Author: will

One problem many of the best red states have experienced is the problem of blue staters moving to them because their blue states became unlivable, but then continuing to vote Democrat anyway. That’s especially problem for the more pleasant states to live in, whether the balmy state of Florida or the beautiful state of Idaho; rich Californians and New Yorkers flee there only to vote in a way that would turn them into a spitting image of the broken down, crime-ridden, Democrat-run hellholes that they fled from. The weather, low taxes, beautiful views, and good governance draws Americans like a…

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Tired of dealing with constant social media censorship? Of seeing your account suspended on Twitter for making fun of Hillary, of seeing your Instagram or Facebook account hit for some meme you posted that was fact-checked or for an article you shared that the powers that be dislike? Well, your wait and hope for a better, less oppressive social media platform might finally be here: Trump’s social media app, Truth Social, a Twitter-like app, just came out this morning, 2/21! The app, scheduled to release on the morning of the 21st actually did so, with the app automatically downloading for…

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Many Americans don’t trust the DOJ and FBI anymore. On the left, years of protests against the police mean that few law enforcement agencies are trusted, even ones that, like the FBI, generally do their bidding. On the right, years of scandals from the DOJ and FBI have near completely eroded the average conservative’s faith in them. Between Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton and then dropping charges into Hillary Clinton, the FBI working with Hillary to spy on Trump, the DOJ’s witch hunt into Trump’s phantom Russia connections, and the labeling of parents who protest CRT in schools as…

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Are you upset by the information coming out of Canada, often in the form of shocking tweets like the one below, where thuggish police officers brutalize peaceful protesters for no other reason than that those protesters dared to stand up to the incompetent, tyrannical regime? Footage from Chaba Vizi’s last Facebook live stream demonstrates that he promises to surrender peacefully. He is in orange. He exits his truck, kneels down and places his hands behind his head before the police beat him. Livestream at 11 min, 41 seconds: — Gregg Re (@gregg_re) February 21, 2022 Well, so are…

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If there’s one problem right now that’s more pressing than any other, it’s the problem of woke school boards allowing far-left teachers to indoctrinate their young pupils and their labile minds with toxic, anti-American ideology. Whether that means pushing Critical Race Theory, an openly racist ideology, on them, pushing LGBTQ nonsense on them, or “simply” teaching that America is a historical bad guy, it’s a major danger. The youths are the ones that will own the future; if they’re all CRT-zombies or anti-American ideologues, it’s hard to imagine a particularly bright future for our republic. So, the woke school boards…

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Ted Cruz has been on the outs with the MAGA movement since he exposed his true colors and said that the January 6th protesters are “terrorists” and that what happened that day was a “violent terrorist attack.” Specifically, when discussing the issue in the Senate, he said: “We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week … And it is an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol, where we saw the men and women of law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage, incredible bravery — risk their lives for the Capitol.” Though he later went on Tucker Carlson to grovel…

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When George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney ran for president, many conservatives weren’t particularly happy. Whether they disagreed with the foreign policy views of those neocons and RINOs, thought they weren’t tough enough on the culture war issues that define current politics, or anything else, many in the GOP wanted someone else. But, in the name of choosing the lesser evil, they sucked it up and backed Romeny, McCain, or whoever else. The RINOs, however, are unable to do that. Romney and McCain spat on all the goodwill shown to them by real conservatives and constantly worked to…

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If you’re a Democrat and CNN is reporting something negative about you, then you know you’re doing a bad job, even if CNN only implies that what’s going wrong is your fault. Though the pedo-afflicted network is trying to rebrand itself in the wake of a massive ratings drop and successive sex and pedophilia-related scandals, that’s still true; CNN, for now, at least, is a regime mouthpiece for the left. Which made its recent report on gas prices in California. In the article, CNN claims: “Gas in California hit a record high of $4.72 a gallon on average on Wednesday…

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Remember back when Hunter Biden was minting money by selling his art to people who definitely weren’t at all interested in winning influence with or favors from the Biden Administration by shelling out tens of thousands of dollars on subpar paintings? Back when some of the pieces were selling for up to $500k each and a gallery in SoHo was selling 15 of his works to the same group of people that definitely didn’t want anything other than to enjoy some subpar art by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on it? Funny how that new line of work for…

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With modern Democrats come soft on crime policies. With soft on crime policies come increased levels of crime. And with increased levels of crime come even more horrific predations on law-abiding citizens: rapes, murders, and other vile displays of human depravity that shouldn’t happen in civilized countries yet do because police aren’t empowered to effectively deal with criminals. Hence the police having to tell the sad tale of the murder of 38-year-old Christi Spicuzza, an Uber driver and mother of four who was shot in the head and killed by Calvin Crew, a 22-year-old black male. Here’s what the Pittsburg…

