gender rather than merit and character,…

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With the death of Epstein’s pimp in France, a suspicious death with a complete lack of any video evidence proving the claim that he did actually kill himself, Ghislaine Maxwell’s family is worried that she’ll “kill herself” next. Or, as John McAfee put it before his suspicious death, they’re worried that someone will tell her “we’re going to kill yourself.” As the New York Post reports about her family and its worries: “The family of Ghislaine Maxwell say they fear for her safety after model agent Jean-Luc Brunel was found hanged in his Paris prison cell on Saturday. […]“It’s really…

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The Democrats are often blamed for rising levels of crime. Whether it be their soft on crime policies, their championing of ideas like legalizing drugs and honoring lifelong criminals like George Floyd, or their modern “defund the police” stance, many see them as the reason why crime levels have risen so precipitously. They claim that’s unfair and are trying to push back against the allegation, with big-name figures like Biden and Pelosi trying to say that Democrats aren’t actually for defunding the police and that to say otherwise is just to further a vicious rumor. However, one claim they typically…

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One of the most-watched battles in the GOP’s internal war against the RINOs is the primary battle for Wyoming’s sole House of Representatives seat, where conservative Harriet Hageman is going up against infamous Trump-hater Liz Cheney. Cheney is relying on the typical RINO crowd, George Bush among them, for fundraising and support, hoping that voters will somehow look past her censure from the RNC, anti-Trump rhetoric, and participation on the hated January 6th Committee. Hageman, on the other hand, is attempting to ride the populist wave and is relying on the bases of support typical to it. She secured Trump’s…

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Americans want less immigration, not more. While that’s true of legal immigration, it’s doubly true of illegal immigration, something that native-born Americans and those that legally immigrated here both see as a plague and flagrant violation of the law. Well, normal Americans, right and left think that way. They see that immigration depresses wages, can see that illegal immigrants commit crimes, and want it to stop. The elites, however, don’t. Whether RINO politicians, corporatist Democrats, or the corporate sponsors of both those groups, they like the cheap labor supply created by illegal immigration and want to keep that pipeline of…

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Our president often doesn’t seem to be “all there” mentally. Though he was somehow elected president, his brain seems mushier than the lukewarm oatmeal he eats in the morning while hiding out in the White House basement, which makes it all the more interesting to see what weird thing he’s doing or up to in photos and videos of him bumbling about. Recently, one such photo dropped, with Biden posting this ridiculously awkward photo on Twitter: Let’s go, @TeamUSA! Jill and I are so proud of everything America’s athletes have accomplished so far, and we look forward to seeing what…

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Though Governor Glenn Youngkin is now in control of Virginia, the Old Dominion still has many radical Democrats in its legislature, Democrats that support abortion policies that shock the conscience even more so than the typical abortion policies favored by leftists. That’s a problem in the Virginia Senate, which is controlled by leftists, but also a problem that is exposed in the House, in which the GOP has only a slight majoriy. Democrats in that chamber, abortion radicals, voted against a bill that would mandate keeping babies that survive abortion alive. As the Federalist reports: The Republican-controlled Virginia House passed HB…

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Andy Ngo is one of the brave reporters who, at great physical and mental cost to himself, has done everything possible to expose Antifa as the vicious gang of thugs that it really is. Despite being attacked and brutalized by those vicious thugs, he’s kept on pressing and exposing their attacks on the basic pillars of civil society. Most recently, he exposed, over the course of a massive Twitter thread Antifa’s involvement in a shooting, coverup of it, and targeting of individual police officers in Portland. The story begins with a shooting in a Portland park, a shooting about which…

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