Author: will

Barack Obama is having a Nero-like, massive mansion built on an estate in Hawaii. It’s a multi-million dollar, extensive compound that’s currently under construction. Recently, a photo of him visiting the Hawaii palace has gone viral because, in the photo, all the workers are wearing masks while Obama is standing around unmasked; masks, apparently, are only for the working class, not people like Obama that are their betters. This is a photo of a maskless Obama today in Hawaii inspecting the construction of his oceanfront mansion while all the blue-collar, working-class construction laborers are FORCED to wear masks in his…

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Another CNN employee (CEO Jeff Zucker), couldn’t keep his organ in his pants, so we’re getting to see more chaos at that network of ill repute. Apparently, it’s gone from being a Democrat talking point production facility to that but with pedos and perverts. No wonder Democrats love it! In any case, that sex scandal, another one in what has turned into a long string for CNN, could have major repercussions for the network, as it’s caused Chris Wallace to regret his decision to leave Fox for CNN and consider trying to get out of his agreement. If he’s thinking…

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As the Democrat Party under Brandon goes more and more insane, running to the left in a desperate attempt to appease the ever woker Democrat base, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is recoiling with horror. At first, that took the form of him rejecting their agenda. Though hopping aboard the Brandon Express with both feet might have led to praise from mainstream media talking heads and pats on the back from the radical leftists walking the halls of Congress, Manchin decided to tack to the right and reflect the priorities and interests of his voters, the citizens of West Virginia.…

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Will GoFundMe get away with canceling the fund of the Freedom Convoy for what were obviously partisan reasons, using its power and popularity as a funding platform to take the wind out of the sails of the massive rally after letting organizers grow dependent on it? Not if Senator Cruz has his way. He, discussing the situation with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures,” criticized the company and said that he’s encouraging the FTC to look into the situation, telling Bartiromo: “Today I sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission asking that the FTC open an investigation…

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Could America start banning goods from Xinjiang, that horrid Chinese province where the communists are using slave labor to produce cheap goods and genocidal tactics to erase the Uighurs? Potentially, if GOP Senator Marco Rubio has his way. He, appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation” to discuss the Russia and China situation with host Margaret Brennan, was asked by her what we could do to strike back against the Chinese. In her words: “Well, and as I mentioned, this alliance between Russia and China seems to be building. On China itself, more than one million Muslim- mostly Muslim minorities, are…

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After quietly removing over one hundred episodes of the highly popular Joe Rogan experience without warning or reason, just disappearing them in the dead of night like a dissident in the USSR, the Spotify president finally spoke out about the situation, doing so in a letter to employees. The full text of the letter can be read in this Twitter thread, which includes screenshots of the letter sent by President Elk to the Spotify employees: Full text of Spotify CEO Daniel Ek’s note to staff: — Peter Kafka (@pkafka) February 7, 2022 Elk begins the letter by validating those…

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In his book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, Peter Schweizer attacks all those American politicians that have used their positions of power to profit off of China. From Joe Biden to Dianne Feinstein, many Democrats are implicated, as are many corrupt DC oligarchs and their armies of lobbyists. But Republicans are too, namely the RINO variety. In particular, Mitch McConnell, the RINO known for backing down to Democrats on budget issues. Schweizer’s attack on Mitch McConnell begins in the 90s, when China was opening up and McConnell was (relatively) young and looking to make his fortune. Thanks…

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GOP Rep. Mike Waltz is one of the strongest China hawks in the House. Whereas many of his fellow members have gotten rich off of Red China, he’s called it out consistently and seems to be one of the few who takes the new Red Menace seriously. Perhaps it’s because he’s a former Green Beret or perhaps he just has his head screwed on straight, but, either way he’s got his mind right on the China problem. As such, he tried running an anti-China ad for his campaign during the Olympics. Called “Genocide Games,” it skewers the Olympic Committee for…

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Mike Pence recently gave a much-derided (on the right, at least) speech in which he attacked former President Trump and claimed that there was no way he could have intervened in the 2020 election. In that speech, he said: “Our Founders were deeply suspicious of consolidated power in the nation’s capital and were rightly concerned with foreign interference if presidential elections were decided in the capital. But there are those in our party who believe that as the presiding officer over the joint session of Congress, I possessed unilateral authority to reject electoral college votes. And I heard this week,…

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America is mad at Brandon. Very mad. Between his ridiculous mandates, absurd policies, obvious senility, and the awful manner in which he has so far handled every issue with which he has been confronted, it’s not hard to tell why: he’s doing a bad job and is somehow doing even worse as time progresses. But, while the anti-Brandon attitude has been obvious for quite a while, the degree to which Americans are furious with him is gradually expanding. Further, like Brandon is doing a worse job of governing over time and his already bad decisions have gotten worse and worse,…