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Durham’s investigation of Hillary Clinton and her spying on Donald Trump both before and during his presidency might be one of the most important legacies of the Trump presidency. While much of the other things Trump did were through executive orders and quickly scrapped by Team Biden (such as the Remain in Mexico policy that temporarily proved so effective), Durham’s investigation of the Russiagate hoax has continued, slowly but steadily getting closer to exposing Hillary’s malfeasance. But now that he’s finally hitting paydirt and delving into the facts about Hillary’s spying operation, many Republicans expect that AG Garland might do…

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Mark Levin appeared on Hannity the other night and sounded off on the America-hating leftists that are currently pushing America to the brink with their radical policies. Levin began with a nod to Rush Limbaugh, the hero of modern conservatism and conservative radio that passed away a year ago. Speaking about Rush, Levin described him as “Irreplaceable in so many respects…our George Washington quite frankly.” He then used that reference to Limbaugh as George Washington as a way to jump off his blistering attack on the leftists that have done so much to erase American history and tear down any…

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This video is hilarious. In it, an MSNBC reporter discussing the situation in Canada not only gets drowned out by the crowd of pro-freedom Canadian patriots surrounding him, but humiliated by their anti-media sentiments. MSNBC getting that friendly treatment — ⭐El Scorpio⭐ (@jonnyRevv) February 20, 2022 As you can hear in the video, the MSNBC host tries dismissing the protesters, then when their shouts become overpowering, tries to make it all about himself and his profession, saying that they’re gathering because of “the way they feel about the media and they are venting it loudly.” No, they’re gathering because…

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Well, it’s official, protesting is illegal in Canada if you’re clamoring for something other than a viewpoint approved by the woke regime. BLM, Antifa, and other leftist thugs can do whatever they want, but the working class isn’t allowed to protest in favor of its interests anymore, and those that do will be tracked down by thuggish members of the Canadian police. Watch that dystopian announcement here: Ottawa Police Chief to convoy protesters: “if you are involved in this protest we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges” — Efron Monsanto…

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It used to be that people defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result. Well, thanks to the soft-on-crime policies of leftist politicians and Soros-backed prosecutors and DAs, it’s time to change that definition to “letting criminals out of jail on $0 bail over and over again and hoping they don’t commit more crimes after facing no repercussions for their past crimes.” Why? Because that’s exactly what those radical, pro-criminal prosecutors and DAs are doing and it is utterly insane. One of the most ridiculous examples of what zero dollar bail,…

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Bill Maher might be a leftist, but he certainly gets things right about China, a nation that he correctly sees as evil and a major threat to America. Speaking on that issue during the Friday broadcast of his show, HBO’s “Real Time,” Maher took a sledgehammer both to the communist nation and those corporations and celebrities that make excuses for it. He began by savagely criticizing Eileen Gu, the Olympic skier that was born in the US but chose to represent Red China, a genocidal, authoritarian state in the Olympics. Ripping her, Maher said: “Now, if you’ve been like me…

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Well, another Epstein associate bit the dust, “hanging himself” under suspicious circumstances in a French jail cell. As announced on Twitter, “JUST IN – Jean-Luc Brunel, the former model scout who’s been accused of trafficking underage girls to Jeffrey #Epstein, “found dead” in his prison cell in France.“ JUST IN – Jean-Luc Brunel, the former model scout who’s been accused of trafficking underage girls to Jeffrey #Epstein, “found dead” in his prison cell in France. — (@disclosetv) February 19, 2022   Brunel was being held at La Santé in Paris, which the Sun reports is one of…

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AOC, after being caught maskless in Florida, infamously claimed that she was only being criticized by Republicans because they wanted to date her. Well, she might have topped that in a recent video in which she, while putting on makeup, looks into the camera and says “I’m alone today.” Tucker, mocking her for it, repeated the line, saying I’m alone today,” then joked about what the line implied, saying “Is it just us, or does that sound like an invitation to a booty call? Maybe one step from, ‘What are you wearing?’ Either way, it’s a little strange.” Tucker: Is…

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The GOP had an opportunity to win a major victory against the Covid tyrants on Thursday, an opportunity that slipped through its fingers thanks to the efforts of a handful of RINOs that decided to skip out of town rather than stick around and vote. As you’ll remember, the Senate is currently split 50-50, with a few on each side occasionally switching sides if they smell political opportunity in doing so. But, generally votes are party line, so Democrats will win thanks to Kamala’s ability to cast the tie-breaking vote. Unless a Democrat or two is missing, in which case…

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Hillary is having a rough time of it after Special Counsel Durham released his bombshell report that she and her minions spied on President Donald Trump by bugging Trump Tower, the Executive Office of the President, and other locations both during his campaign and after he was president. Numerous members, indeed nearly the entirety of the GOP are blasting her for espionage, a capital crime, and even many Democrats that are sick of the Clinton family’s corruption are taking her to task and demanding an investigation into her criminality. However, she has managed to stay out of the public spotlight…

