Author: will

If you’re a family in Washington State, wanting to live a simple life in the suburbs and avoid the problems of living in a city, then your state has a message for you: too bad! There, Governor Inslee is mulling legalizing multi-family zoning statewide, which would wipe out single-family only neighborhoods, replacing quiet, pretty suburbs with crowded apartment facilities. The governor’s agenda to combat homelessness, available here, presents the idea by saying: “Despite the dire need for additional housing stock and a greater variety of housing types, we continued to build low-density, detached residential homes and units at about double…

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The Brandon Administration, already not known for being particularly lacking in officials suspected of corruption and shady dealing, has added another name to the list of suspect characters. That would be Dr. Robert Califf, Brandon’s nomination to head the FDA. What’s wrong with him? Well, as reported in the American Thinker, Califf is in bed with Big Pharma: Dr. Califf has deeper ties to the pharmaceutical industry than any FDA commissioner in recent memory, and he lacks a public health background. Dr. Califf founded the Duke Clinical Research Institute, which runs research trials for pharmaceutical companies and today has more than 1,200…

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China’s upping its aggression and preparations for war, now going from high-profile and escalatory but otherwise useless missions like sending flights of jets and bombers to Taiwan to missions that signal a commitment to waging sophisticated warfare. Most recently, that preparation for war took the form of naval drills in the Pacific, where a six-ship carrier group including the Liaoning reportedly began operating recently. That’s according to USNI News, which added that: The PLAN carrier group featuring Liaoning, destroyer Nanchang (101), a Luyang III-class destroyer, frigate Rizhao (598) and another Type 54A Jiangkai II frigate, along with a Type 901 replenishment ship, was in the…

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Apparently, Austria can’t help but revert to its dark history in times of crisis. Now, after already pushing forward a law that would allow it to heavily fine and perhaps even arrest those that refuse the jab, it’s looking for Gestapo-like volunteers to hunt down those that don’t want the vaxx. That’s according to an article on Swiss news site “The Blick,” the English translation of which has this to say: Linz now wants to engage people who are supposed to control vaccination refusals, as reported ” today “. They should check whether those who do not get vaccinated are…

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Elon Musk has been on a tear recently. Whether labeling Lyin’ Liz Warren “Senator Karen” or slamming Bernie on Twitter, he’s managed to decimate some of the far left rubes that once dominated the news cycle. And it doesn’t look like he’s stopping any time soon. In fact, if a recent, hilarious podcast interview he did with the Babylon Bee is any guide, he’s just getting funnier and his comments even more pointed. For example, when asked about a tweet in which he said “Please don’t call the manager on me, Senator Karen,” to Senator Pocahontas, he said: “She struck…

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It’s not just outmigration that is ravaging blue states, though that’s certainly a major issue for states like California and New York. Rather, a lack of childbirths is quickly becoming a problem for the entire US, as population growth plummeted to a minuscule 0.1% between 2020 and 2021, with the growth of under 1 million people being the lowest number since 1937, a time when the population was far smaller and the Great Depression still occurring. As ABC News reported: U.S. population growth dipped to its lowest rate since the nation’s founding during the first year of the pandemic as…

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The Pinko Pope never lets Catholic doctrine or basic logical reasoning get in the way of his papal pronouncements. That’s been seen in his working with fake Catholic, abortion-pushing politicians like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Now, it’s coming up again because of Viktor Orban. Orban, one of the greatest defenders of the West, is refusing to listen to an EU diktat that his nation take in hordes of Middle Eastern and African migrants. Like Rome in its glory days, Poland in the present, or America under sane administrations, he’d prefer to keep the rampaging hordes out of his nation.…

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Given that the Pantsuit Empire loves to involve itself in the internal affairs of other nations on the basis of “genocide” claims (just look at the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine from the post-Cold War period), you’d think it’d actually call out genocides. Well, you’d be wrong. The US Department of State, in a document entitled “A Call to Prevent Genocide,” had this to say: December 9 marks the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of Victims of the Crime of Genocide and the Prevention of this Crime, offering a moment to reflect upon the great evil that exists in our world and to recommit ourselves to do everything in our power to stop it.  People…