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What’s Georgia gubernatorial hopeful Stacey Abrams doing right now as Kemp and Perdue argue over which of them will be the Republican nominee? Not doing anything to take advantage of that situation, as a smart candidate would do. Rather, she’s putting herself in a bad spot by going maskless around masked kids. The photo comes from her appearance at the Glennwood Elementary School, a school outside Atlanta, where she was meeting with students and teachers while kicking off an “African-American read-in.” Unsurprisingly, Abrams was dumb enough to not know how the photo would be received and, when the school’s principal…

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Former Breitbart head and Trump advisor Steve Bannon is under investigation by the feds and it looks like his already unenviable situation might be even worse than it looks on its face. Now, according to a recently filed court document, the very feds that are charging him are also attacking his ability to defend himself by snooping on one of his lawyers. That document, a motion to compel discovery on the issue of whether his lawyer is, in fact, being spied upon by the government includes numerous shocking claims, which, if true, shine a light on just how far Team…

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Justin Trudeau, in a now-infamous remark about the brave truckers protesting for their rights in Ottowa, slandered those honking and protesting as all the greatest enemies of the liberal minds, saying in a tweet that: “Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we’ve seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days. Together, let’s keep working to make Canada more inclusive.” Well, unsurprisingly, that infuriated many, many Canadians. They saw the truckers for what they are; brave men (generally) resisting a tyrannical attack on their rights peacefully…

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Young Americans get a bad rap. Thanks largely to how much millennials whine and complain about every issue, older Americans tend to think that all young people are leftists that blindly follow whatever fools like AOC and her ilk are saying online. But that’s untrue. While many Gen Z kids are awful and epitomize what is terrible about America right now, following in the worst footsteps of the spoiled, radical millennials, many others are brave patriots that are standing up for what is right even as everything and everyone around them demands that they conform. That was recently seen in…

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In the past, when the GOP has taken power it has shied away from wielding it, saying that it can’t exercise the power it wields because if it does so then the Democrats might do so too in the future. We saw that most obviously when the GOP controlled the House, Senate, and presidency in the first two years of the Trump presidency and did nothing other than pass tax cuts with that power. No investigations, no attacks on enemies, nothing. That would be fine if the Democrats did the same and refused to wield their power out of fear…

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What do the Lincoln Project RINOs (basically Democrats at this point) do besides make fools of themselves in their never-ending quest to defeat the bad orange man with some ridiculous, pro-Democrat scheme or another? Very little. Sexually harass minors, I suppose. But, other than the whole pedo thing, all the Lincoln Project does is try to help the Democrats by slandering Republicans, as we saw when it staged a fake white supremacist rally to try to bring down now-Governor Glenn Youngkin’s campaign in Virginia. None of those attempts have worked, as the Lincoln Project is even worse as political operations…

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As our enemies come more and more to view us as weak thanks to Brandon’s feebleness and utter incompetence, he decided not to reverse that by growing a backbone and acting like a strong president, but to push that perception forward by relieving Iran of its sanctions burden for no commensurate gain. Yes, he’s really doing that. At a time when sanctions are hammering Iran into the ground and keeping it weak, making it one of the states we need to worry less about thanks to its lack of resources as other enemy states act up around the globe, Brandon…

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Rand Paul has it out for Fauci, and for good reason. Whereas Rand Paul is focused on American greatness and individual liberty, Fauci the lying, wizened bureaucrat is much more focused on TV appearances and forcing others to bend the knee and comply with his random, tyrannical diktats. So, the two have a very poor relationship, as can be seen anytime Fauci and Rand clash during hearings; Rand always wins, but Fauci has a way of turning what should be a simple question from the senator into a battleground. Well, while Fauci is likely looking for the next leftist outlet…

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Trump has, somewhat surprisingly, remained largely quiet on the issue of John Durham and his investigation into Russiagate and the hoax cooked up by a bunch of Democrat apparatchiks to try to bring down the Trump Presidency. Now, however, in an interview with Kask Patel of the Epoch Times, Trump had a bit to say about the largely secret probe and what it might find as it digs deeper and deeper into the Russia hoax in the taste of what the Epoch Times plans to release on February 7th. Speaking on the probe, Trump said “I hear there’s a lot…

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Though largely overshadowed by the amazing Tucker Carlson, FNC host Sean Hannity still has lots of excellent content, much of which does a brilliant job of tearing into the horrible, deeply corrupt elite. He had a brilliant moment recently when the topic of Justin Trudeau and the Canadian truckers came up, with Hannity blasting the effeminate tyrant for harassing and demonizing the hardworking truckers that are currently protesting the government in Ottaway, referring to the horrific post the Canadian tyrant made about the truckers. In that post, Trudeau said “Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemned the antisemitism,…