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American parents are revolting against the leftist hypocrites that have turned schools into a terrifying combo of leftist indoctrination camps and forced masking centers. Every day, little kids trundle off to school or are shipped there in buses only to be told that being white is evil, being straight is weird, and that the GOP is full of people who are “literally Hitler.” And while some rainbow flag-waving blue hair screeches that, they’re forced to wear a scratchy, uncomfortable mask. Yet worse, this biomedical police state has gone on for so long that many kids don’t know what normal school…

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As the tyrannical Prime Minister of Canada, Fidel Castro Jr., err…Justin Trudeau, cracks down on peaceful protesters in a massive show of force, arresting many and sending in the riot police to crush those who want nothing more than a restoration of their rights, American truckers are bravely preparing to start standing up for theirs. Those American truckers, going by the name “The People’s Convoy,” are gathering in California and preparing, like the Canadian truckers before them, to roll across the country in a massive show of force against the tyrannical government, culminating in their arrival in D.C. What is…

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The Old Dominion’s new governor, Glenn Youngkin, is on a bit of a winning streak. Over the past couple days, he’s passed a law banning mask mandates into law and won an at least temporary victory over the leftist recalcitrants in Loudoun County in a judge granting an emergency injunction against the attempt of those leftists to institute a mask mandate. While ordinary Virginians, the ones who actually have to suffer under the weight of looney leftist mandates, are quite pleased with Youngkin’s victories, especially since his policies are just why they elected him governor, not everyone is happy that…

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Speaking to Just the News, former Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan had harsh words for the Biden Administration and the utter chaos at the border. As background, the American-Mexican border is far worse than it has been for a long time, perhaps ever, from an illegal immigration perspective. That’s because perhaps two million illegals have flooded into the US under Biden, with some areas of Texas seeing a more than 215% increase recently. That’s a major problem, and one that shows no signs of letting up as Biden would rather focus on the Russo-Ukrainian border than the one…

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Devon Archer, a longtime business associate of Hunter Biden, former crack addict and the president’s son, was recently convicted of felony securities fraud thanks to a scheme in which he fleeced an Indian tribe out of millions of dollars. While Elizabeth Warren is yet to comment on Bide’s business partners stealing yet more money from her people, Archer himself is using the intense scrutiny placed on him thanks to his connection with Hunter Biden in a desperate bid to get out of prison time. Claiming that he’s already been punished enough because he was raked over the coals in the…

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Senator Josh Hawley is not only one of the strongest-backboned conservatives in the Senate, but also one of the few members of the GOP that understands the party needs to change how it handles the issues it now faces. In his view, a view shared with many on the New Right, the old mode of preaching about individual liberty and deregulation won’t cut it in an environment where corporations are generally our enemies and “individual liberty” has been taken to mean that any degeneracy is acceptable. Instead, he’s all for hitting back at corporations, regulating Big Tech and throttling those…

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The Commonwealth of Virginia used to be a red state, back in the good ole days. Then DC got bigger, NoVa expanded along with it, and blue-staters flooded into man the bureaucratic apparatus and leftie institutions in DC, swarming into Northern Virginia like a plague of nosering-wearing locusts and turning the state blue. As a result, the Old Dominion was poorly governed by nutty leftists for years, the only southern state to have to suffer under the tattoed, soy-filled thumb of leftist rule. Perhaps the boot grinding them beneath its heel had a rainbow flag on it. In any case,…

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Sen. Scott, who recently took the media to task for mindlessly parroting the Clinton Campaign’s talking points about Trump’s “collusion” with Russia before and after the 2016 election, isn’t the only one calling out the corporate press for its role in furthering the scandal. The former president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., recently appeared on Hannity with much the same message, ripping the press “clowns” for colluding with the Clinton Campaign to spy on President Trump and push the message that he was colluding with the Russians. Watch him here: As you can hear in the video, Don. Jr takes the…

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According to Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), it’s time for the GOP to go after Hillary and her minions for spying on Trump, taking whatever action is necessary to hold them accountable for their perfidy before and after the 2016 election. As you can hear in the video, Senator Scott is going on the offense against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, using Durham’s court filing heard round the world, one in which he accuses Hillary of paying a tech company to infiltrate Trump’s servers and spy on them, to press for “accountability.” Speaking on that, Scott said “They spied and they…

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Nancy Pelosi gets all the attention for making money hand over fist on stock trades that are suspiciously timed given what regulations and bills she is considering, but she’s hardly the only one in DC suspected of stock trading-related corruption. Another is Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, who is suspected by The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust’s (FACT) of not reporting certain stock trades. Specifically, FACT alleges that Ms. Granholm improperly reported nine stock trades that were collectively worth about a quarter of a million dollars, a violation of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act. According to Business…