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Given the massive increase in tensions with Red China, especially over the island of Taiwan, you’d think the Navy would be readying its sailors for, well, naval combat. But, of course, this isn’t the American military of days past. This is the modern, woke military, filled with social justice warriors rather than real warriors. As a result, your otherwise reasonable predictions of intensive combat training would be incorrect; instead, the Navy is focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion training. Reports of that come from John Noonan on Twitter, who had this to say in response to a USNI News post…

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As news has come out of just how lenient Soros-backed prosecutors tend to be, with the prime example being the unjustifiably light sentences given to Darrell Brooks, the Wakeusha killer, for his previous misdeeds, calls have echoed for the removal of those Soros-backed prosecutors. And it’s not just the Twitter-bound, very online right that wants them gone. Now, even members of the Senate, theoretically the august body of the legislature, are calling for them to be removed. One of the most prominent is Tom Cotton, who, in an op-ed titled “Recall, Remove & Replace Every Last Soros Prosecutor,” demanded that…

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It’s no surprise that Americans as a whole aren’t huge fans of Brandon. From the “Let’s Go Brandon!” and “F*** Joe Biden” chants heard in nearly every stadium around the country to the general lack of enthusiasm shown for him, it’s obvious that Team Brandon isn’t exactly FDR in his first 100 days. Still, the total lack of support can be a bit surprising, given that Democrats make up about 30% of the population is affiliated with the DNC. Since between about 27% and 30% of the population is Democrat, you’d expect them to at least say that they strongly…

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Think your tax dollars are being put to good use? Think again. Not only are irresponsible states like California shelling billions of them out to fraudsters, but California is also apparently using federal dollars to pay delinquent mortgages. Yes, you read that correctly. Your tax dollars are being used to pay the delinquent mortgage of some irresponsible Californian. That’s because the US Treasury decided to back and approve Newsom’s $1 billion dollar mortgage relief grant program, which would provide financial aid to the thousands of Californians who fell behind on their mortgage payments during the Covid pandemic. Adding more details…

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As Americans flee tyrannical, high-tax blue states for free, low-tax red states, one of the states hardest hit by outmigration has been California. Apparently, paying sky-high taxes to live in a shoebox surrounded by homeless heroin addicts isn’t the American Dream for most people. In fact, California has become so unappealing that it lost over 350,000 citizens in 2021; 367,300 left the state, to be exact. According to the census report, although California is still one of three states in the union with over 20 million residents, it lost the most people to outmigration, with the aforementioned 367k fleeing it…

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When the Council of Worms demanded he recant, Martin Luther famously responded by saying “here I stand, I can do no other.” Jesse Watters, the comedy-focused Fox News host who has recently become Fauci’s public enemy #1, is saying much the same, refusing to recant or back down despite Fauci’s demands. The background is that Watters, speaking at AmeriFest, told the crowd to “ambush” Fauci, by which he obviously meant that he thought that conservatives, if they see Fauci in public, should “ambush” him with tough questions. Fauci, intentionally taking the comment out of context and refusing to think reasonably…

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Both on the right and left, there’s intense speculation over who will run in 2024. Democrats, obviously wanting to get rid of Biden but with no suitable candidate to replace him, are bickering amongst themselves. Republicans, split between MAGA and Conservative, Inc., are similarly divided over who to put up and, if the MAGA side is chosen, whether Trump or DeSantis would be the better choice. Furthermore, on the GOP side, while Pence, Trump, and DeSantis have dominated the headlines, there are other candidates waiting to strike if the time seems right. One such man is Senator and former presidential…

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As China increases its efforts to control the conversation in the West, using everything from radio stations to deals with Amazon to push its weight around overtly and everything from subterfuge to MSS (the CCP’s secret police) agents to push the party line covertly, standing up to the Reds is becoming more and more important. Unfortunately, many Americans, especially on the left, either side with China or don’t recognize the stakes. Rather than standing up to the Red Dragon, they keep their opinions hidden or back down if they accidentally say the wrong thing. Fortunately, however, a brave few are…