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Could we possibly be so lucky as to get 12 more years of the MAGA agenda once Brandon is forced out of office in 2024? According to a Gettr CEO Jason Miller, who appeared on a recent Sky News segment, that’s coming. The bad orange man must have seen his bad orange shadow. In his view, Trump will run and win in 2024, securing his second term and reviving America after four horrible years under Brandon. Then, with Trump having used up both of his terms, Miller predicts that DeSantis will step in to pick up where Trump left off…

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Rep. Nancy Pelosi apparently doesn’t believe that Red China is evil, or at least not evil enough to be worth the diplomatic hullaballoo that would result were US athletes to protest the tyrannical regime during the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. Though that was the conclusion of her speech, she (surprisingly) started out strong, calling out the Chinese regime for its evil ways. Speaking on that, she said: “When the Winter Olympic Games begin tomorrow in Beijing, the Chinese once again will attempt to distract the world from a decades-long campaign of abuse and repression. But the United States and the…

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The RNC sure has taken its time dealing with Liz Cheney, the anti-Trump RINO from Wyoming. Though the Wyoming GOP censured her for her collaboration with the left, particularly over her voting to impeach Trump, the RNC itself hasn’t done much to reign in the ridiculous RINO. Until now, that is. Whether to revive its popularity among disillusioned MAGA voters or because it’s actually furious with Cheney, the RNC’s resolutions committee voted on Thursday to censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. The vote to censure both was unanimous and was precipitated by the involvement of those two in the January…

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In honor of murdered officer Jason Rivera, the NYPD held a massive parade along New York’s famous 5th avenue. Thousands of officers marched in memory and honor of the one of their own that was gunned down by a thug, with many more New Yorkers turning out in support of and in solidarity with the officers. Though most New Yorkers were supportive and honored the officers, particularly Officer Rivera, a few leftists went on crazy tirades. One such leftist was actress Susan Sarandon, who posted a picture of the funeral procession with the caption “I’m gonna tell my kids this…

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Why won’t Biden use the word China in a bill expressly meant to counter China? If Americans are supposed to take on the Red Dragon, shouldn’t we at least acknowledge our enemy? You’d think so, but Biden apparently doesn’t grasp that the enemy must be defined before it can be defeated. Instead, he’d rather just hope others deal with the problem while he shies away from shining a light on and taking on the communist Chinese. A House GOP-affiliated Twitter account called out Biden and the White House for that, saying “If the @WhiteHouse & @SpeakerPelosi cared about accelerating American…

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Brandon’s family, according to Red Handed by Peter Schweizer, took millions upon millions of dollars from Red China, selling out the American heartland and American people in exchange for money stolen from the Chinese people. Or, at least, that’s the allegation. Normally, such accusations are a flash in the pan. They detonate on social media and rile people up, but then the next crisis comes along seven minutes later and all is forgotten. Fortunately for America and unfortunately for the Brandon family, this accusation might lead to more than that. In fact, it could lead to a special counsel investigation of Joe…

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President Trump’s endorsements are campaign gold for Republicans, especially if they’re in a tight primary; when competing against other Republicans, having Trump’s support can make all the difference. So, many were waiting to see who Trump would back in the Georgia gubernatorial race, as whoever he backs will likely be the Republican candidate and will then have to take on Stacey Abrams. The two choices of note for Republicans are Brian Kemp, the current governor, and David Perdue, a former Georgia Senator. Well, the wait is over: Trump just threw his support behind Perdue in a massive way, creating an…

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How can the GOP take on Brandon and his insane plot to ship illegal immigrants around the US and dump them on unsuspecting communities? Well, suing him is one strategy, and a number of red-state AGs are doing just that, taking Brandon and his absurd policies on in the court system. But, while the courts might side with us, there’s no substitute for direct action. Sometimes, things must be done without asking permission to prove a point. DeSantis gets that, which is why he just revealed his hilarious, awesome plan to get back at Brandon for trying to ship illegal…

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Though the White House pretends all is well and makes the absurd claim that Brandon is as mentally sharp as ever, that’s obviously not the case. Between the gaffes, the nonsensical rambling, and the terrible policy choices, it’s quite obvious that Brandon isn’t doing well and that his brain cell count is falling faster than his approval ratings. Well, we got more evidence of his decrepit state on Wednesday, when video footage of “Dr.” Jill having to lead him off stage and help him about the room came out: So much strength being communicated here… — Danny De Urbina…

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President Trump never pulls punches, least of all when dealing with the RINOs that seem to have a particular fondness for stabbing him in the back. Now, that means he has set his sights on Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina RINO that recently contradicted him on what should be done about the January 6th political prisoners. Graham wants to keep them locked up, as does McConnell. Trump wants to pardon them when he’s back in the White House. Specifically, Trump, during his Texas rally, said “If that requires pardons, we will give them pardons, because they are being treated so unfairly”…