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Though Governor Ron DeSantis is snagging all the headlines for his brutal fight with the lazy, leftist teacher unions and woke school boards in that state, he’s not the only one fighting back against the plague of wokeness that’s swept over America’s schools. In fact, victories are being won across the union, most recently, and indeed surprisingly, in normally woke San Francisco, where parents just booted woke school board members from their positions of power by a massive margin. Specifically, the San Francisco voters rid themselves of three particularly bad school board members in a recall election: Alison Collins, Gabriela…

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If you were told to describe Biden and his policies and a few words, while there are certainly some four-letter words that you’d want to say, “ineffective” and “goofy” are probably ones that would pop up somewhere on your list. Well, those are exactly the words that Larry Summers, an economist who worked for the Obama Administration, used to describe the “gas tax holiday” that’s being floated in D.C. as a way to alleviate the gas price problem that’s gradually turning into a crisis. As background, the price of crude oil for the US breached $90 a barrel and holding…

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Jennifer Sey was the brand president for Levi’s a massive jeans company that she alleges has gone woke in recent years. Despite the cushy job and massive amount of money that came with it, she put morals and her personal values over comfort and cash and quit, resigning and releasing an open letter titled “Yesterday I Was Levi’s Brand President. I Quit So I Could Be Free.” In the letter, released on Substack, she has this to say about the company and its drift toward unbearable wokeness: Today, I’m doing just that [resigning from Levi’s]. Why? Because, after all these…

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Senator Kennedy is quickly becoming one of the most outspoken critics of globalist figures and regimes. Whether fighting against Biden’s commie nominee, ripping Biden’s low IQ and woke crime policies, or even blasting such integral pieces of the leftist dogma as Roe v. Wade, Sen. Kennedy is willing to stand up and say what many people are thinking but few have the guts to utter. Recently, he expanded his list of attacks, going from domestic globalist enemies to foreign parts of the globalist regime, tearing into Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his tyrannical recent actions, namely the decision to start…

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Team Biden hasn’t been the best about answering questions. Whereas Trump would always stop and talk to the press, a quality that kept America informed but wasn’t always in his best interest, Biden rarely speaks to the press and his officials are little better. He, when asked questions at the end of prepared remarks, is often just ushered off stage before he has a chance to respond and Psaki, his press secretary, is known for refusing to answer the questions of reporters in the White House press pool. Well, that refusing to answer questions about important issues trend is continuing…

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If it weren’t for West Virginia senator Joe Manchin, America would be in a significantly worse place right now. Though he’s still a Democrat and Slow Joe, despite Manchin, has still managed to push through a bit of radical leftist garbage, there is far less of it passed into law than if a Chuck Schumer acolyte or spineless RINO was in Manchin’s position. While his complete resistance to both ideas was certainly his best hour, it’s not just the Build Back Better bill and nuking of the Senate filibuster that Manchin is using his power to shoot down. He’s also…

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What does the ATF do? It attacks your 2nd Amendment rights, shoots your dogs, and burns down your compound with kids still inside it. Or, at least, that’s how it lives in the public’s consciousness after the Waco disaster of the 90s and continuous scandals and ridiculous rulings since then. From bump stocks to David Koresh, it’s made a number of bad calls. Continuing that trend, it posted a Stalinist-sounding tweet on Valentine’s Day, saying: Valentine’s Day can still be fun even if you broke up. Do you have information about a former (or current) partner involved in illegal gun…

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As the Twitter censorship gets more and more egregious, slapping down speech that’s in no way illegal simply for going against the leftist narrative, the need for a widely agreed upon, conservative-focused alternative is becoming all the more necessary. Parler was good, but never really got its mojo back after the sickening Amazon, Apple, and Google ban that took it down for months. Now it’s just full of spam and lots of dead accounts. Similarly, there were high hopes for Gettr and Gab, but neither has quite the usefulness of Twitter. Gettr is too small and approaches an echo chamber…

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Race-based admissions are a major issue right now thanks to a brave group of Asian applicants that are once again bringing the matter of affirmative action before the Supreme Court. As their case is heard and the potential for an end to the overtly racist affirmative action program that many schools have adopted is placed in the crosshairs, a lurking question is if any of the justices will have the guts to speak up on the issue and help the others see the light and gain the courage to strike down the policy. If one looks at Justice Clarence Thomas’…

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The Covid policies pushed by blue state governors, leftist celebrities, and incompetent bureaucrats have grown increasingly unpopular as the policies have dragged on for month after month, year after year. Thanks to those policies, businesses were closed lives ruined, schools moved online indefinitely, and almost everyone was, at one point or another, forced to wear the hated, uncomfortable, in many cases not super effective masks. Now, however, those policies are finally ending. The masks have been exposed in the press, even the mainstream press, the lockdowns have finally come to an end in the sane states, and schools are finally…

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