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The leftist insanity over abortion continues unabated. Now, in Illinois, Gov. J.B. Pritzker has signed a bill that will allow minors to get abortions without notifying their parents. That’s right; the bill he signed repeals an amendment that required girls 17 or younger to notify a parent or guardian 48 hours before the abortion. So, now, they will no longer need to even let a parent know before having a doctor kill a baby. When signing the bill, Pritzker, according to a press release, said: “With reproductive rights under attack across the nation, Illinois is once again establishing itself as…

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While we often fret about the damage done by covert Chinese activities, such as its coercion of NGOs like the WHO or the information stolen during Chinese industrial espionage attacks, what shouldn’t be forgotten is the damage done by some of the CCP’s more overt activities. For example, Amazon is pushing a pro-CCP message on America through “China Books,” Confucius Institutes on America’s campus’s regularly push pro-CCP messaging, and public figures like John Cena and LeBron James regularly bow to the CCP, showing its dominance of America. Now there’s another example of that CCP propaganda to note; a DC radio…

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Echoing Hillary’s infamous “deplorables” statement, Bette Midler recently launched a disgustingly denigrating attack on West Virginians because Manchin refused to back the Build Back Better bill. Taking to Twitter after his announcement that he would not be supporting the leftist bill, Middler said: “What #JoeManchin, who represents a population smaller than Brooklyn, has done to the rest of America, who wants to move forward, not backward, like his state, is horrible. He sold us out. He wants us all to be just like his state, West Virginia. Poor, illiterate and strung out.” It’s to be assumed, at this point, that…

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It’s not just that Americans don’t want more lockdowns to deal with Omicron. They also are of the opinion that the original set of lockdowns did more harm than good. That information comes from a Rasmussen poll, which found that: Looking back, 58% of voters believe that shutting down businesses and locking down society did more harm than good. A Scott Rasmussen national survey found that 35% disagree and 17% are not sure. More specifically, when asked “Looking back, did many states and cities overreact to the coronavirus pandemic in ways that did more harm than good?,” 48% of those polled…

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Will Hillary and her team finally be held accountable for their role in creating the Russia Hoax? Perhaps; John Durham’s investigation is finally looking into the Clinton campaign. That’s according to the Washington Examiner, which reported that: Special counsel John Durham told a federal court that he is scrutinizing members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign as part of his criminal inquiry into the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation. Durham’s team asked a judge to “inquire into a potential conflict of interest” related to the lawyers for British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s main anti-Trump dossier source, noting…

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Jesse Watters, during his speech at AmericaFest, told the crowd to harass Dr. Fauci in public, saying “Now you go in with the kill shot – deadly. Because, with an ambush, he doesn’t see it coming.” Obviously, he meant only that people should verbally excoriate the gravel-voiced flip-flopper, not that conservatives should actually ambush Fauci Bushwacker style. But, of course, the same left that claimed protests were “fiery, but mostly peaceful” feels no need to delve into what Watters actually meant, and instead wants to take his comments out of context and frame them as being a call to violence,…

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Americans might have thought they did away with segregation during the Civil Rights Era, but now it’s coming back with a vengeance. And, this time the land of Dixie isn’t to blame: radical, vaxx-crazed leftists are. In Boston, for example, Mayor Michelle Wu just banned the unvaccinated from indoor venues. That’s right, tax-paying citizens are being discriminated against by their government on the basis of their vaccination status, with those that haven’t taken the jab being kept out of places like gyms, bars, theaters, and sports arenas. Here’s what the Boston Herald report Wu said in her statement on the…

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The way Brandon presents it, we all should be thanking him for leading us into the land of milk and honey after four years of wandering in the desert under the bad orange man. That’s coming from Biden’s end-of-year memo, called “2021: POTUS Delivered Results for Working Families.” That memo, distributed to his allies in DC, reportedly said: “Before President Biden took office: less than 1% of Americans were vaccinated. Today: More than 71% of American adults are fully vaccinated.” “Before President Biden took office: less than 46% of schools were open. Today, 99% of schools are open.” And that’s…