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When the FBI isn’t busy chasing down people who waved flags around during the Capitol trespass or preparing midnight takedowns of parents pissed at their school boards, what threat keeps its leader awake at night? The result is surprisingly reasonable. In fact, it’s a threat that should keep all of us worried, or at least plotting how to prevent and deter it. That threat would be Chinese espionage, a scourge that has lifted some of our most important military secrets, most valuable industrial patents and secrets, and huge amounts of American personal data, scraping everything of value from America and…

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Another day, another leftist taking to social media to defend something horrendous, in this case, pedophilia. And no, he doesn’t work at CNN, which just weathered its own pedo outbreak. Nope, this pedophilia apologist is named Stephen Kershnar and he’s a professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia. Kershnar, the perverted demon that he is, decided to post a video defending pedophilia and saying that not only is it not “obviously wrong” for adults to have sex with children, but that to call it “wrong” is a “mistake.” Oh, and he went on to call “adult-child sex”…

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Since when are leftists concerned that cancel culture has gone too far? Since it started coming after them, apparently. Now that the tiger has moved on from Republicans that let slip a phrase that was okay until seven minutes ago and started eating leftists, they’re freaking out about it. That could be seen on MSNBC, where Mika Brzezinski lamented cancel culture and Whoopi Goldberg’s present, self-inflicted predicament, saying: “She [Whoopi Goldberg] made a terrible mistake. We all make terrible mistakes. She apologized for it immediately and took corrective actions. Now, I want to know, who is so frail over at…

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Up until the last few months of the Trump Presidency, it appeared that Trump and Pence had a reasonably good relationship. Trump was the bombastic populist that drove the movement forward and built up energy in the movement while Mike Pence kept quiet and ensured the jittery, Conservative, Inc. donor class that all was well in the White House. Then things started to break down, mainly because Pence wasn’t willing to go out as far as Trump was to stop the radical left from…well the censors have determined that the “what” is what must not be named. So Mike didn’t…

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Now, normally I despise everything that Red China does. That commie cesspool, the new evil empire, is horrendous beyond belief and must be defeated. “China Delanda Est,” as Cato might say, But, on the other hand, Nancy Pelosi and her coterie of leftist radicals are pretty bad too, and they pose about as much of a threat to the Republic as the Red Chinese, if not more of one. Between their corruption, tyranny, and socialist policies, the Democrats are becoming less and less distinguishable from our communist enemies, which is as much of a problem as it is sad to…

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A few performers have handled the Covid pandemic and the resulting attempts at vaccine-based discrimination honorably. Kid Rock, for example, has pledged to not perform anywhere where a jab is required. Similarly, Joe Rogan won’t get the jab and won’t perform places that require it. However, many others have, inevitably, bent the knee to the medical tyrants and gone all-in on the jab. Washed-up singer Neill Young, for example, recently went berserk and called for Joe Rogan to be kicked off Spotify over his stance on the jab. In fact, some have even gone crazy enough that now they are…

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Tired of having “Dr.” Fauci running every little aspect of your life? Tired of having the scratchy-voiced, wizened bureaucrat saying that you can do this, can’t do that, and must do some other random thing, rarely with an explanation and even more rarely consistent over time? Well, so is Bo Hines, a North Carolina congressional candidate, who took the advice of Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and signed an awesome pledge that he’s trying to get every member of the GOP to sign and announced it on Twitter, saying: “Every federal candidate and sitting Member of Congress in the country…

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What are the wages of people like Judge Kato refusing to say that racial discrimination is wrong? More racial discrimination, namely in places run by leftists that see “reverse racism” (anti-white racism) as the only way to atone for the sins of past generations of Americans. Most recently, that horrible racism was seen in New York, where a public school teacher allegedly had students line up based on their race and then had the white kids apologize to the black kids: A 5th grade teacher in @NPSD allegedly lined up students according to their skin color and made the white…

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President Trump, during his recent rally in Texas, said that he’ll work to free and pardon those January 6th political prisoners that the leftists have locked up if he runs and is elected. In his words: “If I run and if I win, we will treat those people from January 6th fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.” President Trump: “If I run & if I win, we will treat those people from January 6th fairly. We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give…

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What do Republicans do when they grasp even the tiniest bit of power? They either shy away from it or ineffectively attempt to wield it, losing it in the process. What do Democrats do when they have power? They use it to gain more power, thus making it even harder to strip them of the power they wield. That fact of American politics was just proven yet again by New York Democrats, who are proposing a redistricting map for New York that would give them a major advantage in 22 of New York’s 26 Congressional districts. Even FiveThirtyEight, which generally…

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