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It’s not just American industrial concerns and research establishments that the CCP is sending its spies to infiltrate. Apparently, according to Reuters, the upper reaches of Taiwan’s military, including the president’s protection detail, have been penetrated by CCP spies. Reuters reports that a Chinese national named Xie Xizhang was one of the central players in the plot, saying: On one trip in 2006, Xie met a senior retired Taiwanese navy officer, Chang Pei-ning, over a meal, according to official documents accusing the pair of espionage. Chang would become one of Xie’s agents, the documents allege, helping him penetrate Taiwan’s active…

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Well, this is a story that will likely be told by many horrified parents and bewildered or upset students over the holidays: a DC school apparently had a lesson about the Holocaust in which a teacherhad students simulate the Holocaust. And, in this case, “simulate” doesn’t mean that they had to raise their hands if they held prejudices or other such nonsense typical of schools trying to make a point about racism. Rather, they were actually told to simulate the horrid events of the Holocaust, including simulating digging ditches to dump corpses in. That’s according to Fox 5, which reports…

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With Americans distracted from issues ranging from Manchin’s rejection of the Build Back Better bill to Slow Joe getting a new puppy in a desperate attempt to right his sinking ship, the prosecution and defense in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial made their closing arguments. Ghislaine Maxwell, for those that have been living under a thick, sickening-news resistant rock, was a British woman who partnered with Jeffery Epstein and allegedly helped him recruit and rape young women, many of them minors. The prosecution, in its closing argument, alleged that Maxwell was part of Epstein’s sickening scheme and that she both helped…

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It’s not just economic migrants and Central American “refugees” that are rushing across the border. According to a recent Border Patrol announcement, in which the Border Patrol announced that it had arrested a Saudi Arabian national who is a “potential terrorist” attempting to sneak across the border. As Breitbart reported: According to the Border Patrol, the migrant will be processed for an expedited removal to his home country. The migrant was arrested near County 8 ½ Road west of Yuma. The area has been inundated with crossings recently. Migrants from a multitude of countries are now choosing Yuma as an entry…

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It’s not just that Democrats are looking for ways to get rid of the senile, enfeebled president, Brandon. They’re also looking for their own ways out of what’s shaping up to be a 2022 bloodbath of a red wave. In fact, a total of 23 House Democrats have decided not to run in 2022. Before this past weekend, 21 Democrats had announced they weren’t running. Then, two more, Lucille Roybal-Allard and Albio Sires announced that they would not be running again in 2022. As the New York Post reported: Reps. Lucille Roybal-Allard and Albio Sires have announced they will not…

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Pete Ricketts, the Republican Governor of Nebraska, came out firmly against critical race theory, a Marxist ideology he described as a “betrayal of the civil rights movement,” during a discussion with Breitbart News.  According to that outlet, he said: “Critical race theory is talking about resegregation. It is talking about discriminating his people based upon their skin color. It is a betrayal of the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King, who wanted his children to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.” During the discussion, prompted by the administration of the University…

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As Biden drops in the polls and speculation increases that the Democrats are looking for ways to rid themselves of him, more and more public figures are willing to go on record and criticize him and his disastrous policies. One such figure is West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who slammed Bidenflation on  West Virginia MetroNews’ “Talkline with Hoppy Kercheval.” During that interview, Manchin, discussing the idea of a financial crisis, said “we’re getting into it because they’re making more of a crisis on the individual person today because of the high cost of inflation.” And Manchin didn’t end it there.…

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The news just keeps getting worse for Slow Joe. Now, according to an NPR-Marist poll, it’s not just GOP voters that view Brandon in a deeply negative light. Independents do too. In fact, according to the poll, an amazing 66% of Independent voters disapprove of Brandon, who now has a 41% approval rating and 55% disapproval rating. That’s down substantially in the past few months, as he was still viewed positively by half the nation as late as July of 2021. Since then, however, his missteps have grown only more severe. There was the Afghanistan rout in August, the migrant…

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While the agents of the Pantsuit Empire continue to sink in the polls, former President Trump continues to do quite well. So well, in fact, that a recent poll found that he’s now doing better than both President Brandon and the pinko Pope. The poll, conducted by YouGov and titled “World’s Most Admired 2021,” found that, among men, former President Donald Trump came in 13th, outranked by a variety of characters including former President Obama (who came in #1), Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin. Still, despite placing behind those horrid people, Trump came in ahead of his main rival, Brandon,…

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Given the recent spate of firings at CNN, many due to the former CNN employees engaging in some sort of pedophilic activities, it’s obvious that something is up at the network, a network which was described by a Don Lemon accuser as full of predators and perverts. So, what’s going on? According to Tucker Carlson, who blasted the network in a recent segment, the problem is a “pedo outbreak” at CNN. Watch him here: There’s a pedo outbreak over at CNN — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 21, 2021 As you can watch in the video, Tucker slams the network,…

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A suspicion that many on the right and left hold is that the Democrats intended to install, use, and then quickly remove Biden. Though that’s been the suspicion since he first ran and was backed by almost all the big names in the DNC, it’s increased recently. Why? Because President Brandon, himself no stranger to backroom politics, has proven to be both senile and a disaster. Whether it’s his inane rambling on stage, his seeming inability to end prepared speeches without saying “end of sentence,” or his despised policies, policies that a huge chunk of America view with horror, Americans…

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Though Mitch McConnell refuses to stand up for his constituents and fight the Biden regime when the going gets tough, Manchin is occasionally willing to buck the demands of his party if it means saving the nation. Thankfully, he did so by announcing that he wouldn’t back Brandon’s Build Back Better bill. Unsurprisingly, while Manchin has been much praised by conservative media for doing so, the left is furious with him for saying no to socialism. Most furious of all might be the White House, which was utterly humiliated by his refusal to back its agenda. That fury was shown…

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Generally, it’s not hard to figure out the motive of an attacker that screams “Allahu Akhbar” before attempting to massacre civilians in cold blood; the obvious purpose of such an attack is terrorism, with the almost certain motive being Islamism. But the New York Times can’t accept that, likely because it goes against the regime media narrative that “angry, white men” are the real terrorists and threats to the peace. Hence why, in an article about a terror attack in France in which a bloodthirsty terrorist yelled “Allahu Akhbar” before going on to slaughter French civilians, the New York Times…

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Sadly, it appears that the NBA isn’t the only pro-Red China sports league in America; the NFL has joined it in bowing to the dragon and is now labeling Taiwan as part of China in a new app. That news came (indirectly) from the NFL itself, which tweeted out this picture, along with a statement: As you can see in the picture, both the Chinese mainland and Taiwan are colored red and labeled simply as “China,” with the red flag of the CCP rather than the flag of the Republic of China denoting the nation. Furthermore, the same image is…

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One of Australia’s most maligned anti-Covid actions was to create a quarantine camp. Unfortunately, rather than rejecting such a tyrannical approach, some in America are trying to follow suit. Specifically, the New York State Assembly is pushing legislation that would create such a network of involuntary quartine camps. The proposed legislation, called bill A416 and available for viewing here, is highly objectionable, though its provisions might be hidden by its obtuse, legalistic language. For example, sections 2 and 3 provide: 2. UPON DETERMINING BY CLEAR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE THAT THE HEALTH OF OTHERS IS OR MAY BE ENDANGERED BY A…

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One of the most notable failures of Team Brandon has been the backup of the LA port and the snarling of America’s supply chains. When inflation and supply chain issues first became major issues a few months ago, Americans saw image after image of ships sitting off the California coast, waiting to unload. Since then, the shipping issue has largely faded from the public consciousness. Brandon himself declared victory, most outlets have stopped covering it, and regime media blames inflation on the “greed” of corporations rather than supply chain mismanagement. But the problem, despite being forgotten by many, is far…

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